Spy Shadow

Chapter 883 Sending the Family Away

Qiao Yuancai was silent, Wu Meifeng meant that he was unwilling to give in.

He was not surprised by this result, and he had no intention of letting it go. After all, if he misses such a good opportunity, he doesn't know how long it will take to wait. They are already very young, and whether they can wait for such an opportunity in the future is anyone's guess.

Nowadays, some good young people are emerging in the military every year. Sooner or later, these front-runners will be beaten to death by young people.

"Brother Wu, let's each rely on our own abilities."

Qiao Yuancai said softly, Wu Meifeng took a deep look at him and said with a smile: "That's exactly what I meant."

This drinking game at least made the two of them certain that they had the same purpose and were indeed competitors.

Neither of them knew that because of the wrong information, the results were completely opposite. Not only did the two not have any competitive relationship, but if they cooperated well, they would become each other's help.

It can only be said that they think too much and complicate the problem.

Neither of the two people is willing to say it clearly. If they had made it clear, this misunderstanding would not have occurred. Sometimes being too narrow-minded is not necessarily a good thing.

I didn't drink much wine, and I didn't even touch the dishes.

The two of them had their own concerns, and the banquet ended hastily.

"Bo Kang, this is yours."

Ji Guotian met with Ling Bokang again, and this time he brought him a lot of money. Dayang changed it into gold bars, otherwise it would be too much and would be inconvenient to hold.

Looking at the several gold bars in front of him, Ling Bokang said nothing and put away the gold bars.

"I don't want the surveillance point anymore. Next I want Teng Linjian's recent whereabouts and three gold bars. This gold bar is a deposit."

Ji Guotian gave Ling Bokang another gold bar. Ling Bokang glanced at him and still didn't say anything. He put away the gold bar and left. He had completely boarded the ship and could not get off.

Fortunately, I saved my wife's life. Now I have so much money to settle my wife and children. This money is enough for them to live a lifetime.

No matter when something happens, at least he doesn't have to worry about his family.

Ji Guotian watched him leave, the smile on his face never disappeared.

The military commander was not willing to sell the surveillance points this time because they thought they were too expensive. Nine of them were known to them and had long since been invalidated. Ling Bokang used them in exchange for money, clearly taking advantage of them.

Ji Guotian persuaded Wu Chongnan that their goal was not intelligence, but Ling Bokang, so what could they do if they gave it to him?

After Ling Bokang finished providing Wu Chongnan's information this time, the military commander could close the network.

After Wu Chongnan reported to Xu Yi, Xu Yi agreed to give him money. The money spent was a bit too much, as long as the purpose was achieved.

Of the four goals this time, only two were successful, and Ling Bokang seemed more important.

President Ling Bokang came to the office and filled his tea cup with water.

"Teacher, master."

Not long after he arrived, a head popped out of the office. It was Xie Zhiba from the Operations Department. Zhiba was not his real name. Because he stuttered, everyone called him that. Over time, no one called him by his real name.

"How did you come?"

Ling Bokang went out. This was the Intelligence Department. Xie Zhiba was his apprentice in the Operations Department. This kid was very clever and smart. If he didn't have a stutter, his development would be better.

He is not suitable for the intelligence service. His stuttering is an obvious characteristic and he can easily be noticed when he goes out to handle cases.

Action doesn't matter, as long as you can do it well.

"Master, I have collected some good goods here, and I came here specially to honor you."

Xie Stutter smiled, took out something wrapped in a handkerchief, and handed it to Ling Bokang.

Ling Bokang opened it and took a look. It was a piece of bone.

"Here, top quality tiger bones."

Xie stuttered and explained that Ling Bokang rewrapped the bones. This apprentice was good and very filial to him, but Ling Bokang always felt uneasy in his heart.

He has been in Zhongtong for many years and is usually honest and honest. However, recent events have made him feel like he is being pushed forward by a powerful force and there is no room for resistance.

He didn't know when he would be finished, but he had a hunch that this day would definitely come.

"Stuttering, I remember you said that you wanted to go back to your hometown to work. Your hometown is too remote and not suitable for transfer. How about you go to the nearest Tianjin?"

Xie Jieba's hometown is Hebei, which is not far from Tianjin.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Master."

Xie Stutterba happily replied. He didn't expect that as a gift of a tiger bone, the master actually thought of transferring him away. He had nothing to do at the headquarters. He stuttered and was unwelcome. He usually had to take the lead in dangerous actions. .

He wanted to leave a long time ago and didn't want to stay here.

"It just so happens that your master's wife's family is from Tanggu. They haven't been back for a long time. I'll help you organize it. After you are transferred to Tianjin, you can take your master's wife and junior brother back."

Ling Bokang took precautions and planned to send his wife and children back to their parents' home to prevent them from staying here any longer.

If there was a chance, he would transfer himself to Tianjin to see if he could avoid this disaster.

"You, don't worry..."

"Stop talking, leave this matter to me and I'll take care of it."

Ling Bokang understood what his apprentice wanted to express, and waved his hand to prevent him from continuing. If it's not easy to speak, don't say more, just express what you mean.

Now that he has money, it is very easy to move an unimportant person from the headquarters to Tianjin.

After all, he has been in Zhongtong for so many years and knows many people. As long as he has money, there is nothing he can't do.

"Thank you, Master."

There was no stuttering this time. Ling Bokang took the tiger bones and immediately went to the personnel office to find someone he knew and tried to find a way to transfer Xie Stuttering away.

Ordinary team members in the Operations Department and the Human Resources Department are not in trouble at all.

Ling Bokang's connections in Zhongtong came into play, and he managed this matter for less than a hundred dollars. Even if Tianjin was unwilling to accept it, they had to accept the people sent by the headquarters.

Three days later, the transfer order was issued.

Ye Feng does not need to handle the transfer of ordinary team members. He only needs to know the latest transfer. Basically, he will not refuse the transfer that is reported.

I'm afraid he doesn't even know who Xie Stutters is.

"Mom, Xiao Xie will protect you all the way. Now that you have won, go to your parents' house and buy some land for them to plant. You can take care of the children with peace of mind. Their studies must not be delayed."

At the gate of the city, Ling Bokang patiently told her that he gave all the money to his wife last night and asked their mothers to leave Chongqing at the same time.

That much money scared his wife out of her mind.

Knowing that Ling Bokang had sacrificed his life to get the money, it might be dangerous. His wife didn't want it, so she asked Ling Bokang to return the money. They didn't have to have money, as long as the family lived safely.

Ling Bokang knew very well that it was easy to collect money but difficult to return it.

It is impossible to go back. Ji Guotian will not accept it, but he may get into trouble in advance. The money must be taken, and the wife and children must go.

Xiao Xie is a nice person, very filial. He brought her out by himself. He will at least be able to take care of her in Tianjin and will not let his wife and children be bullied casually.

And Xiao Xie is smart. He stutters and has a hard time climbing up, so he started some small businesses on his own and made some money.

No matter where a person with brains goes, at least he will not have to worry about food and drink.

"I know, head, you must be careful."

Ling Bokang's wife burst into tears. She was unwilling to leave. Ling Bokang scolded her that she had to leave for the sake of the child. He got on the boat, but if he couldn't get off, he might be in danger at any time. If the two of them stayed here together, the whole family might be killed.

Leave Chongqing first and wait for news about him after arriving in Tanggu.

Xiao Xie can be trusted to a certain extent, and he has always been well-informed. If he knew that something happened to him, he would definitely inform their mothers and they would then run away.

No matter where you go, even if you go to the territory of the Red Party, just keep your life.

The Ling family must be passed down, and her responsibility is very heavy.

"Xiao Xie, take good care of your wife. If anything happens to me, go and notify them immediately."

Ling Bokang finally handed over to Xie Shiba, and Xie Shiba was startled. He was not stupid. He didn't think much about it at first, thinking that the master was just asking his master to take his junior brothers and sisters back to his parents' home for a visit.

When he saw a whole car full of their big and small bags today, he had a feeling that something was wrong.

The master's wife has been crying, and the master said this again, obviously trying to comfort her.

"Master, what's wrong with you? I'm not going to Tianjin. I'm staying here to help you."

It was rare that Xie stuttered without stuttering. After finishing his words quickly, Ling Bokang shook his head: "Don't worry about my affairs. If you recognize me as your master, just help me a little in the future so that your junior wife and junior brother can live well. Let's talk about the transfer order." Come down, you can’t go if you don’t want to, you have to go.”

With the transfer order, even if you stutter and don't want to stay in Tianjin, you have to make a trip and transfer the relationship before transferring.

He must go to Tianjin. There is no possibility of not leaving, otherwise he will be absent from work without reason.

In other units, it's okay. If you don't go, you won't go. There is an old saying about leaving with a seal, but in their intelligence department, if you don't say anything, you will disappear. As long as you are discovered, you will be strictly reviewed.

A bad person will be treated as a defector and shot directly.

This is also the reason why he dare not take the money and leave directly. Unless he goes to join the Red Party, he may be found out by the people of the Central Government no matter where he goes.

When he was in Zhongtong, his concept has always been to be hostile to the Red Party, and he will not do so unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Master, master, don't worry, I, I will definitely take good care of my wife and junior brother."

Xie stuttered and lowered his head. Ling Bokang didn't talk nonsense. He told them what should be explained and let them leave immediately.

When Wu Chongnan received the news, Ling Bokang's wife and children had already left for a day. They did not monitor Ling Bokang. Monitoring was of no use. What they wanted was evidence that Ling Bokang dispatched intelligence from the central government.

"Forget it, don't worry about them. Ling Bokang arrested people this time when he was trading information."

Wu Chongnan thought for a moment and then shook his head. According to his investigation, Ling Bokang was very cautious. Ji Guotian spent a lot of effort and finally let Ling Bokang be fooled.

He probably sent his wife and children away first because he was afraid that something would happen to him.

He is a smart man.

Wu Chongnan's target is not his whole family, as long as he is there, his wife and children are not important, and the military commander will not kill his whole family.

As for whether Zhongtong will spare his family, it has nothing to do with them.


The men were ordered to leave. Ling Bokang's side was going smoothly, as was No. 1's side.

Soon these two will close the net.

They have arranged more arrangements for No. 1. Now No. 1 has contacted the people they sent many times and has provided intelligence three times. They specially asked the contact person to bring an extra person to serve as No. 1's liaison in the future.

This person is not an agent, he was hired temporarily by them and he doesn't know anything.

The next time they trade, No. 1 will contact this person directly and hand over the information. The military commander will suddenly appear, capture No. 1, and beat the contact person to death.

No. 1 did not know the true identity of the person who was killed. No matter who came to interrogate him, he would confess that he was a red party member.

People from the Central Government sold information to the Red Party. How could the old man trust them?

After this is accomplished, he will make great achievements and his position as section chief will be more stable.

"Boss, there are only so many things that have been investigated so far, which are shocking."

Chu Lingyun was reporting in Boss Dai's office. The investigation against Ma Sanshan was almost complete. Not to mention making money, framing, using military commanders to kill people, raping civilian girls, etc., every one of them could be said to be a serious crime.

Boss Dai has the final say on what to do with Ma Sanshan.

"Have these been confirmed?"

Boss Dai couldn't believe that Ma Sanshan had gone so far. Chu Lingyun nodded slightly: "Everything has been confirmed."

Chu Lingyun would not report anything without evidence.

"Okay, I understand. Don't spread the word. Wait until I have time to interrogate him in person."

Boss Dai said lightly. Chu Lingyun understood that Boss Dai was holding back his anger. He said that he had no intention of sparing Ma Sanshan, even if he said that he would personally interrogate him.

Chu Lingyun exited the office, waited until noon, and took Chu Yuan out.

Yesterday, Zhang Mingzhen called and asked if he was free. If he had time, he could come and sit down. The teacher invited him, and Chu Lingyun couldn't refuse. He happened to be there this afternoon.


Arriving at Zhang Mingzhen's house, Chu Lingyun bowed respectfully. He bowed slightly, not as a military salute, indicating that he came as a junior.

"Ling Yun is here, come in and sit down."

Zhang Mingzhen was very happy to see Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun was very busy. After asking, he deliberately called in advance. Unexpectedly, Chu Lingyun came the next day.

He knew that many people wanted to invite Chu Lingyun, but they couldn't.

"How is your health lately, teacher?"

Entering inside, Chu Yuan helped put down the gifts, while Chu Lingyun asked casually. Zhang Mingzhen knew Chu Yuan and was Chu Lingyun's absolute confidant. He did not hide it from him and said directly: "I am in good health. I asked you to come this time because I was actually a recipient." Qiao Yuancai, you should know that he found me and asked me to help him speak for him, and he wanted you to help find a real job."

"Qiao Yuancai?"

Chu Lingyun was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect Qiao Yuancai to find Zhang Mingzhen.

He immediately understood that Qiao Yuancai was interested in Peiping Station and wanted to wait for Ma Sanshan to step down before returning to Peiping.

"He is quite flexible. Since you have said so, teacher, no problem, I will help him with this matter."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Qiao Yuancai had the qualifications and level. As for his ability, although he didn't do well in his hands during the Anti-Japanese War at Beiping Station and was forced to run away, he didn't make any big mistakes.

No matter whether people like him go to Peiping, the more mediocre people there are, the more guaranteed the safety of the comrades.

Second update, thank you to her who is 66 for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thank you to Zhang Protein for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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