Spy Shadow

Chapter 843 All dare to sell

In Chongqing, the old man gave orders one after another.

Radio stations everywhere were extremely active today. Japan surrendered and was ready to surrender to the Chinese. But in the old man's heart, Japan was only allowed to surrender to him and could only surrender to him.

Especially around Nanjing and Shanghai.

Fortunately, in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun was there and the situation was under control. However, he still asked the negotiators to tell Imai to ask Gangcun to order that the Japanese in all parts of the country were in standby, waiting for the Guo army to receive them.

Without the permission of the president of Changda University, he is not allowed to surrender to any other armed forces.

It is self-evident who the old man was guarding against by doing this.

There are no regular troops of the Guo Army near Nanjing and Shanghai, only a small number of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, and the old man of the Loyalty and Salvation Army is also not so assured.

The largest number is the Fourth Army.

That was the team of the Red Party. After Japan surrendered, the old man's biggest enemy immediately became the Red Party. Not to mention now, before Japan surrendered, he kept making small moves, and now he has no scruples.

The combat situation team also received the order.

It was Chu Yuan who received the order.

After Japan surrendered, he would be able to resume his true identity immediately, but now he still wears the appearance of Chu Er.

After reading the message, Chu Yuan lowered his head and remained silent.

Japan's surrender is a good thing, but the Fruit Party really disagrees with its approach and actually asked the Japanese to defend the Red Party.

Don't the Fruit Party people know the ferocity of these Japanese?

The longer the gun is in their hands, the more danger the people will face.

The top leaders of the Guo Party have no regard for the lives of the people at all.

They only see their own power and status.

It was enough to let the Japanese defend themselves, but they actually activated so many traitors and even re-appointed the traitors.

For example, people like Zhou Fojiang actually have new appointments.

Who doesn't know that he is a hard-core traitor?

Chu Yuan was deeply disappointed. This was completely different from the expectations he had when he joined the army. What he wanted was to protect his family and country, protect the people, and let the people live a good life in the future.

Because of the party's struggle for power and its disregard for the lives of the people, he no longer had any hope.

Will the team leader become such a person in the future?

An idea suddenly came to Chu Yuan's mind. This idea was very bold. You must know that Chu Lingyun was not only his superior, but also his boss, and the best person to him.

He is someone to whom he is completely loyal and willing to die.

He actually doubted the team leader.

Soon Chu Yuan shook his head. He had been with Chu Lingyun for many years and knew the team leader very well. Their team leader was not the type of person who bullied the people. Not only was he not, he was also quite good to the people.

Although the team leader may appear to be evil on the outside, he is actually very kind-hearted.

Chu Yuan was very glad that he followed a good commander.

When the team leader comes back, he will hand over the message that Japan has surrendered. However, without the team leader's order, he cannot restore his identity, let alone be directly exposed.

Everything is waiting for orders from above.

The Americans were equally happy that Japan surrendered. This damn war had been going on for so long and so many people had died. It was finally coming to an end.

The supreme commander of the Allied Pacific Theater was Mike.

He received the order and prepared to go to Japan in person to be responsible for the disarming and post-war work of the dungeon. Mike was very concerned about this work and immediately called the think tank around him to help him analyze and formulate a plan.

Mike first looked at Thomas. Thomas was still by Mike's side. Now Mike trusted him very much. With the money Chu Lingyun gave him every year, Thomas was living a good life now.

He is content with this status quo.

As for Mike, he ate to his heart's content.

Needless to say, sales of new drugs will be taken away as soon as they can be produced, and production is increasing every year.

The price has dropped, but you can still make money.

Last year he received more than $7 million in dividends.

It hasn't reached 10 million yet, but Mike is extremely satisfied.

Dividends from pharmaceutical companies are now his largest income.

The pharmaceutical factory is no longer one. Chu Lingyun has established another factory in the United States and has put it into production. He will also receive dividends.

Now it is only provided to the military. If it is liberalized and opened to the public, their output will not be enough.

Mike also knew that Chu Lingyun had never given up on research and development, and continued to invest a lot of money in research and development. He also wanted to increase the production of new drugs and increase the production to one million pills per month as soon as possible.

Only with enough output can the people benefit.

It has been provided to the military. Except for the rich and powerful, it is difficult for ordinary people to get this medicine.

It is available on the black market, but the price is extremely high.

Mike knew very well that the benefits now could not compare with the benefits of complete liberalization in the future. After all, the military could only use it in a limited way. If the U.S. government had not used new drugs to seek benefits internationally, the production capacity would have been enough for the U.S. soldiers themselves.

If he is completely liberalized in the future, his annual dividends will definitely exceed tens of millions of dollars, or even more.

"Thomas, you have been in China for many years and know Japan very well. Please tell me first."

Mike asked calmly, and Thomas immediately sat up straight: "General, the Japanese are very strange. When they are not defeated, they are very tough, but once they surrender, they become soft-footed shrimps again, so I suggest you, you can Go there early, there is no need to wait for them to sign the surrender letter. Of course, the prerequisite is to collect their weapons and disarm them first."

Thomas gave sound advice.

After the little boy exploded, Thomas was so excited that these damn Japanese finally paid the price.

When he was in Shanghai, he was severely punished by the Japanese. The director of the Concession Board and the Commissioner of Police treated him like a slave, constantly humiliating him.

After Japan surrendered, Thomas immediately sent a telegram to Chu Lingyun, hoping that he could help him take revenge and kill Jiang Tengkong from the Special High School.

It was Jiang Tengkong who captured him in the first place and put him in prison. He was not in Shanghai. If he were, he would definitely take revenge with his own hands.

Jiang Tengkong can die. He is not Chen Zhanli and is not really one of our own. Besides, he also has Chinese blood on his hands.

But before you die, you must completely drain his value.

Not yet.

"what about you?"

Mike continued to ask. Everyone had different opinions, but almost everyone supported Mike to go to Japan early.

The difference is what you do after arriving in Japan.

There are hard-liners who advocate transporting all prisoners of war to the United States and making them work as coolies to make up for the damage caused by the war. Others say they want revenge.

Those Japanese officers and soldiers with American blood on their hands must all be killed.

There were all kinds of suggestions, but Mike was confused and dismissed the meeting hastily.

Although there is no final conclusion, it is a foregone conclusion that he will go to Japan. This is also the requirement above. Japan needs a senior American military officer to stabilize the situation.

In Yanzhou, dozens of people were sitting in a house.

Furumura Aki is among them.

These people had different expressions, some were excited, some were melancholy, and some were confused.

"Everyone, first of all, congratulations to everyone, we have won."

Furucun Qiu said with a smile that they are all anti-war people, especially Furucun Qiu, who joined the Chinese Red Party a long time ago and has been in Yanzhou for many years and has done a lot of practical things.

"Gucun, what will we do after victory?"

A person with a confused face asked, they are all Japanese, they came together to fight against the war. Now that the war is over, where should they go?

"I called everyone here just to talk to you about these things."

Furumura Qiu had talked with Mr. Ke and several leaders before coming. The basis for the existence of the anti-war alliance was war. After Japan surrendered, they really had no need to retain it.

Now that Japan has just surrendered, these people are Japanese and need to calm down their emotions.

"The domestic cabinet is unpopular, and defeat is inevitable. Although Ikuto has announced his surrender, he has not yet completed the process of surrender. When Japan completely surrenders, our anti-war alliance will also be cancelled."

"As for you, if you want to return home, I will find a way to send you back, but after you go back, you must be careful. As long as Yu Ren does not step down, you will still not be safe."

"Those who do not want to return to China and are willing to stay in China are like me and we will work hard for the cause of the Red Party together. There are also some comrades who have not joined the Red Party. Whether they want to join China or Japan, just bring it up and I will help you find one. I’m a good introducer to join the party, but I really don’t want to and just want to live an ordinary life, and I will also find a way to help you settle in.”

Furumura Qiu slowly said that he had considered it very comprehensively. There was no need for the anti-war alliance to exist. All members would make arrangements according to their wishes.

There are not many people in the anti-war alliance, and most of them are Japanese.

Now these are the representatives who basically express the wishes of all members of the anti-war coalition.

"I want to go back to my country."

Someone suddenly shouted. He was a squad leader in the Japanese army and was an officer.

But he didn't want war, and he couldn't bear to see the people around him harming the Chinese people.

After seeing the atrocities of the Japanese army in the army, he ran out secretly. He was later caught by the Red Party guerrillas and almost escaped being shot.

Fortunately, the guerrillas saw that he did not resist, so they found a way to find a translator and figured out his situation.

Later he was sent to Yanzhou and became a member of the anti-war alliance.

"Okay, no problem, I'll write it down."

Furumura Qiu immediately responded and took a note to write down his name and thoughts. They would not stop anyone who wanted to return to the country.

Find a suitable opportunity to send them back.

The anti-war alliance is full of comrades, including the officer just now. He is definitely not willing to continue to be a soldier. He also wants to reunite with his family when he goes back.

Furumura Qiu can understand.

"I want to stay in China and am willing to join the Chinese Red Party."

One person took the initiative and said, and soon everyone expressed their opinions. Some were willing to join the Red Party, while others wanted to live a stable life as ordinary people.

No matter what they wanted, Furumura Qiu took note of it all carefully and then arranged it according to their wishes.

Time passed slowly, and the negotiations between Imai and Kudang continued.

Japanese people everywhere experienced a variety of emotions such as anger, unwillingness, and confusion, and gradually calmed down and waited for their final fate.

Especially those soldiers who were tired of the war. They were happy that they no longer had to fight.

In Thailand, the Fourth Division is getting busier.

They have sold almost all the things that can be sold. Some people even sold their bedding. Anyway, it is not cold now and they can be covered with clothes.

Anyway, everything that could be sold for money was sold by them.

This is nothing, those few who sell titles are powerful, empty handed, fake canonization books and emperor's seals can bring them a good income.

Their move stunned many people, and some immediately started to imitate it.

The most egregious one was Major General Sekiya. After learning what they were doing, he immediately united everyone to increase the price of the titles and not allow them to be sold at low prices.

The title is not valuable, and there are only so many people who can buy it.

Not only that, someone suggested that he wanted to live the life of an emperor. This guy actually laid out the emperor's position. As long as he gave enough money, the emperor and the others would sell it.

This wave of operations really stunned Hayakawa Taira.

Compared with his fellow villagers, he is as innocent as a little white rabbit. In terms of being shameless and discovering business opportunities, these fellow villagers are higher than the other.

If Ikuto knew that his position as emperor had been sold, I wonder what he would think.

But it doesn't matter what Ikuto thinks. After the surrender, whether he, the emperor, can survive depends entirely on the mood of the Americans. So what if he knows?

Are you really going to get rid of the Fourth Division?

"Ishihara-kun, a batch has been processed."

In Shanghai, Takemoto entered Chu Lingyun's office. Shanghai was the most thorough and guarded the office.

It's a pity that some of the traitors he imprisoned were released by the old man's order.

However, these people's properties have been confiscated by him, and their things have been properly placed by Chu Lingyun.

"very good."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Takemoto was reporting on the restless people in the army. With so many people, there must be some who are unwilling to surrender and want to continue to resist.

No matter who it is, Chu Lingyun will kill someone if they have some clues.

"Ishihara-kun, what should we do?"

Takemoto asked carefully. Japan had surrendered, and he had to follow Ishihara Toru's steps.

The reason is simple. He, the commander of the military police, will soon be dismissed.

Even if he saves his life, his future future will still be in Ishihara Hiroshi's hands. After all, Ishihara Hiroshi has money. Even after the war, money can still do a lot of things.

Moreover, he knew that Toru Ishihara really had plans abroad.

Although the smuggler was killed by Toru Ishihara for meat, the arrangements in Brazil could not be faked. He secretly inquired, and all the people sent by the smuggler responded.

Hiroshi Ishihara also has a strong background there.

"Don't worry. When the situation stabilizes, you can return home first and wait for my arrangements. Don't worry, I will make proper arrangements for you."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly and continued to deceive.

The only thing he has to do now is to stabilize the situation. In two days, the military commanders will first take over part of Shanghai and some of the puppet troops to help with the city defense and wait for the Guo army to enter the city.

The old man attached great importance to Shanghai and Nanjing, and he didn't have much time to arrive with the large troops. He asked the United States to use transport planes to help him transport some soldiers first and take over these places first.

However, no matter how fast they are, they are not as fast as the military commander. After all, there are always people in the military commander lurking here. All they need to do is reveal their identity publicly.


Takemoto immediately felt at ease. It was good that Ishihara Toru had not forgotten him. With Ishihara Toru's arrangements, he was no longer confused about the future.

Even if he is not in the military, as long as Ishihara Hiroshi is around, the future will still be bright.

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