Spy Shadow

Chapter 857 What does it feel like?

Boss Dai’s headache is the Loyalty Salvation Army.

Nowadays, the Loyalty and Salvation Army has fifty or sixty thousand soldiers, which is a very large number. In addition, most of them have received special agent training and have been fighting guerrillas all year round. No matter where they go, with a little modification, they can be good scouts.

All military leaders are eyeing these tens of thousands of people.

There are tens of thousands of troops, more or less, and it won't be of much use if they are really divided. However, this is an armed force formed by Boss Dai himself, and he will not allow others to take away the fruits.

The key is that the old man made it clear that the military commander is not suitable to continue to have military power.

In the past, the Loyalty and Salvation Army was needed for the Anti-Japanese War. It was impossible for the regular army to serve as guerrillas to harass the Japanese. The emergence of the Loyalty and Salvation Army just filled this gap.

In the military conference room, Boss Dai sat at the head, while Secretary Qi was beside him, taking notes with pen and paper.

Xu Yi, He Nian, Chu Lingyun and other division directors sat on both sides of the conference table.

The deputy director did not come. This was a high-level meeting and only the director attended.

"Many commanders are eyeing the Loyalty and Salvation Army. They want to disintegrate our Loyalty and Salvation Army on the grounds that military commanders should not be armed. Please tell us how we should respond."

Boss Dai took a sip of water and summoned the senior management. He just wanted to brainstorm ways to keep the loyal and righteous National Salvation Army.

It's definitely impossible to let him go. Boss Dai is not a generous person.

You guys look at me, I look at you.

The Loyalty and Salvation Army has little relationship with them. Boss Dai attaches great importance to military power. The people here have little command authority over the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

There are no people from them in the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

But after all, it is the armed force of the military commander. In many cases, the military commander will ask the Loyalty and Salvation Army to support his actions, and the relationship between each branch and the loyalty and salvation army is very good.

For example, in Shanghai, Wang Yuemin had certain command authority over the Loyalty and National Salvation Army outside the city.

From the bottom of their hearts, they also don’t want to separate the Loyalty and Salvation Army. What if they need it?

Moreover, the military commanders are armed, and others dare not do anything to them.

"Xu Yi, you speak first."

Seeing that no one spoke, Boss Dai simply ordered Xu Yi first.

"Boss, the Loyalty and Salvation Army is an army founded by you and raised by us ourselves. We have paid a lot of money. If others really want it, let them send over our investment over the years. This is not too much to ask. ?”

Xu Yi suggested in a low voice that his idea was barely acceptable.

Raising an army is very expensive. They are not regular troops and receive very little support. The Loyalty and Salvation Army can develop only because Boss Dai makes money from smuggling to support these people.

They invested so much, you want it, bring the money.


Boss Dai shook his head directly. He needed a lot of money, but what he valued was not money, but people.

The old man is obviously wary of him and doesn't want him to have military power. If he asks for money, the old man will be unhappy. Besides, the old man has many ways to deal with him.

For example, if you give him fiat currency, those fiat currencies are of no use.

Be more ruthless, exchange his original investment for legal currency, and give him the money he has now.

There is another way, which is to delay. The old man promised to give money, but he has no money financially and cannot give it all at once. Give him a small amount first, and keep delaying the rest. When the legal currency continues to depreciate, give him a bunch of useless money. of banknotes.

This method is not advisable.


Xu Yi lowered his head. He didn't have any good ideas. Boss Dai ordered him again. He didn't say no, so he could only come up with this idea.

"Happy New Year, you say."

Boss Dai looked at He Nian. He Nian hesitated and replied softly: "Boss, can't we assign them to each station and change their surnames to the action personnel of each station?"

Divide them all and break them into parts so that they can truly become military commanders, and others will not be able to ask them for help.

"No, there are too many people."

Boss Dai shook his head again. These were not hundreds or thousands of people. He wouldn't care if there were just such a small number of people.

There were tens of thousands of people, divided into various stations, with one or two thousand people assigned to each station.

Boss Dai has always wanted to prevent the sub-station from becoming too powerful to avoid a situation of primary and secondary support.

Besides, people in the military would have no objection to dividing it up like this?

You, a branch of the military command, have more troops than a regiment, and you have so much power. Neither the army nor the local area is willing to see this.

"Ling Yun, do you have any good ideas?"

Boss Dai looked at Chu Lingyun. In fact, Chu Lingyun was already the number one person under Boss Dai, even Secretary Qi could not compare to him.

Xu Yi and He Nian only occupy the most important intelligence department and operations department. Their true strength and influence are below Chu Lingyun.

Unexpectedly, even Boss Dai was afraid, so he asked Chu Lingyun, who had made great achievements, to go to the inspector's office to put some pressure on him temporarily.

If you don’t press, what will you do in the future?

He is already the director, and if he gets promoted again, he will be the deputy director.

Boss Dai himself is just the deputy director and has no power to promote him to this position.

It would be fine if it were an ordinary person, but Chu Lingyun also had a very strong influence outside.

Several military leaders have a very good relationship with him, and they are even so good with the eldest son that they wear a pair of trousers. If they are not suppressed, it won't be long before Chu Lingyun threatens Boss Dai's status.

Fear comes from fear, but Boss Dai never denies Chu Lingyun's abilities.

"Boss, actually this is not difficult. The key is to see if you are willing to let them exist in another way."

Chu Lingyun sighed, these people could come up with countermeasures without him having to ask.

Since I asked him, I might as well take the credit on myself.

"What method do you want to use first?"

Boss Dai took the initiative to ask. Chu Lingyun looked at everyone and said softly: "As a regular armed force, whether it is the chairman of the committee or the generals, they are definitely not happy. They are not willing to let our military commander be too strong. Since they can't If they want to survive, then we should change them into police officers and disperse them to various places first, and everyone will still be under our own control."


Boss Dai frowned. This method is feasible, but there are police in various places. The police who surrendered to the Japanese before, as long as all those who have done bad things are cleaned up, take this opportunity to let your own people become policemen and squeeze out all the original police. It's not impossible.

"Boss, we don't want a regular police station. There are currently no dedicated traffic police in various places. We can set up a traffic police department and convert all the people of the Loyalty and Salvation Army into traffic police, including railways, water transportation, etc., so that they can continue to retain Armed and not under the control of local police.”

Chu Lingyun said again, and Boss Dai's eyes lit up.

This is a good method. Set up special traffic police. Although they are nominally under the jurisdiction of the police station, in fact the police station cannot order them.

The one who really has the power to command them is himself.

In this way, he solved at least two big problems. The first was to keep this power in his hands, and no one could say anything.

The second is their military pay.

After becoming policemen, they get a salary, and the local government must give them money. In addition, the traffic policeman himself has a lot of money, so he can make a little profit, and he does not need to continue to support so many people with sentences.

"Good idea, Ling Yun. Since you came up with it, you can take the lead and come up with a good plan. I will submit it to the committee later."

Boss Dai made the final decision and stopped asking others. The others sighed. Even though Boss Dai was afraid of Chu Lingyun, his trust had not changed at all.

Chu Lingyun is still the popular person around Boss Dai.

With the solution, Boss Dai was very happy, and Chu Lingyun returned to his office.


Chu Yuan was at the door. Originally, Chu Lingyun wanted Chu Yuan to be the deputy director like Shen Hanwen. He had this power, but Chu Yuan disagreed.

He did not want to be promoted and completely lost confidence in the Kuomintang.

Chu Lingyun noticed this.

Chu Yuan only wanted to be with Chu Lingyun. The only reason why he was willing to stay and work with the Guodang was because of Chu Lingyun, except that it was difficult for the military commander to leave.

Chu Lingyun is his noble person and his most convinced elder brother.

Since Chu Yuan was unwilling, he simply continued to let him be his secretary. The position was not important. Even if Chu Yuan was a secretary, no one would dare to look down on him.

Even more respect for him than when he was in the battle group.

Within the Supervisory Office, everyone knows how powerful Chu Lingyun is. Chu Yuan is his absolute confidant. Offending Chu Yuan is equivalent to offending Chu Lingyun.

Taking Chu Yuan, Chu Lingyun came to an ordinary house.

"How are you doing lately, how are you doing?"

Chu Lingyun was asking about Jiang Tengkong. Although Jiang Tengkong was Japanese, he was considered a meritorious figure in the army.

Chu Lingyun had no good impression of the Japanese. Although Jiang Tengkong had done a lot, he had also killed Chinese people before.

"I'm used to it, very good, thank you very much."

Jiang Tengkong smiled. This period of time can be said to be the most stable time for him. Chu Chu was by his side, and he finally got his wish.

He was even thinking that it would be nice if Japan could surrender sooner.

"Your identity cannot be announced to the public for the time being due to other reasons. I will aggrieve you for a while, and I will send you back to the country after a while."

After Japan's defeat, Jiang Tengkong's value was greatly reduced, but after all, he was Japan's intelligence elite and could help the military commander deal with the Red Party in the future.

Such a person is dispensable. Chu Lingyun wanted him to sneak back to Japan and monitor the situation in Japan. Boss Dai didn't pay much attention to Jiang Tengkong and agreed directly.

Jiang Tengkong was originally the person who instigated Chu Lingyun's rebellion, and he still belongs to Chu Lingyun now.

"Go back home?"

Jiang Tengkong was stunned for a moment and hurriedly replied: "Can I not go back?"

Jiang Tengkong really doesn't want to go back. He has money now. The military commander has given him many rewards over the years, which is enough for him and Chu Chu to live a lifetime.

Why go back and continue to be frightened?

What's more, Japan has surrendered, so there is no point in him going back.


Chu Lingyun shook his head. Jiang Tengkong had to go back. It was true that Japan was defeated, but Japan would be equally bouncy in the future. Chu Lingyun had to make plans in advance and build a big network in Japan.

In addition, Japan is not without its merits. Many precision industries, especially heavy industries, are not available in China. China will need these things in the future.

Take it from them if you get a chance.

There is no loss if you can’t get it, you still have to try.

"How long can I stay in China?"

Jiang Tengkong was depressed. He understood that he had no choice but to obey the orders of the Chinese. If he disobeyed, they could kill him at any time.

"After the new year."

Chu Lingyun told him the time and would send Jiang Tengkong to Japan after the new year. As for Chu Chu, he definitely couldn't go there with him.

Besides, Chu Chu doesn't speak Japanese. It's easy for something to happen if he goes there, which will implicate Jiang Tengkong.


Jiang Tengkong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't just have to go now. There would still be some time after the new year.

Hong Kong, Feng Yong is walking on the street.

He was walking in the most prosperous place, with tall buildings on both sides, but the streets were not wide and the road was a bit dirty, not as clean as in later generations.

Feng Yongyong doesn't care about this. He mainly looks at the location, then finds the right one and sends a report to his boss.

According to the boss's request, he wants to buy more than one piece of land.

It takes several yuan to build a company and a private estate. Feng Yong doesn't quite understand this. Does the boss want to move to Hong Kong?

This possibility is unlikely. After all, the boss has many identities and cannot stay in one place for a long time.

The most likely thing is to have a place to live when you come to Hong Kong.

No matter what he wants, he will search carefully. In the past few days, he has found several places and negotiated prices. Currently, he has determined a piece of land and hired a Hong Kong lawyer to help them sign the contract and pay according to the boss's request.

Money is not an issue, his boss has money.

The wealth of Ishihara Trading Company alone is not a small amount. Let alone building one building, a hundred can be built.

Besides, land prices in Hong Kong are not that high now.

After the Japanese occupied Hong Kong, they caused great damage here.

Nowadays, the Japanese have just been driven away and have not completely recovered. Neither house prices nor land prices are too expensive.

Feng Yong has chosen all the best places. He has already bought two places and is still selecting and buying them.

On the carriage, Alchemy Yi was very excited when he saw the city wall in the distance.

He wore a hat and covered his face so that no one could see him.

This batch of arms was very important. Fang Shiyi personally delivered the goods to Yanzhou. At the same time, this was also Ke Gong's request. Fang Shiyi and Chu Lingyun had already met and connected again.

In the past, Chu Lingyun was Shi Yuanheng. Fang Shiyi didn't know his true identity, and Ke Gong didn't explain too much to him.

Now that the situation is different, the Guo Party is likely to attack them again. Chu Lingyun's identity is even more important. There are some things he must come to communicate with Fang Shiyi in person.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to transport weapons, let Fang Shiyi go to Yanzhou.

It doesn’t need to be long, just two or three days.


After being brought into the office, Fang Shiyi immediately shouted excitedly, while Ke Gong stood up and walked out with a smile.

"You have made great achievements again. These weapons are so timely."

Ke Gong praised that after Japan surrendered, although the Red Party also received some equipment, the quantity was not large.

The Guo Party would rather not use them themselves than give them these weapons and ammunition.

"It's all thanks to the boss, I just deliver the goods."

Fang Shiyi shook his head hastily. He was not that thick-skinned and took the credit as his own. The boss bought the goods from the United States and he had no involvement at all.

"Same to you, you're doing great."

Fang Shiyi was praised again. He took the initiative to pour tea. He couldn't let his master do this.

"How does it feel to know Comrade Kuangbiao's true identity?"

Ke Gong suddenly asked, and Fang Shiyi raised his head, "What do you feel?"

It feels very shocking. In short, I didn’t expect it at all. It’s more of an accident. Anyway, in one word, the boss is worthy of being a boss, awesome.

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