Spy Shadow

Chapter 832 It has to be you

Cai Weicheng's supervisor was a British man, and Xu Lin was very careful when arresting him.

Try not to hurt him. Now that Britain is an ally and Germany has been defeated, China needs international help to defeat Japan together.

He knew very well that he could arrest people, but if he killed someone rashly, Ye Feng couldn't protect him.

"Director, I heard that Director Xu has captured a foreign devil and returned."

Xiao Wu saw Bao Shengqun coming out of the toilet and whispered, while Bao Shengqun looked at him: "Foreign devils?"

"That's right, I heard that someone in the General Affairs Office was arrested. He was a traitor, and his handler was revealed. It was this foreign devil."

Xiao Wu nodded immediately. He was of low rank and did not have a separate office. Bao Shengqun had no real power. Now he only had a desk, just outside Bao Shengqun's office.

"It's interesting. Don't ask about the Intelligence Department."

Bao Shengqun smiled and shook his head, then entered the office, while Xiao Wu grinned.

Although Xiao Wu is not old, he is very thoughtful.

When Old Ghost Xu was around, no one could shake Bao Shengqun's status.

Bao Shengqun shook his head again, Xu Lin smiled, and immediately told about the arrest of Allens today.

After identifying these three people, Xu Lin finally secured his position as the Director of Intelligence.

Xu Lin was very unwilling. After learning from Bao Shengqun, this was his biggest gain. He also interrogated the other two and got the results.

Although the director has no real power, there are not many people in the Central Committee who can control him.

These two people have problems, which are not small, but not as important as Cai Weicheng.

Even sold radio stations.

The third one took advantage of his job opportunity to resell items in the bureau. He mainly sold them on the black market, and many items cannot be recovered now.

With enough money, Xu Lin believed that nothing was impossible.

After all, they arrested people and then released them. As soon as Allens went to complain, Ye Feng would be scolded.

His investigation was to consolidate his position, and Bao Shengqun didn't need it at all.

Xu Lin thanked him again. Although Bao Shengqun allowed these people to exist for other reasons, he already knew that there were hidden dangers and did not clean them up. After giving up his position, he told him that he had to accept this favor.

Er Chen's power is terrifying, he is the real top leader of the Fruit Party.

Boss Dai is indeed a smart man who always seizes opportunities.

"I just said it, you're welcome."

Bao Shengqun has these connections, and he will be able to make a comeback sooner or later. Xiao Wu, who has hope, is very active in doing things. He is now the only person beside the director. Once the director regains momentum, he will definitely follow the rising tide.

"Director, this Allens is so abominable. He has a very harsh mouth. I have tried all I can to say nice things, but he refuses to admit it. He is a citizen of the British Empire. We are destroying our alliance. He will be slapped with as much hat as he wants."

Even if you can't find them, you can definitely find some people with other problems by hunting rabbits in the grass. These people also deserve credit.

Xu Lin was stunned. He must be released, but if he needs to get a confession, if he is released without a confession, they will not only fail to achieve their goal, but they will also be unable to communicate with the top.

Bao Shengqun quickly made a call. As for the bicycle, he would leave it at the unit today.

Any one of them is a credit, and this was given to him by Bao Shengqun.

His biggest regret was that he could not find out the traitor of the Red Party.

Cai Weicheng is an intelligence dealer. He has been exposed. Even his handler has been arrested. It is not considered a secret now. Besides, he came to Bao Shengqun for advice and wanted Bao Shengqun to help him and get Anluns to confess.

His wife was pregnant, and Bao Shengqun was worried that something might happen to her. After she became pregnant, he hired an old woman to take care of her at home.

"Okay, I'll arrange for a secret execution right away."

It seems that he really found something.

"No, without your order, how could I use torture?"

Each of these two people was the military commander's spy, and they were found out by Xu Lin. Neither Ye Feng nor Xu Lin was surprised. They also had more than one spy in the military commander.

Ye Feng had more issues to consider, and he had to put himself within the responsibilities he could bear.

If the quantity is large, it is a great achievement.

"I have something to do with you. I'll treat you to a drink tonight. Come on, get in the car."

Xu Lin asked in a low voice, while Ye Feng shook his head: "No, if he doesn't say anything about the execution, we will be even more passive."

"It's fine if you don't."

Being slapped with a big label, this is not only done now, but will also be done frequently in the future.

He has made many great achievements, especially catching many Japanese spies.

When he arrived at the hotel, Xu Lin took the initiative to propose a toast. It was Bao Shengqun who reminded him to investigate the General Affairs Office. After detailed investigation, he discovered three problematic people.

The most important thing is not to really torture him.

Xu Lin was so angry that he really wanted to be tortured.

Aarons is not stupid. As long as he does not admit it, his family and friends will rescue him through the embassy. He is selling intelligence, but he has not betrayed the interests of the British Empire.

Xu Lin knew that the military commander had also arrested British people not long ago, and they were genuine British intelligence agents.

These businessmen only want to make money, and they will sell anyone for money.

If the situation is more urgent, they will even send someone to contact them.

"Old Bao, are you okay tonight?"

What's the use of following a person who doesn't have any real power?

It seems that the director is also interested in these interesting things. Also, the director has nothing to do every day, just read books and newspapers, or go out to listen to operas and so on.

Internal investigation is the easiest way to offend people. This time, the Supervision Office and the General Affairs Office had strong opinions on him, and they went to file a complaint, but the bureau chief suppressed him.

It's okay to arrest Anluns. After all, someone confessed to him, and he was from the Central Government. He planted a mole in the Central Government to spy on important information about the Central Government, and the Central Government had reason to arrest people.

This alone makes him unforgivable.

No matter which country, spies are not protected.

"We can't use punishment, and he won't cooperate. Is it possible that we just let him go?"

Even an ordinary foreigner is more important than the lives of so-called high-ranking officials like them.

As a result, it was useless for Ye Feng to come forward in person. Allens refused to admit that he had inquired about the intelligence of Zhongtong, let alone sold the information to the Red Party.

It is said that the family laws of the military commanders are more stringent than the national laws. The people of the military commanders would rather touch the national laws than dare to violate the family laws, otherwise life would be worse than death.

Xu Lin originally wanted to imitate others. After catching the British man, he also cooperated with him to open up new intelligence channels. It didn't matter if he paid for it, the Central Command had the money.

No one has been in contact yet, which proves that the emergency moment has not yet reached.

If you don't need it, why do it?

Xu Lin nodded readily. Bao Shengqun's wife was from the Xu family. Her family had a strong background. Even though Mr. Xu had stepped down, Bao Shengqun could not be easily offended.

When Bao Shengqun drank, Xu Lin suddenly asked: "Old Bao, since you knew there was a problem with the general affairs, why didn't you go check it yourself?"

That's right, their goal is to catch the red party. The intelligence dealer is not important. If you catch him, it is best to get him to confess. If you don't confess, it will be the same if you can achieve the goal.

So what if he waits a few more years, he is young anyway.

Mr. Xu was dismissed from his post, not investigated.

Such is the family law of military commanders.

"Yes." Xu Lin took the order.

There is no benefit, and it is an internal investigation that offends people. Only people who have nothing to do will do it. Bao Shengqun is a smart man, and he really does not have the need.

Xu Lin arrested several people from the General Affairs Office and then a foreigner.

He is not stupid and knows Bao Shengqun's identity.

"Old Bao, it has to be you."

Xu Lin nodded. There was no point in keeping these two people. The intelligence department was different from the military. They did not need to be tried. Those who were found to be at fault could handle it themselves.

It's a pity that Xu Suzhen is a person who is used to being busy, so she doesn't adapt to being free.

In the past, he was definitely a well-known figure in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Mr. Xu stepped down, and it was lucky that Bao Shengqun was not implicated and questioned.

"Commander, what should I do? Should I be punished?"

"It's true, Lao Bao, you are smart and have many ideas. Is there any way to make him trust us and cooperate with us? We really have not thought about killing him."

Xu Lin was not in a hurry. What he was investigating now was the General Affairs Department. There was also the Operations Department. After the Operations Department was investigated, there were also the Supervision Department, the Interrogation Department, etc. He was going to screen the entire Zhongtong to see if he could find anything. Get rid of the traitor.

"You and I, brothers, there is no need to be polite."

"Yes, you want to cooperate with him and ask him to reveal the intelligence purchased by the Red Party. But he is a businessman. Doing this is tantamount to destroying his own brand. You will definitely not do this. Why don't you settle for the next best thing? , take the initiative to cooperate with him and purchase information from the Red Party?"

"Old Bao, thank you very much this time."

Bao Shengqun came over. He and Xu Lin had an unusual relationship, and they could make many jokes.

"Do I need it? What good will it do to me if I find out? Besides, if I find out, what will happen to you?"

Bao Shengqun kept explaining, and Xu Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

In the past few months, he gradually discovered that his department director was very wise and foolish. Even though their director didn't care about anything, this was the reason why his director was so smart.

"Let him go?"

Dare to catch foreigners and prove that there is solid evidence, otherwise even Ye Feng would not act rashly at this time. So what exactly did Xu Lin find?

Bao Shengqun didn't ask. He would know when he went back to the conference machine at night that if the red party was really caught, his boss would keep calling him at night for emergency contact.

Unexpectedly, the British did not cooperate at all. He said that he would not admit his identity.

As for the words Xu Lin and Ye Feng said about cooperation, he regarded them as inducements to confess.

Deal with such a traitor as soon as you find him, and there will be absolutely no second outcome.

Ye Feng shook his head. Allens knew Chinese and spoke it well. But when he entered the Central Government, he pretended to be crazy and acted like he didn't understand Chinese at all. He answered everything he asked in English, "I don't know."

Beat him to death and he won't admit it.

Bao Shengqun shook his head slightly and asked three consecutive questions. Xu Lin was stunned and immediately understood what Bao Shengqun meant.

"He was worried that you would lie to him, so he didn't recruit him. If he doesn't recruit for a long time, you will have to let him go regardless of internal or external pressure."

"You didn't use punishment, did you?"

This is not surprising to Bao Shengqun. Xu Laogui only wanted to make money at the beginning. Zhongtong could get in almost by giving money. It was very easy to put people in. What he was thinking now was, was the person Xu Lin caught a red party?

Probably not. If it were the Red Party, the people on the line would not be foreign devils.

The director asked him to ask less about the Intelligence Division. He understood what he meant. Less, not no.

As long as the empire initiates diplomatic procedures, given the weakness of the Chinese people, it will definitely rescue him.

"Okay, you go call my sister-in-law, I'll wait for you."

Now Bao Shengqun is completely relieved and does not need to go back to open the radio station. Xu Lin is not arresting the red party.

In the interrogation room, the British man who was arrested had a very tough attitude. Xu Lin was not Chu Lingyun, so he was really frightened.

It's true that he deserves credit for finding out, but Bao Shengqun doesn't need it.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows. He could arrest people, but he could never kill people at will. Now that Allens was not cooperating, he was equally passive.

Ye Feng was relieved, and after thinking for a while, he decided to personally come forward to persuade Allens.

A great future is in front of him, and Xiao Wu will not let go of this rare opportunity.

Xu Lin asked Bao Shengqun to get in the car, while Bao Shengqun shook his head: "It's okay to drink, but I have to call home and make arrangements with my family."

Bao Shengqun was right about one thing. If he had checked, he would have nothing to do. Xu Lin would not be able to get such credit.

If the military commander had no one on their side, they wouldn't believe it.

"For them, as long as they can make money, they don't care who the customer is, and once they cooperate, he will benefit and won't make trouble, and your arrest of him will be revealed."

Now that he is not the head of the intelligence department, his office is not in the most advantageous position, and the situation in the compound cannot be seen from here.

this is the truth.

"Old Bao, thank you very much."

This gave Mr. Xu the capital to confront the military commander.

"It's nothing. If you don't go and do your business, why are you blocking me?"

"You definitely can't let him go. He should be locked up first and let someone who understands English persuade him properly."

"It's so easy, just let him go."

Catching these three people finally allowed him to make a comeback, and he was grateful to Bao Shengqun.

Helpless, Xu Lin found a translator to communicate with him. Unfortunately, Allens still refused to accept this trick and refused to admit it.

Bao Shengqun got off work on time. As soon as he left the building of the Inspectorate, he saw Xu Lin waving to him in the car.

At first he was happy to assign him to the Inspectorate, but later he was unhappy when he learned that he was being asked to serve alone as a consultant, and that the consultant had previously been the director of the Intelligence Division.

That means you can continue to inquire.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a backstage, or the backstage is not strong enough to change the appointment. He has no choice but to set up a table outside Bao Shengqun's office to serve Bao Shengqun.

Bao Shengqun returned to the office and looked out the window.

But if he beat someone to death, he couldn't bear the punishment from above.

"Let's deal with those two as soon as possible."

Ye Feng said suddenly, referring to the other two people captured by Xu Lin.

Bao Shengqun understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, shook his head and replied.

Xu Lin shook his head hastily. He had already obtained a confession if he could have been tortured. How could he be so passive in filing a complaint?

Under severe torture, Xu Lin discovered that he indeed had no connection with the Red Party, but the things he did were equivalent to indirectly helping the Red Party, which was really abominable.

The military commander also did not kill anyone, but instead cooperated with British intelligence agencies.

Xu Lin poured the wine happily. He was right to treat Bao Shengqun to a drink today. Sure enough, the problem that he had no solution for was easily solved by Bao Shengqun.

The old saying is true, having an elder in a family is like having a treasure.

Bao Shengqun was secretly happy, as long as Xu Lin listened. If he listened, it would be equivalent to preserving the Red Party's channel for purchasing information.

Thanks to Fengyun Danmo for another reward of 1,000 starting coins, and thanks to Sunshine_Xiaoyu for the reward of 100 starting coins. I was discharged from the hospital today. The doctor told me to go home and recuperate. When the body fully recovers, Xiaoyu will resume updating.

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