Spy Shadow

Chapter 889 Chu Yuan joins the party

"Mr. Ke, that's all we've said. It can be seen that he is very vigilant."

After Chu Yuan left, Liang Qi quickly went to see Mr. Ke and reported everything that happened when he met Chu Yuan today, including what they said.

He was not a professional agent and could not memorize everything, but he remembered the general meaning.

Mr. Ke was not surprised by the content of their conversation, but what Chu Yuan said in the end aroused his interest. He asked with a smile: "He took the initiative to come and see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, he said it on his own initiative, I didn't mention it." Liang Qi nodded immediately.

"Very good. You can continue to tell him about us tomorrow. Remember, don't ask him if he is willing to join us. Just tell him our true situation."

Ke Gong smiled and nodded. Chu Yuan could easily pull him over, but he couldn't rush, otherwise it might have the opposite effect.

When things fall into place, it will be smoother by then.


Liang Qi took the order. He could see that Chu Yuan was indeed interested in the Red Party and knew Chu Yuan's true identity.

He was shocked at first. He didn't expect that his comrade was now so powerful. He had already reached the rank of colonel and was an absolute confidant around Chu Lingyun, the military commander's secret agent.

He knew very well how important it was to the organization to bring Chu Yuan over.

He was very dedicated to this task and completely obeyed Ke Gong's orders. He had often heard about Ke Gong's deeds in Northern Jiangsu and was the idol of all of them. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to work with Ke Gong.

He also understood Chu Yuan's role, otherwise Mr. Ke would not have taken action himself.

The next night, Chu Yuan arrived as promised and brought braised vegetables and wine.

When Liang Qi went out in the morning, Chu Yuan opened all the surrounding rooms and set up alarms. If someone sneaked into the room, he would be able to detect it immediately.

In addition, the door was also decorated. After all, the hotel was not safe. If someone was eavesdropping at the door, he would be able to detect it.

The things he arranged were not complicated, they were just some small bells, but the wires were so thin that most people couldn't see them at all. The bells were hidden and would be touched by someone listening close to the door.

This is actually not the most appropriate method.

If the team leader were here, he would definitely not arrange it like this. The team leader has a way to find out if anyone is eavesdropping without alerting those eavesdroppers.

He doesn't have that much time, let alone that many manpower, so he can only do this.

"Chu Yuan, you are here."

Liang Qi's room is very simple, with a bed, a table, and a shelf in the corner with a basin and towels on it. In addition, there are a kettle and teacups on the table, and a newspaper that Liang Qi reads. Nothing.

"Come, eat something first."

Chu Yuan smiled. Liang Qi had changed a lot in Northern Jiangsu. In the past, Liang Qi could only write his own name, but now he could read newspapers, which meant that he knew a lot of words.

Chu Yuan had heard that the Red Party team would teach people to read and write for free. This was not the case with the Guo Party. There were too many people. Except for useful people, few people would provide literacy classes for them, let alone like the Red Party. That forces them to learn.

Chu Yuan is very clear about the importance of culture, and the Fruit Party is not as good as the Red Party in this regard.


Liang Qi was not polite, picked up the chopsticks brought by Chu Yuan, and picked up a piece of pork head first. I have to say that the fragrant and delicious pork head is indeed a very good dish to go with wine.

Liang Qi followed Ke Gong's instructions and kept telling Chu Yuan about his life in northern Jiangsu.

These are things he has personally experienced, and they are not only vivid but also emotional.

This time they chatted for three hours, all the food and drinks were consumed, and finally Chu Yuan said goodbye with a bit of reluctance.

Chu Yuan has been in the army for many years. Although he is not conspicuous, it is because he is relatively low-key. Chu Yuan is not as smart and smooth as Loach, nor is he as aggressive as Shen Hanwen.

But he has the same advantages as Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen. Firstly, he is stable, and secondly, he has good combat effectiveness and investigation capabilities.

He could tell that everything Liang Qi said was true.

Life in the Red Party is really good, and what is written in their books is also true. They are really doing things and serving the people, especially the fact that they do not take things from the people, which really makes Chu Yuan, who is in the Fruit Party, unimaginable.

Soldiers of the Guo Party, let alone fighting, usually rob the common people when they see something they are interested in. Among the common people who bring ordinary items to sell in the city, which one has not been blackmailed by the soldiers guarding the city gate?

He even killed people for it.

The Red Party dug up the sweet potatoes of the people, but was criticized and had to apologize to the people. From this alone, we can see that the Red Party is sincerely working for the people.

The most rare thing is that all members of the Red Party do this, and they take it for granted.

I am afraid of comparison in everything. It is human nature for the Fruit Party to take advantage of others, but the Red Party is protecting the people and their property.

This is just one aspect, there are more to it.

Success or failure depends on the details.

Chu Yuan didn't know the Red Party before, but now he suddenly felt that if the Red Party could really be like this and be so united, even if the Guo Party had a large number of people, the Guo Party would not necessarily be the opponent of the Red Party because of its scattered appearance.

He began to have a little confidence in the Red Party.

Chu Lingyun keenly discovered that Chu Yuan was a little absent-minded when he was working, as if he was very preoccupied.

Ke Gong did not tell him about his actions. At this time, Chu Lingyun did not know that Ke Gong was already developing Chu Yuan and pulling him into his camp.

Chu Lingyun didn't work overtime these days and got off work at night. Chu Yuan used other excuses to go to Liang Qi's residence again.

They didn't talk that much today, but Liang Qi talked a lot about the ideas of the Red Party, and Chu Yuan agreed with them very much. With his understanding from the previous day, he found that the Red Party always adhered to its original intention and fought for their beliefs.

Unlike the Kuomintang, they say good things but their actions are completely opposite to what they say.

No wonder many captured Red Party members are unyielding and cannot be defeated by punishment. Chu Yuan in the intelligence department is very aware of the severity of those punishments.

There are indeed people in Japan who can do it, but they are not many and cannot compare with the Red Party.

There are more people in the Red Party who can withstand the punishment. It turns out that it is supported by their firm belief. This kind of belief is really terrible. People with this kind of belief are invincible.

On the third day, Chu Yuan came to the hotel again with food and wine.

"I won't be eating here today, my boss wants to see you."

Liang Qi stopped Chu Yuan from opening the paper bag he brought. Chu Yuan raised his head and looked at him. Liang Qi was a member of the Red Party, so his boss must be too. The Red Party wanted to contact him?

For a moment, Chu Yuan thought a lot.

Chu Yuan is not stupid. Of the three confidants around Chu Lingyun, Shen Hanwen made the most mistakes. Even Loach also made many mistakes, but Chu Yuan made the least.

No one is perfect, and he also made mistakes. When he was tracking down the spy, he alerted the other party, causing the spy to commit suicide. However, Chu Lingyun later helped him find a way to make amends. By investigating the whereabouts of the dead spy, he successfully found out who was instigating the rebellion. traitors and other spies.

Since then, Chu Yuan rarely made mistakes.

At first he didn't think much about it when he saw Liang Qi. In the past few days, he took the initiative to communicate with Liang Qi. Although he had doubts, he didn't think deeply about it. Liang Qi suddenly wanted to take him to see his boss, and Chu Yuan suddenly woke up.

Liang Qi came for him and wanted to instigate him.

"Xiao Qi, who is your boss?"

Chu Yuan did not agree immediately, but asked. He was considering whether to go and meet. He sympathized with the Red Party and recognized that there was nothing wrong with the Red Party, but it did not mean that he wanted to join the Red Party.

Chu Lingyun treated him well. From beginning to end, he regarded himself as Chu Lingyun's. Joining the Red Party would be a betrayal, so he hesitated.

He is different from Chen Zhanli in this regard.

Chen Zhanli regarded Ni Loach as his teacher and admired Chu Lingyun, but he never regarded himself as a true Fruit Party member. In his heart, joining the Red Party was not a betrayal. If given the chance, he would even want to bring Ni Loach and Chu Lingyun along with him. Join us together.

He mentioned it to Secretary Wang, but Secretary Wang directly rejected it.

Whether it is Ni Loach or Chu Lingyun, their status in the military command is too high. It is not easy to win over such people. Once Chen Zhanli's identity is revealed, his life will be in danger.

You can't take such a risk.

"My boss's surname is Ke."

Liang Qi said softly that Mr. Ke had told him that if Chu Yuan asked about him, he would tell the truth.

Your surname is Ke?

Chu Yuan immediately thought of a person, the key criminal wanted by their military commander and central commander, the intelligence commander of the Red Party, Ke Gong.

It's actually him, he's in Chongqing?

As expected of the Three Heroes in the Tiger's Nest, he dared to hide in Chongqing at this time, and even told himself that if his news was leaked, the Central and Military Commanders would definitely do their best and look for him like crazy.

Don't let one go if you kill three thousand by mistake. Catching Mr. Ke would be a great achievement.

"Chu Yuan, my boss is a good man. I told him about you. He thinks that although you are in decay, you still have light. Chu Yuan, I hope you can look for the light with me."

Liang Qi advised, Chu Yuan looked at him straightly, and after a while asked slowly: "You touched me on purpose, right?"

Liang Qi was silent, it was true, he knew Chu Yuan's identity and deliberately created a chance encounter with Chu Yuan.

Not wanting to deceive, he finally nodded.

"Come on, let's go there."

Chu Yuan suddenly agreed that if Liang Qi deceived him and said it was a chance encounter, he would turn around and leave. He would not have any trust in the person who deceived him, but he would not report it.

Just pretend the two of them have never met.

As for whether he would be in danger if Liang Qiwan was arrested in the future, Chu Yuan did not consider it at all.

This kind of meeting and chatting will not cause any harm to him. At most, he will not be promoted in the future.

He really didn't care about this. It was impossible to use this to kill him. With the team leader here, he was safe.


Liang Qi was very happy and took Chu Yuan out, but before going out, Chu Yuan suddenly took out something and wiped it on his face.

He had learned makeup from Chu Lingyun, and even though he was not as good as Chu Lingyun, there was no problem in simply changing his appearance. At this time, except for those who were particularly familiar with his appearance, no one else could recognize him at all.

Seeing Chu Yuan's change of appearance so quickly, Liang Qi's eyes widened.

"Chu Yuan, you are so amazing."

Liang Qi said half a sentence, but he suppressed the rest. Ke Gong would also change his appearance. This time in Chongqing, Ke Gong changed his appearance. He was shocked at first. He didn't expect Chu Yuan to be like this. Ability.

These two people are really destined.

"Let's go."

Chu Yuan smiled and did not explain. Liang Qi had never seen anyone who was really good at makeup. No one could tell anything unusual about the team leader’s makeup. After the team leader changed his appearance, he was able to fool the Japanese and became a Japanese Who would have thought of that?

Ke Gong has been waiting for Chu Yuan, and today is a suitable day for them to meet.

He had told Liang Qi before that if Chu Yuan was suspicious or asked something, just answer truthfully and there was no need to hide anything.

If they want Chu Yuan to become their comrade, they must first be sincere.

If you don't show sincerity, why should you let others believe in you?

Are you cheating like the fruit party?

Can deception for a moment still deceive the whole life? Later, Chu Yuan discovered that they did not have such original intentions. Why were they of the same mind?

Mr. Ke understands this, he does things flawlessly, and he won't make such small mistakes.

Ke Gong lived in a private house. Liang Qi took Chu Yuan with him, and there were anti-following actions on the road. However, his actions were full of loopholes in Chu Yuan's eyes. In the end, Chu Yuan took him around to make sure that no one was following him.

In terms of agent ability, Chu Yuan is much stronger than Liang Qi.

Inside the private house, Ke Gong heard a knock on the door, which was the signal agreed with Liang Qi.

The security officer responsible for monitoring from a distance did not send out a danger signal, so Mr. Ke immediately asked the security officer Xiao Li to open the door.

Ke Gong has never been careless about safety issues.

He believed in his comrades and at the same time understood the enemy's cunning. Chu Yuan would not do anything. If he did, he would have known about it, but who could guarantee that Chu Yuan and Liang Qi were not under surveillance?

What if they don't know?

The necessary safety arrangements must be in place.

Ke Gong is now his true self. If he wants to see Chu Yuan, he can't pretend to be like him. Xiao Li opened the door, looked outside warily, and brought Chu Yuan and Liang Qi inside.

Mr. Ke was already waiting at the door of the living room.

"Comrade Chu Yuan, welcome."

Mr. Ke smiled and reached out his hand. Chu Principle was stunned for a moment. It was indeed Mr. Ke. What was most surprising was that Mr. Ke called him "Comrade".

This title was also used by the Fruit Party in the past, but now it is almost exclusive to the Red Party.

Now if party officials only have interests in their eyes, who would still be comrades with you?

Make money together?

"I am not your comrade."

Chu Yuan replied calmly, but still stretched out his hand and shook it with Ke Gong.

The person in front of him looked the same as the photo kept by the military commander, but he was not his original appearance. Ke Gong was not surprised. He knew that Chu Yuan also knew how to put on makeup, and Chu Lingyun taught him how to do it.

"Haha, I'm used to calling you names, don't worry about it."

Ke Gong chuckled. In fact, he did this on purpose. Despite Chu Yuan's verbal objection, his body was very honest, as evidenced by shaking hands with him.

He understood Chu Yuan's concerns, but he was not worried about these concerns. He had a way to convince Chu Yuan.

"Please sit down. I don't have anything else here. The tea is pretty good. Come and taste it."

Mr. Ke said with a smile that his tea was indeed good, but he usually drank coarse tea. He would only take out his treasured tea when he had something to do or when he had to entertain important guests.

"Thank you Mr. Ke for your hospitality."

Chu Yuan was not polite, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The tea smelled really good, it was good tea. Chu Yuan had drank a lot of good tea with Chu Lingyun over the years. He could taste the quality of the tea.

"What do you think are the shortcomings of the Fruit Party?"

Ke Gong asked suddenly, and Chu Yuan was a little surprised. He thought that Ke would tell him about the Red Party's ideas, and he would use this to win over him.

I didn't expect to ask about the fruit party when I came up.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Yuan replied softly: "Corruption, nepotism, infighting, etc."

"You're right. If the party is corrupt and full of factions, everyone only wants to use their own people, reliable people, but their abilities are the least. People at the top just think about how to exploit the people and make money, and they will follow the example, even if they are at the bottom The little soldiers are also thinking about how to plunder the poor people. No one thinks about doing things for the people, and no one cares about the lives and lives of the people."

Ke Gong spoke slowly, Chu Yuan did not refute, he understood that these were all facts.

"Li Shimin once said that the people are water and officials are boats. Water can carry a boat and capsize it. The same is true now. The people are the foundation. If the people oppose it, such a rule will not last long. History has told us many times Pass the proof.”

"What if the Fruit Party makes changes?"

Chu Yuan couldn't help but retort, and Mr. Ke smiled: "Do you think they will change, or that the major families headed by Principal Chang are willing to give up their power and interests? Or if Principal Chang is replaced, all this will happen Will it be different?"

Chu Yuan was silent again.

The ones who get the most money are the senior officials, including Principal Chang. It is definitely impossible for them to give up their power and wealth. Can it be done by replacing them with someone else?

Chu Yuan knew the final result very well, no.

This is rotten to the core. It is useless to replace one or two people. Even if he is determined to do something, he will be ousted by the people below, not to mention that there are no such people among the top leaders of the Fruit Party.

It's better, it's better to make money, but for the benefit of the entire group, you still have to turn a blind eye.

“What the fruit party cannot do, the red party can do.”

Ke Gong finally mentioned himself, but Chu Yuan still did not refute. According to his understanding, the Red Party was indeed doing this.

"Chu Yuan, I know your situation. You have long been disappointed with the Guo Party. Your allegiance is not to the Guo Party, but to your commander. This is not wrong, but your commander is also in the Guo Party's environment. According to your loyalty to him, What do you think is the difference between him and those high-ranking officials of the Fruit Party?"

Chu Yuan's heart is tied to Chu Lingyun. Before he can tell him Chu Lingyun's true identity, he must be convinced that Chu Lingyun is a like-minded person and has a chance to enter their camp.

Only in this way can Chu Yuan completely open up his heart.

"My commander is naturally different from those people."

Speaking of Chu Lingyun, Chu Yuan immediately replied that he had been with Chu Lingyun for so long and knew very well Chu Lingyun's attitude towards the people. Chu Lingyun also made money, but never crossed the bottom line. He was either copying Japanese or traitors, or The filial piety shown to him by others.

The War Situation Team had so much funding for its activities, and he had never embezzled a penny.

On the contrary, they often use their own money to contribute.

Chu Lingyun used his identity as a Japanese to make waves in Shanghai. He never touched the people at the bottom, and tried his best to protect the people. The food prices he set saved the lives of many poor people.

There are not many good people in the Guo Party, but there are still some, and his chief is one.

And he is so smart that others cannot see anything.

"Can he save the Fruit Party?"

Ke Gong asked suddenly. Chu Yuan thought for a long time and finally shook his head.

Not to mention that Chu Lingyun is not of high rank and does not have that much power. Even if he reaches the position of Principal Chang, he still cannot save Guodang. If he wants to really do things, he will inevitably block those people's financial paths. For those people, who can stop them? They are the enemy, and they will be attacked in groups.

Such examples abound in history.

Not to mention, Chu Lingyun couldn't achieve that position, even if he had a great influence on the eldest son.

"We can't change them, so we will do what we can, at least within our capabilities, to protect some people so that they can suffer less and live a happy life. I believe you know this best. We have been doing this , and doing a great job.”

Chu Yuan is from the intelligence department and knows this.

"In the future, if we have more like-minded people, we will be able to help more people. Your commander is actually not a bad person. Why don't we find a way to do this together?"

Chu Yuan suddenly raised his head. He understood clearly that Ke Gong not only wanted to develop him, but also wanted Chu Lingyun.

"Your real target is not me, but him, right?"

Chu Yuan asked lightly, and Ke Gong smiled. His target was Chu Yuan, and Chu Lingyun was already their comrade.

If it weren't for Chu Lingyun's inconvenience, there would be no need for him to say this.

"You can think of it this way. For us, as long as they are not heinous criminals, they may become our comrades."

This was Ke Gong mentioning comrades again, but Chu Yuan didn't feel any disgust in his heart, but instead recognized it.

"We talked a lot today. Let's drink tea and talk about other things."

Ke Gong poured tea again and acted in moderation. What he said today was enough. Next, he would continue to influence Chu Yuan. He believed that it wouldn't be long before Chu Yuan would become their true comrade.

Next, Mr. Ke did as he said. He neither mentioned the Red Party nor the Guo Party, but instead talked about their meritorious service during the Anti-Japanese War.

They have captured so many spies and sabotaged so many operations in Japan. They are the heroes and the heroes of great merit.

Regardless of whether the Red Party or the Fruit Party, as long as they sincerely resist Japan, the country will not forget them, and the nation will not forget them.

Ke Gong's praise made Chu Yuan even more disgusted with Guodang.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Red Party also sacrificed many people and continued to struggle against the Japanese. The Red Party did not deny the efforts of the Guo Party on the battlefield, but the Guo Party kept trying to blackmail the Red Party.

Even before the Japanese surrendered, they attacked the Red Party.

He was afraid of comparison in everything, and Chu Yuan was even more disappointed with Guodang than this one.

After talking about this, Mr. Ke suddenly talked about the Red Party's philosophy. Some of them were books that Chu Yuan had read, but simply reading them was completely different from having someone explain them. Mr. Ke's explanation was not only vivid and easier to understand, but also added a lot of details. example.

Every example confirms that what the Red Party did was consistent with their original intentions.

"You go back first."

The lecture didn't last long, only half an hour. Ke Gong suddenly stopped. It was getting late. Chu Yuan had been here for more than an hour.

He can't stay here too long.

Chu Yuan stood up and walked to the door, but as soon as he reached the door he turned around again and looked at Mr. Ke: "Can I still come tomorrow?"

"welcome any time."

Ke Gong smiled. Chu Yuan took the initiative and almost became their comrade. Now there was only one last step left.

"Thank you."

Chu Yuan thanked him and turned to leave. Liang Qi did not come with him. Liang Qi's mission was completed. The next person who comes into contact with Chu Yuan will become Ke Gong and continue to guide Chu Yuan on the right path.

Back home, Chu Yuan had insomnia.

He admitted that the Red Party was indeed good, but he couldn't do it if he betrayed Chu Lingyun. Today, Ke Gong opened a new door for him. Can he and Chu Lingyun join the Red Party together?

Thinking carefully about everything the team leader has done, Chu Yuan can be sure that the team leader has never done anything to the Red Party.

When they got the order to search for the Red Party, the team leader gave him the task. He didn't complete it, and the team leader didn't blame him at all.

The second question is whether the team leader can recognize the Red Party and is he willing to join?

There is no doubt that the team leader is a capitalist. There are people with more money than him now, but not many. The team leader must have sympathy for the people.

For example, Ezakiga gave alms to the poor.

Without the support of the team leader, he would not have been able to do it. There were also the usury loans issued by Ishihara Trading Company. The debts issued by Ishihara Trading Company were never paid. None of the children he bought starved to death. If they were sick, they would be treated. Until Japan surrendered.

After Japan surrendered, the team leader ordered the children to be released and temporarily placed them in an orphanage.

Chu Yuan had seen those children, and they were completely different from what was written in the newspapers. Those children were fair and clean, some had gained weight, and they did not look like they had been squeezed into skinny bones.

Also, those children have smiles on their faces, smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

Chu Yuan was the one who dealt with this matter at the beginning. Some children even asked if they could go back to the factory. They lived a better life in the factory. Although they had to do things, they didn't do much. They had enough to eat and could read and write.

From this point of view, the team leader clearly used another method to save these poor children.

After the war, all the loan sharks of Ishihara Trading Company disappeared, but Boss Dai kept collecting money.

Chu Yuan didn't know that Chu Lingyun had a hand in it, and he didn't know that the money that Boss Dai had collected was given to Mr. Ke by Chu Lingyun to find a way to help these people who couldn't survive.

Because of this, the Red Party has won the support of many people.

Loan sharking is not a glorious thing. There are only a few insiders and no one has told the outside world.

From these aspects, it is indeed possible for the team leader to be co-opted.


The key is that the team leader is so close to the eldest son and has good friends with many military generals. He is also a figure in the old man's name and has strong connections in the United States. Someone like him is really willing to join. Red party?

Chu Yuan didn't have any confidence.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if he had these, he could be kinder to the people and make his conscience easier, but he would never give up these easily.

I must ask Mr. Ke about this question tomorrow.

When it was almost dawn, Chu Yuan slept for a while, got up and rushed to Juntong immediately.

Today is not a time for rest.

In Boss Dai's office, Chu Lingyun was reporting on the Japanese espionage plan. The entire team consisted of eleven people, with him as the team leader and deputy team leader Zhang Acheng.

Operation captain Ishida Koyama, intelligence captain Jiang Tengkong.

However, Jiang Tengkong wanted to change his identity and use a pseudonym.

He couldn't go there using his real name. Thomas was accompanying Mike in Japan. If Thomas found out about him, he would be finished soon.

Chu Lingyun has a way to order Thomas not to take revenge, but it will reveal his relationship with Jiang Tengkong, which will cause Thomas' dissatisfaction.

When that time comes, Chu Lingyun will find a way to get rid of Thomas.

Once Thomas knew that Jiang Tengkong was a member of the military commander, he would understand that Chu Lingyun had known for a long time that he had been captured, deliberately refused to save him, and would even suspect that he was the mastermind. At present, the chess piece Thomas is still useful. He is by Mike's side and has provided a lot of information about Mike.

If Chu Lingyun wanted to, he could know Mike's every move.

In this case, it would be best for Jiang Tengkong to use a pseudonym. Anyway, now that Japan has been defeated, people in the country will not do any investigation at all. No matter what his name is, there will be a way to get through.

They were each assigned a liaison officer, and then there were the two people in charge of the radio station.

There will be two radio stations, one for use and one for backup, and they must be protected.

Protecting the radio station is not to protect against the Japanese. Even if they know about the radio station, they will not take care of it. It is mainly aimed at Americans and cannot be let them know.

There are also three security officers who can also make guest appearances as action personnel.

The ten people, except Ishida Koyama, will return to Japan in batches through different channels. Jiang Tengkong and his liaison officer set out from Hong Kong. His liaison officer is also Japanese. A Japanese junior officer who has not made too many mistakes has been educated and educated by the military commander. After transformation, he became a peripheral agent of the military commander.

There were also three Japanese, and the rest were Chinese who had passed away as traitors.

There were six Japanese in the entire group, more than Chinese.

"That's it. Is there any problem with funding?"

Boss Dai read it briefly and then signed and agreed. A group of ten people was nothing at all, and besides, they were going to Japan.

After Japan's defeat, Boss Dai didn't pay much attention to it, but he wouldn't object to Chu Lingyun's suggestion. He could only support ten people, and it didn't cost much.

Maybe it can really bring important information from Japan. Such an investment is completely worth it.

"No problem, they don't need much money."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, except for the radio and weapons, which are worth some money, the rest is just living expenses, which is a drop in the bucket for the military commander.

This group is completely under his control. It belongs to the military in name only, but in fact it belongs to him personally.

No one but him could give orders to his group.

Their real role is not to spy on intelligence. There is not much intelligence in Japan now. If there is, it is those radical elements who are unwilling to fail. Without the army, they cannot afford to make any trouble.

Whatever they really want to do, the Americans will teach them a lesson, and they don’t need military control to take action.

The real role of the Japanese team is to collect business and technical intelligence, and take advantage of the current war in Japan to obtain more technical information and raw materials. Chu Lingyun did not tell anyone about this, including Zhang Acheng.

When they arrive in Japan, they will find that there is nothing to do. They can only do what Chu Lingyun ordered.

"Okay, you can arrange it. You don't need to spend too much energy on this matter. There are Americans watching. If Japan can't get up, our focus is still on the Red Party. Ling Yun, your ability in military control is unmatched. Next, we will deal with the Red Party You have to contribute, especially our internal personnel, and you must check clearly."

"After the New Year, you will inspect each station again. The main purpose this time is to screen the management of each station down to the captain level. If possible, conduct a station-wide screening on them. I want to ensure that within the military system There is no Red Party presence.”

Boss Dai patiently warned that Japan is in the past and he is very aware of the current situation.

Only by being able to deal with the Red Party can the old man be satisfied.

"Don't worry, I will start looking through the information now, and I will go on inspection after the new year."

Chu Lingyun agreed. It was unknown whether he could go on this inspection. Even if he could go, it didn't matter. He would not touch any real red party members. If there was really a need, he had plenty of ways to make some people become red party members.

These are definitely the ones who deserve to die.

"So be it."

Boss Dai took the initiative to end Chu Lingyun's report. He was so busy recently that he didn't even have time to collect loan sharks.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you let it go. As time goes by, the interest on the person who owes money is getting higher and higher. It doesn't matter when you collect it. It's not that easy to rely on him to pay the boss's debt.

In Fujian, the loach giggled.

Lily is pregnant, and he is about to be a father. The old Chinese medicine doctor is really powerful, and his medicine is very effective. Today they specially confirmed at the hospital that the two of them are about to become parents.

"Zhao San, do you like boys or girls?"

Lily also had a happy smile, and Loach smiled sillyly: "It's okay, both boys and girls. In the future, we will have more children, both boys and girls."

"How many do you want to have?" Lily rolled her eyes.

"At least a dozen will be needed. Let them form a team when the time comes..."

"You think I'm a pig, and I'm still giving birth to a dozen of them."

Lily immediately interrupted Ni Loach, who still smiled stupidly. It didn't matter how many children he had, the only important thing was that he and Lily could always be together.

"By the way, how's your investigation going at Kwai River Mountain?"

Lily talked about the business. Gui Heshan was Boss Dai's man and the deputy director of Fujian Station. He and Ni Loach were not on the same page and always wanted to take Ni Loach's position. Ni Loach temporarily tolerated him and did not embarrass Chu Lingyun.

"As for his little bit of trouble, I thought I couldn't find it. Don't worry, we have all the evidence. As long as we attack, he will definitely die."

Loach chuckled and said, Guiheshan has done a lot of bad things secretly. Not only is he greedy for money, he also smuggles tobacco, resells various materials, joins the underworld, and runs many casinos.

These may not kill him, but if Loach takes out one thing, Guiheshan will definitely die.

Gui Heshan accepted a heavy bribe and let the Japanese go privately.

Although it was during the Anti-Japanese War, as long as such a thing was done, once it was found out, the accounts could be settled later. Gui Heshan thought that Japan had surrendered and the matter would go undisturbed. He would be finished if he took it out when the time came.

This kind of betrayal is the last thing Boss Dai can tolerate.

"That's good. I always feel like something big is going to happen to the military commander."

Lily nodded slowly. The headquarters was very peaceful recently. The team leader beat up a group of people, and these people turned in their confessions one after another, and everything was fine after that.

Everything seems to be normal, but Lily's heart is always not so stable.

The huge Loyalty and National Salvation Army was reorganized into the traffic police, but Boss Dai still refused to delegate power. There were so many people in the military command, and many elites were trained during the Anti-Japanese War. This force was too huge.

Lily once had an idea.

If she were an old man, she would definitely support Chu Lingyun to deal with Boss Dai.

If that happens, the conflict between the team leader and Boss Dai will be brought to light. None of them, the direct descendants of the team leader, will be able to escape, even if they don't want to fight.

So she took precautions and suggested that Loach get the handle on Boss Dai first.

Even if Boss Dai really doesn't pursue what Gui Heshan did, the old man won't be able to pass the test.

At that time, it can help Loach quickly stabilize the Fujian station and become a strong back-up for the team leader.

"If anything happens, madam, you don't have to think too much. You can raise your baby with peace of mind."

Loach didn't take it seriously, and Lily didn't say anything. There were some things she didn't know, or she couldn't access.

The old man is indeed afraid of Boss Dai, but he will not use Chu Lingyun to restrain Boss Dai unless he has to. One of the two people is a wolf and the other is a tiger.

Fortunately for Dai Yunong, at least he was supported by the old man. Chu Lingyun's relationship was even stronger than his.

If you lift Chu Lingyun up, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome in the future.

The old man made a decision a long time ago. People like Chu Lingyun can be used, or even used greatly, but he must not be given military power to avoid losing his power. The strength of the military commander is not weak, and the old man will not hand over the military commander to Chu Lingyun.

Lily has little contact with them, so naturally she won't understand this.

In Chongqing, Chu Yuan came to Ke Gong again.

"Ke Gong, I want to ask you a question. If I have a lot of property in my hands and join the Red Party, will all of these properties be returned to the public?"

Chu Yuan got straight to the point and asked the question he was most worried about directly.

"of course not."

Mr. Ke smiled, and the matter was basically settled. As soon as Chu Yuan's question came up, Mr. Ke understood that he was worried about Chu Lingyun.

Chu Yuan doesn't have any property of his own.

"That's good." Chu Yuan asked again.

In fact, he didn't know anything. There were still many wealthy people in the Red Party's territory. They supported the Red Party, and the Red Party had not confiscated their property.

In the early days, some land was indeed allocated, but later it was changed to reduce rents and interest rates, limiting the rent to a certain range, leaving some way for tenants to make a living. Those greedy people wanted to take away all the land without giving it to the tenants.

"Don't worry, we will only praise those who have made meritorious service to the country, and we will never do anything to them."

Ke Gong said with a smile. Chu Yuan was not talking. He took the opportunity to continue explaining the theory of the Red Party. This time he even took out two books and personally opened the books to explain to Chu Yuan in detail.

There are not many people who can let Mr. Ke teach in person.

Two hours later, Chu Yuan's intention was still unfinished, but he still left. He couldn't stay here for too long, not only his own safety, but also Ke Gong's safety was equally important.

He has now begun to consider Ke Gong's safety.

Time passed slowly, and half a month passed quickly.

"Comrade Chu Yuan, I now formally ask you, are you willing to join the great Chinese Red Party?"

These days Chu Yuan has a deep understanding of the Red Party, recognizes the Red Party, and has enough confidence in the Red Party. It is time to develop him into the Red Party's big family.

"I do."

Chu Yuan nodded solemnly. Even if Mr. Ke didn't say anything, he would take the initiative to apply. The team leader would think of ways to influence him bit by bit. If the team leader really didn't want to, then hand him over.

He did not betray the team leader, let alone the organization. Before that, he would not be exposed to any organizational work. Once Ke Gong left, it would be impossible to get anything out of him.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another reward of 1,000 starting coins, a 10,000-word chapter.

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