Spy Shadow

Chapter 886 Killing in the Early Morning

Chapter 886 Killing in the Early Morning

"Yes, I will definitely catch him."

Wu Chongnan didn't dare to refute, explaining was useless. The director was furious. If he shied away from responsibility, he would probably make the director even more angry.

The key is that he can't even find anyone to take the blame. He personally directs the situation at the scene. If anything goes wrong, it's his responsibility.

Wu Chongnan was scolded by Xu Yi, then turned around and called his three team leaders over and scolded them, ordering them all to go out and find Ling Bokang no matter what, no matter life or death.

In an abandoned house, Ling Bokang was trembling.

He didn't dare to go home, let alone light a fire. It was a pity that he didn't have a safe house, otherwise he wouldn't have to hide here in the cold. He knew that the military commander would definitely look for him, and he couldn't make any rash moves until he was absolutely safe.

At dawn the next day, Ling Bokang ran out.

He didn't leave the city. There must be someone arresting him at the city gate at this time. If he went out now, he would be falling into a trap. He didn't go to a familiar place and went directly to a warehouse.

There are many coolies here, doing the work of carrying bags.

He had money, but he couldn't stay in a hotel. He had to find a place to live. He knew this place before. There were many people here and it was very mixed. Anyone could work here without checking their identity documents.

There is currently no suitable place to stay, so Ling Bokang can only choose here.

No one was found after dawn, and Wu Chongnan was scolded by Xu Yi again. As soon as Ling Bokang ran away, they would have arrested an intelligence dealer. This intelligence dealer was still their collaborator, so they couldn't really deal with him.

Otherwise no one would dare to trust the military commanders in the future.

Ji Guotian was released after writing a confession. He was so frightened that night that he was really worried that the military commander would take advantage of him and execute him.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

At the airport, Qiao Yuancai looked at Wu Meifeng with a smile. He did not expect that Wu Meifeng was suddenly appointed as the head of Tianjin Station. After learning the news, he finally understood that Wu Meifeng's goal was not Peking Station, but Tianjin.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have had to put in so much effort.

However, if I can get Chu Lingyun's help, this deal is still worth it. Others can't build a relationship with Chu Lingyun. This time Chu Lingyun helps him, which is equivalent to establishing a relationship between them.

At least he doesn't have to worry about the Inspectorate investigating him in the future. Even if something happens, he can always go to Chu Lingyun to clear things up.

Once Wu Meifeng left, the possibility of him going to Peking increased a lot.

"Brother Qiao, I wish you all your wishes come true."

Wu Meifeng said with a smile that he also knew that Qiao Yuancai's real goal was not Tianjin at all, which made him worry in vain.

He didn't know exactly where it was. Qiao Yuancai didn't say it, and he didn't ask. Chu Lingyun's investigation of Ma Sanshan was a secret operation. Qiao Yuancai wouldn't tell anyone until the matter was completed.

If Ma Sanshan knew about it in advance and was willing to spend money to operate it, wouldn't his work be in vain?

"Thank you, Brother Wu. You go first and wait for my good news."

Qiao Yuancai replied with a smile that Wu Meifeng didn't have much luggage. He would take a plane to Tianjin, which would be very fast. Han Xianghui was waiting for him to hand over.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Wu Meifeng got on the plane politely, and Qiao Yuancai left in the car. He felt a lot more relaxed now, and he could just wait with peace of mind. It wouldn't be long before he could return to Peiping and become the stationmaster again.

Wu Meifeng went to Tianjin, and the traitors in Tianjin will be in trouble.

With Wu Meifeng's temperament, he would definitely have to shave off another layer of skin. After those people had fed Han Xianghui, they would feed him again later, depending on how much he was willing to eat.

He is the same. When he gets to Peking, he will attack those traitors again.

"My lord, Konoe-sama committed suicide."

In Japan, Hosokawa Akiyasu was bedridden, and the housekeeper hurried over and told him the bad news.

"I see."

Hosokawa Akiyasu coughed a few times. His in-laws have been under house arrest. He is a war criminal and is afraid of being tried and even more afraid of being executed. He is not a person who can bear big events. He was constantly frightened and frightened. Konoe finally couldn't stand it anymore and committed suicide.

That's good, at least I can walk decently without being humiliated.

"Sir, would you like to see another doctor?"

The housekeeper said carefully, Hosokawa Akiyasu shook his head slightly and asked, "Is there no news about Tomohashi yet?"

"No, sir, don't worry, the young master Ji Ren has his own destiny, and nothing will happen to him."

"I hope so."

Hosokawa Akiyasu sighed. Japan was defeated, but Hosokawa Tomotaka was nowhere to be seen. He had a bad premonition in his heart.

And Hiroshi Ishihara, he also disappeared.

Youzhai Literary Society was banned. Many members of the Literary Society were war criminals and were arrested. However, some of them escaped. After they came back, they inquired about Ishihara Hiroshi and found that he seemed to have disappeared from the world. .

Only Hiroshi Ishihara knows where Tomotaka Hosokawa is. He can't be found, and it's even harder to find his son.

On the streets of Japan, a Japanese man was drinking. There were many wine bottles in front of him. It could be seen that he was drunk.

"Shuicheng-kun, stop drinking."

Yamaguchi next to him whispered, Shuicheng Jun raised his head, with confusion in his eyes.

Shun Shui Cheng did not become the division commander in the end, so he escaped a disaster, at least he was not caught. Takemoto and Shimakura, who were with him in the early years, were not so lucky.

Both are war criminals and are currently imprisoned.

"What to do if you don't drink? The army is gone. We have nothing to do in the future but drink."

Shuicheng Jun shook his head. He was not living a good life now. When he came back, he failed to bring his wealth back. If he hadn't given some money to his family before, he might not even have the money to drink.

The key is that the entire Japanese army was abolished, and he changed directly from a senior officer to a common man.

This huge contrast was unacceptable to him and he got drunk every day.

"It's a pity that I don't know where Mr. Ishihara has gone. It would be great if he came back. We wouldn't be without a backbone."

Yamaguchi sighed slightly. He was an old man of the literary club. Because he had been working in logistics, he was also spared this time. The literary club was gone, but these members were naturally close. He had always been with Shuicheng Shun.

"Do you think Ishihara-kun will be secretly detained by the Chinese, or did Ishihara-kun commit suicide as rumored?"

Yamaguchi asked, Shuicheng Jun raised his lips and showed a smile: "Ishihara-kun will not commit suicide. He is the smartest person I have ever met. He must have a way to escape. Maybe he is in Tokyo now, but he just didn't show up. .”

Shuicheng Jun, like Qiao Yuancai, did not believe that Ishihara Hiroshi would commit suicide.

It is absolutely impossible for a person like Ishihara Hiroshi to commit suicide or be captured by the Chinese. No one knows where he is now, but Shuisheng Shun believes that Ishihara Hiroshi must be safe.

Although Hiroshi Ishihara is not a soldier, the literary society is too involved. If he shows up, he is likely to be arrested as a war criminal.

After all, Ishihara Trading Company provided a lot of supplies to the army.

The reorganization plan of the Loyalty and Salvation Army reported by Boss Dai was passed. The Loyalty and Salvation Army was all dispersed and restructured into traffic police, under the dual jurisdiction of the police station and military command.

The old man will not allow Boss Dai to keep control of these armies.

After all, the most important job of military commanders is to collect intelligence and counter-espionage, not to fight.

Wu Chongnan failed to find Ling Bokang, so Xu Yi had no choice but to take Ji Guotian's confession to report to Boss Dai. Sure enough, he was scolded by Boss Dai. He was so sure of what he said before, but in the end he didn't even catch anyone.

It's a pity that one is missing, but fortunately there is a confession.

Boss Dai didn't wait, and immediately went to see the old man. Fortunately, he had a living mouth in his hand, and with Ji Guotian's confession, it was enough for Ye Feng to drink a pot.

As expected, the old man was very angry and called Ye Feng over and scolded him.

However, he did not agree to let the military unification investigate the Central Unification. The existence of the Central Unification was to balance the military unification and deal with the Red Party to avoid the situation where the military unification was dominant.

Now that the military command is not small, there are so many people, and the old man is becoming more and more afraid of Boss Dai.

If the military commander knocks down the central commander, will he be able to sleep well in the future?

"What do you do for food? The Red Party bought information and bought our headquarters. You might as well go and serve the Red Party."

When Ye Feng returned to the bureau, he immediately called the Director of the Telecommunications Department and Xu Lin over and scolded them severely. Only then did they realize that there was something wrong with their subordinates, especially the Telecommunications Department. The team leader actually directly Someone who sells confidential information to the Red Party.

"Secretary, I will make sure to screen you again when I get back, so that others can't take advantage of it."

Xu Lin said carefully that he was lucky. Ling Bokang was not caught by the military commander. It was said that he ran away. No wonder he hadn't seen anyone in the past few days. However, if he could escape, the monk could not escape from the temple. The central government must catch him before the military commander.

"Check, check everything. I must catch Ling Bokang who ran away, and Gu Lisheng, and arrest all their family members. No one can be spared."

Ye Feng said fiercely, Xu Lin did not dare to resist and took the order to leave.

All Gu Lisheng's family members were arrested, but Ling Bokang's family was missing. Xu Lin asked his neighbors and found that Ling Bokang had sent his family away a few days ago, and no one knew where they were.

Xu Lin is the director of the department, and Ling Bokang is an ordinary team member. They don't have much interaction with each other at ordinary times. When something happened to Ling Bokang, the people in the human resources department didn't dare to mention what he had done for Xie Stuttering before. Xu Lin could only send someone to Ling Bokang first. Let’s take a look at my hometown and see if I can find any clues.

For three consecutive days, Ling Bokang had been carrying bags in the warehouse. He hadn't taken a shower in the past few days, and his whole body was dark.

On the fourth day, Ling Bokang left carefully. He did not go home, let alone ask about himself, but went to the black market.

Ji Guotian is indeed fine.

Ji Guotian is an intelligence businessman. He will not always be on the black market, but Ling Bokang knows his home. Ling Bokang bought a gun, 60 rounds of ammunition and two grenades on the black market.

Ji Guotian's residence is a single-family villa in a wealthy area.

The security here is very tight. Ling Bokang carefully hid behind Ji Guotian's house, motionless, waiting for the opportunity.

"My dear son, do you miss daddy?"

In the evening, Ji Guotian returned home and immediately picked up his three-year-old son and kept kissing him on the face.

The child turned his head in disgust, but unfortunately he couldn't break free.

Ling Bokang felt even more painful when he heard Ji Guotian's voice.

Ji Guotian can always accompany his son, but he can't. Now that something happened to him, he can't notify his wife and children. He can only pray that Xie Stutter will be smart and protect their mother and son.

After he gets rid of Ji Guotian, he will leave Chongqing immediately tomorrow morning and find a way to join his wife and children.

Ji Guotian had dinner at home. After dinner, the family had a good time and went to bed quickly.

Ling Bokang kept hiding. It was cold at night and he didn't dare to move. He endured the cold weather until dawn.

If he wants to leave Chongqing, he must calculate the time.

He couldn't kill him too early, otherwise the military commanders and central commanders would still be in the city and intensify their search.

Leave immediately after killing someone, so that even if they find you, you will already be out of the city and don't have to worry anymore.

It was almost dawn, and Ling Bokang finally moved his stiff body.

He hid in a tree. The tree was very big and the leaves could cover him well.

Ji Guotian had wolf dogs at home. Ling Bokang prepared beef with ingredients. The beef was wrapped tightly. After getting off the tree, he came to the outside of the wall and threw the beef directly inside.

This is where the wolfdog is.

When the medicine took effect, Ling Bokang carefully turned it in. The two wolf dogs were already lying on the ground.

Ji Guotian is not an important person. In addition to one servant, there is only one bodyguard following him at home. The rest of the bodyguards will not come until dawn.

Ling Bokang moved very carefully. He quickly found the bodyguard's room, and he quickly eliminated the still sleeping bodyguard.

He used a knife.

Ling Bokang was in the operations department before, and he had good skills. If not, he might not have been able to escape from the hands of the military commander before.

After taking care of the bodyguards, Ling Bokang took care of the servants again.

Now only Ji Guotian's family of three is left.

Ling Bokang carefully went upstairs. Ji Guotian's bedroom was on the second floor. It was the master bedroom of the house and was very large.

I carefully opened the door, but it was unlocked.

Entering the room, Ji Guotian was still sleeping soundly, but Ling Bokang had a fierce look in his eyes. He now suspected that Ji Guotian's fault was that his wife and child had diarrhea, and the purpose was to drag him into the water and let the military commander make meritorious deeds.

Ji Guotian wanted his life, and he wanted the other person's life.

Ling Bokang held the sharp knife in his hand, Nie Sheng Nie stepped forward and stabbed Ji Guotian in the neck.

Ji Guotian opened his eyes and looked at Ling Bokang in horror, but unfortunately he could no longer speak.


Ling Bokang's wife was awakened and was knocked unconscious by Ling Bokang as soon as she shouted. Ji Guotian's son also woke up and looked at Ling Bokang in fear.

Ling Bokang had no intention of letting them go.

Letting them go would be tantamount to leaving a safety hazard for himself and his family. He killed Ji Guotian. If Ji Guotian's son grows up to avenge his father, he will definitely come to him.

Ling Bokang had been in Zhongtong for many years and was not a kind-hearted person. He had also killed people, and more than one.

After dealing with Ji Guotian, Ling Bokang did not leave immediately. Instead, he turned on the light and rummaged around the room.

There is an iron cabinet in the room. The cabinet is thick and locked.

The lock couldn't stop him. Ling Bokang found the key on Ji Guotian and quickly opened the cabinet.

The cabinet is filled with various file bags and a small safe.

Second update

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