Spy Shadow

Chapter 865 The Big Black Cauldron

Chapter 865 The big black pot

Xiao Yang finally collected the one hundred yuan. It was not difficult for him to make phone calls. Every time he sent Wen Jitao home, Wen Jitao's wife would take care of him in the bedroom. There was no one in the living room at that time.

He could call the number from the living room phone.

As for accepting money and not doing things, Xiao Yang didn't dare. After all, the other party had a handle on him. Besides, who would know it was him who made the call?

Just be careful and clean off the fingerprints.

Besides, it was very easy to hang up the phone in a few seconds without him having to say anything.

What the person just said was six seconds to hang up. Xiao Yang had an idea in his mind. As long as the other party answered, he would hang up the phone in three seconds and would not do exactly what the other party asked.

If they come to your door, you can use the excuse that you were nervous at the time or someone was coming to excuse you.

Having made up his mind, Xiao Yang went to bed and stopped thinking about it.

The next night, Wen Jitao took Xiao Yang to drink as usual. He didn't care who was following him. With someone to accompany him, at least he wouldn't be so lonely when drinking, and he didn't have to worry about getting home drunk.

Xiao Yang can control his drinking, not daring to drink too much, and is sent home safely every day, which makes him most satisfied.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going down first."

After sending Wen Jitao to the bedroom upstairs, Xiao Yang said goodbye as usual. Wen Jitao's wife looked worried, but she still nodded.

Wen Jitao was the backbone of the family and the whole family's support. She knew that her man was in trouble now, but it was a pity that she, a woman, could not help. She tried to persuade Wen Jitao to go out for a drink, but was scolded.

She was not worried about the little money she spent drinking, but she was mainly worried that Wen Jitao would not recover and would be in bad health due to drinking.

Coming to the living room, Xiao Yang secretly glanced around.

Wen Jitao only has his wife and children at home. There are no servants. Their children are young and have already gone to bed. There is no one around at this time.

Xiao Yang immediately picked up the phone and dialed the number he had memorized during the day. He hung up the phone a few seconds after the other party connected, wiped off the fingerprints on it, and left quickly.

At the same time, a safe house in Chongqing.

When the phone rang, the people in the room suddenly turned their heads, looked at the phone, and picked up the receiver.

"Which one?"

There was no response to his question, and the other party hung up the phone directly. There was no hesitation on his face, he took nothing, and immediately left quietly through the back door.

"Run away, what happened?"

Early the next morning, He Nian asked loudly in the office. A person they were staring at last night suddenly ran away. This person had just been targeted not long ago. He Nian suspected that he was a red party lurking in secret and was tracing his true situation.

As a result, before the situation could be investigated clearly, the person ran away.

They only focused on this one person, and now that he is gone, it means that all their work during this period has been in vain.

"It's not clear now. The monitoring comrade said that a call came in yesterday, but no one said anything and hung up after three seconds. The monitoring brother felt something was wrong and immediately informed us. By the time we rushed over, he had already When there was no trace, we immediately sealed off the area and conducted a thorough investigation, and finally found that he ran away through a secret door of a house."

"What secret door? What have you been doing during these days of investigation?"

He Nian was so angry that he finally targeted one, but someone actually ran away. There had just been a traitor leak case, and now another one suddenly ran away. He Nian was so angry that he wanted to eat people.

Don't let him find the damn traitor. If he finds him, he will be cut into pieces.

The subordinate who reported the report did not dare to raise his head.

It is not correct to say that it is a secret door, but there is a part of the wall that is very loose and can be knocked down with a push. It was night, and the person who ran out pushed this area, got in, and ran away from the other side. .

It was on a completely different road over there, and it was a fast mountainous area, very shaky. Their people didn't dare to run around in the middle of the night. After chasing them, there was no one there.

There was no one living in this house. It was obvious that a safe passage was specially prepared for him. It was probably because it was not easy to tunnel in this area, otherwise a tunnel would be more convenient and safer.

It's a pity that it's a big fish. If I had known about it earlier, I would have caught him in advance.

His specific identity could not be determined before, and the operations department did not act rashly. The fact that he ran away and had a safe passage all confirmed that his identity was unusual and he must be an important person.

"Who made the call?"

The subordinate didn't reply, and He Nian continued to ask angrily. The person ran away, but the call would not be made without reason. Someone must have reminded him.

A phone call with no one speaking is even more indicative of a problem.

"I don't know." The subordinate replied honestly.

"have no idea?"

He Nian suddenly stared and looked at his men in disbelief. His men were not such idiots, were they?

A phone call is like a signature. As long as you call it, there will be traces. It must have been called from another phone. Go to the telephone office to check and you will be sure. Now my subordinates say they don't know.

Seeing that He Nian looked strange, his subordinates immediately explained: "Director, we checked and found that the call came from an illegal switch. We found the place. The switch is gone. Someone installed the switch there deliberately. There is no record at the telephone office. .”

"What's the meaning?"

He Nian was confused. He was the Director of Operations, not the Director of Telecommunications.

"I don't know much about the details. People from the Telecommunications Department are helping us trace it. I'll go and ask about the progress right away."

"Go and ask immediately."

He was in a bad mood during the New Year. This man was the one they had targeted five days ago. He was a little strange when he entered the city and was discovered by people from the Operations Department.

He mysteriously went to a newspaper office, and that newspaper office had had Red Party activities before, so he secretly inquired about this person.

After that, He Nian ordered people to keep him under surveillance and conduct surveillance. The Operations Department currently had no cases. There was a suspect, whether he was a member of the Red Party or not. He should be put under surveillance first and investigated in detail.

According to the investigation, this person's name is Wu Qiaomao. He is a writer and often publishes articles in newspapers. He was in Xi'an before. It is said that he offended someone there, so he came to live in Chongqing.

Intellectuals in this era generally won't be too poor as long as they work hard.

He rented a nice house with a phone.

The people in Xi'an are verifying his situation, and He Nian has sent people to keep an eye on him for the time being. If he is really a red party, he must contact others, and then he can follow the clues and catch more people.

If a few useful big fish can be caught, the operations office will once again make great achievements.

He Nian can use actions to tell Xu Yi that the Operations Department is good at catching Japanese people and is equally good at catching Red Party members. Moreover, without Chu Lingyun, Xu Yi can understand that their Intelligence Department will never be as good as the Operations Department.

What was originally a good move went wrong, and the person he was staring at ran away.

Moreover, he ran away after answering a phone call. It was not found out where the call came from, which made He Nian even more annoyed.

The more so, the more important this person becomes. He Nian has a hunch that a very important big fish is likely to escape from his hands this time, a big fish that will even make Boss Dai angry.

I am a little upset during the New Year greetings, and more regretful. If I had arrested the person earlier or paid more attention to this person and put more surveillance personnel, maybe this would not be the result.

"Director, the technicians from the Telecommunications Department said that if this illegally converted switch is not taken away by someone, you can still find out who made the call. Once the switch is gone, you can't find out at all."

The person responsible for monitoring was a team leader. At this time, he and his section chief were standing in front of the New Year greeters and reporting in a low voice.

"How is it possible? Even if it is an illegal switch, if they have made a call, there will definitely be traces. Why can't it be found out?"

He Nian asked in confusion. The team leader couldn't explain the reason, so He Nian simply got up and went to the telecommunications office in person.

"Director He, it's not that we won't investigate. We've tried our best. This phone call really can't be traced. You'd better have someone investigate who took the switch in the middle of the night."

The Director of Telecommunications did not dare to neglect the New Year greetings. No one knew about He Laohu's reputation as a military commander. Apart from Boss Dai, who would he not dare to smoke if he was angered?

"What about the telephone exchange? Don't they know about it too?"

He Nian frowned. The Director of Telecommunications looked like he didn't understand anything and sighed: "Without that switch, we can't find anything."

Today's technical capabilities are limited, but the enemy actually thought of using a switch to disguise the identity of the phone. It has to be said that it is really amazing. This time the operations department is in big trouble, and he already knows what's going on.

A suspect under surveillance by the Operations Division was informed by someone on the phone that he had run away.

The person who can notify with such a confidential level is definitely not an ordinary person. If Boss Dai knew about it, he didn't know how angry he would be.

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

Not to mention that this matter involved people from telecommunications, general affairs and other departments, as well as people from the technical department, plus people from the telephone exchange, and it made a fuss.

Many people are talking about this.

"Director, the Operations Department is so unreasonable. We have to worry about them for any tasks, but they are sneaky. Now, such an important person has escaped."

In the Intelligence Department, Wu Chongnan, the chief of the second section, gloated. He was originally the deputy section chief of the third section. The original section chief of the second section was Li Baoqi. Xu Yi was sent to the northwest because of Zhang Acheng's incident that angered Xu Yi. Be the intelligence team leader.

For a section chief at the headquarters to become a team leader at a sub-station, it is a demotion in itself. In the past, the lowest level was deputy station manager. Especially for small stations, it was okay to be the station manager.

"Have you figured out the specific situation?"

Xu Yi frowned. He didn't care about the sneaky New Year greetings. He was thinking more about whether this thing was done by a traitor again. Moreover, there was a phone call this time. If the phone number could be found, would it be possible to find out? The traitor?

"Got it figured out."

Wu Chongnan hurriedly explained what he learned to Xu Yi in detail. In fact, the case was not complicated. At night, the red party under surveillance suddenly received an unknown phone call. The other party did not say anything and hung up the phone. Then he ran away.

The surveillance personnel of the Operations Department were a little far away, so they discovered something unusual at that time and immediately went out to arrest people.

Unexpectedly, he had a safe passage and left through the safe passage, preventing them from arresting anyone.

The thing is very simple. The key lies in this phone call. There are obviously traces of it. But as a result, so many people in the Telecommunications Department, Technical Department and the Telephone Office were unable to find out where the call came from.

The call was switched through an illegal switch. They could only find the switch, but the switch was gone and the scene was vandalized. It was difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. No matter how powerful the experts were, they were now helpless.

"It must be him."

After hearing this, Xu Yi suddenly slammed the table. He was thoughtful and the layout was terrifying and reasonable. It was very consistent with the lurking traitor in the military command. This traitor took action again. This case in the Operations Department did not last long, only five days, that is, Said that he must be someone who knows about this case.

Xu Yi didn't care about the identity of this red party member. He even ran away. What's the use of knowing the identity? Constantly regretting it?

What he has to do is to find the traitor, otherwise he will not be able to do business with Boss Dai.

The ten-day deadline given to him last time has passed. He was scolded severely and the time was extended to one month. He originally thought that if it didn't work out, he would shamelessly go to Chu Lingyun secretly for help, and also want to kill this person. The traitor was found, but unexpectedly the traitor jumped out again.

This was his opportunity, and he couldn't miss it.

"Check, go find out immediately. How many people know about this case in the Operations Department? Not limited to the Operations Department, telecommunications, general affairs, and even security must find out for me."

Xu Yi gave the order decisively. It was true that the case belonged to the Operations Department, but people from the Operations Department were not the only ones who knew something about it.

They want to monitor the phone calls, and people in the Telecommunications Department may know about it. They need to use so many equipments, not to mention the General Affairs Office, all of which are obtained from the General Affairs Office.

The Security Department had nothing to do with it, but their guards were guarding the door every day. They knew exactly how many people went out and how many people came in. They couldn't hide the actions of the Operations Department from them.

Xu Yi heard something said by He Nian back in Nanjing.

Chu Lingyun arrested someone and strictly ordered it to be kept secret. As a result, Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan learned the news the next day and went to ask Chu Lingyun. Afterwards, they found out that it was the guard who congratulated them and they knew about it.

Who would have thought that the guard sentry, who usually didn't pay attention, could know so much and almost ruined Chu Lingyun's affairs.

After New Year's greetings, they came to the door. The security was rectified and kept strictly confidential. Later, a guard was executed for talking nonsense, but it was a fact that they were insiders.

Even Xu Yi did not dare to ignore them.


His men were ordered to leave and immediately went to investigate. On the other side, Xu Lin was stunned when he received news from the military insiders.

"Gao, it is indeed the Red Party. It's awesome. I admire it. Wen Jitao is dead. The call informing the Red Party to evacuate must have come from Wen Jitao's home. As long as this is found out, Wen Jitao will not be able to defend himself. Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to escape. "

Xu Lin sincerely admired him. He really admired them. He didn't expect the Red Party members to be so smart and so ruthless. He even suspected that the so-called escaped Red Party members were deliberately arranged by them.

The purpose is to put this huge blame on Wen Jitao.

It has to be said that this pot is cruel and hard enough. No matter how Wen Jitao explains it, the military commander will never believe him. Such a complicated and troublesome arrangement is just to frame him. Who can believe it?

Xu Lin understood that this was indeed the case. He saw everything clearly. In order to protect this traitor, the Red Party really tried to kill Wen Jitao.

"Old Bao, can we arrest people?"

Xu Lin came to Bao Shengqun's office excitedly. He will now contact Bao Shengqun for any progress, firstly to keep Bao Shengqun informed of the case, and secondly, to ask him to help him with suggestions.


Bao Shengqun immediately shook his head, while Xu Lin looked stunned. Such a big shit basin had been placed on Wen Jitao's head. Although the military commander could not find out who called the Red Party, as long as he checked Wen Jitao's phone number, he would definitely understand who The call was made from Wen Jitao's home.

Xu Lin was also not a technician, so he specially called people from the telecommunications office to inquire. After confirming the situation, Bao Shengqun came to see him.

If the phone call made by Wen Jitao could not be found, how could he arrest him?

"Why?" Xu Lin asked in confusion.

"They are indeed cruel enough. There is enough evidence now, but there is still a loophole, Yang Zicheng."

Bao Shengqun explained that Xu Lin suddenly realized that yes, the caller was actually Yang Zicheng. If he confessed, the military uniform would definitely use this as a reason to refuse to admit it to them.

At that time, the military commander could even say that Yang Zicheng was a red party, and he used Wen Jitao's home phone number to inform him.

Xu Lin knew best that neither Yang Zicheng nor Wen Jitao was a red party. They were framed. They wanted to put Wen Jitao in power. Yang Zicheng could no longer keep him. Wen Jitao's value was much higher than that of Yang Zicheng.

"I'll have someone kill Yang Zicheng right away."

Xu Lin said grimly, one Wen Jitao is enough, not to mention Xu Zhicai. One truth and one lie is his biggest gain this time. Catching the two of them is enough.

Yang Zicheng cannot stay, he must die.

"Don't go to all the trouble, arrest the person directly. If he has not contacted the Red Party, let's just say that we have targeted a Red Party member and found out that he has been in contact. After arresting the person, we will torture him and make him confess. After recruiting him, we will find a way Kill him, and then go catch Wen Jitao. And his gold bars. Didn’t you say that the bag containing the gold bars was stolen from Wen Jitao’s house by the Red Party? Check to see if the bag is there. If not, replace it for him."

Bao Shengqun continued to propose, Xu Lin was startled for a moment, and then nodded happily. As expected of Bao Shengqun, this was more natural. They would arrest Yang Zicheng first, and then Wen Jitao.

After Yang Zicheng died, Wen Jitao's things appeared in his house again, as well as those gold bars.

Then he found the phone number and no matter what Wen Jitao said, no one would believe him.

That’s right, let’s do it.

"Ring ring ring."

The phone on Bao Shengqun's desk rang, and he looked at Xu Lin.

His phone will not be used for hundreds of years. He is a person who does not need to exist in the Inspectorate. The Inspectorate never calls him and will not notify him of anything.

His family members would not call him casually. Only one person would call him occasionally, and the caller was sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

He was definitely not the one who called the person here. Bao Shengqun could guess who it was with his toes.

He didn't even bother to pick it up.

"It must be looking for you, pick it up."

Bao Shengqun pointed to the phone. Xu Lin frowned, but still walked to the desk and picked up the phone.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward.

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