Spy Shadow

Chapter 84 Suspected

Chapter 84: Suspected

"Brother Limin, if the operations department can improve, you will be my biggest benefactor." He raised his glass with both hands and toasted to Secretary Qi.

"You and I, my old classmates, don't be so polite."

Secretary Qi smiled and picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Having been with Virgo for so many years, Secretary Qi knows very well that Virgo is someone who does big things. He is Virgo's secretary, and the two of them share weal and woe.

Chu Lingyun is a very good young man, an absolute talent. It would be a pity to have him next to Wang Yuemin, as he will not be able to play his due role.

Secretary Qi didn't have much contact with Wang Yuemin, but he knew him fairly well.

Wang Yuemin has abilities, but he is not top-notch, and his aggressiveness is slightly lacking. He was just unlucky to discover such a talent, which completely changed his image in the hearts of Virgos.

If Chu Lingyun wanted to perform better, following Wang Yuemin would be a restriction for him.

The headquarters is the stage for him to show his talents. If Chu Lingyun can be as dazzling at the headquarters as in Wuhan, then it will not only be the New Year's greetings that will benefit, but also Virgo and him.

Secretary Qi made this suggestion for the New Year, which actually served multiple purposes.

In Wuhan, people sent by Chu Lingyun sent back news one after another.

The investigation of the twenty-four people progressed very quickly, and their detailed information was obtained two days later. Chu Lingyun read each information at least three times, analyzing and considering it carefully.

In the end, twelve people's names were crossed out by him.

These twelve people either live in seclusion and dare not contact outsiders, or they just focus on making money and ignore everything else, especially the government and military departments.

If intelligence personnel don't do this, they will find ways to contact people in the government and military. Only in this way can they get what they want.

In addition, those who actively hang out with the poor and help the poor must be crossed out. Chu Lingyun explains this very well. How can real spies be so active in helping the poor? They are hypocrites and not true kindness.

Twelve people were removed, and the three teams only needed to monitor the remaining twelve people, and the workload was reduced by half.

Chu Lingyun had no idea whether there was a spy among the remaining people, or which one was a spy. The three groups would rely purely on luck to see who had better luck.

"Team leader."

When Chu Lingyun arrived at Deyuan Street, Shen Hanwen immediately greeted him.

Here is the target of their surveillance, a 28-year-old shipbuilding technician.

This man came to Wuhan two years ago. He was alone, spoke with a northern accent, and had lived alone for two years. Someone knew that he was not married and offered to introduce him to a partner, but he declined.

In addition, he has a good reputation in the neighborhood and work unit, and the people who have come in contact with him have a very good impression of him.

And where he worked, he had the opportunity to come into contact with warships on the river. There were not many warships in Wuhan, but there were some, and he had the opportunity to explore this information.

People like him were the focus of attention in the final list of twelve people. Chu Lingyun specially asked Shen Hanwen to keep an eye on him personally to ensure safety.

"Has he been unusual recently?" Chu Lingyun looked through the surveillance records and asked casually.

Shen Hanwen shook his head and said: "No, as usual, he goes home from work every day and has little contact with outsiders, and no one has come to see him."

"Monitor for another two days. If there are still no abnormalities, implement the second plan."

Chu Lingyun put down the surveillance records. The so-called second plan was to actively test.

To monitor someone who has not been abnormal for a period of time, send experienced veterans to sneak in when he is not at home.

The purpose of infiltrating is not to search for evidence, but to check whether there are counter-investigation arrangements and whether poisons and weapons are hidden.

If so, then there must be something wrong with this person. Even if surveillance fails to produce results, he must be arrested and interrogated.

All Chu Lingyun's arrangements were linked one by one, and the net was tightening. Chu Lingyun had a hunch that this time, after so long and so much effort, his work would not be in vain.

Chu Lingyun visited all twelve surveillance points.

Captain Yao and Captain Huang were also outside at this time, personally leading people to monitor. This was their first collective action after the expansion of their action team, and it was also the first time that Chu Lingyun led them. They must achieve results.

"There must be no slack in monitoring the targets."

At each surveillance point, Chu Lingyun would definitely give the same instructions again to strengthen their emphasis on surveillance personnel. He even personally checked the surveillance records of several key targets.

It can be said that Chu Lingyun is fully aware of the work progress of the entire action team.

The next night, in the action team meeting room.

Chu Lingyun sat in the first place, with two squadron captains on his left and right, and nine squad captains from three action groups sitting on both sides.

All senior members of the action team, except for the faceless team leader, gathered in the conference room.

"Team leader, through the second set of plans, we discovered that there were anti-investigation arrangements in the homes of three people. They either placed hair in the cracks of the door, sprinkled dirt, or specially made easy-to-change marks."

Twelve people, three of whom have abnormalities in their families, this ratio is quite high.

And these three people happen to be one per squadron.

"Hanwen, tell me about the situation over there." Chu Lingyun looked at Shen Hanwen. Among the three people with abnormalities, the shipbuilding technician he was monitoring was one of them.

"Team leader, this person's name is Liu Mingfei, a native of Shandong. He came to Wuhan two years and one month ago and has been living at No. 27 Anxia Street since then. His monthly salary is 35 yuan, which is considered high among technicians. Ordered.”

"Liu Mingfei's daily life is very regular. He has no other activities except going to work. His only hobby is fishing. He often fishes in a place by the river. We have checked that place and found no abnormalities for the time being. However, if he has a dead mailbox, in The possibilities are great with this location.”

After Shen Hanwen finished his report, he looked at Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun said: "There is indeed a possibility of dead mailboxes on the riverside, but there is a lot of traffic there and the river water rises from time to time. It is not the best place for dead mailboxes. Since he likes fishing, where can he buy fishing gear? What happened to the fish that fell? Disposal? Which sections of road does he pass when he goes fishing? Have these been investigated? "

Shen Hanwen lowered his head, his face slightly red: "Not yet, I will start investigating these tomorrow."

"The investigation has made it clear that if he is really a spy, these are all places where intelligence may be passed on."

Chu Lingyun did not criticize Shen Hanwen. Time was limited. Shen Hanwen had already found out a lot of things. He could not be too demanding on other people.

"Captain Yao, where are you?"

Captain Yao immediately sat up straight and said slowly: "We found out that the unusual person is named Zhang Dezhu. He is from Tianjin. He came to Hankou a year and seven months ago. He works as a driver and often helps government departments transport goods. The owner of their trucking company has good connections with the government.”

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