Spy Shadow

Chapter 800 Ishihara proposes marriage

Chapter 800 Ishihara proposes marriage

As soon as Chu Lingyun left Chongqing, Boss Dai began to collect debts from people who had some spare money. He was very enthusiastic about this matter. The more he urged, the more profits he would get.

This time he didn't invest a penny and made a pure profit.

"Team leader, you are back."

Loach came to Chu Lingyun's office. Chu Lingyun came back without notifying anyone. He didn't need anyone to pick him up. The fewer people who knew, the more secure he would be.

"Has anything happened recently?"

"We have nothing to do, but Mitsui Boss has not stopped. After he spread rumors about you last time, he has now begun to rectify the Shanghai market, check warehouses, and strictly prohibit smuggling. However, he did not dare to touch Ishihara Merchant's warehouse, and Nitta's goods were copied by him. A lot of walking.”

Loach replied, Mitsui Bosi took action again, this time targeting Ishihara Hiroshi's most profitable place.

Smuggling business.

The Liaison Department can investigate smuggling, which is within their authority. Mitsui Bosi was testing. He did not directly touch Ishihara Trading Company, just to see Ishihara Hiroshi's reaction.

If he really moved, he might be in trouble soon.

There was a minister in the Liaison Department who smuggled with Toru Ishihara, but Hiroshi Mitsui captured six ministers without touching him.

This minister does not need to make money in the Liaison Department. He has no achievements and no mistakes.

Compared with other ministers, this performance is considered very good.

This person himself made no mistakes, but it is a pity that he is following Ishihara Hiroshi and will be captured sooner or later.

When Mitsui can replace another minister, the Prime Minister will be unable to say anything.

The Prime Minister wants to get rid of all of Ishihara Hiroshi's people.

"Chu Er went there twice on your behalf. Nitta once looked for you, but Chu Er didn't see him."

Chu Yuan has been pretending to be Ishihara Hiroshi to help Chu Lingyun cover up. With him here, Chu Lingyun will be fine even if he appears elsewhere.

It just creates the illusion that he is in Shanghai and will not arouse others' suspicion.

"Mitsui is a lot more courageous."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, the bolder the better, but it was a pity that he did not inspect Shiyuan Trading Company.

If he does this, no one can protect him. He will see the Japanese army's fine tradition of subjugating superiors, and the people in the literary society will tear him alive.

Inspecting the goods of Ishihara Trading Company and preventing Ishihara Trading Company from making money is equivalent to blocking their future.

No one would agree.

"Team leader, how are you going to deal with him?"

"Wait, there's no rush now."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Mitsui was too timid. When he became bolder and did something more extreme, Chu Lingyun would take action.

When the time comes, let him be buried with the 3,800 people.

Even though Chu Lingyun was not on the frontal battlefield, he could still kill a Japanese army and make them kill each other, which was definitely a great achievement.

The Japanese do not have sufficient military strength now. One less regiment is a whole regiment.


Loach smiled and said, he understood that Mitsui Hiroshi must be unlucky. The team leader dug the hole and waited for him to jump, and then buried him.

"Have you found someone yet?"

Chu Lingyun asked. Before he came back, he sent a telegram to Loach, asking him to pick ten smart team members from the war situation team whose families were in Chongqing.

"We have found them all and are waiting for you in a safe house. What are you going to ask them to do?"

Loach replied that the team leader did not explain the reason in the telegram.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. It will do you no good if you find out."

Chu Lingyun replied calmly, Ni Loach was stunned, what needs to be kept secret from him?

Loach was very smart. He immediately understood that the ten people must be performing a confidential mission, and it was a highly confidential one.

Even after he knew it, he would take more risks.

What kind of task requires such caution?

It won't be a short-term task. If it is a short-term task, the team leader will let him or Shen Hanwen be responsible for it, and will not leave it to these ten people alone.

That is the long-term mission.

Loach has indeed grown a lot over the years. He probably guessed what was going on. These people were going to be sent as undercover agents. They were not Japanese. There was no need for the Japanese and it was difficult to disguise themselves.

Remove the Japanese and there is only one answer left, the Red Party.

This is the only thing that would do him no good if he knew about it.

The team leader obviously had no intention of letting him participate. If something happened to these people in the future, he would be more suspicious. The team leader didn't tell him, not because of distrust, but for protection.

In the Liaison Department, Hiroshi Mitsui is frowning.

He copied Nitta's goods without arresting Nitta, just to see Ishihara Hiroshi's reaction. As a result, a few days passed and Ishihara Hiroshi didn't make any comment.

What does he mean?

Give up Xintian and don’t want to fight him openly?

Impossible. Smuggling is Ishihara Hiroshi's most important business and his main source of wealth. It is impossible for Ishihara Hiroshi to give up smuggling. Now he has touched Ishihara Hiroshi's bottom line, but the other party has not responded at all, which is very abnormal.

Mitsui Hiroshi is not stupid, he understands that Ishihara Hiroshi must be brewing a huge conspiracy waiting for him.

Chu Lingyun's guess was correct, Mitsui Bosi was just testing.

Hiroshi Mitsui felt uncomfortable when Hiroshi Ishihara refused to take the move.

Originally, he thought that Toru Ishihara would knock on his door and ask for Nitta's goods, but he would forcefully refuse. It was the responsibility of the Liaison Department to check for contraband, and not arresting Nitta had already given Toru Ishihara enough face.

With this incident, he can let people in Shanghai see that he is qualified to fight Ishihara Hiroshi.

Then he can win over more people.

There are not only people from the literary society in Shanghai, but also many people from all walks of life. If he can attract enough allies, he will be more confident against Ishihara Hiroshi in the future.

Ishihara Hiroshi didn't react at all, which made him feel as if his fist had hit cotton.

Nitta didn't move, as if those goods didn't belong to him and he was doing whatever he was supposed to do.

"Someone is coming."

After thinking for a long time, Mitsui Bosi finally made up his mind to continue testing.

He is not afraid of Ishihara Hiroshi. Behind him is Saijo, and he has nearly 4,000 elite soldiers in his hands. Unless Ishihara Hiroshi rebels, he dare not do anything to him.

Ishihara Hiroshi will not be so reckless. Once he takes action, he will lose all support, and even people in the literary society will oppose him.

Until then, Toru Ishihara will be at their mercy.


Secretary Noda walked in, and Mitsui Hiroshi directly ordered: "Go and raid Sukawa's warehouse immediately."

Sukawa is their Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, and he is smuggling with Ishihara Hiroshi. Mitsui Hiroshi will capture him sooner or later. Now that Ishihara Hiroshi has no reaction, he decided to increase the intensity of the test.

This time they not only ransacked homes, but also arrested people.

He is the head of the Liaison Department, and no one can say anything about how to deal with his own people.


Noda is very happy. The boss is now very prestigious and has complete control over the liaison department.

They also have strong armed forces.

It is said that Shanghai is Ishihara Toru's territory. In his opinion, the rumors are a bit exaggerated. Ishihara Toru is nothing more than that. Faced with the boss's continuous tactics, he doesn't even dare to fart.

Noda believes that before long, Shanghai will become their world.

In Chongqing, Secretary Liang personally led people to dig tunnels at three locations.

Among the three areas, one is the key point and must be done better.

These three places are very remote. After they opened the holes at night, they can also work underground during the day. The progress is very fast. There are many comrades from Chongqing. For this task, Secretary Liang sent the anti-rape team here.

Listening equipment was prepared and someone secretly gave it to them.

Secretary Liang went to hand over the matter in person, but unfortunately the other person was wearing a mask. After checking his identity, he left immediately. He didn't know who the other person was.

But these are really nice devices, so be careful this time and take them with you after use so that you can use them elsewhere in the future.

The lurking conditions were difficult and they had never used anything as good as this before.

"Secretary Liang, we have dug it all out, and the monitoring equipment can be installed tomorrow."

Lao Hu came over to report that these places were not big and their tunnel entrances were outside, so it was not difficult to dig them.

"Great. The listening point is very important. It must be safe. How is the ventilation done? It won't be discovered, right?"

Secretary Liang was very happy. After digging the listening point, they could install a bug in the room.

There are two rooms to install here, one is a conference room and the other is the best office.

This was Ke Gong's order. In fact, it was Chu Lingyun's request.

"Don't worry, we have a way to make sure no one sees it. There are rabbit holes and mouse holes here that we use to make vents."

Lao Hu smiled and said that ventilation is very important, otherwise the people inside will be suffocated to death even if they are not heated to death.

Don't expect good air convection with such vents, they just ensure ventilation.

As for the heat, they have to overcome it themselves.

Monitoring needs to be carried out 24 hours a day, and you must be very careful at that time. People inside cannot eat. If there is enough time, Secretary Liang is going to open the exit further to avoid being discovered by people here.

It's empty now, but it certainly won't be in the future.

Mr. Ke's arrangement must have deep meaning.

After the listening point is built, Lao Hu will personally be responsible for monitoring. As for the comrades who dug the holes, except for a few who must stay, the rest will be sent back to their hometowns.

This is also Ke Gong's request and must be kept secret.

Underground monitoring is very hard, not least because of the heat. In order to ensure long-term monitoring, they cannot eat and drink water in limited quantities. The conditions are simple and they cannot go out to excrete. They can only urinate inside, and they have to take it out every time.

Secretary Liang is not afraid of hardships. The more secretly the arrangement is, the greater the harvest may be in the future.

At this time, he didn't even know who he wanted to spy on, and Ke Gong didn't tell him the truth.

Nitta came to see Ishihara Hiroshi again. His goods had been copied before, and Ishihara Hiroshi didn't see him. He understood that Ishihara Hiroshi didn't want to break up with Mitsui Hiroshi directly now.

In other words, it wasn't time for Ishihara Hiroshi to fight back yet.

This time, Mitsui Hiroshi directly arrested Sukawa. Nitta couldn't sit still, and other people were also looking for him to inquire about the situation. They could not be bullied by Mitsui like this and had to fight back.

If we arrest Sukawa today, we may arrest them tomorrow.

"Sorry, the boss is busy. He asked me to convey, don't worry, let Mitsui do whatever he wants."

Xintian was easy for the alchemist to see, but Chu Lingyun still didn't see him.

The purpose now is to embolden Mitsui. He knows the purpose of Nitta's visit. He didn't see him last time, and it's even more unnecessary this time.

"Thank you, I understand."

Nitta frowned. Ishihara Toru didn't see him. Could it be that he wanted to give up on them and monopolize all the business?

Deliberately using Mitsui Hiroshi's hand to get rid of them?

This possibility is not impossible, but it is very small. Ishihara Hiroshi is not such a person. If he doesn't want to lead them, he can stop them long ago. They don't have the strength to resist.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. If this is the case, what should they do?

Take refuge in Mitsui to save your life?

It's even more impossible. Nitta knows Ishihara Hiroshi very well. Even if he doesn't move now, once he does, it will definitely be a thunderous method. If they don't surrender, they may be able to save their lives. If they surrender, they will definitely die.

I can't escape even when I return to China, as Touman is still in the country.

The two masters and apprentices, one in China and the other in Japan, have overwhelming power and astonishing power, leaving them with no way out.

Nitta gave up the idea of ​​taking refuge with Mitsui. It was too irrational. All he can do now is wait for Ishihara Hiroshi's counterattack.

Until then, there's nothing they can do.

He is okay. After all, he is in the army. Nitta, the head of the Liaison Department, cannot handle him. For those who are not in the army, it is best to let them go out to avoid the limelight. As long as they are not arrested, wait for Ishihara Hiroshi to deal with it. Mitsui Hiroshi, they come back again.

With an idea in mind, Nitta called everyone.

Wait and see what happens. If you are in danger, go to Wuhan to hide first. In short, don't stay in Shanghai.

The business is suspended. When will it restart? I will wait for notification from Ishihara Hiroshi.

It won't work if we don't stop. The Liaison Department will attack them later. If we prepare now, we will only benefit the people in the Liaison Department.

"Hiding? Ishihara Trading Company's smuggling business has also stopped?"

Mitsui Bosi frowned even more after receiving the report.

Several smugglers who were not in the military went to Wuhan together for the purpose of inspecting their Wuhan business. He heard that several of them lived in the military camp after arriving there and did not dare to come out.

It was obvious that they were afraid of being liquidated themselves and ran away.

All smugglers' business was suspended, including Ishihara Trading Company.

What does Hiroshi Ishihara want to do?

Smuggling is his most profitable business. Doesn't he know how big the loss will be? He has money, but there are more places to spend money.

Hiroshi Mitsui was very thoughtful. He substituted himself as Hiroshi Ishihara. If he was Hiroshi Ishihara, what was the reason for doing this?

After a while, Mitsui suddenly stood up.

A huge fear swept through his body instantly. Ishihara Hiroshi was so insidious. He deliberately showed weakness to make himself look down on him and went even further.

Other things can be touched, but the smuggling business of Ishihara Trading Company must not be touched.

Mitsui Bosi regretted a little, and should not have tried smuggling.

If it affects the smuggling of Ishihara Trading Company, his enemy is not Ishihara Hiroshi, but the more than 200 officers of the literary society.

They are all over China, and there are many in Shanghai, and they have two division commanders.

By then, without Ishihara Hiroshi doing anything, these people would riot, and one of his regiments would not be able to stop them.

Ishihara Hiroshi came to clean up the mess afterwards. He did not participate. At most, he dealt with a few members of the literary club. With Ishihara Hiroshi's energy, he can use them again at any time.

His life will be gone by then.

Mitsui Hiroshi is indeed not stupid. Saijo did not choose the wrong person this time. He guessed Chu Lingyun’s true purpose.

Sure enough, he was vicious enough and couldn't let Ishihara Hiroshi get his wish.

Now it is clear that the smuggling business has stopped because of his coercion. Even if he does not continue to arrest people, Ishihara Hiroshi will give up part of his interests and capture him first.

Ishihara Hiroshi would not take action until the literary club members were sufficiently angry.

But if the members of the literary club act on their own, Ishihara Hiroshi can stay out of it.

Those old guys in the country are not fools. They can find out the truth. When the time comes, they will only blame themselves and not really blame Ishihara Hiroshi.

Hiroshi Ishihara was indeed powerful, and by remaining motionless, he actually fell into a passive position.

How will he respond next and crack Ishihara Hiroshi's conspiracy?

The smuggling business cannot continue, let Sukawa go?

Once he is released, his prestige will suffer a huge blow, and his desire to win over more people in Shanghai will go bankrupt.

If people are not released, the smugglers will be in danger. A few have escaped now, and there may be more in the future. Ishihara Hiroshi will not go into the smuggling business.

Mitsui Hiroshi was a little confused. He didn't expect that he would find a way to help Ishihara Hiroshi smuggle, and he couldn't let him stop.

At least he can't stop until he has accumulated enough strength.

"Damn Ishihara Hiroshi."

Hiroshi Mitsui couldn't help but cursed, Sukawa must not be killed, and now we have to find a way to get the smuggler back. Since he can't be killed, and he can't be released directly, it is better to hand him over to others.

Send them back to the country, have a quick trial, then remove them from office and release them.

When the time comes, find someone to hint to Sukawa and ask him to spend more money and everything will be fine.

This will not cause a big blow to his prestige, and at the same time it can reassure the smugglers that he is not trying to kill them all.

Mitsui Hiroshi understood that by doing this, he was equivalent to losing half a move to Ishihara Hiroshi.

He was a little impatient. It was okay to copy Nitta's goods. He didn't arrest anyone. There was room for relaxation. He shouldn't have gone directly to arrest Sukawa, which would have made it difficult for him to get off the horse.

Fortunately, he stopped smuggling from Ishihara Trading Company and discovered something was wrong, so he had the opportunity to make corrections.

"Someone is coming."

Hiroshi Mitsui called his secretary and asked him to notify him and transfer Sukawa to the country as soon as possible. Sukawa was of high rank and Saijo was not allowed to kill minister-level officials, so he just sent him back to the country.

He did not kill Sukawa, and he would not continue to attack the smugglers. Ishihara Hiroshi deliberately delayed the goods and had nothing to do with him.


Chu Lingyun met Nitta, and he knew that Sukawa was sent back to Japan earlier than Nitta.

Hiroshi Mitsui was not that stupid and saw through his plan.

Is it useful to see through it? Now the initiative is in his hands. Mitsui Hiroshi made one mistake and was restrained every step of the way.

If he didn't want to completely eliminate that alliance, Chu Lingyun wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

"Let them come back, continue to ship goods, and increase the volume of goods."

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Xintian was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately: "I'll go and notify them right away."

Ishihara Hiroshi is really powerful. He did nothing and even convinced Hiroshi Mitsui.

Sukawa was sent back to China, and the Liaison Department did not deal with him. Sukawa's life was saved, and he might even be fine.

Sukawa also has a certain amount of energy in China.

Nitta couldn't understand, and he didn't know that the sword was already shining in the dark.

Smugglers suddenly increased shipments and raised food prices again.

Mitsui Hiroshi immediately discovered his passivity.

He had already established contact with several important people in Shanghai, but after this incident, their attitudes suddenly weakened a lot.

Others don't know the inside story, but from the outside, it seems that he gave in to Hiroshi Ishihara.

"The damn literary club should have been curbed when they were weak. How could they be allowed to develop?"

Hiroshi Mitsui kept yelling, and he knew it was an afterthought.

Ishihara Hiroshi's ability is not bad, and it has something to do with it. Saijo was not the prime minister at the time, not even the land minister, so Okamura was stronger.

Ishihara Toruzai got on the lines of several dispatch army commanders, and he was not that easy to move at all.

In the final analysis, Ishihara Hiroshi developed too fast and was valued by Tou Mitsuru, which gave him a strong background.

Mitsui Hiroshi kept telling himself that he must not be anxious when dealing with Ishihara Hiroshi.

Hiroshi Ishihara is a venomous snake, a very powerful snake. If he is not careful, he may be bitten to death by Hiroshi Ishihara.

Even though the two of them have never met once, just this time they met in the air made Mitsui Hiroshi deeply fearful of Ishihara Hiroshi.

No wonder the Prime Minister has to give in. Ishihara Toru is indeed difficult to deal with.

The edict for Ishihara Hiroshi's promotion to the Chinese clan was finally issued, and the process was indeed quite cumbersome.

Chu Lingyun had to go to Japan. This kind of canonization could not be completed without him being there.

At the same time, He Nian came back from the special training class and brought back twelve people.

The number of people who have infiltrated the Red Party is not large. These twelve people are all the best among the current students. After they infiltrate the Red Party, there is no need to rush to provide information. They can lie dormant first and activate them later.

New Year expectations for them are high.

"Jitao, come to my office." He Nian called.

"Director, you are looking for me." Wen Jitao quickly entered the office.

"I have twelve people here, and I am going to let them infiltrate the Red Party. I found a good place at the police station. You can cordon off the place immediately and conduct special training for them."

"Yes, don't worry, I will train them well."

Wen Jitao was overjoyed. Chu Lingyun had told him before he left that he would be responsible for training the agents sent by the war team to the Red Party territory in the future.

Unexpectedly, the people from the war situation team hadn't arrived yet, so the director gave him the task first.

He is responsible for special training and will naturally become the liaison person for these agents.

The combat situation team was lurking behind enemy lines and it was inconvenient to communicate with them. Before the combat situation team was withdrawn, the ten people would also be given to his leadership.

Once they have made great achievements, Wen Jitao will have the capital to be transferred to an external website as the webmaster.

"Okay, this matter is strictly confidential. You know the consequences of leaking the secret."

He Young nodded lightly. When he came back this time, Chu Lingyun mentioned to him that he was going to hand over the people from the war team to Wen Jitao.

He Nian understood that Chu Lingyun was specifically supporting Wen Jitao. Wen Jitao had been with him for a long time. In 1932, when the Military Intelligence Department was established, Wen Jitao was one of the first people he selected.

There were not many people under him at that time, but after several expansions, Wen Jitao became the team leader.

In terms of qualifications, he is higher than Zhu Qing.

He is still a section chief, and his rank of lieutenant colonel is indeed a bit low. Chu Lingyun is willing to help him, and He Nian will not stop him, and will take advantage of the situation to help him again.

Zhu Qing can be a webmaster, and Wen Jitao can do the same. The more webmasters he has from his operations department, the better. These are all his people.

"I understand. Director, please rest assured that the secret will never be leaked."

Wen Jitao immediately promised that he understood the importance of keeping this matter confidential. He would seal off the training location, bring enough food, and no one would be allowed in or out.

There won't be anyone there but them.

When the training is completed, send them to the Red Party territory immediately.

"Help them create a suitable false identity."

He Nian also ordered that these people cannot use their real identities to pass by, but must use false names. This false identity must match them, otherwise they will be exposed once they are investigated.

They have identified so many spies through their identities and understand the importance of identity.

"Don't worry, I promise to give them a seamless identity."

Wen Jitao chuckled and said, they are all Chinese. It is not that difficult to create false identities. He will do it. Not only these twelve people, but also the ten people from the combat team will do the same when they arrive.

The ten people selected by Chu Lingyun did not return to Chongqing immediately.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun told them about the mission they were about to perform. They would be sent to different places to lurk. This time they would not be lurking in the Japanese, but in the territory of the Red Party.

Be prepared to endure hardship.

The hardship will not be in vain for them, and their bonuses will not be less. They can usually receive three times their salary.

Considering that the Red Party's territory was really difficult and they were about to leave again, Chu Lingyun gave them a few days off. After lurking in Shanghai for so long, the people in the war situation group never really relaxed.

The holiday is not just for them to hang out, but for them to relax for a few days without having to do their previous work.

For example, you can go to some places that you couldn't go before, and you can also go shopping, but you are not allowed to enter opium dens.

In addition, they can find reasons to quit their job of concealing their identities, creating the illusion that they are leaving normally.

The reason for doing this is to wait for He Nian to train his people first, so that the location is chosen by He Nian, not him.

Chu Lingyun did understand He Nian, and he indeed chose the police training base and the place that Chu Lingyun liked most.

It's not far outside the city, with convenient transportation, quiet surroundings, and no other people.

Place a sentry in the watchtower so that you can see everything at the door.

He Nian walked around in person and immediately asked for that place.

The next day, Wen Jitao entered the base with twelve people, three instructors, and six guards.

Someone had come over to clean it and add some things they needed.

Wen Jitao chose the best office without hesitation.

The special training lasted for ten days, and he couldn't go out during these days. They brought enough food and didn't need anything from the outside world. There was just a phone in his office.

Without his permission, no one can communicate with the outside world.

Whenever there is movement here, the people listening will notice it.

After the surveillance point was built, Lao Hu still stood by it even if there was no one there. After finding someone cleaning and adding furniture the day before yesterday, he knew that the place would be started soon.

Their mission is about to begin.

Fortunately, it's not midsummer now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay inside. I just don't know how long this monitoring mission will last. I just don't want it to be postponed until summer.

Three days later, Secretary Liang finally understood why this surveillance point was set up.

Ke Gong actually knew the military commander's plan in advance and knew that they would train agents here to break into Yanzhou and other places.

They monitored a lot of important information.

For example, these people’s codenames, characteristics, etc.

Wen Jitao has rich experience. Students must wear masks in class and are not allowed to show their true colors.

They were brought from several special training classes during the New Year. Some of them were not in the same class, or even in the same place, and they didn't know many of them.

Those who know each other will be sent to perform tasks together when the time comes, and they can live together at this time. Those who do not know each other must never let others see their appearance.

Not to mention names, everyone is just a codename.

Wen Jitao gave them code names, one for each of them according to the twelve zodiac animals.

White rats, old cows, tigers, etc.

The white rat is not white, which is confusing behavior. Similarly, the benzene tiger does not look stupid.

They won't be going to the same place in the future, and Wen Jitao is not sure where they are going now. He needs to make a plan, report it to the director, and wait for the director to make the final arrangements.

The training has officially begun.

Lao Hu took notes every day, and Secretary Liang kept Ke Gong's advice in mind and did not send anyone to the main entrance to inquire about the situation. These people were training in a closed room. They could not see anyone when they arrived at the door, but they might be exposed.

Secretary Liang finally understood why the level of confidentiality was so high this time and many comrades were transferred back to their hometowns.

Ke Gong must have high-level internal intelligence within the military system.

This insider is very powerful. He actually knew in advance that the military commanders were going to conduct special training here. If they had been conducting special training here, no matter how hot it was, they would have to overcome difficulties and monitor carefully.

The information here is so important.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun arrived at the airport.

He was going to Japan by plane this time. Hayakawa Ping gave him a report. Tuhara was planning to take action when Ishihara Hiroshi returned to China, but Hayakawa Ping did not inquire about Tuhara's specific plan.

He didn't know that Ishihara Hiroshi and Chu Lingyun were the same person.

However, he would report the information about Tsuchihara and Hiroshi Ishihara every time. These two people were not ordinary. Hei Hayakawa suggested that he could use Tuhara's assassination of Hiroshi Ishihara to do something. Hiroshi Ishihara had many gang members, especially Tian Shunroku. of hardcore.

If Hiroshi Ishihara dies, these people are likely to do impulsive things.

Even if not, they would definitely have a grudge against Tuyuan.

And the head is full.

Ishihara Hiroshi is Touman's most valued disciple. After Tuihara's assassination is successful, Touman will not spare Tuihara. Faced with the assassination of so many ronin, Tuihara will be in trouble even if he doesn't die.

If Tuhara dies, it will be of great benefit to both the Chinese and Hayakawa Hei.

Knowing that Tu Yuan wanted to assassinate, Chu Lingyun would not stupidly take a boat to Japan. Unless his people blocked the dock or asked Tou Man to send people, Tu Yuan would probably take action at the dock.

He had no evidence, let alone the source of his intelligence.

Simply go to Japan in the most careful way.

No one knew about his plan to use the plane in advance, not even the people at the literary agency. Goto Takeshi personally led the team this time to escort Ishihara Hiroshi back to Japan.

This was against the rules, but Arita Shunroku's presence was no problem at all.

Taking a plane was originally Tian Junliu's suggestion.

Ishihara Hiroshi must return home. Saijo is now in great power and is the biggest threat. To be on the safe side, he suddenly arrived in Japan by plane and caught them off guard.

After the canonization was completed, Saijo did not dare to do anything at will.

At that time, Ishihara Hiroshi was a real nobleman. Once Saijo took action and assassinated the nobleman, all other noblemen would be dissatisfied.

If he could take the opportunity to marry the princess, even if it was just an engagement, Saijo would not dare to take action again.

Is Saijo going to rebel by assassinating His Majesty the Emperor's newly chosen son-in-law?

Did he really think he could cover the sky with one hand?

In Tokyo, Japan, Touman personally took people out.

He is going to the airport.

He had just received a notice that Hiroshi Ishihara was back. He came by plane without telling anyone.

Tomitsu was very happy about this. Ishihara Hiroshi was not arrogant and was very cautious, which is good.

Many arrogant people die from arrogance.

No matter how powerful you are personally, you can't stop a bullet.

No matter who it is, even His Majesty the Emperor, a bullet can kill him.

You must be cautious. Ishihara Hiroshi should and must do this.


Chu Lingyun got off the plane, and beside him was Ogahara. Ogahara's recent performance was mediocre, and due to previous failures, his division commander was eventually removed.

But it was still the people from the literary club who took over.

The Literary Society needs ten division leaders, which is not enough now. This year Chu Lingyun will make up the last two.

"It's good to be back. Get in the car."

Tou Man did not get out of the car. He was weak and not suitable for blowing outside. Chu Lingyun bowed at the door of the car.

Chu Lingyun got in the car and the convoy left quickly. When Touman arrived home, Tu Yuan knew that Hiroshi Ishihara had arrived in Japan.

Tuyuan was indeed preparing for an assassination, and it was the dock.

In fact, according to Saijo's opinion, Ishihara Hiroshi's passenger ship was directly sunk at sea. His idea shocked Tuhara, but fortunately Saijo listened to his advice and did not do so.

Most of the people on the passenger ship were Empire citizens.

As the prime minister, if he sends people to blow up his own passenger ship and buries many of them with Toru Ishihara, then Saijo will completely lose the support of the people.

If you are not ordinary people, they will not know the real situation.

Those who supported Saijo in the past will make them feel chilled. Although those in power will do whatever it takes, nothing can exceed the limit.

If it is for the benefit of the empire, everyone will support it.

Anyway, it was not one of our own who died.

By doing this for the sake of personal grudges, Saijo will not only lose many supporters, but he may also die badly if he steps down in the future.

Some bottom lines cannot be touched.

Saijo agreed to the assassination at the dock. Japan is their home field. When Toru Ishihara comes back, he must disembark at the dock.

Even if someone protects them, they are confident that the assassination will be successful.

Tu Yuan is even planning to completely fall out with Tou Manchu this time, and also wants to kill Ishihara Hiroshi. The threat Ishihara Hiroshi poses to them is too great.

Especially in the last move to mobilize the division, Ishihara Hiroshi showed his fangs.

"It's all rubbish."

Tu Yuanqi cursed, and his plan failed completely. Unexpectedly, Ishihara Hiroshi suddenly flew over, and he would not appear at the dock at all.

Touman has received Ishihara Hiroshi, and it is now more difficult to assassinate him.

No matter how difficult it is, do it.

He cannot be allowed to truly become a noble. With the current conflicts between the two parties, it is okay for Saijo to be in power. Once he loses power, Ishihara Hiroshi will not be able to spare them.

Just compare the head full and you will know.

Besides, it’s not like Toru Ishihara has never done this kind of thing. How did Kurosawa, the commander of the Nanjing garrison, die?

"Chief Section Chief, since Hiroshi Ishihara is back, I'm afraid he will go to the palace soon. We must stop him on his way to the palace."

The confidant carefully advised that it was too late to say anything now. The assassination at the dock failed and other methods must be used.

"Let me think."

Tuhara waved his hands in annoyance. Today, Touman went to pick up Hiroshi Ishihara in person. The two of them rode in the same car.

He was thinking about the consequences of an assassination on the road.

Touma will definitely send Hiroshi Ishihara to the palace personally. Even if Hiroshi Ishihara can be killed, Touma probably won't survive.

When the time comes, both he and Saijo must be careful when going out.

This is not the point. Saijo is now powerful and has really angered them. They will kill all these ronin. Many of them are old, and their descendants will also be eliminated.

The key is that he has to bear the sin of deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors.

This crime will affect his future and make His Majesty unhappy.

"Ring ring ring."

The phone on the table rang, and Tuhara picked up the receiver.

He is in Tokyo, and this time he came back specifically to assassinate Ishihara.

"I'll be there right away."

The call was from Saijo. He also knew that Ishihara Hiroshi had arrived in Tokyo. Saijo's tone on the phone was very bad.

"What did you do? Didn't you keep an eye on the airport?"

Seeing Tuhara, Saijo immediately blamed him. Tuhara's heart sank. Saijo was raising an army to investigate.

Now they should find a way to deal with Toru Ishihara instead of blaming him.

Saijo, the Prime Minister, really disappointed them.

"Looking at it, but this time Hiroshi Ishihara took off from a training airport, and in the name of training, he hid it from me."

Tsuchihara held back his temper and explained, while Saijo's face turned even more ugly: "They will enter the palace tomorrow, and His Majesty has prepared the canonization ceremony. Do you want to storm Tomitsu's home tonight and kill them all?"

"Absolutely not."

Tuhara was shocked. Saijo was even crazier than him. He only wanted to assassinate on the road, but Saijo wanted to break into Tomitsu's house directly.

The number of guards in the Touman family is not large, only a few hundred people, but as soon as Toru Ishihara arrives, he will definitely strengthen his protective power to prevent himself from taking advantage of it.

Touman had many disciples in the army, including those in Tokyo.

I'm afraid these people have already been dispatched.

Tuyuan did know his master, and many soldiers had appeared near Touman's house, as many as three thousand in number.

If Saijo dared to take action, it would be equivalent to a civil war.

Saijo cannot bear such a responsibility.

What's more, Ishihara Hiroshi will not be captured without hesitation. He can send telegrams even in Japan. China will be in chaos. His Majesty will not watch them kill Ishihara Hiroshi. He will definitely send out the Guards.

Regardless of whether the attack is successful or not, Saijo has only one end, to step down.

His results were no better.

"I'm just saying it."

After Saijo said this, he regretted it. Such a forceful attack was a bad idea and would never work.

He didn't want to be buried with Toru Ishihara.

"Tomorrow I will find a way to assassinate on the road."

Tuyuan gritted his teeth and couldn't control the future. He couldn't let Ishihara Hiroshi become a noble, let alone let him marry His Majesty.

Otherwise, they will not be able to attack Ishihara Hiroshi in the future.

"Okay, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed."

Saijo nodded slowly. He understood Tuhara's ability. This time he came here personally to assassinate Ishihara Hiroshi. As long as he did it right, it was still possible to kill Ishihara Hiroshi.

The sky slowly darkens, the sun rises again, and a new day arrives.

Many big names in Tokyo are waiting for news.

Ishihara Hiroshi suddenly arrived in Tokyo. Everyone knows what he is guarding against. The conflict between Saijo and Ishihara Hiroshi has been brought to the surface since Abe was released. It is almost irreconcilable.

"Sir, a convoy full of adults has set off, and the streets along the way are blocked by soldiers."

At Yamada's house, the housekeeper came to report that Yamada was the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Force who succeeded Tian Shunroku, and he had a very good relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi.

He has an equally good relationship with Saijo, but this time they are not helping each other.

"Why bother? Wouldn't it be better to work together for the great cause of the empire?"

Yamada sighed. There was no conflict between Saijo and Ishihara Hiroshi, but because Ishihara Hiroshi did not obey Saijo and the others, he was targeted everywhere.

From this point alone, he sympathized with Ishihara Hiroshi.

However, Saijo is powerful, and his relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi is not as close as that of Tian Shunroku. At most, he feels sorry for Ishihara Hiroshi at home and will never help publicly.

Nishio was also at home and also received the report.

"Humph, he will use some conspiracy that doesn't make sense."

It's no secret that Nishio is dissatisfied with Saijo. It was he and Toru Ishihara who teamed up to send Shunroku to the throne.

Now he is a military councilor with little real power and is at ease.

He can't help Ishihara Hiroshi, and he doesn't need him. He has been in China for so long and has a certain understanding of Ishihara Hiroshi. He is a very smart young man. Saijo has the talent of a superior soldier and cannot be Ishihara Hiroshi's opponent.

Tuyuan, on the other hand, will see how their brothers fight among themselves this time.

Ishihara Hiroshi is protected by his head. Unless Tuyuan braves the injustice of the world and bullies his master to destroy his ancestors, Ishihara Hiroshi cannot be touched.


When the convoy passed a major intersection, there was suddenly the sound of shelling. It was mortars.

Someone really made a move and didn't want Hiroshi Ishihara to enter the palace.

The buildings along the way were searched by soldiers, and Tuhara's people were unable to enter and hide. They simply launched an artillery bombardment at the most suitable place to kill Ishihara Toru.

He prepared not just one mortar, but six.

They even used dead soldiers.

These people will not be captured, they will commit suicide before being captured, and no one knows their identities, and Tu Yuan cannot be traced.

There are some things that everyone can know, but no evidence can be left behind.

Just like the last time Saijo blocked Ishihara Hiroshi's promotion, everyone knew it was him who did it. The Emperor and Tomitsu didn't do anything because there was no evidence.

The same goes for Tou Man killing the palace minister. Without evidence, no one will pursue it.

Continuous shelling, all the cars in front and behind were blown up, and soon the entire convoy was blown up.

At least more than a hundred people will die in this bombardment.

After the job was done, Tuyuan's people immediately retreated. Their mission was to blow up the convoy. After the mission was completed, if they stayed behind, they would die.

If they escape, no one will be able to do anything to them.


After receiving the news, his head was full of anger and his whole body was shaking. The person who appeared at the door just now was his double. Ishihara Hiroshi asked a similar person to wear fake clothes on the boat. They did not get in the car, and the double left first with the convoy.

Touman has lived a lifetime and is very cunning. He will not take Ishihara Hiroshi into danger.

But when he heard that the convoy was bombed and the substitute was killed, Toman still roared angrily. The assassin could only be Tuhara, not Saijo.

Tuyuan wanted to kill him as well.

He completely lost control of Tuhara.

He will not spare this rebellious scum, he wants to clean up the family and kill Tuyuan.

"Teacher, don't be angry. I will deal with the traitors. Don't get angry."

"No, he has nothing to do with you. I'll do it myself."

How could Touman not be angry? If he really got into the car, he would be a corpse now, and the one who killed him would still be his disciple. Not many people can accept this kind of thing.

"Let's go."

It's almost time. He wants to take Ishihara Hiroshi to the palace to receive the canonization, and the time cannot be lost.

There is a tunnel in Touman's house, and he can go outside without anyone knowing.

Touman had never used it before, but he used it this time. They used the secret passage to leave, then took a detour and soon arrived at the palace.

"What a pity."

Yamada received the news and sighed again. Someone watched Ishihara Hiroshi and Tou Mitsuru get into the car with their own eyes. Now that the convoy was blown to pieces, they must be dead.

Tuyuan was cruel enough to be so cruel to his master.

In the cabinet, Tuhara received the signal and smiled on his face.

Finally getting rid of Ishihara Hiroshi, he immediately came to Saijo to report the good news.

"Great, Ishihara Hiroshi can die, but China cannot be in chaos. I will go to the palace later and ask your Majesty to send a prince to China to stabilize the situation."

He will definitely not be able to go to China this time.

Why are you going there? You don’t think it’s exciting enough and you want to taste what it’s like to be assassinated?

The only one who can stabilize the situation is Your Majesty.

Your Majesty does not need to go in person, the prince can represent you.

"Okay, I'm going to send a report and let Shanghai Special High School get rid of Ishihara Hiroshi's iron rod immediately."

Tuyuan smiled and nodded. There were several targets around Ishihara Hiroshi that had to be eliminated, and Takemoto was ranked first.

He is the commander of the military police and does great harm.

The special high school class is proficient in assassination. They will spread the news of Ishihara Hiroshi's death in Shanghai, giving Jiang Tengkong an opportunity to assassinate Takemoto.

As for Tian Junliu, he will not betray His Majesty. With His Majesty's orders, he will stabilize the literary society.

From now on, the literary club will belong to them sooner or later.

"Go ahead."

Saijo nodded, there was a radio station here, and Tuhara personally sent the report, ordering the Shanghai Special High School to spread the news that Ishihara Hiroshi was dead, and wait for an opportunity to assassinate Takemoto.

In Shanghai, Tuyuan's telegram was immediately delivered to Jiang Tengkong.

After reading the contents of the telegram, Jiang Tengkong was dumbfounded. Did he assassinate the commander of the military police just by relying on the few hundred people in his special high school?

The chief section chief thinks too highly of them. Even if Ishihara Hiroshi dies, Takemoto is not someone they can move around at will.

However, the chief section chief really killed Ishihara Hiroshi, which surprised Jiang Tengkong.

He understood what the chief section chief meant.

Once Hiroshi Ishihara died, the special high school course was actually very dangerous. There were many supporters around Hiroshi Ishihara. If they learned about Hiroshi Ishihara's death letter, they would definitely know who did it.

Saijo, and their chief section chief.

There was no telling what these angry officers would do, and it was very possible that they would take the opportunity to riot and kill them.

Of course, it is also possible that they are leaderless, people are in panic, and no one thinks of them.

But as long as they take action, there will be no way to survive unless they leave the city immediately.

Even leaving the city is not safe.

Tuyuan was still like that, not taking their lives seriously at all.

"Ishida, Shuijin, this is the order from the chief section chief. Look at what we should do."

Jiang Tengkong didn't dare to summon everyone. If the news leaked, Takemoto might be the first to attack them. He didn't have as many people as Takemoto.

The two of them were equally dumbfounded after reading the telegram.

"Section Chief, we can't do this. If we do it, no one can save us."

Mizujin shouted hurriedly that he didn't pay much attention to Ishihara Hiroshi's death. Let's not say that the military police commander was not easy to kill. Even if they succeeded, what would they do?

Takemoto has a high prestige in the military police headquarters, and all important positions are occupied by his cronies. These people are seeking revenge for Takemoto and can easily kill them.

They were an assassination, not an honest one.

"I know that the chief section chief gave a death order. I ask you what should you do?"

Jiang Tengkong said slowly that he was not going to carry out this order. If he carried it out, he would die. He was going to see Chu Chu soon and originally planned to leave within these two days.

If I had known he would leave early, he would have missed this.

But if he leaves, the task will fall on Ishida, and Ishida will also be unlucky then.

what to do?

Shui Jin was dumbfounded. The class principal didn't even know what to do. How could he know?

"Section Chief, Ishihara Hiroshi's death is not a trivial matter. Didn't the Chief ask us to spread the news? Let's spread the news first, and then prepare for the assassination. If there is no chance, we will not do it rashly."

Ishida said softly. Shuijin's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately: "Team Leader Ishida is right. Let's delay it for a while."

There must be no assassination, otherwise they will all be destroyed.

No one wants to die, so wait for a while. If they don't have the chance to assassinate Takemoto, the chief section chief won't be able to say anything to them.

"Okay, that's it. Let's spread the news of Hiroshi Ishihara's death first. The assassination will be kept strictly confidential."

Jiang Tengkong ordered that no one except the three of them knew the mission of the Special High School.

In Tokyo, Tuhara came to Saijo after sending the telegram. Saijo changed his clothes and prepared to go to the palace to meet Ikuto.

As for Tuyuan, he will leave the party and die. His disciples and disciples will not let him go. They must be careful next.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I just heard the news that His Majesty conferred the title of Baron Ishihara Hiroshi in the palace, and the ceremony is in progress."

The two people's smiles stopped suddenly, and they both looked like they couldn't believe it.

"Is the news accurate?"

"It's absolutely true. The newspapers are being prepared and will be published after the ceremony."

Tuyuan's face turned pale. He immediately understood that he had been tricked by his master. They were not the ones in the convoy he bombed.

Most likely a stand-in.

Jiang is still old and spicy, and he is worthy of his master. He can easily resolve it with this trick, but his actions will definitely anger Tou Man. Tou Man is not dead, and he will not spare him in the future.

"How did you do it?"

Saijo turned his head and asked angrily. Tuhara looked at him blankly, feeling even more disappointed.

He had to leave and return to China, where he could save his life.

If you stay in Japan, your master will clean you up sooner or later.

Saijo's attitude chilled him. Could it be that he wanted to do this and Saijo didn't know what it meant?

"Sorry, it was my negligence."

"Once the canonization is completed, Ishihara Hiroshi will be a noble. We can no longer attack him easily."

Saijo seemed to realize that his tone was wrong and spoke calmly, while Tonohara looked helpless: "It's too late, we can't take action anymore, otherwise we will anger His Majesty."

Does Ikuto really have no objections to Saijo?

not necessarily.

Some Ikuto didn't want to agree with the things Saijo did, but the empire needed Saijo right now, and no one was willing to wipe his ass for the trouble he made.

If he ignores Yu Ren's authority again and again and makes Yu Ren intolerable, his prime ministership will really come to an end.

In the palace, the canonization ceremony was completed, and Ishihara Hiroshi truly had the status of a noble.

"Your Majesty, I have a bold and merciless request. Please grant your permission."

As soon as the ceremony was completed, Tou Man stood up and saluted. Everyone present knew what he was going to say.

Propose marriage for Hiroshi Ishihara.

Officially married to the Emperor.

Chu Lingyun didn't speak. Yesterday, she had a long conversation with him. He agreed to propose, but the princess was too young, so she had to get engaged first and then get married in two years.

Anyway, what he wants is this name. Japan will be finished in two years, who will care about him.


Yu Ren was very happy and lowered his head: "The bad guy Ishihara Hiroshi is twenty-nine years old and has not been married so far. I specially ask your Majesty for a marriage."

Touman said it very implicitly. Proposing to the princess for a wedding is very complicated, but it is not something that can be done as soon as Yuren agrees to it.

"I can consider it."

Yu Ren said it more implicitly, but in fact he agreed.

He is indeed optimistic about Toru Ishihara.

Not only because Ishihara Hiroshi is rich, but also because of Ishihara Hiroshi's ability. As a father, no one wants his daughter to be wronged. Ishihara Hiroshi will definitely be a young talent in the empire in the future, with extraordinary influence.

Now he is a baron, but there is no rule that he will be a baron for the rest of his life.

The future Hiroshi Ishihara will have no problem becoming a viscount, or even an earl.

Yu Ren thinks very far, but unfortunately he will not be able to protect himself in another two years.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Tou Man took Chu Lingyun to salute together. Chu Lingyun was helpless and could only curse secretly in his heart while saluting.

Fortunately, he took advantage of his reputation, so it wasn't too much of a loss.

After the matter was settled, Tou Man and Chu Lingyun stayed in the palace. After a while, the guard chief beside Yu Ren ran over and lowered his head and said a few words to Yu Ren.

"Who did it?"

Yu Ren frowned, the captain of the guard came to report about Shanghai, China.

Someone in Shanghai spread rumors that Hiroshi Ishihara was killed in a bombing in Japan. Now people in Shanghai are panicking. After receiving the news, Tian Shunliu immediately sent a telegram to the palace to inquire, and at the same time went to Shanghai in person to stabilize the situation.

"I don't know yet, but I need Mr. Ishihara to step forward and clarify."

The guard chief looked at Ishihara Hiroshi.

Now that Toru Ishihara is a noble, he cannot call him by his first name and must add an honorific title.

"Your Majesty, did something happen in Shanghai?"

Chu Lingyun asked immediately. He didn't hear what the captain of the guard said, but the matter that needed him to stand up and clarify must be related to Shanghai.

"You are indeed smart. It seems that I will have a good son-in-law in the future."

Yu Ren smiled and nodded. Ishihara Heng didn't know what was going on, but he could guess that it was a problem in Shanghai. He was extremely smart.

"Your Majesty, there is a villain who is causing trouble. I can just deal with this person. However, please be careful with the current Prime Minister. What he says is different from what he thinks."

Toumatoshi said slowly that he would never miss the opportunity to give Saijo eye drops.

Ishihara Hiroshi was a nobleman who Ikuto personally ordered to be canonized. Saijo first asked the palace minister to refuse, and now he actually carried out an assassination.

Does he really have the emperor in his heart?

Yu Ren's face turned pale: "I understand, Ishihara Hiroshi, there can't be chaos in Shanghai. You and the princess will deal with it slowly, and you can go and stabilize Shanghai immediately."

Shanghai is the largest city in the East and is equally important to Japan.

Now Toru Ishihara needs to come forward to stabilize.

Once it is messed up, it will definitely cause a lot of losses.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will send the report first."

Chu Lingyun nodded. There was a radio station in the palace. Chu Lingyun used the palace radio station to send reports to literary societies, commercial banks, as well as Yamashita, Miyamoto, Takemoto and others.

Tell them that they are fine and that their nobility status has been fulfilled.

He will return to Shanghai immediately and ask them to stabilize and not to cause chaos.

"Your Majesty, if only a telegram is not enough, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay here and need to return to Shanghai as soon as possible."

Returning to Yu Ren, Chu Lingyun whispered. Yu Ren thought for a moment and then nodded: "Okay, I will arrange a flight for you, and you will go back immediately."

There is a lot of people here, so Ishihara Hiroshi does not need to come forward personally.

It's not a marriage, so Ishihara Hiroshi can help Ishihara Hiroshi if he is familiar with the etiquette of the engagement.

Ishihara Toru is not responsible for the turmoil in Shanghai. Now he needs to go back and stabilize people's hearts. Yu Ren gets a little angry just thinking about it.

In addition, the unfavorable situation in the Pacific battlefield has never been reversed, and Ikuto has a lot of opinions about Saijo.

"Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty."

Chu Lingyun bent down and left the palace. The plane was easy to arrange. This time, Yu Ren personally ordered it and was escorted by fighter jets. Unless Saijo was crazy, he would not dare to target him again.

It will be much safer to go back than when we came here.

Chu Lingyun came back very quickly. He was only in Japan for one day this time. If it weren't for Tu Yuan's help, he might not have been able to come back so quickly.

Tian Junliu has arrived at the literary club. With him here, and Ishihara Hiroshi sending a telegram saying that everything is fine, the people in the literary club are relatively stable at the moment.

But there is definitely anger.

An assassination really took place. The assassination of Hiroshi Ishihara was equivalent to becoming an enemy of all of them. Many people shouted for the Prime Minister to step down and to execute Tsuchihara.

At this time, Tuyuan had already left, also by plane, but he went to North Korea.

Traveling to his base camp through North Korea, he will not return to his country or go anywhere else in the recent period.

Your life is the most important thing, don't run around.


Seeing Chu Lingyun, everyone stood up one after another. Although there was a telegram and Tian Junliu's guarantee, they did not see the real person after all. When Ishihara Hiroshi appeared, everyone's hearts finally dropped.

"It's fine. Did the canonization go well?"

Tian Junliu asked first, and Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. There must be no problem with the canonization. Then he added another layer of protective clothing.

"That's good, what do you say, Lord Touman?"

"He will handle it personally."

Chu Lingyun didn't go into too much detail. He didn't need to worry about Tu Yuan's affairs, but Tu Yuan had already matured and Tou Man was not that easy to deal with him.

Touman was too old. If he were twenty years younger, Tuyuan would not be alive.

This time he returned to Tokyo without any danger, but the result was very good for him. Next, he could deal with Hiroshi Mitsui with peace of mind and kill all the people in the Liaison Department.

If he was included, he wouldn't have gone to such trouble.

In the special high school class, Jiang Tengkong and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Tuyuan did not forget them, and gave them the task of canceling the assassination, asking them to pay more attention.

Tuyuan can't take care of this now.

It would be nice if they didn't need to assassinate, but their hearts were not relaxed. If such a big thing happened, would Toru Ishihara take it out on their special high school class?

Ishihara Hiroshi was not dead, and the chief section chief was deceived by Touman.

These old foxes who have lived for a long time are indeed cunning.

On the 76th, Li Zhiqun listened to Zhan Haiyun’s report.

The Special High School did something stupid. They attacked Ishihara Hiroshi, but failed. Tuyuan would definitely not dare to come to Shanghai again, and Jiang Tengkong might not be able to protect himself.

Li Zhiqun is not worried about himself. The total number of their agents belongs to the new government, and the special high school only supervises them.

The extra-high school courses are gone, so let the Japanese continue to supervise them.

"Director, will Toru Ishihara attack us?"

Zhan Haiyun was not Li Zhiqun, so he didn't think that far ahead. He was very worried that if Hiroshi Ishihara angered them, neither the Special High School nor No. 76 would be able to escape.

Didn't you just arrest them last time?

Even if Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't move, Takemoto will not spare the special high class.

"No, don't worry."

Li Zhiqun smiled and shook his head. He was thinking more. If Ishihara Hiroshi attacks Jiang Tengkong, who will supervise them next?

There is only one answer, the Military Police Headquarters.

There are Chinese agents in Shanghai, and the intelligence department must exist. If the special higher education course is gone, the only one who can assume this responsibility is the Military Police Command.

Takemoto will not come in person, and will most likely send a liaison here.

Chen Xiaoer cannot be given another chance to flatter him this time. Li Zhiqun wants to take action in advance. In addition to Commander Takemoto, he also has to figure out who will come to No. 76.

After taking care of the two of them, he could easily kill Chen Xiaoer.

Li Zhiqun didn't tell Zhan Haiyun much. Last time he asked Wu Sanbao to investigate Jiang Tengkong's situation, but Wu Sanbao betrayed him and colluded with Nanyun.

This time he was going to take action himself.

Takemoto will definitely send money, but Jiang Tengkong doesn't need to pay attention to it. Jiang Tengkong is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and has no intention of minding his own business.

Chen Xiaoer must not know that things will change again on the 76th.

This is the advantage of smart people. They can always judge the future situation in advance and make the best choice for themselves.

Chu Lingyun returned to Shanghai and after meeting everyone in the literary society, she didn't make any arrangements.

Just because he didn't move doesn't mean that others don't have ideas.

"Ishihara-kun, why don't we copy the extra high school courses and show Douhara some colors?"

The next day, Takemoto came to the trading house and whispered suggestions.

There were too many people yesterday, but he didn't say anything and came running here early this morning.

"No need."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Tuyuan is Tuyuan, and the special high school is a special high school. Tuyuan cannot go to Shanghai. He has now lost control of Shanghai's special high school.

The head of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course is his person.

"Are we going to do nothing?"

Takemoto asked in surprise, how could he not express anything after being so wronged? Ishihara Hiroshi's power in the northeast was the weakest, and Tuhara was hiding there, so they really had nothing to do.

"Don't do anything. The teacher said he wants to clean up the house by himself. Are you asking me to go against the teacher's wishes by asking me to do it?"

Chu Lingyun raised his head, and Takemoto immediately lowered his head: "I don't dare."

The reason is that Tou Man wants to clean up the door himself.

In this case, it is indeed inconvenient for them to do it, and it will be cheaper for those who take the extra-high-level courses.

Takemoto returned to the Military Police Headquarters, feeling a little regretful. The Special High School had a lot of assets, and he could make a lot of money by plagiarizing them.

Ishihara Hiroshi has long been dissatisfied with the special high-level courses. If he can win them, he can still get a lot of contribution points.

Now they can only wait until Master Touman succeeds. As soon as Tuyuan dies, they will have reason to attack Shanghai Super High School.

"Commander, Li Zhiqun from the Secret Service Headquarters wants to see you."

The secretary knocked on the door from outside and came in to report. Li Zhiqun acted quickly and came to visit Takemoto early this morning.

Takemoto was not here, so he waited patiently. When he learned that Takemoto was back, he immediately asked to see him.

Li Zhiqun carefully analyzed the people around Takemoto and finally felt that Takemoto was most likely to send Inoue to No. 76 as a liaison officer.

Inoue is a captain, and his rank is a bit low, but he is Takemoto's introduction to Ishihara Hiroshi, and he and Ishihara Hiroshi have known each other since they were young.

It can be said that Inoue is Takemoto's absolute confidant.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, a 16,000-word chapter, and there will be an extra update today.

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