Spy Shadow

Chapter 811 Battle of Changde

"Well done, Mitsui will leave it to you and get all his investigation results as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun didn't care what Mitsui Amu found out. All he could find were things on the surface. Chu Lingyun was not afraid at all. Mitsui had no way of knowing the core secrets.

But knowing what he found makes it easier to respond.

The Mitsui family tree has deep roots and is not that easy to deal with. They control many military-industrial companies. No matter the headquarters or Yuren, they will not let such a big family completely collapse now.

Especially now that Japan is having a hard time, they need them even more.

"Don't worry, you can get it back right away."

Takemoto left happily. Before leaving, his contribution was increased by 10,000 again.

This was his reward for catching Mitsui Amu.

In the torture room, Mitsui was beaten to the point of dying. When he begged for mercy, he began to curse. The harder he cursed, the harder he was beaten, and then he begged for mercy again.

Compared with his predecessor Beichuan Ming, he was more than a little worse.

At least Beichuan Ming had the courage to commit suicide. After he was caught, he surrendered immediately without waiting for torture.

At the end of October, the Japanese army officially invaded Changde. In early November, the battle began and the Changde Defense War began.

Chu Lingyun has always been concerned about the Changde battlefield and went to the literary club many times during this period.

The result made him very disappointed. The people above him obviously did not listen to his suggestions, and they fought with the Japanese army in Changde.

The tenacious resistance also frightened the Japanese.

At this time, intelligence no longer has much effect. What the two sides are competing for is strength and courage. At this time, Chu Lingyun can no longer make any suggestions.

Not to mention him, even the old man couldn't easily say anything that would lower the morale of the front line at this time.

Italy had failed and Germany was equally in danger.

The Russian army's counterattack was very strong, and the German army continued to retreat. On other battlefields, the German army's performance was also unsatisfactory, and its defeat was certain.

Germany is holding on, but Japan is unwilling to give in.

Saijo organized the puppet governments of various Southeast Asian countries to prepare for a meeting in Tokyo. He hypocritically sent a telegram to Ishihara Hiroshi, inviting him to participate.

I thought Ishihara Hiroshi would refuse, but what Saijo didn't expect was that Ishihara Hiroshi actually agreed.

The ceremony over at Tomani came to an end, and the official engagement was about to take place. Ishihara Hiroshi had to be present on the engagement day. Saijo invited him, so he went over. However, before going, Chu Lingyun made several arrangements.

Excluding the divisions that participated in the war, all the remaining divisions controlled by members of the literary society were tight on the outside and tight on the inside. If there was any bad news from Japan, they would immediately gather and go to Shanghai.

This is especially true in Shanghai. Yamashita and Miyamoto have changed their locations and will respond immediately if something goes wrong.

In addition, this time Chu Lingyun brought a thousand people to Japan.

Not by boat, by air.

The Army Aviation Department dispatched a lot of planes. When Saijo learned about it, he couldn't help but cursed, saying that Ishihara was wasting the empire's resources. Unfortunately, he could only curse and could not make any substantive changes.

Others know why Ishihara Hiroshi is so careful.

It’s not the cause you planted in Xitiao that brought out this effect.


Chu Lingyun arrived successfully and was safely taken to Touman's mansion. Touman's health has been getting worse recently and he rarely has time to get out of bed.

"It's good to be back."

Tou Mitsuru smiled. He understood that he didn't have much time left. He fell ill a few days ago and caused inflammation. Fortunately, the magic medicine given to him by Hiroshi Ishihara saved his life.

At his age, everything is enough. His biggest concern now is waiting for Hiroshi Ishihara to get married.

After getting married, even if the deadline comes, he can leave with a smile on his face.

"Teacher, don't move."

Chu Lingyun stepped forward and gently supported Touman to make him lie down more comfortably.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?

From a national point of view, Chu Lingyun hated this executioner whose hands were stained with Chinese blood. The Black Dragon Society committed all kinds of evil in the Northeast and committed heinous crimes.

But from a personal emotional point of view, I have to admit that Tou Man was really good to him.

I was so worried about him.

Even at such an old age and in poor health, she is still busy working on his affairs.

Emotions are complicated, especially among those lurking within the enemy.

They have to suffer more.

Chu Lingyun understood Chen Zhanli very well. Chen Zhanli would not feel good when he executed Xiao Lu, but he still did it without hesitation.

The reason is simple: personal feelings cannot compare with national justice.

Xiao Lu grew up too fast and posed a major threat to the combat team and the Shanghai District. His hands were also covered in bones. The destruction of the Central Command in Shanghai was inseparable from him.

"Okay, I won't move."

Tou Man replied with a smile. Chu Lingyun helped him pack it up and sat down next to him.

"Teacher, thank you very much. I did so many wrong things, especially when I stole Abe's gold. I didn't expect that you didn't blame me at all."

Chu Lingyun said slowly, there was no need for him to hide what Touman knew.

Touman shook his head gently: "You did not do something right, but you are still young, so it is normal for you to do wrong things."

"Abe is greedy for money. He has done more wrong things. He only cares about money and nothing else. I know this very well. He attacked the members of the literary club and touched your bottom line. So you took revenge on him and stole All his gold."

"Fortunately, you didn't actually attack him. You just took the money. If you directly attacked Abe, I would be very disappointed in you."

Tomitsu said slowly, Ishihara Toru wanted to take revenge on Abe. Abe was at fault, and his mistake would not lead to death. Ishihara Toru didn't want to kill him, he just wanted his money.

At that time, Hiroshi Ishihara was indeed short of money.

Hiroshi Ishihara is the underground king of Shanghai and controls a huge smuggling empire. Many people would not believe him if he said he was short of money.

But in fact, Toru Ishihara spends more money.

The literary agency was a gold-devouring behemoth, and there were laboratories and so on. Most of the money he earned was spent. When he was running out of money, Abe suddenly acted like this. It would be strange that Toru Ishihara wasn't angry.

When he was young, he would definitely kill someone directly.

"I never thought of doing too much to my senior brother. If I wanted to attack him, it wouldn't be that troublesome."

There was nothing wrong with what Chu Lingyun said. If he wanted to attack Abe, he could just do it directly. Abe would never be able to stop him.

Just look at Mitsui Hiroshi. A regiment of guards was massacred by Ishihara Hiroshi.

At the beginning, Abe only had 800 guards, which was not enough.

Ishihara Hiroshi had the ability and skills, and he was cruel enough, but he did not kill Abi and used the most troublesome method, just because he didn't want to completely break his face.

"Very well, I'm glad you think so."

Tou Man smiled and nodded, Abe was dead, killed by someone else.

Even if no one took action, he wouldn't be able to survive. Tou Mitsuru also attacked him. In the final analysis, Abe was far inferior to Ishihara Hiroshi in Tou Mitsuru's heart.

Not to mention disciples, even sons, some are favored and some are not.

"Teacher, your health is more important than your disciple's. You are so old and I still have to worry about you."

Chu Lingyun said softly, her smile getting brighter: "It doesn't matter, you will enter the palace tomorrow. Your Majesty and the Queen want to see you."

They really wanted to see Ishihara Toru.

Especially the Queen, even though she usually doesn't ask anything, her heart is like a mirror. Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman, but he is the best businessman.

Which businessman can compete with the Prime Minister? Ishihara Hiroshi even made the Prime Minister suffer.

If the daughter is engaged, the prime minister must step down before getting married, otherwise wouldn't the daughter be in danger?

A woman's thoughts are different from those of a man. What she thinks most about is her daughter.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun came to the palace.

Now that he has the status of a noble, he can come to see Yu Ren.

Soon Yuren and his wife met him.

"Ishihara is here, sit here."

Ikuto waved happily, while the queen kept looking at Ishihara Hiroshi.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not ugly, and carries an invisible majesty. The Queen has heard that even though Ishihara Hiroshi is a businessman, most important generals in the empire cannot compare with him.

Ishihara Hiroshi has very powerful power in his hands.

Last time in Shanghai, he killed nearly 5,000 people in one go.

The queen never thought about how much the five thousand people could do if they stayed. What she thought about was the impact this incident would have on Ishihara Hiroshi.

After this battle, there were not many people in the empire who dared to easily provoke Ishihara Hiroshi.

Especially the courage was even more appreciated by the queen.

"Your Majesty, the Queen."

Chu Lingyun greeted the two of them and sat down next to them.

"You're welcome. Last time I gave Saijo a mission to help you get the formula of a new drug from the Chinese. Unfortunately, he failed. The Chinese are very strict about pharmaceutical factories, so it's really hard to do anything about it."

Yu Ren sighed, and Chu Lingyun smiled: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Although our start is a little late, our progress is not slow. They have purchased new drugs on the Chinese market and are stepping up research and development. We will be able to produce them in half a year at the latest. "


Yu Ren shouted in surprise, half a year is not long, he can afford to wait.

Able to be mass-produced, these new drugs could save the lives of countless imperial elites. The war had been going on for so long, and sulfonamides had become ineffective against many people in the military.

Without new drugs, they will just have to wait to die.

If it can be mass-produced within half a year, these R\u0026D personnel will make great contributions.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, they don't dare to lie to me, and they don't dare to lie to you."

Chu Lingyun responded with a smile. Yu Ren was very excited. He started using the new medicine a long time ago and now has a lot left on hand. The current monthly output of Ishihara Hiroshi's laboratory is 500, which is a little higher than before.

All the new medicines are with him, all delivered to him.

No one in Japan knew more about the efficacy of new medicines than he did.

The United States is making a fuss about new drugs, using them to gain more benefits and gain dominance among its allies.

It's a pity that Japan's allies are not living up to expectations now, otherwise they could do the same thing with new drugs.

The United States has indeed gained a lot of benefits from using new drugs.

Now they are seeking the position of supreme commander of the Allied Forces. If they can get it, it will be more helpful to them in the future, and it will also greatly enhance the status of the United States.

In this battle, the United States has always had a considerable advantage due to its geographical location.

Even if they were forced to participate in the war, they were fighting outside, and other parts of the mainland except Hawaii were not affected.

"Very good, tell the chief engineer that if mass production can be achieved within half a year, I will promote him to the Chinese race."

Yu Ren once again threw out his identity as a noble. The chief engineer was Japanese, and he knew this.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Chu Lingyun immediately thanked the chief engineer. If the chief engineer knew the good news, he would probably work even harder.

Just fight, the harder you fight, the sooner you will die.

What Chu Lingyun is thinking now is how to attract people from Saijo or Tuhara to Shanghai.

When the time comes to blow up the laboratory, can you splash something on them?

Even if it turns out that they were not responsible, it will still make them feel uncomfortable.

It’s time for Americans to know something about the progress of Japanese laboratories.

Maybe they would be more proactive without having to do it themselves.

They have gained so much benefit from the new drug that it is impossible to allow Japan to also produce this new drug.

Chu Lingyun was in the palace for more than an hour, and when he came out, there were heavy guards outside.

He had been assassinated and shelled in Tokyo, and now he pays special attention to safety when traveling.

This time, Takemoto specially accompanied Ishihara Hiroshi back to Tokyo.

Among the thousand people led by Chu Lingyun, there were 100 special forces members specially trained by Shanxia, ​​100 Tian Junliu guards, and 300 military police.

The remaining five hundred people were ronin whose heads were given to him.

These people are willing to die for him at any time. If they are in danger, they can use their bodies to build a human wall to protect Ishihara Hiroshi's safety.

When they arrived in Tokyo, Yu Ren specially sent a hundred guards to follow Chu Lingyun.

The number of people is not large, but it represents Yu Ren’s attitude.

In this case, as long as Saijo doesn't faint, he won't take action easily. Even if others want to take action, they don't have the strength.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not Abe. Abe can be easily assassinated, but it is ineffective against him.

Afternoon, Tokyo Parliament.

Saijo invited Ishihara Hiroshi to attend the meeting this time. It happened that Ishihara Hiroshi was coming back, so he agreed, which really made Saijo disgusted.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have invited him.

They are having a meeting, and all the people attending the meeting are important figures from various countries, the heads of their puppet governments.

A few puppets have a meeting with their master. Such a meeting has no meaning.

Without a meeting, they would not dare to object to what their master told them.

No wonder the people ridiculed this meeting as a teahouse meeting.

Have a cup of tea, chat, you're right, just do it, and be done with it.

"Sir, Hiroshi Ishihara is here."

At the meeting, Sakai came to Saijo and reported in a low voice. Saijo's smiling face suddenly froze there, looking unhappy.

"What is he here for?"

Saijo said dissatisfied, and Sakai carefully replied: "He is holding your invitation letter, and His Majesty's guards are clearing the way for him. No one outside dares to stop him."

"Tell him we are having an important meeting and don't have time for him and ask him to leave."

Saijo replied calmly, and the puppets from various countries next to him looked at him in confusion. Listening to their conversation, it seemed that someone was coming, and there was an invitation letter from Saijo, and there were also the emperor's guards.

Who is coming? Someone from the palace?

If it were someone from the palace, Saijo shouldn't have such an attitude.


Sakai lowered his head and was stunned as soon as he reached the door.

Ishihara Hiroshi has already led people to the door.

"Prime Minister, I'm sorry, I just went to see His Majesty and I'm late."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, and walked directly inside without waiting for Saijo's reaction.

Saijo's face was ashen, Ishihara Hiroshi was too courageous. He was holding an international conference and he dared to barge in directly.

"Ishihara Hiroshi, you are just a businessman, what qualifications do you have to come in?"

Saijo didn't give any face. Hearing his words, the others were shocked. It turned out to be Ishihara Hiroshi. No wonder he dared to break in like this.

Wang Chuhai knew best that Ishihara Hiroshi was here to cause trouble.

The conflict between Ishihara Hiroshi and Saijo has long been made public, and everyone knows something about it.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, this is your fault. It was you who invited me to attend. I also have your invitation letter here. If you don't welcome me, why did you invite me? I told His Majesty before I came, and His Majesty said it to me personally. , I hope I can unite all countries, increase trade exchanges, and contribute to the empire together."

Chu Lingyun remained silent, while Xi Jiao's face turned blue and white.

He sent the invitation out of pure disgust to Ishihara Hiroshi. He knew that he would not dare to come, but he did not expect that he would come and actually come in front of him.

"If you don't welcome me, I'll leave now. I will tell your Majesty the truth. You don't want countries to increase trade and provide more resources for the empire."

After Chu Lingyun said that, he turned around and left.

"You're talking nonsense."

Saijo was shaking with anger. When did he say he would not give resources to the empire?

This meeting, in addition to increasing the confidence of various countries in Japan, was to plunder more resources for the empire. Ishihara Toru was full of nonsense and framed.

Chu Lingyun ignored him and went out directly.

He was not in the mood to attend such a meeting, but his trip was not fruitless. The puppets of various countries were impressive, but it was a pity that they would not be around for long.

Wang Chuanhai was about to die, and he was unable to return to his country until his death. He died in a foreign land.

The emperor of the puppet Manchukuo did not end much better, but he was better than Wang Chuanhai. He witnessed the birth of New China and became a citizen of New China.

A few puppets, you look at me, I look at you?

After Saijo called out his name, they knew who was coming in. They also heard about Tokyo and Shanghai.

The rumors are true, it seems that the conflict between Ishihara Hiroshi and Saijo is really great.

It really surprised them that a businessman had such powerful power.

However, they were also wary in their hearts. They must not offend this person. Even though they had a high status in their own country, if they offended people like Ishihara Hiroshi, it would be easy to kill them.

"Adjourn the meeting."

Saijo was so angry that he was not in the mood for the meeting. Chu Lingyun returned to the car and immediately laughed out loud.

His appearance would not bring any substantial consequences, but it would be nice to make Saijo sick.

On November 7th, Chu Lingyun wore awkward Japanese costumes and went out together, led by Tou Man.

They brought many gifts.

The ceremony was very solemn, and Saijo was not willing to participate, but he had to hold his nose and come to the engagement ceremony of Toru Ishihara.

He is the Prime Minister and must show up.

Puppets from various countries were also present, and they were invited to participate in this event.

This time Ishihara Hiroshi has an extra layer of identity, and Saijo can't do anything to him.

News of the end of the ceremony reached China, and the literary community was in a state of excitement.

Ishihara Hiroshi is one step closer and the future is brighter for them.

In Nanjing, Tian Jun was equally happy.

His term of office is not long. Saijo is not touching him now because he has not made any mistakes, but when the appointed time comes, Saijo will definitely take action against him.

It was impossible for Saijo to let him stay in China forever.

Tian Jun doesn't care about this. As long as he returns home victorious, his status will be more important in the future. The most important thing right now is the battle in Changde. He wants to win a beautiful battle in Changde.

The Battle of Changde did not go well. The Chinese turned Changde into an empty city with only the defenders inside.

Inside and outside the city, the Chinese army showed a very tenacious fighting state.

They resisted step by step and caused great losses to the Japanese.

"Your Majesty, I'm going back first."

The day after the ceremony, Chu Lingyun came to say goodbye to Yu Ren.

His roots are in Shanghai and he cannot stay in Japan for too long.

"Go back, hurry up with the laboratory, and mass-produce it as soon as possible."

Yu Ren smiled and nodded. He attached great importance to the laboratory. The laboratory not only represented life, but also represented huge wealth.

It will be put into mass production next year at the latest, and he can afford to wait.

Ishihara Hiroshi can understand Ikuto's thoughts. Ikuto is a person who understands chemistry and is more aware of the difficulties of developing new drugs. He already knows that Saijo came to sue his makeup, but he was scolded by Ikuto.

Without asking anything clearly, he rushed over to complain, which made Yu Ren appreciate him even more.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will make the laboratory matters a top priority."

Chu Lingyun lowered his head and replied, the faster the laboratory progresses, the sooner it will perish.

USA, California.

Smith received a secret message from Chu Lingyun and asked him to tell the U.S. government that Japan had built a laboratory in Shanghai, led by Toru Ishihara, the most powerful Japanese in Shanghai. The current monthly output has reached 500, and research and development has been ongoing.

It is expected that within six months, they will be able to reach mass production scale, with a monthly output of at least 5,000, or even 10,000.

Smith took this information very seriously and immediately forwarded it to the U.S. intelligence agency.

As for the source of the information, he didn't need any cover-up.

Chu Lingyun's original identity was an agent, so it was normal for him to get such information.

Americans also attach great importance to it. The Japanese have new drugs and they have known about it for a long time.

Yu Ren came up with new medicine to save people many times, but he couldn't hide it from them.

They had analyzed before that the output of new drugs in Japan was very low and could not reach mass production, so they did not care. At that time, they did not even have mass production.

Now that it is known that Japan's technological breakthrough is imminent, the U.S. intelligence agencies cannot sit still.

Shanghai is Chinese territory and is occupied by the Japanese. It is not easy for the United States to send people to Shanghai to investigate. Boss Dai, the military commander, received a request for assistance from the United States.

After reading the telegram, Boss Dai laughed so much that his stomach ached.

Americans were played like monkeys by Chu Lingyun.

Investigate Ishihara Hiroshi's pharmaceutical factory, okay, he immediately conveyed the order, and they can write whatever investigation results they want to give to the Americans.

Chu Lingyun quickly received the message from the headquarters, and the American's reaction was as he expected.

Tell them first that they will have a reason to attack the laboratory later.

Mitsui Amu died in a very tragic way.

Takemoto subjected him to inhuman torture. In the end, Mitsui Amu couldn't bear the pain of the punishment and went crazy. He was really crazy. Takemoto did a lot of tests and found no signs that he was pretending to be crazy.

Even if he is pretending to be crazy, he will inevitably die.

Takemoto ordered Mitsui Amu to be executed. When he died, there was no good part of him. He died of his own greed and his own desires.

If he had not come to Shanghai, nothing would have happened to him. For the sake of his family's little promise, he risked everything and eventually killed himself.

Takemoto originally had a problem with Mitsui Amu. When he did, he deceived himself and Ishihara Hiroshi and used them to get rid of Takeda Hiroshi.

Takemoto and Takeda Hiroshi have a normal relationship, but no one likes to be used. Takemoto is very vindictive. After that incident, he remembered Mitsui Amu.

He had no conditions for revenge before, but this time he was given the opportunity to directly torture Mitsui Amu to death.

Time passes slowly, and the weather in Shanghai is getting colder and colder.

Chen Zhanli, like Ezakiga, bought a lot of burlap and prepared clothes for the people in the slums. Now he is more motivated to do this. He knows why he does it and what the meaning of it is.

At this time, Chen Zhanli had a passion that he had never experienced before.

By working for the slums, he could strengthen his relationship with Fang Shiyi. Chen Zhanli reported the matter to Secretary Wang, who had no support or objection.

Fang Shiyi is their comrade, but this is top secret information and cannot be told to Chen Zhanli.

Similarly, he would not tell Fang Shiyi about Chen Zhanli's identity.

Two comrades test each other, not knowing each other's identity.

Only Chu Lingyun and Ke Gong knew all the truth.

In mid-November, Chu Lingyun arrived at the dock.

He was here to pick up someone, someone he didn't expect.

The Japanese royal family, Ikuto's younger brother, Prince Shigeto, suddenly sent him a telegram, wanting to see him and telling him the time he would come to Shanghai.

If Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't want to see him and doesn't come to pick him up, he will understand Ishihara Hiroshi's attitude and he will go back.

Chu Lingyun is here, and this prince is different from others.

He is more than ten years younger than Yu Ren and has disliked war since he was a child. Last year he came to Nanjing as a staff officer and worked in the headquarters.

He visited many places in China, thinking that if he saw war, he would change his attitude.

No one expected that he would hate Japan's aggression even more after seeing too many Chinese people suffering.

He is a prince.

It was his grandfather, father and brother who launched wars against China.

It is rare for a royal family to be so clearly anti-war.

When the passenger ship docked, Chu Lingyun, Takemoto and Fang Shiyi were waiting at the dock.

Beside them were guards and gendarmes.

Ishihara Hiroshi's safety is very important. Even in Shanghai, you can't take it lightly when going out. As the number one henchman around Ishihara Hiroshi, Takemoto has always attached great importance to safety issues.

The military police have almost become Ishihara Toru's personal soldiers, and they always clear the way wherever they go.

"Ishihara-kun, he is here."

Takemoto's sharp eyes saw the heavy man in casual clothes and a hat first.

Chu Lingyun immediately walked over and welcomed the important people off the boat.

In terms of relationship, Chu Lingyun is Yu Ren's future son-in-law, Zhong Ren is his uncle, and in terms of status, since he is the prince, he should take the initiative.

"My lord, please come this way."

"Thank you."

Looking at Hiroshi Ishihara, Shigeto showed a faint smile and followed him into the car. The car arrived at the best hotel. This place had already been inspected. Chu Lingyun opened the best room for Shigeto.

"Ishihara Hiroshi, can we talk alone?"

Shigeto entered the room and immediately said to Chu Lingyun. Takemoto frowned. It was not impossible to chat alone, but he did not search Shigeto.

The important person is the prince, how dare he search randomly.


Chu Lingyun agreed immediately, but Zhu Ben had no choice but to take someone to guard the door. He stood at the door himself. Once there was any movement in the room, he could rush in as quickly as possible.

Judging from this point alone, Takemoto is a qualified bitch.

"Ishihara Hiroshi, I have learned a lot about you. Others say you are ruthless and do all kinds of evil, but that is not the case in my eyes."

In the room, Zhong Ren spoke slowly, while Chu Lingyun took the initiative to make tea.

"grown ups……"

Shigeto interrupted him: "You can call me uncle."

"Yes, uncle."

Chu Lingyun changed his title, and Zhong Ren smiled even brighter: "The people you killed were out of necessity. Usually you are not so cruel and easy to kill. In addition, you have done a lot of good deeds, but others didn't care."

"You funded people to help the slums, rescued countless people, insisted on low prices for coarse grains, and gave the people a way to live. Others saw that you gave so many loan sharks to the victims, but they did not realize that these victims at least survived. Without you, there would be many of them People are going to starve to death.”

"You bought a lot of children, and they called you a black-hearted capitalist. But what I saw was that these children all survived because of you. To this day, I have not heard of a child being tortured to death by you."

Chu Lingyun suddenly felt vigilant. Did Zhongren pay so much attention to him?

These things were all done by him, and in the context of his more support for war, killing competitors, and massacres of all kinds of opponents, these things are not so conspicuous.

But if they were all listed separately, it would seem a bit strange.

"To be honest with you uncle, I actually believe in the reincarnation of cause and effect. I have done too many wrong things and my sins are very deep. If I can't make up for it, I'm afraid there won't be any good results after my death."

Chu Lingyun lowered his head to explain, and Zhongren shook his head with a smile: "It's not important. Except for the last massacre, you have never killed innocent people indiscriminately. I understand that you were forced to have no choice but to use your reputation to make people dare not deal with you easily. But you killed too many people, and some of them were not wrong and did not deserve to die."

Shigeto is anti-war, but he is Japanese after all.

Don't those people die?

They were all transferred to the cabinet from the army. Who has not participated in the war against China before, and who does not have Chinese blood on his hands?

None of the people Chu Lingyun killed was innocent.

"Thank you uncle for your advice."

Chu Lingyun lowered his head to thank, and Zhong Ren suddenly sighed: "Some people do a lot of evil. I have seen many people. They don't regard the Chinese as human beings. They are not even as good as animals. They burn, kill and loot at will. These people are not worthy of being called human beings."

"Ishihara Hiroshi, I know that you have a bad relationship with Saijo. I can help you and become your ally, but I have a premise. You must restrain your men and don't do evil to the Chinese. Don't let them be like those beasts. , doing something outrageous and resentful."

Chu Lingyun's eyes widened. He knew that the prince was against the war, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing?

"Ishihara Hiroshi, if it weren't for your kindness, I wouldn't have come to you. I would have dealt with Saijo by myself. Precisely because you are not inherently bad, I came to you to make an alliance honestly. The grudge between you and Saijo has long been gone. Irreconcilable, with my help, I can at least help you solve part of the difficulty."

Shigeto said softly, he also has an identity, a royal member of the House of Nobles.

This identity can indeed bring certain help to Ishihara Hiroshi.

"Thank you uncle, you think so highly of me, I have no reason to refuse."

Chu Lingyun replied with a smile, and Shigeto smiled even more happily. Just agree to Ishihara Hiroshi. In his heart, Ishihara Hiroshi is indeed the most suitable ally.

He is at odds with Saijo and is able to compete with him, holding huge power in his hands.

Ten divisions, plus Tian Junliu.

No one can ignore this kind of power.

It is these powers that matter most to others.

"Very good, you will understand later that you made a very right choice."

Zhong Ren was very happy, and Chu Lingyun agreed to him after many considerations.

What Zhong Ren does will definitely make Yu Ren unhappy. This is not important. In a few years, Yu Ren will not be able to protect himself, and it will have little impact on Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun has now considered the post-war layout.

As a defeated country, Japan does not have anything to offer.

It's a pity that the US blockade and the fruit party's dissatisfaction did not get many useful things.

These things can be shipped back to the country after the war.

With Ishihara Hiroshi's identity, it would be difficult for him to escape liquidation after the war. Even if everything goes well in China, there will still be many people who want to kill him when he returns to Japan.

Chu Lingyun didn't have any worries about this, and he had more than one Japanese identity.

Having many vests is his biggest advantage.

However, if Ishihara Hiroshi's identity can be retained, it is best to keep it. After all, the literary society is very powerful. Even if these people are caught and liquidated after the war, the rest will still be of great use.

At that time, we can use these people to do more things.

Shigeto came to Ishihara Hiroshi just to form an alliance.

After the relationship was established, Shigeto quickly returned to Nanjing. With the support of Ishihara Hiroshi, Shigeto was more confident. He wanted to help Japan get out of the quagmire of the war and prevent Japan from continuing to cause so much harm to China.

Chu Lingyun reported to Mr. Ke on the important matter.

Ke Gong did not expect that there would be such an enlightened person among the Japanese royal family.

It is important to value people. Chu Lingyun can have more contact with him in the future.

Time passed slowly, and the battle to defend Changde became more fierce.

Eight thousand tigers defended Changde, making the Japanese feel the pain.

No matter how fierce the Japanese attack was, none of the defenders in the city retreated, let alone surrendered. They used their own blood and flesh to demonstrate the tenacious fighting spirit and unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation.

The entire city of Changde was bombed to a pulp. Even though there was no pure land, the Chinese soldiers who guarded Changde still persisted.

When the battle report reached the rear, Tian Junliu was in a daze.

Why don't the Chinese retreat? Why can't they, like those puppet troops, surrender when they see the powerful imperial army?

It is difficult to defeat eight thousand people. If all Chinese soldiers are like this, is it possible for the empire to win?

Many Japanese soldiers were hit.

Tian Junliu gritted his teeth and insisted that this battle must be fought and Changde must be taken down. This is no longer a victory in the war, but a struggle for people's hearts.

Behind the scenes, the Battle of Changde also touched the hearts of many people.

The soldiers on the front line were fighting so hard, but there was nothing they could do to help behind the scenes.

The 57th Division stationed in Changde sent a farewell message at the last moment: ammunition was exhausted, food was exhausted, there were no men, and the city was destroyed. The 57th Division held on to the last line, resisted to the death, and lived and died with the city.

On December 3rd, the city of Changde was captured. The division commander personally led his men to break out and ask for help. Of the eight thousand defenders, only a hundred survived.

Everyone is hurt.

They are heroes and deserve to be heroes.

Although it was a glorious defeat and Japan captured Changde, the losses they suffered far exceeded their budget. They had no energy left to continue the attack and could not even withstand the Chinese counterattack.

Chinese reinforcements from all walks of life are returning to help. Once they are surrounded, they may be made dumplings by the Chinese like the 8,000 people in the city.

If reinforcements cannot arrive in time, they cannot avoid the fate of annihilation.

The Japanese cannot afford this consequence.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun learned that the Japanese were preparing to retreat and immediately reported the information to the military command headquarters.

Boss Dai reported the information, but the old man didn't take it too seriously.

According to their deduction and judgment, the Japanese's purpose is to hinder the support received from Yunnan. This strategic purpose prevents them from giving up Changde easily.

It's not that the old man doesn't believe Chu Lingyun, he suspects that this is false information released by the Japanese.

The Japanese have been investigating traitors. If they use false information to deceive, it is possible that Chu Lingyun will also be deceived by them.

In addition, the frontline generals also did not believe it, which delayed the best opportunity.

On December 7, the division commander who found the reinforcements led the reinforcements to Changde again. Their attack went very smoothly. The Japanese had retreated and there was only one squadron in the city for defense.

Today's Changde City is better said to be a ruins than a city.

There is really no need to stick to such a place, let alone the conditions.

After learning that the Japanese troops in Changde had retreated, the generals in the rear immediately ordered to encircle the escaping Japanese troops. Unfortunately, they had lost their best opportunity.

What the commander of the 57th Division did not expect was that after regaining Changde, more than 300 officers and soldiers of the 57th Division walked out of the ruins.

The appearance of these people angered the old man and ordered the arrest of the commander of the 57th Division.

It really makes people bleed and cry.

After Chu Lingyun learned everything, he locked himself in the room. Chu Yuan carefully guarded the outside and did not dare to persuade him.

The soldiers of the Guo army live up to the title of sons and daughters of China. The party is incompetent and Principal Chang is incompetent. The actions of the party have made countless people heartache.

They failed too many people's expectations.

Chu Yuan was equally disappointed. The frontline soldiers fought desperately. They fought for the country and died for the country.

The theater commander and many generals hurriedly interceded for the division commander and finally saved his life, but he was also imprisoned.

Regardless of the outcome, the Battle of Changde is over.

The losses of the Chinese were not small, and the losses of the Japanese were equally great. The early battle loss ratios were ten to one and five hundred to one, but now they have dropped a lot.

The weapons of the Chinese army are not as good as theirs, but their determination to fight to the death is stronger than that of the Japanese. It is an indisputable fact that the quality of the Japanese soldiers has declined significantly.

The outcome of this battle also frightened the Japanese top brass.

If the Chinese are like this, they have no hope of defeating China. Tian Shunroku was criticized in this battle, but it was not a big mistake. He at least accomplished part of his strategic purpose.

Coupled with the base camp's dissatisfaction with Saijo, Saijo's wish to take the opportunity to step down Tian Shunliu failed to come true.

Tianjin, Furumura Qiu looked at Gusen happily.

"Comrade Gusen, welcome to join the Chinese Red Party. At the same time, on behalf of the Chinese Anti-War League, I would like to extend an invitation to join our common family."

Inspired by Furumura Aki, Komori learned a lot about the Red Party.

He is honored to join a group that is dedicated to serving the people.

"I do."

Komori nodded heavily. The more he learned, the more he felt that the previous days had been in vain. Every day he spent with Furumura Qiu was particularly fulfilling.

He likes this feeling.

Goosen is the manager of the Tianjin branch of Ishihara Trading Company. He is the biggest here. He has never used his position to make money. As long as he does not do these things and takes care of the branch well, the boss will not do anything to him.

Using this identity, he not only helped Furumura Aki, but also helped many people.

"Okay, you are very welcome to join."

Furumura Qiu stretched out his hand, and Gusen held his hand tightly. He is now an organized person and is willing to devote his life to the cause of the Red Party, even if it means his own life.

"Gucun, I will return to Shanghai to report my work in a few days. You must be careful while I am away."

It's almost the end of the year, and branch managers like Gusen have to go back to the headquarters to report on their work.

He was gone for about a week, and during his absence, he was worried about Furumura Akira's safety.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Furumura Qiu grinned. He could protect himself well. He had also encountered more dangerous and difficult situations than this, and he was not afraid at all.

The Red Party is never afraid of any difficulties.

"Okay, wait until I come back."

Gu Sen nodded lightly. This time he returned to Shanghai, he still had a mission to find out how many anti-war people there were in Shanghai.

Especially in Ishihara Trading Company.

However, this must be done in a concealed manner, and it must not be detected by Toru Ishihara.

Gu Sen knows how powerful his boss is. Even though he smiles every day, he is actually very smart. If you want to do anything under his nose, you must be careful.

Two days later, Gusen got on the train to Shanghai.

Aki Furumura has not stopped his work. He has contacted more than 300 anti-war soldiers in Tianjin. Some of them, under his influence, joined the Chinese Red Party like Komori.

These people can provide them with military intelligence.

When there is a chance in the future, Gu Cunqiu will take them to Yanzhou and let them take a good look at that paradise. Although the people there are not rich, their lives are extremely fulfilling.

In a military camp, people from the special high school class were staring into the distance with telescopes.

They discovered that there were some anti-war remarks in the army, and after investigation, they quickly identified an officer. This officer was named Sang Ye, with a low rank, second lieutenant, and squad leader.

"Have all the people who have close contact with Sanye been investigated?"

The person in charge of the Special High School Division is Sudo, the intelligence team leader. He has been keeping an eye on Kuwaye for several days.

"We checked, there are more than a dozen in the army, but the relationship outside the army has not been investigated clearly."

When his subordinates reported, Shuto thought for a moment and then shook his head: "No wait, these restless people cannot be kept. We will arrest them first."

These people are bombs and may cause trouble at any time.

There are many such people in the military. They are Japanese, not Chinese. Even if someone contacts them and the interrogation results are obtained after arresting the person, they can still ask for what they want.

The next morning, Sang Ye received a mission and asked him to go somewhere else.

As soon as he left the house, he was held down by people from the Special Higher Education Department, tied up and taken back to the interrogation room.

More than a dozen people who had close contact with him were all arrested and tortured separately.

Including his men, who are temporarily controlled, the Special High School will screen them. If they are influenced by Kuwano, soldiers who are also anti-war will also be severely punished.

They were just fine emotionally, but if they were sure that they had actually done something, they would definitely face the most tragic fate, and even harm their families.

"Sanye, this is a special high school course. Don't take any chances when you get here. If we can catch you, we will definitely have evidence. If you don't want to suffer, just tell the truth."

Shudo interrogated him personally, while Kuwano turned his head away.


Shudo was not polite. His men grabbed the whip and whipped Sang Ye hard. Soon Sang Ye let out a miserable howl.

The pain of punishment was stronger than he imagined.

"I said."

An hour later, the shapeless Sangye finally couldn't bear it anymore and spoke.

Following his confession, Shuto was first surprised, then regretful.

Sang Ye has secretly joined the Chinese Red Party, and the person who contacted Sang Ye turned out to be Furumura Qiu, who has been wanted by the empire for a long time. Fucun Qiu is a big fish, but he didn't expect that he is still in Tianjin.

If he keeps an eye on Kuwaye more, he might be able to catch Furumura Akira.

"You said the day after tomorrow is the time you agreed to meet?"

After hearing Kuwaye's confession that he was going to see Furumura Akira the day after tomorrow, Shuto couldn't sit still at first, but when he saw Kuwaye's face, he regretted it again.

Why did you have to hit him so hard? Sang Ye's face was also injured.

"That's right, five o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow." Sang Ye lowered his head and said slowly.

"Treat him immediately."

Shoto ordered, asking while treating the injury, this is a perfect opportunity to catch Furumura Aki, and it is definitely a great achievement to catch Furumura Aki.

After asking for the time and place of the meeting, Shuto immediately went to report to the director of Tianjin Special High School.

After learning that Furumura Akira had been found, the section chief couldn't sit still and supervised the case personally.

The meeting place was a crowded place, and Shuto had made arrangements in advance. If Furumura Qiu showed up, they would arrest him immediately.

If not, let Kuwaye go over and attract Furumura Akira.

The injury on Sangye's face was the biggest trouble.

Fortunately, it was cold now, so he could wear a hat and scarf to try to cover the injuries.

If Furumura Akira hadn't become suspicious, he probably would have appeared.

Shuto arranged everything, and soon it was time for the connection.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, there were at least fifty agents from the Special High School Division near the meeting point, opening a large net and waiting for Furumura Akira to come in.

Sang Ye was ready to let him out at any time.

At this time, Furumura Qiu was already nearby.

He put on some disguise and came over quietly. Furumura Qiu felt something strange at the meeting place.

There are usually a lot of people here, but most of them are people on the move, and he has seen all the regular vendors.

There were many strange vendors today.

These vendors didn't look around, but their eyes were sharp.

Furumura Qiu's disguise skills were learned from Ke Gong, so these people didn't recognize him.

Without this technology, he would have been arrested in Tianjin.

After hesitating for a while, Furumura Qiu walked to the distance. He was going to cancel today's meeting and at the same time go to check out Kuwaye's situation.

Not far away, he noticed Sang Ye arriving at the meeting point.

Kuwaye was wrapped very tightly, and Furumura Qiu was not familiar with him, so he still recognized him.

As usual, Sang Ye sat there and ordered something to eat, but he did not take chopsticks, nor did he take off the scarf on his face.

If he takes it off, others will immediately see the scar on his face, which is very conspicuous.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, and thanks to Kanhaiooool for the 100 starting coin reward, a 12,000-word chapter.

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