Spy Shadow

Chapter 855 Let me slow down

"Now I will read out the list. Those whose names are called will come out and go back to Chu Company with me. Those whose names are not called will continue to wait."

Fang Shiyi took out a piece of paper and read out the names of more than a hundred people one after another.

They have one thing in common. They belong to the type of people who are in Cao Ying but their hearts are with Han. They work in Shiyuan Trading Company, but they have never curried favor with the Japanese, let alone bullied their compatriots. They are purely for survival.

Such people are the most innocent and at the same time the most reassuring.

There are many employees of Shiyuan Trading Company, thousands of them in Shanghai. This prison contains all employees of the headquarters of Shiyuan Trading Company, excluding dock managers, porters, sailors, etc.

Correspondingly speaking, the people locked up here belong to the management and are all educated people.

As for the people on the dock, some have been released and some are being held elsewhere.

Chu Lingyun didn't have time to do the screening in person, so this job was handed over to Fang Shiyi.

Japan, Tokyo.

Yu Ren spent a lot of money and relied on many connections, and finally got the opportunity to meet Mike.

He had to figure out Mike's attitude, and his fate would be in his hands.

This time it was not his visit, but Mike's summons.

Summoning and visiting are different. One is passive and the other is active. Yu Ren doesn't even have a chance to visit and can only wait for Mike to come see him when he is in a better mood.

Yu Ren's motorcade soon arrived at Mike's official residence.

Nowadays, Mike has the most power in Japan. He can say everything without hesitation, while the emperor has no real power.

Yu Ren came to see Mike, but Mike did not wait for him at the door and let him go in by himself.

This shows Yu Ren's position in Mike's heart.

In desperation, Yu Ren took the initiative to walk inside.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Saving his life is the first priority. Saving his life, and then retaining the emperor's position, so as not to completely interrupt the emperor's continuation, is the greatest victory for him.

Mike was in the office, and Yu Ren was brought in. Mike didn't even get up, he just sat on the chair and looked at Yu Ren quietly.

"Hello General Mike."

Yu Ren took the initiative to bow his head and salute. Japan was defeated and he would have to endure no matter how much humiliation he suffered. At least he was a little better than Mustache and was still alive.

The mustache has long since turned to ashes.

"His Majesty the Emperor."

Mike smiled playfully, but Yu Ren didn't dare to raise his head: "General Mike, just call me Yu Ren."

"Well, Yu Ren, let me ask you, why didn't you commit suicide by caesarean section like the warriors under your command, such as Awei."

Mike looked directly at Yu Ren. Awei was the former commander of the 11th Army. He was beaten to the point of running away by General Xue's Tianlu tactics.

After Japan's defeat, he finally realized his conscience and committed suicide by caesarean section.

Unfortunately, his technique was not up to par, and he kept wailing after the caesarean section. In the end, his nephew helped to end his sinful life.

Such people deserve to die.

Yu Ren continued to be silent, and after a while he slowly said: "There is nothing we can do."

These four simple words did not say that he was afraid of death, nor did he say that he was not afraid. Anyway, he just let others guess.

Incapable of doing anything, he has no real power and cannot control the cabinet's excuses. It can also be considered that because of his special status, he cannot die. Once he dies, Japan will be in chaos.

Whatever you think, let others do it.

As expected of an emperor, his brain reflexes are quite fast.

Mike smiled, and finally asked someone to bring a chair, and Yu Ren had the opportunity to sit down and talk.

"I've studied your situation. There are many poor people among the people. These people don't have enough to eat and are prone to trouble. However, your nobles control a lot of wealth and land. This won't work."

Mike slowly said that class conflicts in Japan are also very serious, and they have accumulated over thousands of years.

If the United States wants an obedient Japan, the best way is to support a class.

Almost all the original nobles were war criminals, so it would be useless to support them.

The poor have become the best choice. There can also be some capable people among the poor. They have no foundation and are hostile to the original nobles. Support them. If they want to stabilize their position, they must get closer to the United States. .

In this way, the United States can control Japan for a long time.

Mike's plan is good, and it has been agreed and recognized by high-level officials in the United States.

However, it is not that easy to implement, and you need to operate on these nobles first.

The biggest noble leader is Yu Ren. Today, Mike is going to test Yu Ren to see if he will be obedient.

"You are right. I have discovered this phenomenon a long time ago, but you also know that although I am the emperor, I cannot make the decision in everything. Whatever you do next, General, I will fully support you."

Yuren is smart, he knows that Mike needs his statement.

Sure enough, Mike laughed out loud: "Very good, I'm going to take back a lot of land and distribute it to those who don't have land. What do you think?"

Yu Ren was startled and raised his head.

Isn’t this the Red Party’s method?

Is Mike a red party member?

No, he couldn't be, Yu Ren knew this very well, what was Mike's purpose, to win over people's hearts and completely ignore him as the emperor?

No matter what the other party's purpose is, he can only obey and must cooperate.

Otherwise, life is at risk.

"Your idea is very good. If you need anything from me, just tell me."

Yu Ren's attitude was very low. With his statement, Mike no longer hesitated and asked people to jointly issue a statement in the name of the United States and Yu Ren to forcibly confiscate the land of nobles and big landowners, and then distribute it to those who have no land. of poor people.

This alone makes countless Japanese grateful to Mike.

The plan went very smoothly. The nobles and wealthy people who had their land confiscated were unwilling to accept it. Some wanted to resist, but Mike eliminated them all.

These people cannot understand the situation. This is no longer the past. The guns are in the hands of the Americans. The Americans have the final say here.

In another part of Tokyo, several people were having a meeting quietly.

Yamasaki sat at the head, while Nishida and Ezakiga were on the other side.

Jiang Qihe returned to China smoothly and has been working in the Special High School since then.

After he returned to Japan, he did help the domestic Red Party. In addition, he made rapid progress and had a very high level of consciousness. After the super high school was disbanded, he was promoted to the Propaganda Minister in Tokyo.

Now, like his teacher Nishida, he is a minister.

This time it was a meeting of the top management of the Tokyo organization to discuss what Mike had done recently.

After Japan's defeat, the Japanese Red Party finally had a legal status and was no longer persecuted.

They were finally able to stand on the bright side and hold a meeting openly.

However, for the sake of safety, a small number of people are still lurking, for fear of any accidents in the future. Even if there are some who show up, not all of them are.

For example, one of their senior executives in Tokyo did not come this time, mainly as a precaution.

"Everyone, what do you think of what the Americans have done?"

Yamasaki asked, and Nishida responded first: "This is a good thing, it is really done, and it benefits the country and the people."

It is naturally a good thing that the Americans want to distribute land to the poor people. What the Red Party has always wanted to do but failed to do can be realized in the hands of the Americans.

"I feel that the Americans are not the ones who really want to help us, but are trying to win over the people and completely dismantle the emperor's rule. If nothing else happens, the Americans will suppress the established aristocrats next."

After all, Ezaki He has been in the special high school for many years and has his own vision.

He guessed the Americans' true purpose.

However, he does not object to this purpose. No matter who does it, it only needs to be beneficial to the people. The Red Party's philosophy is to serve the people and let the people live a good life.

"Esaki is right. What should we do? Should we help the Americans or wait and see what happens."

Yamasaki asked, logically speaking, the Americans have done what they want to do, and they can definitely help the Americans and serve the people better.

However, the Americans do not have good intentions. They want to better control Japan and help them, which is equivalent to having shackles on their heads.

"Secretary Yamasaki, I think we should wait and see what happens and take the opportunity to develop."

This time it was Ezaki He who expressed his stance first. After coming to Japan, he also learned more about Japan's organizational situation.

The Japanese Red Party is really not that bad compared to China.

First of all, the Japanese Red Party has no formal armed forces. Without force, it cannot guarantee its own safety, let alone do what it wants to do.

People have known a long time ago that the truth is within the range of cannons. If the Japanese Red Party wants to develop well, it must have its own armed forces.

The second is party members.

The recognition of the Red Party in Japan is far less than that in China. Except for Tokyo and a few cities, many places do not even have Red Party organizations. The number of party members in Japan is pitifully small.

Even if you want to develop weapons, now is not the time.

The most important thing is to develop members. Without enough members, it is impossible to realize their ideals.

It is a pity that neither Ezaki nor Yamasaki realized that the United States' move would also hit them hard. If the Americans did what the Red Party did, the Japanese people's recognition of the Red Party would be further reduced.

Their future development will be more difficult.

"I agree with Comrade Esaki."

"Me too."

Several people agreed, including Nishida. Although Ezaki joined late, he has made meritorious deeds, is courageous and knowledgeable, and is now an indispensable talent for the organization.

"Okay, just do as Comrade Esaki says."

Yamasaki finally concluded that they would not object to what Americans want to do and let them do it well. After all, it is the people who will benefit.

Mike was redistributing land in Japan, while Fang Shiyi was too busy to touch the ground.

The business of Shiyuan Merchant was huge, even if Chu Lingyun made some reductions in the end, the scale was still not small.

Now that we have taken it all back, including the branches, the workload is huge.

The more Fang Shiyi did, the more frightened he became. Nothing in Ishihara Trading Company changed. Except for some goods in the warehouse being moved away by the soldiers and some furniture in the office being pulled away, Ishihara Trading Company suffered no losses.

The most important treasury was bombed, but the treasury was intact. Fang Shiyi knew very well that the dead soldiers inside had played a role.

Keeping the treasury is equivalent to Ishihara Trading Company not having any losses.

After being out for a long time, he also knew some things.

Tang Boyuan really wanted the treasury, but he accidentally hurt himself. The old man pointed out that Shiyuan Trading Company was a reward for Chu Lingyun, but Tang Boyuan was unwilling to give it. Military Commander Dai, Chen Mutu, and the eldest son came to Shanghai one after another, specifically to help Chu Lingyun get all this back. .

Chu Lingyun is really powerful, with so many capable people helping him.

If he hadn't been responsible for taking over everything from Ishihara Trading Company, he wouldn't have known this.

All the signs of Shiyuan Trading Company were replaced, and many people were released and started working again. Shanghai has been recovering, and many companies have started their business.

Japanese prisoners of war in Shanghai began to return home one after another.

They needed to take a boat to return home. There were many merchant ships owned by Shiyuan Trading Company. They were all snatched away by Tang Boyuan before. He didn't even have time to count how many ships there were and handed them over to Chu Lingyun.

Now the merchant ships are back in their hands.

Merchant ships can also transport people, and now there is considerable profit in transporting people.

The sea is unpredictable, and a few ships have had accidents during transportation. No one can blame them.

After a busy day, Fang Shiyi returned home.

But today the situation is different. He is very excited. He is holding a newspaper in his hand. There is a piece of prose in the newspaper. The article is well written.

The article is not the point. This prose was written by Hiroshi Ishihara in his spare time and he had read it before.

Ishihara Hiroshi made an agreement with him that if he lost contact in the future, seeing this essay appear in the newspaper would be a signal to meet him again.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not dead, he is still in Shanghai and has made an appointment with him.

Fang Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most worried about these days is what happens to Ishihara Hiroshi.

He knows very well that Ishihara Hiroshi is very capable. He walks among the Japanese, plays tricks on them, controls the future of so many Japanese, and can even influence many high-level Japanese affairs.

Even the Japanese Prime Minister is very afraid of him.

Such a person is so important to the organization. Even without his Japanese identity, Fang Shiyi believes that he will be equally dazzling in other places.

Besides, the only person he can contact now is Ishihara Hiroshi.

Once something happens to Ishihara Hiroshi, he will become a kite with a broken string. If he cannot find Secretary Wang in Shanghai, he will not even be able to contact the organization.

After being taken out of prison by Chu Er, Fang Shiyi bought various newspapers every day for fear of missing Ishihara Hiroshi's message.

He was also afraid that Ishihara Hiroshi would not send him a message.

Fortunately, he waited for the signal.

Ishihara Hiroshi is indeed fine, no one can do anything to him.

Fang Shiyi was in a very happy mood. This was the best sleep he had had in recent days.

Early the next morning, Fang Shiyi went out to get busy.

It's a pity that the Ishihara Trading Company founded by Ishihara Hiroshi took advantage of the agent Chu Lingyun, and he had to help the agent do things, otherwise he would not be able to protect himself.

His agreement with Hiroshi Ishihara was to meet on the rooftop of the coffee house in the original concession on the third day after the article was published, where he and Hiroshi Ishihara had been together and had seen the stars together.

Ishihara Hiroshi told him that the sun in the future will be very red, and its warm light will shine on everyone. Everyone will have clothes to wear, and everyone will have enough to eat.

The Chinese are no longer second-class citizens, and the voices of the Chinese people will be valued by all countries in the world.

China will once again have its own warships, have more and more advanced aircraft, and even have the opportunity to go to the distant moon to see if there is Chang'e.

China will have everything that foreign countries have, and China will have everything that foreign countries don’t have.

And those who can do all this must be their Red Party.

Although Fang Shiyi didn't really believe what Ishihara Hiroshi said, he was deeply affected. He didn't know if he could see this day, but he would work hard for it, fight for his whole life, and never regret it.

When meeting Ishihara Hiroshi this time, Fang Shiyi will definitely explain clearly.

The reason why he helped Chu Lingyun seriously was because he wanted to stay with Chu Lingyun so that he could obtain the most useful information in the future. Chu Lingyun was not an ordinary person. He was not only the ace agent of the military commander, but also a high-level military commander.

Chu Lingyun had access to a lot of top-secret information about the military commanders.

If the party is determined to destroy me, he will never miss this opportunity. He believes that Ishihara Hiroshi will support him and encourage him with his intelligence.

For two consecutive days, Fang Shiyi was more active in doing things than before.

On the third day, there were still two hours left before the agreed time.

Fortunately, when we made the appointment, we had considered it at a time when the time was sufficient and there were many people, so that we could have more cover.

This time is six o'clock in the afternoon.

This season, it was still dark at six o'clock, and there were many people on the road after get off work, which became their best cover.

Because Fang Shiyi had performed well recently, Chu Lingyun did not impose any restrictions on his actions. Instead, he praised him several times.

Now he has enough freedom.

Even so, Fang Shiyi was extremely careful when he went out. He first went to a safe house and deliberately made some noise. If someone was following him, he would think he was discovered and would probably take action.

It turned out not to be.

After that, Fang Shiyi tried to cover up a little more, so that he didn't look like himself, changed his clothes and went out secretly.

On the way, I even made several anti-tracking actions.

After arriving at the place, Fang Shiyi did not go upstairs directly. Instead, he ate a steak downstairs and carefully observed the roadside and people around him to ensure absolute safety.

He knew very well how powerful Chu Lingyun was.

He can have trouble, but he must not implicate Ishihara Hiroshi.

When the time came, he finally went upstairs and reached the top of the building.


There was a person on the rooftop. Seeing his slight smile, Alchemist Yi was startled and carefully touched his waist.

"Don't be nervous, the boss is waiting for you."

The man upstairs seemed to know what he was going to do, and immediately pointed to the distance. Fang Shiyi looked over there, and a man walked out of the small attic next to him. Judging from his figure, he looked very much like Hiroshi Ishihara.

"Go ahead."

The man was Feng Yong. He had brought two people to Shanghai a few days ago. Chu Lingyun needed them to do something for him.

Only Feng Yong and Ran Wu are Chu Lingyun's true friends, and they are the most at ease with them.


Fang Shiyi walked over and tried to call before he arrived. As expected, a familiar voice came from the other side: "Shiyi is here, talk this way."

Hearing Ishihara Hiroshi's voice, Alchemy Yi suddenly became excited and immediately quickened his pace, quickly reaching the edge of the railing.

This is where they watched the stars.

Feng Yong went to the stairs and stood guard there, preventing others from coming up.

"Boss, where have you been during this time? I'm worried about you."

Fang Shiyi couldn't hide his emotions and asked quickly, his voice trembling slightly.

"I'm fine, always fine."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He asked Mr. Ke for instructions. Fang Shiyi had performed well before. After he turned Shiyuan Trading Company into Chu Company, he also needed a trustworthy helper.

Fang Shiyi is the most suitable.

Moreover, the military commanders knew that he was Hiroshi Ishihara, and no one would doubt him if he continued to use Fang Shiyi. After all, Fang Shiyi was his man before.

Ke Gong agreed, so Chu Lingyun made an appointment with Fang Shiyi today to reassign him work.

New jobs are also very challenging.

"Two ships came from the United States, with various German arms on them, including rifles, semi-automatic rifles, mortars and various artillery, as well as shell production equipment. In addition, I am looking for ways to purchase a batch of disarmed Japanese weapons. You Send these two shipments of goods to my hometown first."

Chu Lingyun said lightly that the arms purchased by Liu Chengzhu from the United States had arrived, and they were in large quantities, enough to fill two ships.

In addition to guns, there are also cannons and various kinds of shells.

This time, there was an unexpected surprise. I actually bought a set of equipment for producing artillery shells that had been confiscated in Germany. Although it was old, it was a very important treasure for the Red Party. With this set of equipment, at least some of the artillery shells they had Able to produce it ourselves.

Before we break up, the things need to be shipped to my hometown as soon as possible.

Once the war officially begins, it will be harder to transport something like this.

It may even be interrupted for a period of time and cannot be delivered at all.


Alchemist Yi happily replied, as expected of Ishihara Hiroshi, he actually purchased so many arms during the time he disappeared.

How on earth did he do it?

"Boss, where have you been during this time?"

"I have been in Shanghai and met you."

Chu Lingyun smiled, while Fang Shiyi was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Boss, are you hiding at the dock?"

These days, Fang Shiyi goes to the dock a lot, mainly because there are the most people there, and he needs to take the boat back and distribute it so that it can be used at any time.

There is no need for smuggling now, but normal cargo transportation is still needed. These ships need to be maintained to ensure that each one can be used.

There were the most people around him during that time. It was possible that the boss saw him secretly and he did not notice the boss.

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head: "You asked me before what my real name is. It was not convenient for me to tell you at that time, but I can now."

"Your real name?"

Fang Shiyi was startled again, and his heartbeat immediately accelerated. This was indeed something he was curious about. Ishihara Hiroshi said that he was not Japanese, but an authentic Chinese.

Hiroshi Ishihara is a pseudonym, not his true identity.

He has always been curious about Ishihara Hiroshi's true identity. He asked once but was criticized, and he did not dare to ask again.

Today I finally know the answer I have been thinking about for a long time.

"Do you know where those two ships are?"

Chu Lingyun suddenly changed the topic. Fang Shiyi was confused, but he still asked: "Where is it?"

"Baoshan Pier."

Chu Lingyun replied calmly that Baoshan Wharf was the wharf he had blown up before, and it had already become the property of Shiyuan Trading Company.

Now it belongs to Chu Company.

The wharf was very large and had many warehouses. It was far away from the city. Fang Shiyi went there many times. It was where Shiyuan Trading Company shipped a lot of goods for his hometown.

Fang Shiyi was shocked and reminded hurriedly: "Boss, our Shiyuan Trading Company has been robbed by Chu Lingyun of the military commander, and the dock is also in the hands of Chu Lingyun. He is the ace agent of the military commander, and the ship will be in danger there."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Chu Lingyun smiled again. At this point, Fang Shiyi didn't even guess his true identity. It seemed that he had concealed it well.

"Boss, don't underestimate Chu Lingyun, he is really powerful."

Fang Shiyi continued to persuade, those were two ships of munitions. Even if it was dark under the lamp, it would be scary enough to put them on the dock of the military commander's secret agent.

"How powerful is he? Can he eat people or do sorcery?" Chu Lingyun suddenly asked with a smile.

Alchemist Yi was startled and stammered in reply: "Boss, he, of course he doesn't know how to cannibalize people, and he doesn't know how to do sorcery."

Ishihara Hiroshi rarely made such jokes to him, and when he said it suddenly, he was really a little uncomfortable with it.

"Okay, since he's not that powerful, you go pick up the two ships tomorrow and put the things away properly. In a few days, when Chu's company's goods are ready, we can transport them away together."

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, this time it's not just Chu's company's goods.

Boss Dai collected a lot of good things in Shanghai, and Chu Lingyun wanted to help him transport these things to Nanjing first.

If you succeed, Chongqing will have to move back to Nanjing sooner or later. There is no need to continue to go to Chongqing.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun will also help Boss Dai transport goods from Chongqing to Nanjing in the future.

Ship after ship is shipped, all of which are valuable things.

When ordinary people move a house, a handcart is enough. If there are more things, a cart can also pull them. If you load more things, you can use a donkey or a mule to pull them.

A horse-drawn carriage is also fine, it’s very simple anyway.

When Boss Dai moved, he couldn't even use a car. He had to use a boat, and there was more than one boat. It can be seen how much money he had plundered.

"Ship it together with Chu's company's goods?"

Fang Shiyi's eyes widened again. He was arranging the operations of Chu's company these days, and he knew exactly what goods were available.

But that was Chu Company, not Ishihara Trading Company anymore.

Is the boss confused, thinking that it is his territory and his property?

This needs to be shipped together, not to mention whether he can pledge the goods is unknown. Even if he pledges the goods, it is still possible to be exposed. After all, there will be people to pick up the goods when they arrive, and there will be people to check along the way.

"Yes, we must transport them together. This is the safest time."

Chu Lingyun smiled. The Japanese surrendered and the shipping relationship was completely lost. But this time he was wearing the boss's goods, so he couldn't help but check those things.

It is impossible for Boss Dai to let people check his goods.

It would be safer to follow Boss Dai. After this shipment is over, Chu Lingyun will reorganize the relationship along the way, at least to ensure that the goods of his Chu Company can flow smoothly all the way.

Only in this way can we continue to provide enough goods to our hometown in the future.

"Old, boss."

Fang Shiyi's eyes were not wide enough. He made it so clear. How could the always smart boss be so confused?

"Shi Yi."

Chu Lingyun sighed. It seemed that he would not be able to guess his true identity unless he took the initiative to admit it.

Fang Shiyi is not Ke Gong, and his preconceptions are too strong. It is indeed a bit difficult for him to think about it on his own.

If Mr. Ke were here, even if he didn't know about it beforehand, he would have known who he was when he mentioned Chu's company before, and maybe he could have guessed it earlier.


"I told you, I am Chinese, Ishihara Hiroshi is a Japanese I found, I pretended to be him, used his identity to do business, and then funded those unsatisfactory Japanese officers, developed step by step, and finally achieved success I know Hiroshi Ishihara, but I am not Hiroshi Ishihara.”

Fang Shiyi listened very carefully. Chu Lingyun looked at him and said slowly: "Now I will tell you my true identity. Remember, this is an absolute secret and must be kept secret. At present, only Ke Gong knows it. You are the second one."

Ke Gong was not the only one who knew Chu Lingyun’s true identity, there were others who knew it, but Chu Lingyun didn’t know.

"Yes, don't worry, even if I die, your identity will not be revealed."

Fang Shiyi nodded immediately. He didn't just say it, he would actually do it.

"My name is Chu Lingyun, codenamed Kuangbiao No. 1, deputy director of the Military Operations Division, and leader of the combat team. From now on, I will be your only upline. You are my downline and correspondent. I will prepare a legal radio station for you. You Use the radio to communicate with your hometown, and remember that no private contact is allowed without my order."

Chu Lingyun spoke slowly. As soon as he said his name, Fang Shiyi's head started buzzing and he was completely confused.

When Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he suddenly felt that what he just said was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it before.

It seems like this was the case when he and Ishihara Hiroshi met, right?

Is the boss Chu Lingyun?

How can it be?

Is God kidding him? His boss all along was not only an agent, but also an ace agent, and the ace agent who killed the Japanese intelligence agency to pieces.

He also used his identity as a Japanese to manipulate senior Japanese military officers, do things for them and provide intelligence?

"Shi Yi?"

Seeing that Fang Shiyi didn't speak, Chu Lingyun called him.

With Feng Yong and two others guarding the place, no one can get close to this place without any movement, and they don't have to worry about being heard by others.

As for bugs, that's even more impossible.

"Boss, please let me slow down."

Fang Shiyi shook his head gently. There was no chair next to him, so he leaned against the fence and rubbed his head vigorously.

His superior is Ishihara Hiroshi, a powerful Japanese.

Now this supervisor told him that Ishihara Hiroshi's true identity was Chu Lingyun, the ace agent of the military commander.

He didn't know what was wrong with the world and why it was so crazy.


Chu Lingyun smiled, and after several minutes, Fang Shiyi regained his composure.

"Boss, don't you look right?"

Fang Shiyi suddenly remembered an important thing. He had met Chu Lingyun, and their appearance was completely different.

"I said, I'm in disguise. A substitute can pretend to be like this, let alone myself?"

Chu Lingyun smiled, turned around and came to the attic. There was a basin he had prepared in advance. He immediately started washing his face in the basin.

The face with makeup needs to be washed differently than an ordinary face, and you need to use other materials.

But even if it's slower, it won't take more than a few minutes.

Not long after another face appeared, Fang Shiyi opened his mouth and looked at Chu Lingyun blankly. He saw with his own eyes a great transformation, one person turned into a completely different person.

This person was indeed the Chu Lingyun he had met.

"Remember to keep my identity secret. The identity of Hiroshi Ishihara will not be used again for the time being. The senior military commanders and some of my subordinates know my identity, Hiroshi Ishihara. I have told them, so you don't have to worry. They won't suspect anything if I reuse you."

Boss Dai and others will definitely not care if Chu Lingyun re-employs Fang Shiyi, because they know that Shi Yuanheng and Chu Lingyun are the same person.

As for other people, even if they have doubts, what's the use?

Chu Lingyun didn't care at all what they thought.

"Yes, don't worry, I will pick up the goods tomorrow to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Fang Shiyi hasn't fully recovered yet. At this time, his head is still very messy, like a mess that he can't sort out clearly, and he keeps cutting.

But he did not forget his mission. The arms of the two ships were very important. Even if the boss changed his identity, his dedication to the organization did not change.

He will do his best to work on these two ships and ensure that they are safely delivered to his hometown.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward. The 8,000-word chapter will be updated today. There will be no more updates tonight.

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