Spy Shadow

Chapter 845: Cross it off in one stroke

Chapter 845: Cross it off in one stroke

The shape of the prison is long and slender, with cells on both sides and a slender passage leading inside.

This is No. 76, which is heavily guarded. There is a door inside that separates the innermost cell from the outside.

The further inside you go, the more important the people are, and this time there is no exception.

Director Chen Zhanli was held alone in the innermost cell, with the division chief and section chief next to him.

The team leader and some important team members, or players with good skills, are all detained outside.

Questions from outside kept coming in.

At this time, those people at the innermost level still couldn't believe that their director was a traitor.

It's a pity that you can't believe it. Chen Zhanli's performance completely proved that he was a member of the military commander, otherwise Zhao San would not have come to pick him up specially.

Some people shudder at the thought of a traitor becoming their boss.

Fortunately, they didn't do anything to the military commander. If they had done anything, they would have been dead long ago. The director is a member of the military commander. Wouldn't it be very easy to kill them?

But now it no longer matters whether Chen Zhanli is a traitor or not.

Some people who are not particularly flexible in their brains are happy.

Since the director is a member of the military command, they should be safe. After all, after being together for so many years, the director will definitely take care of them after he goes out.

Not to mention going to jail, they might just go free.

This is just a head-scratching, oversimplified idea.

Smart people think exactly the opposite.

A few smart people showed horror. They thought of Xiao Lu's death. It was said that the military commander accidentally killed Director Lu in order to assassinate the director. However, their director was a member of the military commander, and there was no way the military commander would come to kill him.

The answer is obvious, the person the military commander wants to kill is Director Lu.

Director Lu posed a threat to the military command and was eventually killed by his most trusted and loyal boss.

Chen Zhanli can even kill Xiao Lu, let alone them?

You must know that after Xiao Lu's death, Chen Zhanli no longer cultivated any confidants. He treated everyone the same. If they were all the same, it would mean that they were all different.

No one knew that Chen Zhanli didn't want to suffer the same pain as Xiao Lu, so he deliberately distanced himself from these people.

He was afraid of having to execute his henchmen with his own hands again.

The person on the inside finally conveyed the situation truthfully.

Passed layer by layer.

The director was seen wearing a Fruit Party military uniform before. Many people speculated that the Director had some way to contact the Fruit Party and defect to the Fruit Party in advance, so that the Fruit Party could accept him.

If this is the case, if we can accept their director, we can accept all of them.

At that time, not only will they not have to worry about life and death, they will not even have to go to jail, and they can continue to work as agents and enjoy the hot food.

The words coming from inside shattered their hopes.

The director turned out to be a traitor. Before entering No. 76, he was an agent of the military commander and was ordered to break into this place to provide intelligence to the military commander.

The director's code name has been discontinued. His previous code name was Asuka.

Who would have thought of this?

People outside were equally shocked. In the past, if there was a traitor on No. 76, they would have suspected everyone except Chen Zhanli. The most unexpected one turned out to be the traitor who had been lurking for a long time. They were completely shocked. got them.

"Captain Liu, you have been with the director the longest. Is he really a traitor?"

A captain asked his companions. Captain Liu was from the Shanghai District of Zhongtong. He joined No. 76 when the Shanghai District was dismissed and had been there for several years.

"How can I follow the director? Normally I don't get to meet the director at all."

Captain Liu gave a wry smile. After he surrendered, he was first with Xiao Lu. It was difficult for him to even see Xiao Lu, let alone Chen Zhanli.

After the Zhongtong was removed, not many people joined No. 76. He survived for a few years and spent some money to be promoted to captain. In the end, the Japanese were finished in less than a year. If he had known better, he would not have spent this unjust money. .

"It's really unexpected."

The person who asked the question sighed, but Captain Liu was silent. The director was a traitor, and now he has become a military commander. Is it good or bad for them?

Most people are confused and fools are happy, thinking that if Chen Zhanli becomes a Fruit Party, they can be let go.

Smart people know best that since Chen Zhanli is an insider of the military command, they will be even more unlucky.

The reason is too simple, Chen Zhanli knows them too well.

If someone else came to investigate, they might be able to fool him, but with Chen Zhanli here, there would be no chance.

Which of them usually does something that they don’t want their boss to know about?

Regardless of whether it was done or not, even the things that were not done were said to be done and reported and claimed for credit. Chen Zhanli could keep all of this for himself.

Even if he couldn't remember so many trivial matters, there were still files to check.

In the car, Chen Zhanli calmed down.

The more Loach looks at him, the more he likes him. He has been lurking in No. 76 for six years. Not only has he not been exposed, but he has also become the boss. Who can do such a lurking?

Except for the team leader, the one Ni Loach admires the most is the team leader. He is a smart person who only appears once every ten thousand years.

The team leader did a better job than Chen Zhanli. Chen Zhanli was the boss of No. 76, but the team leader was the boss of all the Japanese in Shanghai.

Moreover, the team leader did not rely on outsiders, but entirely on himself. He laid out step by step, explored step by step, and with a little luck, finally achieved these achievements.

The extra-high school course was a different scene at this time.

Shen Hanwen was standing in the courtyard, and everyone in the special high school class was disarmed and stood together, surrounded by agents from the combat situation team and some puppet troops with guns.

These puppet soldiers are mothers if they have breasts, and they will listen to whoever is more powerful.

Japan surrendered, and they continued to obey the orders of the Kuomintang.

"Captain Shen, everyone in the Special Higher Education Course is here."

Jiang Tengkong stood in front of Shen Hanwen, lowered his head and said, he was the most relaxed and not worried at all.

"Where is the file information?"

Shen Hanwen asked. He came to the special high school not only to ask for people, but also for important files and information.

"It's all ready. It's all in the archives. Here's the key."

Jiang Tengkong gave the key to Shen Hanwen. Shen Hanwen took the key and said nothing.

Everything belonging to the Super High School has been seized, including radio stations, vehicles, various materials, and their industries.

Now that the War Situation Team has appeared in public, there is no need for extra-high-level courses.

The team leader controls the entire Shanghai, and can dispatch the military police at will if something happens.

"Catch them all."

Shen Hanwen ordered that everyone in the special high school did not resist and allowed the puppet troops to take them away and put them in cells.

Including Jiang Tengkong.

Jiang Tengkong was not surprised by this. He must be imprisoned together, otherwise his identity would be exposed immediately.

He didn't know that Chen Zhanli had been picked up. If he had known, he probably wouldn't have thought so.

War Situation Group Temporary Headquarters.

Ni Loach took Chen Zhanli back home and immediately took him to the dormitory. It was a very beautiful house with a separate door and courtyard, two and a half stories high.

The value of such a house is not low in Shanghai.

Moreover, with Chen Zhanli's status and qualifications, living in such a house is a bit excessive, but if it were Chu Lingyun or Wang Yuemin, there would be no problem.

But Chen Zhanli is different. He is a meritorious official and is qualified to enjoy such treatment.

This house is more of a reward for him.

Even if they don't stay in Shanghai in the future, the house is still an asset. The Japanese surrendered, Shanghai returned to the hands of the Kuomintang, and there was no concession here.

Shanghai will definitely develop better and better in the future.

"Isn't this house too nice?"

"If you want a good house, the title deed and house deeds are all there. You can go through the formalities later and it will be yours."

Ni Loach smiled. The team leader was never stingy with his own people. After Chen Zhanli's mission was completed, the military commander gave him a bonus. The amount was quite a lot, five hundred thousand.

It's a pity that it's legal tender.

Five hundred thousand French currency can buy something, but not much. Neither Chu Lingyun nor Ni Loach care about this small amount of money. Chen Zhanli is the hero, and it is simply insulting to reward him with only this small amount of money.

Nowadays, the legal currency has depreciated so much that the five hundred thousand yuan is equivalent to the original five hundred legal currency at most, which is a thousand times less.

This is on the surface, but in fact the purchasing power is less than 500. It would be good to have half of it.

How can this small amount of money be justified to reward a man who has been lying dormant for six years and made countless military exploits?

The military commander won't give it, but they will.

This house is worth at least tens of thousands of dollars, which is a material reward for Chen Zhanli.

As for his position and military rank, there will definitely be a wave of rewards based on merit after the war. When the time comes, he will be reported to them and he will also be promoted.

Anyway, Loach will never lose his apprentice.

He would risk his life on anyone who bullied his apprentice.

"Master, is this legal?"

Chen Zhanli hesitated for a moment. He was not someone who didn't understand before. After all, he had been the director of the secret service headquarters.

The secret service headquarters of the puppet government is no lower than the military commander.

In terms of level, he is at the same level as Boss Dai.

"Don't worry, this is the private property of our war situation team. Even Boss Dai can't control what we want to do with it."

Ni Loach smiled and nodded. The property confiscated by the traitors has not yet been distributed. Ni Loach will not wait and is too lazy to wait. Anyway, their war situation team has it.

The reward given to the apprentice cannot be wasted at all.

Their own industry rewards their own people, who dares to gossip?

He, Ni Loach, is no longer the little gangster he used to be. He can still talk even in front of Boss Dai, and he is the number two figure in Shanghai District under Wang Yuemin.

Even Liang Yu has to listen to him.

As for the people coming from the headquarters, he is even less impressive.

Besides He Nian and Xu Yi, who in the headquarters can compare with their team leader?

Needless to say, Happy New Year. They are protective people. If they know that someone is bullying them, they will immediately stand up for them. Xu Yi has such a good relationship with the team leader, so it is impossible to embarrass them.

There is no psychological burden on this house.

"Thank you, Master."

Chen Zhanli was not pretentious. He took over this house. In fact, he also made some money in No. 76 over the years.

Even if he never framed him to make money, just the gifts from his subordinates were enough.

He is not short of money.

"The team leader said that all the people on No. 76 will be left to your disposal. Do you have any ideas?"

Ni Yao brought Chen Zhanli into the house, lay down on the sofa in the living room, and then asked.

No. 76 Chen Zhanli is the most familiar with it, so it’s up to him how to deal with it this time.

Who he wanted to spare and whom he wanted to kill all depended on Chen Zhanli's thoughts.

It can be said that Chen Zhanli controls the life and death of everyone on No. 76.

"Are there any rules set down above?"

Chen Zhanli did not answer immediately and asked in a low voice. He had grown a lot in these years. The superiors would not really listen to him on matters like this. There would definitely be restrictions.

Just listen to him, what if he lets him go?

These are all traitors, some of them have committed extremely heinous crimes, and it would be too bad to let them go.

"No human life can be spared."

Ni Loach replied with approval, Chen Zhanli and Chu Cha were completely transformed, as if they were a different person.

"I see."

Chen Zhanli nodded, he would not spare anyone's life, let alone someone's life, if he did a little too much, he would not spare someone's life indirectly.

They are all traitors and it is absolutely right to kill them.

The smart people on No. 76 guessed correctly. If Chen Zhanli was not from the military command, some of them might be able to fool him, but now there is no hope.

According to Chen Zhanli's idea, almost one-third of the people on No. 76 will be shot.

The rest will also be detained according to the situation.

Only a few people who were forced to surrender, who usually cared about the Fruit Party, never felt sorry for the people, and even secretly helped the Fruit Party could be released without charge.

In essence, they are not surrendering sincerely. They have no choice but to make compromises to save their lives or cannot bear the painful torture.

This is not wrong.

As long as they do not completely change after surrendering, help the tyrants, and do evil, such people can definitely be spared.

It's a pity that among the thousands of people on No. 76, there are not many such people, not even fifty.

In addition to those who surrendered, there were many hired and selected people from the puppet army on No. 76, and Chen Zhanli treated them the same way.

Anyone who has done bad things will be treated as a complete traitor.

Those who have not done so have been dealt with appropriately, and those who have been recruited into No. 76, such as kitchen workers, handymen, etc., and have not used their status as No. 76 to commit evil, may not be treated as traitors.

They have no choice but to enter No. 76 to survive.

In the final analysis, the Fruit Party is still performing poorly. If they want to keep Shanghai or defeat Japan, do they need to do something for the Japanese?

If those in power cannot protect their own people, don't blame them.

No one wants to die, it is human nature to live.

However, those who use their status to oppress people and do many bad things are no longer included in this list. They are the real bad guys and cannot be forgiven.

Chu Lingyun handed over the handling of No. 76 to Chen Zhanli, which was considered to be the right person.

In just two days, Chen Zhanli wrote down the plan for everyone on No. 76. Everyone from the director to the handyman knew it clearly.

The crime was unforgivable, and 373 people were shot.

All of these had Chinese lives on their hands, and some even had more than one life on their hands, including those who had followed Li Zhiqun. After Li Zhiqun died, Chen Zhanli liquidated a few of the leaders, but not the rest.

It is impossible for Chen Zhanli to kill all Li Zhiqun's men.

These people restrained themselves a little and continued to do what they had done before in secret. Li Zhiqun's results did not give them any warning. They only saw the money Li Zhiqun earned.

If it weren't for Chen Zhanli's strict control and the subsequent execution of several people, they would have dared to go further.

Some of them were former subordinates of Ding Mo and Chen Zhanli.

After all, No. 76 is the traitor's secret service. It is simply a dream to want these people to be good to the people.

But no matter who it is, as long as they did it, now is the time for reckoning.

More than three hundred lives were wiped out by Chen Zhanli in one stroke.

They will not be shot now, but we will wait until the large forces of the Fruit Army arrive. Then they will definitely be executed in public to inspire people.

Let the people in the city see the fate of these traitors. Many people hate them so much that they want to eat them alive.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward

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