Spy Shadow

Chapter 880 Meeting again

"Bo Kang, no, my stomach hurts again."

As soon as he arrived home, Ling Bokang heard his wife yelling and hurried into the room.

The sound of wetness soon came from his wife's body. His wife couldn't hold on, and her already weak body had difficulty even getting out of bed. She couldn't control it and it fell into her pants.

Fortunately, I had a lot of bowel movements in the morning, and now all that comes out is liquid, but the amount is still quite large.

"Dad, my stomach hurts too."

The second son shouted from other rooms. Ling Bokang ran over again without caring about changing his wife's clothes. Not only the second son, but also several children ran out and pulled her up.

"What evil have I done?"

Ling Bokang finally changed his wife's clothes, but her stomach hurt again and she kept wailing.

Like several children, they couldn't stand up at all.

Ling Bokang frowned. The doctor clearly said there was no poisoning. Why was this happening?

They have had injections. Today's injection of Canadian medicine costs three oceans per person, which adds up to twelve yuan. Even if their family's expenses are higher, it is enough for them to support them for half a month.

A trip to the hospital was all gone.

"Come on, let's go back to the hospital."

Fortunately, Ling Bokang had money on hand. He had just collected the final payment of two hundred yuan. There was no problem in treating his wife and children. The most important thing right now was seeing a doctor and not thinking about money.

"The hospital is too expensive. You take the children there, but I won't go."

Ling Bokang's wife cried and shook her head. She knew the situation at home. Who could bear the cost of a hospital visit costing more than ten dollars?

"No, I have to go. Don't worry, we have money now."

Ling Bokang deliberately took out dozens of dollars. This was black money. He didn't dare to let his wife know before. She looked at him in a daze, and finally she obeyed and was carried out by him.

He lives in a high place and needs help from his neighbors, otherwise he won't be able to take so many people with him at one time.

When he arrived at his neighbor's house, he found out that his neighbor also had diarrhea.

Not just their family, but several families as well.

Ling Bokang couldn't think too much, so he could only go and hire someone, and finally sent his wife and children to the hospital again. The doctor was also surprised by their situation, but no abnormality was found after examination, and finally continued to treat them as gastroenteritis.

Needless to say, the medicine is effective as soon as it is used. At least they no longer have stomach pain or diarrhea.

There was something strange about this matter, so Ling Bokang asked someone to help look at it while he went back to investigate.

There were quite a few families suffering from diarrhea, seven or eight of them. Ling Bokang asked and found that these seven or eight families were not drinking water from the same family. Some were getting water from wells, while others were connected to water pipes.

It means it's not a water problem.

Where's the food?

After asking, Ling Bokang became even more confused. The vegetables were not bought at one store. Ji Guotian, a smart person, did not just let one of his subordinates sell vegetables, but sent multiple people.

In short, the point is that Ling Bokang's wife can buy their food every day, and no one else cares.

With no clues yet, Ling Bokang could only return to the hospital and continue to look after his family.

The family's situation is special. After the infusion, the hospital did not dare to let them go home and kept them in the hospital for observation.

As a result, in the middle of the night, the family got together again.

Ling Bokang didn't dare to take them back at all. It was okay in the hospital. At least the doctor had something to do. If it still happened like this when he went back, wouldn't he have to endure it at home if he didn't send them back?

What if I can't survive it?

In just two days, he spent more than 60 yuan in the hospital. The speed of spending money made him feel heartbroken. The condition of several children has improved, but his wife's condition is getting worse and worse.

"Mr. Ling, we gave your wife sulfonamide, but it didn't work. Sulfonamide can't save her now, so we have to use new drugs. Our hospital doesn't have them. You are a government employee, so you should be able to buy new drugs. Try to buy one." This saves lives otherwise.”

The doctor found Ling Bokang and kept shaking his head until the end.

Ling Bokang understood what he meant. Without new medicine, his wife might not be able to be saved.

"I know where the new medicine is, just wait for me."

Ling Bokang didn't think much and ran out in a hurry. No matter how much money he had, his life was not important. He was a spy and knew that there was this new drug on the black market, but the price was very high.

In the past, if you wanted a new medicine, you would have to buy a lot of gold bars. Now the price has dropped a bit, but it is still not cheap.

The current price of new medicines on the black market is about three hundred oceans a tube. Based on weight, new medicines are much more expensive than gold.

Such a price really scares a lot of people, but even though it is so expensive, there are still many people buying it.

Compared with life, money doesn't matter.

Ling Bokang didn't have three hundred dollars. He instinctively wanted to borrow it, but when he first arrived at the public phone booth and picked up the phone, he hesitated.

Borrowing money is easy, and he is confident that he can borrow it. He still has almost two hundred yuan on hand, and only needs to borrow another hundred.

But how do you pay it back after borrowing it?

This amount of money will definitely not be enough for a year based on his salary. At least for several years, he will have to pay interest. Even if the interest is not high among colleagues, he still has to pay it.

He called Ji Guotian again.

He didn't know if this was a trick played by Ji Guotian. Currently, he had no evidence. It looked like an accident. There seemed to be something in their area that caused them to develop this condition.

Doctors agree with this view. Some rare small flying insects or reptiles can cause such harm.

He escaped because he was not at home.

Taking the phone, Ling Bokang dialed a number.

He knew Ji Guotian's contact information. Under normal circumstances, he shouldn't call directly. It was too dangerous and could easily leave clues. But now that the matter was urgent, he couldn't care so much, not to mention that he was just a wife now. What if the child was also serious?

He didn't dare to gamble, let alone gamble.

He refused to provide information to save his life, and now he is looking for Ji Guotian again to save his life. This may be the tragedy of the poor.

Many times, there is no choice. Even if he is a spy, as long as he has no actual power, it is useless to be at the bottom. At most, he can be more powerful and more powerful to the common people.

"Boss Ji, it's me."

Ling Bokang's voice was deep. He understood that as soon as this call was made, he would be completely on the pirate ship and would not be able to get off.

From now on, he will become Ji Guotian's mole, always providing him with information.

Of course, he has many benefits, as he can enable his family to live a good life and escape poverty.

"Why did you call directly?"

Ji Guotian was shocked. He understood that his medicine had worked and Ling Bokang had no way to find him.

Next, Ling Bokang will become his mole, or the puppet in his hands, and he will do whatever he is asked to do.

Through Ling Bokang, he could get more information from Zhongtong.

"I'm in an emergency. Does what you said last time still count?"

"It counts, of course it counts."

Ji Guotian chuckled, and Ling Bokang spoke quickly into the microphone: "I need a new medicine now. Send me to Huaqiao Hospital immediately. I'll wait for you here."

After speaking, Ling Bokang hung up the phone. Even though he took the risk to call, he would not explain clearly what the matter was on the phone.

Ji Guotian is an intelligence merchant on the black market. He will definitely be able to buy new drugs. The new drugs will be used as a deposit, and then he will provide the addresses of a batch of surveillance points.

In fact he knows some and is ready to provide it.

Ji Guotian came over very quickly. A mole represented wealth to him. Ling Bokang could help him make a lot of money, but this time he wanted to use Ling Bokang to make quick money. He could indeed make money by raising him for a long time. Electricity, but no military commander would be happy to give money.

Selling him would be a lot of money, much more cost-effective than keeping him.

As for himself, he has plenty of ways to escape.


Ji Guotian handed over a box. Ling Bokang glanced at him, then took the box and ran to the hospital.

It was important to save people. He had to send it to the doctor as soon as possible. The sooner he took the medicine, the faster his wife would recover.

Ji Guotian followed him in and smoked outside the ward.

Ling Bokang walked out not long after. The new medicine had not yet begun to work, but the doctor said that if the new medicine didn't help, there would be nothing they could do.

Doctors are not omnipotent. Even if they are doctors, many people get sick and die.

"Did you bring a pen and paper?"

Ling Bokang mosquito-repellent Ji Guotian, Ji Guotian immediately asked his men to get paper and pen.

"Let me tell you a few things I know first, Chunxiao Road..."

Ling Bokang mentioned nine surveillance points, all of which were destroyed by the military commander. Ji Guotian frowned after recording: "Bokang, you are not serious. These are all exposed. Don't think that I don't know about you and the military commander." Dirty things.”

Even if he didn't know before, when the military commander came to visit, it was impossible for him to check nothing. He already knew these things.

"I know. You didn't say you can't mention those who have been exposed. I'll tell you a few more, and you can give them to them together. It's all money."

Ling Bokang understood that these nine surveillance points could not be explained, so he added six more.

A surveillance point is as big as a hundred oceans. It’s nothing to try, but what if it works?

"You're right, I'll get it to them."

Ji Guotian's eyes lit up and he said with a smile. If you give Ling Bokang a share, he will have a share. This is a good idea. No one will find it a waste of money. If you can make more money, it's better.

"Who bought the information?"

After finishing speaking, Ling Bokang asked suddenly. Ji Guotian had already closed the pen and paper and looked up at him: "Bokang, you are an intelligence agent. You should understand the taboos in our industry. I can't tell you who bought the information."

"I understand. Since you can't tell the identity of the buyer, you shouldn't mention the identity of the seller either."

Ling Bokang's purpose was to find out the buyer. There was no possibility unless he caught Ji Guotian.

Arresting people will do him no good. Even if Ji Guotian recruits him, he will not be able to escape, and his family will be affected. The hands of these intelligence dealers are hidden. There are people behind Ji Guotian. He is just a guy standing at the front desk to help people make money.

"Don't worry, I'm not a chick, I know the rules."

Ji Guotian laughed, patted Ling Bokang on the shoulder, and left immediately.

Ling Bokang didn't sleep that night and stayed by his wife and children's side. The new medicine was worthy of the title of miracle medicine. After taking the medicine, his wife's complexion softened a lot and she didn't have diarrhea the whole night.

Military commander Qiao Yuancai got out of the car, holding a box in his hand.

When he arrived in Chongqing, he went straight to the army. He didn't want to be delayed for a minute. He didn't know if Wu Meifeng had arrived. He set off earlier and should have arrived by now, but if he had rested after arriving, he might not have arrived earlier than himself.

After straightening his clothes, Qiao Yuan walked inside.

"Director Qiao."

The guard at the door recognized him. He had been back more than once, and he was wearing a military uniform, which made him very conspicuous.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Qiao Yuancai handed him a pack of cigarettes, and the guard came over to help him salute with discernment. Qiao Yuancai went straight to the inspector's office.

"Director Chu, I'm here."

Chu Yuan brought Qiao Yuancai into the office, and Chu Lingyun had already left his desk to greet him.

"Director Qiao, why are you so fast?"

Chu Lingyun went to Qiao Yuancai, firstly because he knew that he no longer had his position, and secondly, because of Ma Sanshan's matter.

Qiao Yuancai had been the webmaster of Peiping Station and had worked with Ma Sanshan. He knew Peiping Station well and Ma Sanshan even better.

"Your matter is important. I happened to have nothing to do. I came right away."

Qiao Yuancai chuckled, and Chu Lingyun asked him to sit down on the sofa and make tea for him personally.

In terms of military rank, they have the same rank, and in terms of seniority, Qiao Yuancai is much older than him, but in terms of merit, even ten Qiao Yuancai cannot compare to him.

The military command is an intelligence department, and merit speaks for itself.

"Excuse me, I mainly want to ask you about Ma Sanshan."

Chu Lingyun asked immediately, while Chu Principle was taking notes. This was a normal interview, but it was not about questioning the suspect, but about collecting evidence.

Chu Lingyun has a lot of evidence in his hand and can attack Ma Sanshan at any time.

Ma Sanshan is the webmaster and must report it to Boss Dai, so there is no need to keep it completely secret. Even if Ma Sanshan knows about it, it doesn't matter. It depends on how he operates.

"Ma Sanshan?"

Qiao Yuancai was slightly startled, and immediately understood that Chu Lingyun had found out about him. He was secretly happy and quickly learned all about Ma Sanshan's situation.

"Thank you, Director Qiao, for your cooperation. Today's conversation is confidential. Please keep it confidential. If you leak information here and are punished by Boss Dai, don't blame me."

After more than an hour, the chat ended and Chu Lingyun stood up to see off the guests.

"Don't worry, I understand and I will never tell anyone."

Qiao Yuancai hurriedly promised, and he was so stupid that he said, if Ma Sanshan falls, won't the position of Peiping station chief become vacant?

In that case, he will have a chance to fight back to Peking.

"Okay, you go back and rest first. I'll see you if anything happens."

Chu Lingyun didn't know what he was thinking, and she wouldn't care if she knew it. Juntong didn't want to do anything all day long, and there were not many people who thought about climbing up?

"You don't have to give it away."

Qiao Yuancai left the office, still a little excited. He was really right to come back this time. He had to work quickly next, and his position as the head of the Peiping Station must not slip away.

"Brother Qiao?"

As soon as he came out of the inspector's office, Qiao Yuancai heard a familiar voice. When he turned around, he saw Wu Meifeng walking from a distance.

"Brother Wu."

Qiao Yuancai was shocked and immediately understood that Wu Meifeng had also arrived at the headquarters in a hurry. He must not let him know about the possible vacancy at Peking Station, otherwise he would have added a competitor in vain.

"What are you doing?"

Wu Meifeng pointed to the door of the Inspectorate's Office. The Military Inspection Office is a large office with a separate office building. There are also soldiers on duty on the first floor. Ordinary people cannot enter.

"Director Chu asked me for something, so I came over."

Qiao Yuancai replied with a smile. There was no need to hide this reason. Besides, Wu Meifeng was not an ordinary person. If he wanted to know, he could easily ask where he had been just now.

First update, this book is planned to be written after the war, so friends, feel free to rest assured.

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