Spy Shadow

Chapter 859 Another traitor

Chu Lingyun didn't go to Xu Yi, but Xu Yi took the initiative to come to the door.

"Ling Yun, what happened to Zhang Acheng? Why did you transfer him to the Inspectorate?"

Xu Yi came to Chu Lingyun's office in a hurry and took the initiative to ask questions before he could stand up.

Zhang Acheng got Chu Lingyun's consent to go back and have a good rest to prepare for the next lurking work. Naturally, his relationship was transferred away by Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun reported this matter to Boss Dai. Boss Dai was not very interested. He was currently busy investigating the reality of the Red Party for the old man.

Boss Dai agreed to all the requests made by Chu Lingyun.

The first is to establish a special intelligence department for Japan.

The name Chu Lingyun has been chosen. It is very simple. It is called the Japanese Intelligence Team. It is not large in scale and has only a few people.

Even if it is fully staffed, it is only the size of a group.

Chu Lingyun was fully responsible and personally served as the team leader and deputy team leader Zhang Acheng.

The level of this intelligence team is too low. Chu Lingyun specially gave Zhang Acheng the position of deputy director in the Inspectorate, otherwise it would be unjustifiable.

"Why were you transferred? Director Xu, do you have the nerve to ask?"

Chu Lingyun raised his head and was not polite to Xu Yi at all. He and Xu Yi have been very familiar with each other for so many years, so there was no need to be polite.

He is now the same director as Xu Yi, and they have the same level.

Including New Year greetings.

There are many military control departments, but there are only three truly powerful division chiefs, Chu Lingyun, He Nian and Xu Yi.

Chu Lingyun has to be ranked ahead of them.

Xu Yi immediately replied: "No, I criticized Li Baoqi. In this case, if you let Zhang Acheng come back, I will remove Li Baoqi from his position and make him the section chief."

Chu Lingyun shook his head and said: "No need, Zhang Acheng has other tasks."

"What mission?"

Xu Yi immediately asked. Chu Lingyun raised her head and looked at him: "It's not convenient to disclose, Director Xu, please don't ask."


Xu Yi was slightly startled. The task that was inconvenient to disclose must involve top secrets. Even he couldn't tell it. The confidentiality level must be very high.

It was definitely not the task of the Inspectorate. The Inspectorate had no such task. Thinking that Zhang Acheng had taken the initiative to find him and wanted to lurk, Xu Yi immediately understood that Chu Lingyun had agreed to his lurk plan.

"You really let him go there?"

Xu Yi pointed to the north. Representatives of the Red Party are currently negotiating in Chongqing. Boss Dai has been scolded a lot during this period. He was in a bad mood when he was scolded. Xu Yi and He Nian suffered a lot.

Especially the result of the battle that just ended was beyond everyone's expectations.

General Yan's tens of thousands of troops were defeated by the Red Party, which was smaller in number than them. The Red Party was far inferior to General Yan in terms of weapons, equipment, and logistical support. In the end, General Yan lost almost 30,000 people.

This made General Yan very distressed.

You know, he only had more than 90,000 people to fight with, which is equivalent to losing almost one-third of his strength at one time.

"Director Xu, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

Chu Lingyun glared at him. The Japanese intelligence team only had a group level, but its confidentiality level was extremely high.

Boss Dai left everything to Chu Lingyun to handle. With such convenient conditions, Chu Lingyun immediately set the confidentiality level of this group to the highest level.

"Okay, I won't ask. What a pity. Damn Li Baoqi. I'll remove him when we get back."

Xu Yi cursed, but his eyes looked at Chu Lingyun from time to time. After all, he was the director of the intelligence department, and he sensed that Chu Lingyun must be making new moves.

What on earth is it that makes Chu Lingyun responsible, and the level of confidentiality is so high?

It must be to deal with the Red Party. There is no need to use Chu Lingyun except for this matter.

Boss Dai was not afraid that Chu Lingyun would continue to make meritorious deeds, so he put him in the Inspectorate. Why did he still give him such a confidential task?

Xu Yi thought quickly in his mind. He had been doing intelligence work for many years and was good at guessing and reasoning.

Soon, he thought of a possibility.

Boss Dai will not take the initiative to hand over such a job to Chu Lingyun. It is possible that Boss Dai himself cannot stop it. There is only one person who can order Boss Dai, the old man.

Was it the old man's order to Chu Lingyun?

Xu Yi vetoed it again. It was not necessary. The old man would not go so far beyond the level. What's more, the old man did not personally participate in the intelligence work and he did not understand the situation inside.

Apart from the old man, there was only one person left who could make Boss Dai agree and use Chu Lingyun.

The eldest son Chang Jianfeng.

Boss Dai couldn't refuse anything he asked Chu Lingyun to do, and he had an excellent relationship with Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun didn't know how rich Xu Yi's heart was, so he replied angrily: "You can do whatever you want with your people. I still have a job here, so I won't give it away."

Although Xu Yi spoke for Zhang Acheng, he did not do enough.

Although he knew the virtues of his subordinates and allowed them to bully Zhang Acheng, he only criticized Li Baoqi a few words, but did it change Zhang Acheng's situation in any way?

Chu Lingyun was indeed dissatisfied with this matter.

"Ling Yun, did the eldest young master come to find you?"

Xu Yi didn't leave and asked carefully. No matter who it was, Chu Lingyun was doing the work of their intelligence department. He had to ask clearly.

Forget about others, he knew Chu Lingyun's abilities very well.

If Chu Lingyun does it, he will definitely get results and be better than them.

The Intelligence Service cannot just sit back and look at it, it must find a way to get involved.

"What does it have to do with the eldest son?"

Chu Lingyun was a little confused. Why did this matter involve the eldest son?

"Isn't it?"

Xu Yi asked in a daze. With this look on his face, Chu Lingyun immediately understood that he was thinking wrongly.

"Let me show you some data."

Chu Lingyun took out Zhang Acheng's file, pulled it out, and said slowly: "" In the twenty-fifth year of Minguo, Zhang Acheng accompanied the captain Chu Yuan to Shanghai to investigate Liu Dazhuang's life experience. Later, he exchanged fire with Japanese spies. Chu Yuan was injured. Zhang Acheng was responsible for the follow-up and reported the information in a timely manner. Returning information allowed us to capture Liu Dazhuang. "

Liu Dazhuang has been confirmed as a traitor. After Japan surrendered, the Super High School completely collapsed, and an introduction to Mount Fuji was found in Tuyuan's password box.

The traitor did not admit it until his death, but whether he admitted it or not did not mean anything anymore.

"What do you mean?" Xu Yi was in a daze and didn't understand why Chu Lingyun suddenly said this.

"Zhang Acheng is an outstanding trainee selected by me at the Hangzhou Police Academy. He has made many meritorious service in the four operations groups, and this is just one of them. In the 25th year of the Republic of China, Zhang Acheng investigated Yu Liang, who was brainwashed by spies from the Tongwen Academy, and started a war At that time, with the help of Yu Liang's relationship, he successfully entered Tongwen Academy."

"Zhang Acheng has been lurking in Tong Bo Yuan for eight years, providing intelligence more than 200 times, allowing us to sabotage Tong Bo Yuan operations 95 times, capturing 212 Japanese spies and the traitors they instigated, and killing 36 People. Most of the huge intelligence exploration plan arranged by many people in Tongwen Academy was in vain because of Zhang Acheng's existence. During the entire Anti-Japanese War, Tongwen Academy did not obtain much decent intelligence."

Xu Yi was silent, he understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

Zhang Acheng paid a lot for the Anti-Japanese War, especially for someone like him who was lurking among the Japanese.

Such a hero and meritorious official was forced to leave when he arrived at his intelligence office. Although Chu Lingyun did not publicly express his position towards him, he used this method to express his dissatisfaction.

"Ling Yun, it's my fault this time, don't worry, just see what I do."

No matter how thick-skinned Xu Yi was, he couldn't stay any longer. When he left, Chu Lingyun shook his head secretly and continued busy with his own affairs.

The Inspection Office had a lot of work, but fortunately he took over after the war.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do anything that kept him busy some time ago.

This time the party's test resulted in the loss of troops, and they were extremely shocked by the Red Party's combat effectiveness. People from the military commander and the central commander were busy investigating them, especially the military commander. After the Japanese surrender, Boss Dai knew very well who his enemy was.

He started the layout a long time ago, let alone now.

"Lost contact again?"

Five days later, in the office, Boss Dai stared with big eyes, while Xu Yi lowered his head.

He sent a group of people lurking in the Red Party. All of them got into trouble and were exposed one after another. Now he is sure that they have all been arrested.

"There must be a traitor."

Boss Dai shouted angrily, this is not the first time something has happened, many people in the operations department have had accidents before.

The two groups sent by He Nian and Chu Lingyun were all arrested.

Because of this incident, Wen Jitao failed to become deputy director, and the position of deputy director fell to Shen Hanwen.

Boss Dai demanded a strict investigation. He Nian and Xu Yi investigated for a long time but failed to find out the truth.

But one thing he can be sure of is that it must be a traitor who leaked the secret, and this traitor is of a very high level, otherwise he would not know such a secret.

Very few of the people he and Chu Lingyun sent out knew about it.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun only knew the people he sent out and knew nothing about the people he sent.

As a result, his people were arrested first, and the people sent by Chu Lingyun were arrested later.

He Nian even felt ashamed of Chu Lingyun. On the face of it, it looked like something happened on his side, which caused Chu Lingyun to be implicated.

"Boss, could this incident be the same as that of the Operations Department, and could it be done by the same person?"

Xu Yi asked cautiously. He knew about the operations department and he accompanied He Nian to investigate.

There are only a few people who have access to and know about this matter. No one is suspected. The biggest suspect is Wen Jitao. He is the only one who knows everyone's situation.

If only the Red Party hadn't been so stupid and arrested everyone, he would have been exposed immediately.

Coupled with the fact that He Nian vouched for Wen Jitao, he escaped.

However, the matter was not clarified, and the suspicion on Wen Jitao could not be cleared. Now, not to mention the deputy director, even the section chief has been temporarily dismissed from his post, pending the final investigation results.

"Is there a target of suspicion?"

Boss Dai asked coldly, while Xu Yi lowered his head again.

There are only four insiders, Wen Jitao, He Nian, Chu Lingyun, and Boss Dai.

No one knows the rest. Wen Jitao is running everything.

The only suspect was Wen Jitao, but he had joined the military very early. He Nian believed that he would not be a traitor and vouched for him. Boss Dai only dismissed him temporarily without a real trial.

The remaining three are all impossible people.

If there is a traitor among the three of them, the military commander will become a big joke.

Among the four people, Chu Lingyun only knew half, that is, the people he sent out, which makes it three and a half. If Wen Jitao was not the one, the remaining people were even less likely to be. The traitor probably obtained the information through other channels. .

In this case, it is more difficult to investigate, because you have no idea where he got the information from.

"Boss, I don't have a target for the moment. If Ling Yun is free, can we jointly investigate?"

Xu Yi said bravely, he did not dare to ask Chu Lingyun to come over and help.

Now Chu Lingyun is no longer the deputy director, but a director who is as serious as him.

"Is it true that only Ling Yun can detect the traitor, but you can't?"

Boss Dai scolded, Xu Yi lowered his head in a hurry, not daring to mention what he just said.

"I'll give you ten days. You must find the traitor for me, otherwise I'll accuse you. I have something else to do, so you can go out first."

Boss Dai has no time to waste time on this matter. In addition to the Red Party, many other parties have been running around lately, which is really disgusting.

In particular, some well-known literati said that we should be like the United States, free and free.

Ask the Fruit Party to decentralize power and give them a chance to govern.

How is this possible? The old man values ​​power so seriously. No one can even think about devolving power from him, and these people will never stand a chance.

But their random noises were also annoying. The old man asked him to persuade these people, but the people he sent there were kicked out, leaving him no face at all.

Boss Dai was worried about this matter. Something happened to the people Xu Yi sent out again. It was strange that he could give Xu Yi a good look.

With a deadline to solve the case, Xu Yi's pressure suddenly increased. He still didn't know the punishment for failing to complete the task, but Xu Yi had a hunch that there was a high probability that he would not be able to find the person this time, and he would definitely be punished next.

There is no clue about a case, and it takes ten days to find out the truth. Unless you are lucky, there is no chance.

In a tavern in the city, Wen Jitao was drinking gloomily.

He is only surrounded by his confidant Xiao Yang who has been following him.

"Section Chief, please drink less. Don't drink too much."

Xiao Yang persuaded him in a low voice while pouring him wine. What they drank was high-strength liquor. Wen Jitao drank more than half a catty in this moment. Wen Jitao's alcohol capacity was average, and he would probably drink a few more glasses.

"It's okay, pour it for me."

Wen Jitao shook his head and asked Xiao Yang to continue to fill him up. He was really depressed. Why was he so unlucky? Every time something good happened, it was never his turn.

Zhu Qing followed Chu Lingyun to the war situation team, and later became the chief of Changsha Station. This time he was promoted to general, leaving him far behind.

He wasn't particularly bad at first. He had been recommended by Chu Lingyun, and He Nian had given him the important task of dispatching the internal response.

He has two groups of internal agents, a total of about twenty people. As long as he makes good use of these people, his future promotion is a sure thing.

Even if he can't be promoted to general, he will be fine as deputy director.

As a result, just when the Anti-Japanese War was victorious, the Red Party suddenly discovered his people and captured them all.

Before he could react, people from the combat team were also arrested.

He was the only one who knew about these two groups. If He Nian hadn't believed him and tried his best to protect him, he might have been taken to prison by Xu Yi and tortured.

What was originally a great merit turned into a great fault. Not only was the deputy director who was about to get the job changed to Shen Hanwen, he couldn't even keep his position as section chief.

Although he was only temporarily removed from his post and his military rank remained unchanged, what would happen even if he was reinstated as section chief?

Shen Hanwen is so young and is Chu Lingyun's best confidant. Even if He Nian retires from the position of director in the future, Shen Hanwen will take over. He has no hope.

One missed step, one wrong step, and he would basically miss the opportunity to be a director in this life.

Wen Jitao, who was in a bad mood, eventually drank himself unconscious and was sent home by Xiao Yang. After he entered the house, a pair of eyes appeared in the dark. After looking carefully for a while, they quickly disappeared.

"Secretary Liang, it's confirmed. No one is watching Wen Jitao. He gets drunk every day and is sent home by his subordinates."

In the safe house, comrades from the anti-rape team came to report, and Secretary Liang nodded. Wen Jitao was drunk every day, so it was very easy to attack him.

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