Spy Shadow

Chapter 81 Chapter 81 Clumsy Method

Chapter 81 Chapter 81 Clumsy Solution

The entire action team has a total of 160 people.

All 159 people gathered in the open space outside the small building. Chu Lingyun stood at the front, and the two squadron leaders stood opposite.

At the front of the third squadron, there are only three squad leaders.

The only person missing from the action team is their leader. The leader of the Wuhan station action team is called Liao Bin. As soon as you hear the name, you can tell that he and the station leader Liao Wenwu are from the same family.

Chu Lingyun met him once when he first came to Wuhan Station. Wang Yuemin took him there, and he never interacted with him again after that.

Others, especially the new team members, don't even know what their team leader looks like.

There is no official team leader. In fact, the one who calls the shots in the action team now is Chu Lingyun.

Captain Yao and Captain Huang knew before that they were half a head lower than Chu Lingyun, but now that Chu Lingyun has truly become their boss, they have already corrected their positions and regarded themselves as subordinates.

"Spies are very cunning, but through the spies captured during this period, I found some patterns in them."

Chu Lingyun said slowly that his plan was very simple, even clumsy.

"First, most of the spies are single, or they live together as a couple and have no children."

Chu Lingyun looked at everyone and continued: "Second, most of the Japanese spies came to Wuhan in recent years, and most of them have northern accents."

This is not difficult to guess. The Japanese invaders occupied the Northeast and Qingdao. Many of their previously trained agents were in these places. When they spoke, they all had a northern accent.

It’s not that there are none in the south, they are very few in number. Chu Lingyun has never met a spy with a southern accent so far.

"Third, in order to cover up their identities, Japanese spies often have a good reputation. To put it simply, they all appear to be good people to the outside world."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Japanese spies are like this just because they are cunning. We must not take them lightly when dealing with them. This is a valuable experience learned by the team leader."

Captain Yao shouted, and his laughter subsided a lot. Now was the time to announce the mission. If you laughed wildly at this time, you would be unlucky if you were used to scare the monkeys.

"Captain Yao is right. Japanese spies are cunning and should not be underestimated."

Chu Lingyun nodded and continued: "Now I am announcing the mission. Each of the three action squadrons is responsible for an area. Screen all people in the area who meet the following conditions. First, single men with northern accents; second, those who do not come to Wuhan. Less than one year and no more than three years; third, the age must be between twenty-five and thirty-five; fourth, one must have a good reputation.”

These four conditions are the result of Chu Lingyun's careful consideration.

There are women among the Japanese spies, but they are not many. He has only caught three so far, and most of the female spies are with men, making it difficult to screen.

Abandoning women and only checking men can reduce a lot of wasted work. Moreover, as long as you find a spy and follow the clues, you can check out all the people in his line.

The most important point is that most male spies are single and easier to screen.

At this point in time, Chu Lingyun made a choice based on the captured spies. Now they have just captured a lot of spies. Chu Lingyun doesn't know if there are any new ones, but even if there are, there is nothing wrong with them when they arrive. The characteristics are difficult to screen, so we can only give up.

The age is judged based on the confessions of captured Japanese spies. This is not a period of all-out war of resistance. The professional quality of Japanese spies is very high. Many of their agents have undergone long-term training.

In this case, no one is too young, but not too old either.

When you get older, you are often promoted to a superior officer, and rarely continue to fight on the front line.

The last point is purely because of the habits of these Japanese spies. Whether it is Kitamura Kiya, Takano Hideki, or Kawasaki Takehi, they are all generous and good people in the impression of their neighbors.

This may be related to the habits of the Japanese. They always look hypocritical when dealing with the outside world, but the ferocity in their hearts is extremely terrifying.

These four conditions can screen out most people.

For the remaining people, Chu Lingyun could not guarantee that there would be spies.

If he hadn't had any clues at the moment, he wouldn't have used such a stupid method to screen a large area to find someone.

"Team leader, even if these four conditions are met, there are so many people in our three towns in Wuhan. After screening, there are still many people who meet the conditions. Isn't the workload too heavy?"

A team leader asked, and Chu Lingyun's face darkened: "Did I say that the three towns of Wuhan will be investigated together? Didn't you hear what I just said about checking by photo area?"

Chu Lingyun assigns tasks and his subordinates only need to accept them. Such public questioning is tantamount to challenging his authority.

"Shut up." Captain Huang of the Second Squadron shouted hurriedly.

Chu Lingyun didn't know exactly how many people there were in the three towns of Wuhan, which was currently the third largest city in the country. Chu Lingyun didn't know, but according to previous statistics, it was close to one million.

There are so many people, just screening, naturally there are not enough people to rely on them to act as a team.

"First conduct an investigation in Hankou. Each group will find a police station and conduct investigations in separate areas. During the investigation, do not tell the police details, only let them help."

Chu Lingyun continued, there are almost 300,000 people in Hankou alone, which is also a huge workload.

The action team cannot do this on its own. It must seek help from the police and land security guards who are most familiar with the people's conditions in order to quickly find qualified people.

"I only give each squadron three days to screen out all the qualified people in their area. Whoever can't do it will be asked. If the third squadron can't do it, I will punish myself. In addition, this operation is strictly Anyone who keeps it secret and leaks it to the outside world will be punished with treason.”

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, everyone felt shocked.

Treason, if you are caught, you will be shot. The team leader is serious, no one dares to be careless. The team leader who raised the question before is almost ashamed now, why is he so talkative? Go question the team leader.

If Chu Lingyun gave him little shoes to wear in the future, there wouldn't even be anyone to help him.

"The squadrons take action immediately, and I will see the results in three days."

Chu Lingyun was fierce in his work and never talked nonsense. He would disband on the spot after announcing the mission. There were five branches in the Hankou police station. It was helpless to only investigate the scope of three of the branches in the early stage.

This is the limit of what they can do right now.

Even so, a squadron is responsible for an area, which is still a huge workload. Captain Yao and Captain Huang dare not neglect it. This is the first task order given to them by Chu Lingyun after being promoted, and they must do it well.

The third squadron is different. The whole team is full of confidence and has no complaints.

Following the team leader, they had already captured many spies. All the team members had blind trust in Chu Lingyun. As long as they followed him, the spies would have no way to escape.

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