Spy Shadow

Chapter 840 The Boy Attacks (Congratulations to the new leader Leng Binghan 520 plus update 2

It’s wonderful to think about, that’s real life.

Not only Charles, but everyone on the ship was imagining a better life after arriving elsewhere, unaware that danger had already arrived.

They headed for Leyte Gulf, also without destroyer escort. Under water, a Japanese submarine spotted them and was adjusting its torpedo muzzle.


The Japanese submarine commander gave a decisive order, and two torpedoes flew out. With two loud noises, the Indianapolis was hit on the starboard side. The huge shock caused Charles to fall to the ground.

He knew without reporting that they had encountered a Japanese submarine and had been torpedoed.

"Quick, leave immediately."

Charles didn't care to check the damage to the ship. They had no anti-submarine capabilities. The best way to encounter a submarine was to use speed to leave.

Unfortunately, this time it was just wishful thinking on his part.

Not to mention leaving, two torpedoes caused the Indianapolis to roll over, and the ship may not be saved.


In Thailand, Hei Hayakawa also received domestic news.

They are too heavy to be loaded directly onto an airplane.

It’s around nine o’clock in the morning, Shanghai.

He confirmed again and again, interviewed many witnesses, and even sent witnesses to Tokyo for questioning, and sent people to Hiroshima to check the situation on the spot.

As for their money, there are many ways to send it back to the country.

Chu Lingyun looked at all the employees, feeling happy in her heart, but her voice was filled with sadness: "If you have relatives in Hiroshima, go and send a report immediately. I will ask the employees of the domestic trading companies to help you find out the whereabouts of your relatives as much as possible."

Before he died, he gave all his strength to Ishihara Hiroshi. Ishihara Hiroshi had come back and specially helped Touman with the funeral.

If Japan does not surrender, such bombs will fall on their heads.

There are sharks in this area.

The weather in August was getting hotter and hotter, and Japan remained stubborn. Even though the United States bombed them many times, they still refused to surrender.

Some people are very scared.

This name is good and means more to him.

The crimes he committed in China are not trivial.

They are not China and have sufficient strategic depth.

On the contrary, they are more active, selling more things, and even reducing prices and promoting sales.

The Americans who arranged these things had no idea of ​​the power of this fat guy. Everyone laughed and rolled the things down, which made those who knew about it break into a cold sweat.

With him around, the Fourth Division never lacks supplies, and now its business is very large and very active.

Hayakawa responded with a smile. The situation in Japan has not affected the Fourth Division at all. They should do whatever they should do. There is no war here, which makes the Fourth Division most satisfied.

In this way, they can know the situation of their family members or relatives as quickly as possible.

In order to survive, they will buy new drugs no matter how expensive they are.

It seemed that they had only one way to surrender, but those hardliners gave Yu Ren a little hope. If there was a glimmer of a way, who would be willing to surrender?

He is the emperor, not an ordinary person.

The Americans actually have such powerful weapons. It seems that the empire will surrender without the United States landing this time.

After the bombing, the United States once again urged Japan to surrender unconditionally and warned them that if they did not surrender, more such bombs would fall on their heads, including Tokyo.

In short, there are many contradictions, and they are looking for reasons for themselves.

On Tinian Island, Paul was very excited, watching everyone reload.

Now that the Japanese are numb to bombing, it will be a miracle if there is no bombing.

Especially the US military who had come into contact with the little boy on Tinian Island had no idea that the little boy was so powerful.

Returning to his residence, the queen held his hand and whispered comfort.

They discovered another benefit of these Japanese people.

Although they don't know exactly how to make such a weapon, the size will definitely not be small.

The next step was Japan's surrender. After so many years, he finally waited for this day.

According to the Americans, the bomb they dropped was codenamed Little Boy.

The little boy should be about to take off.

After Touman's death, Ishihara Hiroshi took great care of Touman's descendants and was also very kind to other Touman's disciples. If there were any difficulties, he would help if he found him.

Including Saijo and Konoe.

Neither of them could escape.

Some people had no time to put on life jackets and had to rely on others.

They transported the little boy without incident, but were sunk by a Japanese submarine when they left. I don't know whether they were lucky or unlucky.

Surrender means letting go and putting your future destiny in the hands of others.

As for the local Thais, they were a little afraid of the Fourth Division at first. Later, they gradually discovered that these Japanese were different from other Japanese. They were not so fierce and had a very good attitude.

No need to be reminded by the commander, the US military on Tinian Island spontaneously went on alert, whether it was at sea or in the air.

Yu Ren asked Tian Junliu. Now Tian Junliu has been promoted to marshal. Once he surrenders, he will be the number one war criminal.

In Chongqing, newspapers continued to publish extra headlines, and broadcasters shouted excitedly.

The power of the bomb was astonishing. The huge sun fell on the ground, and all people and objects in the center of the explosion disappeared. The strong aftermath of the explosion killed many people nearby.

They were the only ship and failed to notify friendly forces. Charles was filled with despair.

Hayakawa Hei knew very well that as long as there is another such bomb, Japan will soon be unable to hold on.

And they never rob, only sell things.

The specific number of casualties has not yet been calculated, but there must be many, at least tens of thousands, or even more.

Finally, he had to admit that the Americans had mastered a powerful new weapon.

It is impossible for a bomb to cause such a huge loss.

Yu Ren remained silent and said no more.

Among them is Charles.

"Your Majesty, we are helpless."

Especially the pilots, they didn't know the situation.

Everyone from the division commander to the ordinary soldiers had an excellent impression of Yagyu.

The ship sank quickly, and all the officers and soldiers of the Indianapolis, including Charles, could only use life rafts and life jackets to float on the sea.

Tian Junliu replied softly. His attitude was obvious. They could not continue the fight. Even if they could defend their homeland for a while, they would still be unable to avoid the fate of destruction in the end.

At this time, he didn't know that the mission he was about to perform was about to shock the world.

There are also many wealthy people in Thailand who do not want to die but want to live.

For Yu Ren, who has always held great power and was superior, it was also unacceptable and even more uncomfortable than killing him.

They also have new American drugs that are difficult to buy on the black market.

Some people have brought their wives and children, but their parents are still in the country.

There are many smart people in the Fourth Division, and the empire is about to be unable to support it. Once it surrenders, they will soon return home.

Soon they discovered an even more tragic situation.

But he became the final winner.

These pilots are very skilled and are the trump cards of all armies.

It's just that the price is very expensive.

Yu Ren holds meetings every day and quarrels endlessly.

The time came to August 6th, and Chu Lingyun stood in front of the window. He was looking in the direction of Japan.

"Get rich."

"Thank you, sir."

The captain left happily. Yagyu was their noble man. No matter what they needed or how much they wanted, Yagyu could provide them with everything they wanted.

The employees in Hiroshima were immediately grateful and said that it was better for their boss to let them use the company's radio station to communicate with the country immediately every time something happened.

If he wanted to survive, the only way to survive was to surrender.

The boy appeared, and the fat man was not far away.

Those who were brave went to buy their things, and soon everyone was shopping here.

Such weapons are really terrifying.

The radio station of Ishihara Trading Company suddenly became busy. Not only them, but also the military radio stations in various places were even busier at this time, especially Tokyo.

Seeing this code name, Bao Shengqun was startled.

After the meeting, Chu Lingyun returned to the office and immediately sneered.

No matter what you want, as long as you pay enough, there is nothing they can't come up with, even some medicines.

Just now, their ally, the United States, used the latest and most powerful bomb in Japan. One bomb was enough to destroy a city.

It wasn't until August 2 that a U.S. anti-submarine bomber discovered the survivors in this area, and then rescued the dying sailors ashore. The remaining more than 300 people finally escaped.

This involves another question. It is so big, can it be carried by an airplane?

The sinking of the Indianapolis once again angered top U.S. officials.

Walking on the road, I met a captain who was happily driving out.

When he received this report, Yu Ren's eyes were dull. How could it be possible?

I couldn't survive last winter because I was so full that I finally died.

Directly destroy a city.

"Marshal Tian Jun, what do you think?"

Fortunately, he was prepared in advance.

If the United States is unwilling to spare him, once it surrenders, he will be meat on the chopping board and can be manipulated by others.

Hiroshi Ishihara is the last disciple of Touman and the youngest one.

The 508 group is small in number, but they are all proud of God. They chat and fight every day without any idea of ​​what kind of tasks they will perform next.

They deployed many mines in an attempt to prevent or delay the American landing.

More people are now afraid.

Tuyuan didn't show up, so he didn't dare.

When the ship sank, many injured or dead soldiers attracted sharks with their blood. Forget the dead, sharks were a huge threat to the living.

Soon, the Americans issued a statement explaining the incident and once again urging Japan to surrender unconditionally.

The Americans were very angry. In addition to the little boy, the fat man also came to the place in batches and prepared a special tunnel for them.

He received the bombing mission, and the superiors took this mission very seriously and asked him to carry a new type of bomb to bomb Hiroshima.

Hard-liners are still stubborn. Such a powerful weapon is definitely not easy to develop. It requires huge costs and raw materials. It is impossible for the United States to have such a thing.

Hiroshima, Japan, was bombed and Japan would soon be destroyed.

Many people wrote on the bomb. They regarded the shell as an ordinary aerial bomb. The Navy has the habit of leaving names on large shells.

Shanghai, Shiyuan Trading Company.

They know best that the little boy has a brother who is being assembled here. This little guy named Fatty is as scary as his brother.

If they don't want to die, they can only hold on.

The Fourth Division also knows the situation in Japan, but unfortunately no one cares, let alone no one cares.

His eyes gradually became moist. Little boy, this is his code name. It is also the yearning for his son. He did not expect that the Americans would use such a name this time.

Many radicals in the military indoctrinate young people with indoctrination ideas every day. They don't have enough weapons and have to fight the Americans with kitchen knives.

The Japanese are going to be finished. Countless Japanese have been killed just this time. He will not have any mercy if the Japanese die. His son, such a lovely son, was killed by the Japanese.

At the US military base, people who knew the power of the explosion were also frightened. They did not expect that the seemingly inconspicuous bomb before could be so powerful.

Hiroshima was lit up in the sky, and some employees of Ishihara Trading Company in Hiroshima were very anxious at this time.

The whole Chongqing was shaken.

Bao Shengqun asked Xiao Wu to buy several extra tickets and watch them carefully in the office.

Yagyu is in the Fourth Division, no one can harm him.

High-level officials in the United States adopted very strict confidentiality measures for this weapon. They selected the best pilots from the navy, land and air force to form the 508th Group, which was specifically responsible for carrying out this bombing mission.

Ikuto was even more silent. He remembered Shigeto's words. If he continued to hold on, he would definitely die if the Allied forces captured Tokyo and captured him alive.

The violent explosion destroyed the telecommunications room and they were unable to even send a message for help.

Contrary to Chongqing, there was a cry of mourning in Japan. Many hard-line elements had shut up before. Some people were afraid that they would be liquidated after surrender. After all, they had committed heinous crimes during the war.

After all, Yu Ren still harbors illusions.

Before returning to China, hurry up and sell more things and make a good profit.

There is no surrender now, but it is just a little luck in the emperor's heart.

The princess also ran over. Seeing the princess, Yu Ren thought of Ishihara Hiroshi again.

But this time the bombing was different from the previous one.

With no one to rescue and even weapons scarce, this place quickly became a hell on earth.

There are many Thais, giving them a large market.

The car is full of all kinds of goods.

"Get rich."

The most important thing is that the things they sell are not expensive, even cheaper than what they sell themselves.

Japan is an island country, and it is very small. It is surrounded by the sea. They will have no place to run when the time comes.

Tinian Island is not big. If the little boy loses his temper while they are here, the entire island may be destroyed.

On this day, the whole of Japan was silent.

Just now, Hiroshima was bombed again by the US military.

Shanghai is very stable now. Ishihara Hiroshi is doing very well. He has many successors and has found a good apprentice.

Although Japan didn't have many planes, it still had them. Their bushido spirit was really terrifying. Those Japanese who risked their lives and died together with their planes left a deep impression on the US military.

If any Japanese gets crazy and flies a plane over to hit them, wouldn't they die unjustly?

Anyway, these days, you must be careful.

Many people prayed that the fat man should be thrown out as soon as possible. He would be scary if he was left here.

I couldn't sleep at night.

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