Spy Shadow

Chapter 849 Vault Explosion

Chu Lingyun's treasury was not at the headquarters of Shiyuan Trading Company, but was placed on the outskirts of the city.

He didn't go out of the city, so he was in the city, but there weren't many houses around him. Some of the houses he had originally had were bought by Chu Lingyun at a high price, and they moved elsewhere.

It was heavily guarded before and many Japanese soldiers were stationed here.

On the way, Tang Yumu kept introducing the situation of the treasury, and General Tang snorted coldly: "Public weapons are for private use, no wonder Japan will lose."

Tang Yumu was stunned for a moment and didn't answer anything.

Others have the right to say that public weapons are used for private purposes, but his uncle does not.

His uncle has never regarded people from the government as outsiders, and has always used them as he wants. As for things, let alone that, the better ones have all gone to his uncle's house.

Uncle can say whatever he wants, but he can't.

"So simple?"

When he came to the treasury gate and looked at the fence with only wooden fences, General Tang's brows twitched. Is this the treasury of Ishihara Trading Company?

If it weren't for the fact that the person doing the work was his absolute confidant and the person he absolutely trusted, he would really doubt this place.

"It's very ordinary outside because there are many people stationed here and no one can just come here. It's huge inside."

Tang Yumu knew his uncle's temperament best and explained immediately. General Tang said nothing and asked the driver to drive in.

Not long after entering, we arrived at the entrance of the underground vault.

The treasury of Ishihara Trading Company is built underground and is very large.

Building this vault cost Chu Lingyun a lot of money.

General Tang followed and walked down from the entrance to the ground. After walking for a while, he reached the entrance of the treasury.

"So deep?"

General Tang frowned. The treasury was indeed very deep, much deeper than he imagined. The entrance was very grand, the lights looked nice, and the underground area was not small.

There used to be a small team of Japanese soldiers guarding this place, but now the guards were replaced by General Tang's men.

There were more people, thirty people in total.

"General, there are three locks on the door, one of which is a password lock. If you enter the wrong password three times, it will never be opened..."

"It's too much trouble. Blow it up. Just blow it up for me."

General Tang interrupted him. Tang Yumu was stunned and nodded helplessly.

This is an iron gate, how can it be so easy to explode?

But without the password, the door cannot be opened, so blasting is the best way.

"General, let's go up there and wait. We'll come back in after it explodes."

Tang Yumu asked in a low voice. He must address his uncle as general, whether privately or publicly. This is General Tang's request. He does not want others to say that he is nepotistic.

But in fact, he does this kind of thing often, being both a bitch and a memorial.

"Okay, tell them to be careful, don't use too much explosives, blow them up little by little, open the door for me, and I'll reward them with a thousand oceans."

General Tang hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. It was too deep here and underground blasting was very dangerous.

At this time, his stingy temper emerged again.

It was so dangerous to be exposed underground and there was so much money in the treasury, so he only gave me a reward of one thousand oceans.

This thousand yuan ocean is not just for one person, but for everyone who participated in the blasting. There are not many people, at least twenty people.

If you do the math, each person only has a reward of fifty oceans.

Something is better than nothing. Even if nothing is given, the soldiers have no right to object.

"Ishihara Hiroshi is so rich, but I didn't expect him to be so stingy. It's really simple outside the vault."

At the entrance, General Tang was sitting at a sentry post drinking tea. There really wasn't much here. Apart from the barbed wire fence that blocked people, there wasn't even a house. Even the sentry post was covered with sheds.

Why is the treasury so luxurious? Is it deliberately attractive?

Moreover, the people guarding the treasury live in the military camp and are not here. The more open space here, the clearer everyone can see, making it easier for the guards on the sentry tower to monitor.

Tang Yumu was speechless again, Ishihara Hiroshi was stingy, and you are not the same.

Half a catty to eight taels.


There was a muffled sound, and General Tang stood up immediately. He knew that his men had already started blasting, and he didn't know if the door had been blown open this time.

"Go and ask..."

Before he could finish his question, a bigger explosion sounded loudly, and the whole earth shook. General Tang swayed and fell down together with the people around him.

Chu Lingyun had a secret plot in the treasury.

The way he arranged it was very simple. The Ishihara Hiroshi family had a great business and had dead soldiers who were loyal to him.

There is also a small room inside the vault.

The people inside cannot get out, and have to live and eat inside. People are changed every seven days. Their task is to keep an eye on the people who enter the vault. If they are not allowed to enter, they will immediately light the fuse to detonate the bomb buried in the vault.

The method is simple but effective.

These people were instilled with the idea that they would be proud to die for Ishihara Hiroshi, and they wished they would be broken into pieces because of it.

After death, not only can they be sublimated after death, but their family's life will also become better.

The Japanese are very familiar with this theory. Bushido is not like this.

The people in the treasury were withdrawn, but the people inside were not. Except for Fang Shiyi, no one knew of their existence. Every time, Fang Shiyi would bring someone to replace them.

This is man-made and also passive.

Chu Lingyun had a lot of precautions in doing things, and he would not let anyone take away the contents of his vault, especially after he stole Abe's gold, he understood that there is no absolutely safe lock in this world.

He also has mechanisms inside.

However, the mechanism was not used. His soldiers were indeed loyal. After discovering that someone was forcibly blasting, they immediately lit the fuse.

There are a lot of explosives buried in the vault, much more than what General Tang had.

This dead man had already awakened before he came in.

The Chinese were back, and they were very likely to attack the vault. After hearing the explosion, he lit the fuse directly without any hesitation.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

There are a lot of explosives in the vault, but they are all around, not inside. The purpose of the bomb is not to destroy the vault, but to completely bury it.

The vault is deep underground, and there are many boulders on the upper floor.

Once it is buried, even if someone digs it up, it won't be possible to dig it out for less than ten days and a half. This is the time Chu Lingyun wants.

The huge explosion was heard by many people in the city, including Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun came to the window and looked into the distance.

In fact nothing can be seen.

But he understood that the man surnamed Tang had attacked his vault, and the dead soldiers in the vault had detonated explosives. At present, the vault was safe, but the safe time was limited.

Chu Lingyun turned around and sat in front of the radio station.

He began sending reports himself.

The first thing is to report Tang to Boss Dai. The old man promised him that he would protect his Shiyuan Trading Company. If Tang attacked him, he was disobeying the old man's order.

Ishihara Shangxing made great contributions to the Anti-Japanese War. Others didn't know it, but the old man knew it very well.

Chu Lingyun did not place her hopes on the old man, so she sent a second telegram to Chen Mutu to borrow someone.

Large-scale troop deployment is definitely not possible, but small-scale elites are fine. He doesn't need more, just five hundred elites, which is the size of a battalion.

He wants these people as a precaution.

"Senior brother, I need your help. Do you have time to come to Shanghai?"

In Chongqing, the eldest son received a telegram from Chu Lingyun. The eldest son's eyes widened. Why could Chu Lingyun not be able to resolve the matter and that he needed to go there in person?

In the heart of the eldest son, Chu Lingyun was not said to be omnipotent, but at least nothing could stump him.

His status is noble, but he does not have much real power. There is no way to compare with the generals who hold real power.

"If you have time, when will you go?"

The eldest son called Lin Shi and asked someone to call Lin Shi back.

Chu Lingyun is the talent that the eldest son values ​​the most and admires the most, not just because Chu Lingyun accompanied him when he was helpless when he first returned home.

But because of Chu Lingyun's own ability.

He is not an ordinary person, he knows things that others don't know.

For example, important information from several wars.

If he hadn't been in the military command, his rank would probably have been even higher.

"The sooner the better, I will arrange a flight for you."

Chu Lingyun quickly called back, and soon after receiving the message, Lin Shi rushed to the eldest son's office.

"Ling Yun asked you to go to Shanghai?"

Lin Shi was also shocked. He knew Chu Lingyun better. Unless he encountered a problem, Chu Lingyun would never invite the eldest son over.

There is something that needs the help of the eldest son, or even the eldest son to support him.

What kind of thing could be so serious?

Lin Shi couldn't imagine it, let alone understand it.

"Yes, the sooner the better, he will help me arrange the flight."

The eldest son nodded, and Chu Lingyun's call back confirmed that it was indeed urgent. Chu Lingyun asked him for help. He was very happy. It was Chu Lingyun who always did things and helped him.

The eldest son was very happy to have the opportunity to help Chu Lingyun this time.

"My eldest son, I will go with you this time."

Lin Shi was startled, and then said quickly, while the eldest son nodded: "Okay, I will call Ling Yun back right away, and he will make arrangements. We will be ready and set off at any time."

The eldest son agreed, and Chu Lingyun was not surprised.

Inviting the eldest son here is indeed to borrow his tiger skin. The eldest son has little real power, but his status is astonishing. The man named Tang completely relies on the old man, and he does not dare to make trouble against the eldest son.

This alone is not enough.

Next, we have to wait for Boss Dai's call back. The old man personally agreed to his request. Now that Tang is doing this, the old man needs to give him an explanation.

The vault exploded, startling General Tang's men.

They rushed inside in a hurry. Fortunately, Tang Yumu was careful and they did not stay below. The explosion happened underground, not on the ground. Apart from the shock, the other harm was not great.

They were too close and fell when the ground sank.

Tang Yumu was okay and woke up soon. General Tang was not so lucky. He was pressed by several rocks and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. Tang Yumu called for people to pull General Tang out quickly and sent him to the hospital.

Fortunately, General Tang's life was not in danger.

There were three broken ribs and a fractured leg bone.

He wanted Ishihara Hiroshi's wealth, but he didn't see any trace of gold, so he stayed in the hospital first.

His life is still not as tough as Ishihara Hiroshi's.

In Shanghai District, Wang Yuemin is carefully looking at the survey results in front of him.

Liang Yu conducted a detailed investigation into Mr. Wu and found that this guy was simply not a human being. He had done all kinds of bad things but very few good things.

How did such a person become a teacher?

If the party has such people, no wonder it has a bad reputation. Such people must be eliminated. Keeping them will only be a disaster.

"District Chief."

Section Chief Yao ran over from outside. Shanghai was far away and the shock just now did not affect their side, but they still received some news.

Wang Yuemin asked Section Chief Yao to investigate and find out the reason.

After all, such a big shock is most likely an explosion. If such a thing happened in the city, the Shanghai District must investigate.

Shanghai District is to be changed to Shanghai Station, but it has not been changed yet. Wang Yuemin is still the district chief.

Wang Yuemin admired Chen Zhanli very much and talked with Yao Jiancai. Yao Jiancai was willing to go to the General Affairs Department and give up the Operations Department.

He is self-aware and will not hang around.

Liang Yu is the deputy webmaster and intelligence team leader, Yao Jiancai is stable, Wang Yuemin is very reassuring as he oversees general affairs, and Chen Zhanli is the action team leader.

This is the most ideal matching plan in Wang Yuemin's mind in the future.

Of course, the ideal is not the most perfect.

The most perfect plan, deputy station chief Chu Lingyun, intelligence team leader Ni Loach, operations team leader Shen Hanwen, general affairs team leader Yao Jiancai, confidential team leader Chu Yuan, and telecommunications team leader Chen Zhanli, so that Wang Yuemin can wake up laughing from his sleep.

It's a pity that such a combination will never be possible even if he thinks about it.

Chu Lingyun was of a higher level than him and was also a director at the headquarters. The deputy director was hanging there purely because of New Year greetings.

If He Nian abdicates, Chu Lingyun will be promoted to director immediately, and no one can stop him.

Not only the operations department, but also the entire military command will not compete with Chu Lingyun. They are no longer on the same level.

As for Loach, he is about to become the webmaster.

Had it not been for Ni Loach's own objection, he would have been the webmaster of Changsha Station. Wang Yuemin had heard that Boss Dai's first choice for Changsha Station was Ni Loach, followed by Zhu Qing.

Loach took the initiative to give in, and Zhu Qing succeeded.

If you can’t get the perfect solution, use the ideal solution.

"The treasury of Ishihara Trading Company was bombed. Did the man named Tang do it?"

Wang Yuemin's eyes widened. The reason for the movement was that Tang was eyeing the wealth of Shiyuan Trading Company.

Wang Yuemin has been in Shanghai for many years and is very aware of the power of Shiyuan Trading Company.

However, he doesn't have much dislike for Ishihara Trading Company. If he does, it's all because it is a Japanese industry.

"Yes, I sent people to conduct a detailed investigation. Ishihara Hiroshi is a ruthless person. He arranged a back-up there. General Tang's men only used a small amount of explosives, but accidentally detonated the explosives arranged by Ishihara Hiroshi. Now the vault is crushed by rocks. It's underground, and you can't dig it out until ten days and a half."

Yao Jiancai nodded. There are not as many cranes as there were in later generations. If you want to pull out the heavy stones inside, you need to set up pulleys and other equipment, and the speed is very slow.

It is even more impossible to rely on people to carry it.

"Dog eat dog, don't worry about them."

Wang Yuemin shook his head slightly. Since it was Shiyuan Trading Company's business, he could just report the matter and ignore it.

As for Mr. Wu, they have already obtained the evidence and have to report it to Boss Dai.

The evidence in their hands was enough to make Mr. Wu doomed.

This was the price he paid for reaching out to the military commander. If Commander Wu came to discuss it carefully, everyone could share the cake together and give them some.

They came up to rob them openly and refused to give any face at all. They just broke their faces and made enemies.

Naturally, the enemy will be beaten to death with a stick, leaving them with no chance of ever getting back on their feet.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward. There will be an additional update today.

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