Spy Shadow

Chapter 826 True Identity


Fang Shiyi smiled and nodded. The Japanese had received retribution, and he was equally happy in his heart.

Ishihara Hiroshi told him that the Japanese would not be able to survive for long. They were retreating in the outer areas and had been beaten to the mainland by the United States.

Fang Shiyi could understand, but he didn't expect that the Japanese were so miserable and Tokyo was burned down by the Americans.

Really burned.

He follows Chu Lingyun and is responsible for delivering information to his hometown. He is very aware of the losses in Tokyo this time.

Not only on the bright side, this bombing was a heavy blow to the Japanese confidence.

The capital cannot be defended, let alone other places.

At night, Ishihara Hiroshi's mansion.

As for Chu Lingyun and Fang Shiyi, Chu Lingyun personally skewered a lot of mutton and marinated it with ingredients. They drank some wine and had a delicious meal.

Today's barbecue seems to taste particularly fragrant.

"Boss, how long can the Japanese survive?"

While drinking some wine and eating delicious barbecue, Fang Shiyi asked this question again.

"If it can be as fast as half a year, or as slow as one year, they will definitely be finished."

Chu Lingyun smiled. The two of them drank rice wine, not white wine. The alcohol content was not that high and it was not easy to get drunk.

Even if the alcohol content is not high, Chu Lingyun will not drink too much.

"I'm really looking forward to winning."

Alchemist Yi is full of longing. The Japanese have invaded China for many years. In these years, the people in the country have been devastated, and they have caused great harm to them.

Everyone desires victory, except the traitors.

Once the Japanese fail, it will be the end for the traitors.

Those who have been harmed by the Japanese over the years will not spare these traitors, especially those who did all the bad things to please their masters. They are destined to meet a miserable end.

"Victory will come soon."

Chu Lingyun picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Fang Shiyi. Fang Shiyi raised his head, his heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but ask: "Boss, what is your true identity?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Chu Lingyun's face dropped. Fang Shiyi knew that he was Chinese, but his Chinese name and actual identity were unknown.

Fang Shiyi had never asked such a question before.

"Yes, boss, I know I was wrong."

Fang Shiyi immediately lowered his head. He shouldn't ask this question. If he could be informed, the organization and boss would naturally tell him.

Don't tell him, just keep it a secret from him.

Asking rashly was actually a serious violation of discipline. He drank some wine today and was too happy to make such a mistake.

"After I win, I will let you know if I have the chance."

Chu Lingyun did not attack him. Fang Shiyi performed well and helped him a lot in Shiyuan Trading Company over the years.

Especially the goods from my hometown are all operated by Alchemist Yi.

It is not convenient for Chu Lingyun to come forward in person to deliver goods to his hometown.

"I really hope the Americans can increase their bombing, not just Tokyo, but other places as well."

Fang Shiyi took the opportunity to change the topic, while Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Everything Fang Shiyi wanted would be available.

Within two days, American bombers took off again and bombed Nagoya.

Nagoya is an important industrial base in Japan, especially many Japanese aircraft. This bombing turned Japan's aircraft manufacturing center into a sea of ​​​​fire. It is almost a delusion for Japan to restore its original aircraft manufacturing capabilities.

On the 13th, the US military bombed Osaka.

Three hundred bombers and more than 1,700 tons of ammunition were dumped on this land that gave birth to merchants.

Most of the houses in the city were in flames, and the losses could not be counted for a while. In short, the whole city was crying.

On the 16th, Kobe was bombed and several shipyards were destroyed. The continuous bombing caused Japan's industrial capacity to decline sharply. Not to mention that they did not have enough resources to supplement them. Even if they did, they would not be able to manufacture much now.

This strategic bombing was tantamount to completely shattering Japan's hopes of resurrecting.

Many smart people understand that Japan has actually been defeated, and the next step is to see how they can surrender decently. Unfortunately, there are not many such smart people.

Most people are still shouting that they are collectively broken and want to die together with the Americans.

The international situation is also extremely unfavorable to Japan.

Their most important ally, Germany, is already struggling to its death and cannot hold on any longer. Once Germany is defeated, the free Russia will be able to deal with them in the Northeast.

The Japanese's defeat has completely entered a countdown.


In the literary club, many generals were sitting there, and they all stood up when they saw Chu Lingyun coming in.

There are so many people in the literary society, including many smart people. At this time, they are full of worries and fear of Japan's failure.

They are soldiers. Once Japan fails or surrenders, the army will definitely be disbanded and reorganized.

Without the army, they are nothing.

"Sit down."

Chu Lingyun came to his place and waved to them.

"Ishihara-kun, is there really no hope for the empire?"

After Chu Lingyun sat down, Yamashita asked first. The continuous bombing also shattered the confidence of many Japanese officers.

Yamashita was a general who joined the literary society relatively early. He was considered the veteran of the literary society and the division leader. He had a high status among the members.

At this time, the people under the mountain were full of worries.

"This is not something you should worry about."

Chu Lingyun shook his head gently. He could neither give these people hope, nor let them be completely disappointed and make crazy moves.

Stabilizing them is Chu Lingyun's most important job next.

"We are His Majesty's subjects and His Majesty's soldiers. We obey His Majesty's orders in everything. As long as His Majesty is around, we will fight to the end."

Chu Lingyun looked at everyone and said excitedly.

They must obey Yu Ren's orders, so that after the surrender is signed, they can honestly hand over all their weapons and be captured without restraint.

"Ishihara-kun is right. We are warriors loyal to His Majesty, and Your Majesty is our priority in everything."

Miyamoto was the first to agree, and other club members followed suit.

Chu Lingyun was quite satisfied with their attitude.

If there are one or two disobedient people, just order others to get rid of them.

Tokyo, Imperial Palace.

Ikuto has lost weight recently and can't eat well or sleep well. He didn't expect that Saijo had left him such a mess.

The consequences of provoking the United States have emerged.

Now that they have been beaten to the mainland by the United States, it is still unknown whether he, the emperor, can be saved.

Damn Saijo.

Although Saijo has repeatedly insisted that they must have a war with the United States, the Americans are more prepared if they start late. The earlier they start, the more advantageous they will be.

Saijo did not admit his mistake, but instead blamed the mistake on the navy.

He believed that the key was that the initial sneak attack failed to achieve the desired results, especially the failure to destroy the US aircraft carrier at that time, which left them with great hidden dangers.

If all the US military aircraft carriers in Hawaii could be sunk, this would not be the result now.

No matter how he judged it, it was a fact that Japan was bombed and howling like ghosts and wolves. All the senior officials, including Yu Ren, were worried and didn't know what their future fate would be.

"Your Majesty, telegram from Shanghai."

The attendant brought a telegram. After reading it, Yu Ren forced a smile.

There is his spy in the literary agency, and this time it is the report sent by the spy.

There are more than two hundred officers in the literary society, all of whom are in important positions. It is impossible for Yu Ren to take precautions. He has arranged his spies a long time ago.

Hiroshi Ishihara did a good job and did not disappoint.

He is the leader at all times, including now, still cheering and encouraging the members of the literary club and asking them to be loyal to him.

Hiroshi Ishihara is a person worth trusting.

It's a pity that his new drug laboratory was bombed by the Chinese. Yu Ren originally reopened the laboratory in Tokyo, but as soon as there was some improvement, it was burned in the bombing.

If you want to reopen, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun came to the safe house, where there is a radio station.

Today is the day for his routine contact with Bao Shengqun.

Not long after turning on the radio, Chu Lingyun received the message.

“Is there really no oppression in Yanzhou?”

After translating the content, Chu Lingyun smiled. Bao Shengqun was already moved. If he works harder, he can truly pull him into his camp and serve the Red Party well in the future.

"You are in Zhongtong, it is not difficult to know the truth."

Chu Lingyun replied that Bao Shengqun burned the message after reading it.

Miss Qiu was right. In fact, he had read some investigations about Yanzhou and the Red Party these days.

He is in the Inspectorate, so even if he has no real power, it is easy for him to read some public information.

These are not top secrets.

The Red Party members who were arrested in the past, as well as the spies they arranged to go to Yanzhou, all told about the situation in Yanzhou.

However, according to Zhongtong's report, Yanzhou is a very scary place.

The people there are all deceived and living in illusions.

Bao Shengqun has the ability to distinguish things by himself. He knows very well that the situation in Yanzhou is not a deception, but the truth.

There are many great people in the Red Party who do not do it for themselves but only for others.

Now Bao Shengqun is a little confused.

He couldn't find Xiao Mao, even if he secretly activated his spy, he couldn't find anyone. According to the results of the investigation, Xiao Mao and his family were sold out of town.

Boss Liu disappeared again and was said to have gone to Yunnan to do business.

No one knows where exactly.

Bao Shengqun felt even more congested and regretted not taking action earlier. If he had given the money to Zhao Laoliu in advance, maybe nothing would happen to his family.

It was only a dozen yuan, which was really nothing to Bao Shengqun.

"Does the Red Party have to hand over all their personal property?"

After a while, Bao Shengqun sent another message, and Chu Lingyun responded immediately after receiving it.

"You have done an investigation, and this is not true. In fact, there are many enlightened gentlemen in Yanzhou, and there is no problem with their property."

After Bao Shengqun read the message, he fell silent again.

He knew this clearly. The Red Party did not forcefully confiscate personal property. They had confiscated some land, but it was all owned by the rich and unkind.

People who really support the Red Party are still good.

As the former intelligence director of the Central Military Commission, Bao Shengqun knew a lot, and he would not easily trust anyone. He only believed what he investigated and saw.

"Contact me next time."

Bao Shengqun sent a message and immediately turned off the radio station.

His radio station also cannot be turned on for a long time, and it must be turned off after contact to avoid being noticed by others.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is fully investigating the Red Party. Xu Lin, the new official, wants to arrest the Red Party and make meritorious deeds. Bao Shengqun cannot stop it and cannot stop it.

He didn't even know what the Intelligence Department was doing now.

He is no longer the director of the intelligence department, and now it is Ye Feng who is in charge. He cannot take the initiative to inquire about the situation of any intelligence department.

Chu Lingyun also turned off the radio station and returned with satisfaction.

The American bombing also affected the business of Ishihara Trading Company, including smuggling.

Japan has lost control of the sea, and now the land and sea are not smooth. In addition, the Japanese mainland is being attacked. Many things cannot be transported to Shanghai. The things Chu Lingyun wants can only be transported from other places.

As they approached destruction, many Japanese officers became even more crazy.

They dare to sell anything, especially the Kwantung Army and North Korea.

Not everyone is willing to be buried with Japan. Some people start to make plans for themselves and think about the future.

The yen has depreciated massively, and now not many people in Japan want yen.

Many people store gold, silver dollars, valuable gems, etc.

Many people even went to exchange dollars.

They just hope that they can keep their wealth after Japan fails.

Time came to April, and Japan's surrender was getting closer and closer.

On April 1st, the US military landed on Okinawa, which was named by the Japanese. In fact, it had always been the territory of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Ryukyu has been a vassal state of China since ancient times.

Japan occupied Ryukyu, imprisoned the king, and did all kinds of bad things, and now it is finally being punished.

The US military's bombing seemed to be free of charge. From morning to night, various bombs were dropped continuously.

The more intense the war, the more money those capitalists will make, especially the arms dealers. They are eager for the US military to use more artillery shells on the front line.

The bombings made the Japanese miserable.

No matter how intensive the bombing was, it was impossible to kill all the defenders, and the Okinawa landing battle became intense from the beginning.

Japan has deployed heavy troops here.

Okinawa is of great strategic significance to Japan. It is only more than 300 kilometers away from the Japanese mainland and is also the location of Japan's largest flight base.

Even if there are not many Japanese planes now, Americans cannot occupy this place.

Otherwise, the next step must be their homeland.

Every Japanese soldier received an order to defend Okinawa and fight the Americans to the end. Even if they fight to the last man, they will never surrender.

Starting on the 2nd, the United States once again stepped up its bombing of Japan.

Including Tokyo, there are basically no safe cities in Japan now. The rural areas are better, but in Japan, like China, the people living in the rural areas are poor.

The Americans had no interest in wasting artillery shells on them and mainly bombed cities.

Japan is also a country with a densely urbanized population. Every bombing takes away the lives of a large number of civilians.

The military still shouts slogans, but few real people listen to them.

Those officers cannot represent all Japanese people, and the so-called 100 million pieces of jade is pure fantasy.

There are many people who want to survive, and there won't really be so many people buried with them.

However, there are also many people who are poisoned by Bushido, and there are also many who are willing to fight to the death. There are not as many as 100 million, but there are still several million.

The Battle of Okinawa had a great impact on Chu Lingyun, and Ishihara Trading Company had a lot of goods from here.

With the war, all these goods stopped.

It didn't matter if he stopped, Chu Lingyun, the various properties of Ishihara Trading Company, had already prepared the accounts and was waiting for the Japanese to surrender.

Only one person from Ishihara Trading Company is qualified to receive it, and no one else can take away this piece of fat.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward.

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