Spy Shadow

Chapter 891 Fishermen and Farmers Travel

Chapter 891 Fishermen and Farmers Travel

Judging from the reaction of the military commanders, they had long known that this was the conspiracy of the central commanders, and they used their tactics to deliberately attract them.

He didn't know exactly when he was discovered, but it wouldn't be too late. Xu Lin didn't notice, thinking that everything was still under his control, but he didn't know that he was the fool.

This time, the military commander got the handle and learned a harsh lesson.

Another point is that Xu Lin was a little aggressive. Bao Shengqun asked him to alienate Shen Hanwen and Zhu Qing and start with their subordinates, but he actually went up and directly used his identity as Gao Zheng to murder Fang Jingtang and Zhu Qing.


He was too impatient and didn't know how to proceed in cycles. According to his original suggestion, he said something bad first and then left after saying it, making the two of them feel uncomfortable. After Fang Jingtang did something to Gao Zheng, they would slowly separate. .

Don't involve Zhu Qing and Shen Hanwen at the beginning.

If the conflict deepens, they will naturally get involved.

Fortunately for him, he had just taken such big steps, and when he came to meet him, he didn't give any details, only that the progress was going well. Both Zhu Qing and Shen Hanwen fell into the trap, making Bao Shengqun really think that he was doing a good job.

He was clever but clever. This time he was captured by the military commander and made a confession. No matter how he explained, his prestige was greatly reduced.

Bao Shengqun didn't know what to say about him.

That's fine, Xu Lin is not that smart and eager for quick success, so the threat to the Red Party will be reduced a lot.

Bao Shengqun has not joined the party, but he is already considering many things for the Red Party.

He had his own concerns. After all, he had dealt with the Red Party before and had blood on his hands.

He will not easily join the Red Party until these concerns are eliminated.

Bao Shengqun's office was moved to the Intelligence Department. It was still a separate office. The difference was that Xiao Wu no longer had to sit in the corridor this time. There was a small room outside Bao Shengqun's office, and Xiao Wu could work in the small room.

This made Xiao Wu very happy. To him, this was progress.

Most of the people who came in with him were crowded in the collective office. He already had a separate office. Even if it was an outside room, it was for one person.

"Brother Bao, congratulations."

Xu Lin congratulated Bao Shengqun sourly, and Bao Shengqun glared at him: "We are both consultants, just in another office. What is there to congratulate?"

Bao Shengqun's position is still that of a consultant, a consultant who only cares about things without asking questions. He has a high status but does not have any command authority. Such a consultant has no meaning.

"I mean, we can finally be together."

Xu Lin hurriedly explained that he realized that he had just said something wrong. If Bao Shengqun was promoted or had a specific position, he was right to congratulate him. Now Bao Shengqun is still suppressed and is a powerless consultant. What does it mean for him to come to congratulate him?

"You were too reckless this time."

Bao Shengqun didn't care about him. He didn't care about power, let alone care about it. Instead, he criticized Xu Lin.

He and Xu Lin are at the same level and are good friends. He usually doesn't pay attention to it, let alone at this time. He will say it when he needs to say it and praise it when he needs to praise it.

It was impossible for him to curry favor with Xu Lin.

It's not that he needs Xu Lin now, but that Xu Lin needs him.

The director has become a deputy director, and he seems to still have the initiative, but this is already the final warning. If he cannot do a good job, continues to have no results, or even makes mistakes, the deputy director will really become a deputy.

Even the intelligence service couldn't keep them.

Xu Lin has offended so many people. Once he loses power or leaves the intelligence service, his fate can be imagined.

"I know, I'm really a little anxious." Xu Lin did not refute. He needed Bao Shengqun to continue to help him, otherwise his life would be even more difficult in the future.

"What a great opportunity, what a shame."

Bao Shengqun really felt that it was a pity. If he could provoke infighting among the military commanders, it would not only benefit the Central Commander-in-Chief, but also the Red Party.

"I'm sorry for wasting a good idea of ​​yours, Old Bao. You have to help me this time. We must make a good turnaround. As long as I resume my position as director, who in the Intelligence Department will dare not listen to you in the future? I Get rid of him."

Xu Lin asked Bao Shengqun for help, and the pie was very round.

In fact, he was most afraid of Bao Shengqun coming to seize power. Bao Shengqun was more capable than him. If Old Ghost Xu hadn't died, Ye Feng would have dared to use him.

"Needless to say, I've been helping you."

Bao Shengqun shook his head. Bao Shengqun knew better than anyone how sincere Xu Lin's words were.

Just listen to this, never believe it.

Xu Lin has been a wronged little daughter-in-law for so many years. Now that she has great power, it is impossible for her to give up the power in her hands.

"Is there any way you can help us get back a win?"

Xu Lin asked anxiously, was he really eager to make meritorious deeds, otherwise with this subtitle, he would not have a stable life for a day.

"Not yet."

Bao Shengqun shook his head. He was not a saint. Given their relationship with the military commander, no matter what they did now, people would be on guard.

Unless it's to catch the red party, he won't help.

Xu Lin was unwilling to give in and continued to ask: "Think about it carefully, you are so smart, you will definitely find a way."

"Okay, give me some time, I'll think about it slowly."

Bao Shengqun agreed, otherwise Xu Lin would always be here. Soon after Xu Lin left, some people began to visit his office, all of whom were his old subordinates.

Except for one section chief, the rest are not very high-level.

Bao Shengqun's former confidants had been transferred away long ago.

Xiao Wu was even more happy. Look, this is the difference. No one ever came to the door when he was at the inspector's office. Even the people in the office next to him regarded them as nothing and ignored him when they saw him.

When he first arrived at the intelligence office, so many people came over and treated him very well, and some even gave him things.

In just this moment, he received several packs of cigarettes. Even though they were not worth much, he had an attitude that he had never had before.

Xiao Wu raised his head very high, as if he had become a big shot.

The Central Commander-in-Chief suffered a loss, and the Military Commander-in-Chief was very happy. Boss Dai specially held a grand award to praise Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing's position as director of the Operations Division is temporarily stable.

Hong Kong, I received a telegram to celebrate the New Year with a smile on my face.

Zhu Qing did a good job and lived up to his trust. The people of Zhongtong deserved to be punished for using such a conspiracy against them. They deserved the misfortune this time.

"Sir He."

Fang Shiyi came, and He Nian locked up the messages. These were all matters within the military system. Even if they were not confidential, they could not be told to outsiders like Fang Shiyi at will.

Chu Lingyun was willing to tell him that it was Chu Lingyun's business.

However, based on He Nian's understanding of Chu Lingyun, he would not do this.

"Shi Yi is here."

He walked over to greet him in the New Year. Now the only person he could talk to in Hong Kong was Fang Shiyi, and he was his only chat friend.

As for the Hong Kong station, he had only been there once, and no one from there had ever been there. He did make a phone call, and there was some welfare at the station and asked him if he wanted to deliver it, but he refused. He didn't like that kind of thing.

"The tea just arrived, the finest West Lake Longjing."

Fang Shiyi was carrying a box. He was from Zhejiang Province and liked Longjing. He didn't want ordinary Longjing. After Fang Shiyi bought the tea, he immediately gave it to him.

"Haha, that's great. We just don't have much in stock. Just put it there."

He Nian laughed and accepted it without any courtesy. He understood that these were actually given to him by Chu Lingyun, but Fang Shiyi did a good job.

He had never been in contact with Fang Shiyi before and did not understand this person. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he finally knew the truth. Ishihara Heng turned out to be Chu Lingyun.

This secret has not been made public, but both He Nian and Xu Yi already know about it. After all, their status in the military command is not low.

Happy New Year is okay, after all, there have been speculations before, but now they are just confirmed.

Even so, he was still very shocked. Who is Hiroshi Ishihara? It is no exaggeration to say that he is the top person among Japanese in China.

He turned out to be Chu Lingyun fake.

Xu Yi was even more shocked than him. He stayed with his mouth wide open for a long time. Anyone who wanted to bring an egg would definitely be able to stuff it in for him.

The powerful Japanese turned out to be military agents.

No wonder Boss Dai smuggled such a large amount of goods, all of which were provided to him by Chu Lingyun.

Xu Yi also understood why Boss Dai took care of Lin Shi in the first place.

His goods were all given by Chu Lingyun, so what if he took care of Chu Lingyun's best friend? It was just a matter of a finger.

It became clearer why the old man specified that Chu Lingyun should be rewarded by Shiyuan Trading Company.

That is Chu Lingyun's property. Speaking of which, the reward is low. What kind of reward is returning something that belongs to others?

Tang Boyuan still wanted to snatch it, and he was desperate.

"The cook I'm looking for from your hometown will be here in two days. Let him cook whatever you want to eat."

Fang Shiyi said with a smile, and his smile was even brighter in the New Year. No wonder Chu Lingyun liked him so much. After taking back Shiyuan Trading Company, he immediately released him to continue helping.

If you like it yourself, it's hard to find someone so considerate.

"Okay, good, good work."

He Nian praised him, Fang Shiyi chatted with him for a while, and left without chatting for too long.

Mainly work matters.

He Nian was too boring, so Fang Shiyi invited him to sell goods together to make money. He Nian agreed, and it was okay anyway, so he gave the money to Chu Lingyun and asked him to help him make money.

What he didn't know was that with the added layer of tiger skin to celebrate the New Year, their goods were equivalent to another layer of security.

Even if He Nian retires, after so many years in the army, his relationship is still relatively strong, and most people can't afford to offend him.

The military commander-in-chief won a great victory over the central commander-in-chief, and everyone was very happy.

At the beginning of March, Chu Yuan once again performed a task and sent the technical information brought back from Shanghai to a secret mailbox.

The organization will send comrades to pick up these materials and then send them back to Yanzhou.

Some can be used now, and those that cannot be used now can be used later.

As for the military commander, Chu Lingyun reported some skills. Boss Dai took one look at it and threw it into the data room and sealed it.

Such things were worthless to him, and his reaction was not beyond Chu Lingyun's expectations.

Time comes to Chongqing Airport on the 9th.

Secretary Qi, Chu Lingyun, Xu Yi, Zhu Qing and other senior officials saw Boss Dai off at the airport.

The reorganization of the Loyalty to the National Salvation Army was finally completed. All the Loyalty to the National Salvation Army were disbanded and became the traffic police. Boss Dai originally wanted to operate it, find a position with more real power, and upgrade the level.

Such as the Navy Commander.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed. Even if the Guo Dang Navy was weak, he was not given this position. If he is weak now, who can guarantee that he will be weak in the future?

Except for Chu Lingyun, everyone still has confidence in the navy.

China's sea area is vast and it cannot do without a powerful navy. In the future, the navy will definitely be vigorously developed. How is it possible that Boss Dai wants this position? No one is willing to give it to him. The old man is already afraid of him, and it is impossible to give it to him.

"Ling Yun, go on inspection as soon as possible. You can start from the nearest place. Chengdu and Xi'an will go first."

Boss Dai explained to Chu Lingyun, who smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, boss, I will go to Chengdu in two days."

There are red parties in Chengdu, including Zheng Zhijie, the leader of the telecommunications team.

But he will not check at all. Boss Dai is finally leaving. If history does not change, this will be his last trip and he will never return to Chongqing.

Now the Kuomintang is busy returning the capital, and many departments have begun to move to Nanjing. After all, Chongqing was the capital during the war. Now that it has won, everyone wants to return to Nanjing.

No matter how good Chongqing is, it cannot compare to Nanjing for them.

"Li Min, please report to me at any time about family matters." Boss Dai arranged for Secretary Qi to go. This time he did not take Secretary Qi with him. The military commander also had many things to do. Secretary Qi could take care of him when he was away.

"As long as the boss doesn't mind me reporting too frequently."

Secretary Qi was very good at talking, which made Boss Dai laugh out loud. He finally looked at Xu Yi and Zhu Qing: "There must be red parties in Chongqing and Nanjing. You can't be careless. I hope to hear your good news when I come back. Now that we have suppressed those bastards from Zhongtong, you must use more energy to deal with the Red Party."

There hasn't been much movement in Zhongtong recently. Boss Dai has not given up monitoring them, but he does feel a little more relaxed.

During this time, he was greatly annoyed by Zhongtong.

Ever since Wen Jitao's incident, the Zhongtong had been targeting them. Fortunately, Xu Yi fought with Zhu Qing and retaliated against the Zhongtong, and now they finally became more honest.

"Don't worry, boss, we will do our best."

Xu Yi answered first, and Zhu Qing followed suit. Zhu Qing was not as qualified as Xu Yi and did not get ahead.

"Okay, I'm leaving first."

After Boss Dai finished speaking, he got on the plane. He had his own special plane. This time he flew directly to Peiping. That bastard Ma Sanshan had done so much without telling him. He would not let him off lightly this time.

The plane slowly took off, and when the plane was far away, everyone returned to the military command.

Only Chu Lingyun understood that the military command was about to change, even its name would change.

Military unification is about to become history.

In Peiping, Ma Sanshan is at the airport.

Boss Dai was here, and he had a bad feeling when he found out. Boss Dai was so busy, why did he come to Peiping suddenly?

He didn't know much about Chu Lingyun's investigation into him, but it was probably not a good thing for Boss Dai to come over at this time.

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't dare to make any arrangements.


Seeing Boss Dai getting off the plane, Ma Sanshan immediately greeted him and bowed his head.

Boss Dai glanced at him, said nothing, and then got in the car.

Ma Sanshan could only get into his car and follow behind.

Boss Dai did not go to the Military Command Beiping Station, but went directly to the Peiping Traffic Police Station. Now the traffic police are all adapted from the Loyalty and Salvation Army. They are his direct subordinates and completely obey his orders.

Ma Sanshan felt even more guilty. Boss Dai was obviously on guard against him.

Boss Dai didn't want to go to the Juntong Station, so he had no choice but to follow him to the Traffic Police Station.

"Ma Sanshan, you disappoint me so much."

Entering the office, Boss Dai scolded him as soon as he sat down. Ma Sanshan trembled and immediately lowered his head: "Boss, what did I do wrong in my humble position to make you so angry?"

"What did you do wrong? Are you embarrassed to ask me?"

Boss Dai asked back. Ma Sanshan's whole body was numb, but he still replied: "Boss, I really don't know."

"You still don't admit it?"

Boss Dai was so angry that he wanted to smash something, and stretched out his finger: "Let me ask you, what happened to Jin Bizhen?"

Jin Bizhen, Kawashima Zhendong, a famous Japanese female spy. After Japan surrendered, Jin Bizhen bribed Ma Sanshan with a lot of money, but Ma Sanshan did not do anything to her. The traitor name reported by Ma Sanshan did not include Jin Bizhen, so Boss Dai felt something was wrong.

Chu Lingyun later found out that the reason why Ma Sanshan did not arrest Jin Bizhen was because Ma Sanshan took the benefits and deliberately let her go.

"Boss, I don't understand what you're talking about. I haven't been able to find her."

"You didn't find it, did you? You go back first."

Boss Dai was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Jin Bizhen was still in Peiping. Before coming, Boss Dai secretly sent people to investigate, and now he has his eyes on her.

When he arrives, arrest him immediately.

The more Ma Sanshan thought about returning to the army, the more frightened he became. He knew Boss Dai very well, and Boss Dai treated him like this. It was clear that he had sufficient evidence, and Jin Bizhen might have been arrested.

Once Jin Bizhen is caught, she will definitely reveal the treasure given to her.

Things cannot be kept and must be sent out. If you send them early, you can still hope to save your life. If you send them too late, you will lose your life.

Not only that treasure, but also a large amount of property was to be given away. Boss Dai had a dark heart and it would be useless if he didn't give enough money.

Thinking of this, Ma Sanshan's heart was bleeding.

The best opportunity to make a fortune was when Japan just surrendered. He did make a lot of money, but everyone was making money. Boss Dai also made money, and he made the most.

Boss Dai didn't ask at that time, but now he is settling the accounts later. What a strategy.

Let them help collect first, and Boss Dai will pick the peaches later.

Not long ago, the Inspectorate conducted an investigation and asked them to send out a batch. It was like this again. He was even worse this time. I was afraid that he would vomit out all the food he had eaten.

People named Dai will not die well.

Ma Sanshan felt sad and angry, but he had nothing to do. Boss Dai had arrived in Peiping and he couldn't escape. If he dared to make any move, he would be caught here.

Besides, even if I run, where can I go?

He is not an ordinary person. He can run away with a little money. His belongings cannot fit in a car.

There will be a lot of bleeding this time.

Ma Sanshan's guess was correct. Not long after Boss Dai arrived, he caught Jin Bizhen and interrogated her personally.

"Jin Bizhen, you can be considered a respectable person. Don't you hide your grievances every day?"

Boss Dai looked at Jin Bizhen with a smile, but Jin Bizhen turned her head and said nothing.

She had a special status and thought that she would be fine after bribing Ma Sanshan. Unexpectedly, Boss Dai came to arrest her in person, but she didn't have much to worry about. Boss Dai probably didn't dare to torture her.

As long as there is no need for punishment, she will definitely not say anything.

"Don't you want to say something?"

Boss Dai continued to ask, but Jin Bizhen pretended to be deaf and mute and remained silent.

"Come here and torture me."

Jin Bizhen's heart suddenly tightened and she hurriedly looked at Boss Dai: "Dai Yunong, how dare you."

"You will know in a moment whether I dare or not."

Jin Bizhen regarded herself as a person, but Boss Dai really didn't care about her, and Boss Dai used a lot of punishment methods.

Not long after, Jin Bizhen couldn't hold on any longer and resorted to all the moves.

"Longquan Sword."

Boss Dai's face was so gloomy that water could drip from his face. He was no stranger to this sword, but he didn't expect it to be in Ma Sanshan's hand.

This sword was originally a royal sword presented as a tribute to Qianlong. The sword was engraved with nine purple gold dragons, which means that the ninety-nine will return to one. The scabbard was wrapped in shark skin and inlaid with rubies, sapphires and diamonds. It was very beautiful.

Qianlong liked this sword very much and often played with it. After Qianlong's death, it became his burial object and was buried together in the ground.

Later, General Sun dug a grave and the sword was dug out. However, this incident aroused public outrage. General Sun was afraid of being surrounded and suppressed by everyone, so he tried to bribe the old man.

After the all-out war of resistance against Japan, Boss Dai once inspected General Sun's troops and specifically mentioned this sword. General Sun was a smart man and gave it to him immediately.

Because Boss Dai had other official duties, he did not bring the sword with him for safety reasons. Instead, he asked Ma Sanshan to keep it and help him transport it back.

As a result, Ma Sanshan fell in love with the sword and took it for himself.

Boss Dai returned to Juntong, but there was still no trace of the sword. He asked Ma Sanshan, but Ma Sanshan deceived him at that time.

Later, the war situation deteriorated and Boss Dai had no time to take care of this matter. Unexpectedly, Ma Sanshan was captured by the Japanese and used this sword to bribe a Japanese officer before escaping. The Japanese officer was Jin Bizhen’s lover, so the sword came to Jin Bizhen. in hands.

Jin Bizhen used this sword to exchange her life from Ma Sanshan.

After Jin Bizhen confessed, you can imagine how angry Boss Dai was. The damn Ma Sanshan had been deceiving him all the time and was even caught by the Japanese.

His problems were more serious.

However, Ma Sanshan is not an ordinary person. In addition to the military command station, he also holds multiple positions. If you want to catch him, you need to get in touch with these departments. What Boss Dai wants most now is not to deal with Ma Sanshan, but to regain the sword first. .

Such a treasure should belong to him and must belong to him.

"Boss, I was wrong."

The next day, Ma Sanshan came over and took the initiative to admit his mistake and directly presented the sword.

In addition to the sword, there were ten boxes of valuables. He was really bleeding a lot this time.

"Admit that you were wrong?"

Seeing the sword, Boss Dai was secretly happy. He originally thought of giving the sword to the old man, but then he let it go without getting the sword. Now that he has it again, there is no need to give it away.

Anyone would feel bad giving such a good thing to others.

"It's true that I made a mistake in my humble position. I was blinded by lard. I beg my boss to forgive me this time. I won't dare to do it again in the future."

As he spoke, Ma Sanshan presented a gift list with both hands. The things were outside and he could take the gift list with him.

Seeing so many treasures and gold above, Boss Dai's expression softened a lot.

Ma Sanshan really made a lot of money. A wealthy businessman and traitor wanted to survive, so he gave him eighteen arhats made of gold, each worth 500 taels, so eighteen arhats equaled 9,000 taels.

This is just one person, you can imagine how much he made.

"Okay, your attitude is quite sincere, I will put this matter aside, and I will never forgive you lightly next time."

Boss Dai said calmly, as to whether he really let things go by the past, only he knew personally.

But with his temperament, there is almost no possibility of letting go of the past. Now he just wants to stabilize Ma Sanshan and get the things.

"Thank you boss."

Ma Sanshan hurriedly thanked him and specially proposed to hold a reception banquet to please Boss Dai. This time Boss Dai did not refuse and agreed to attend the appointment.

The banquet was quite harmonious, and there were some important people in Peiping as company. However, Ma Sanshan had been observing Boss Dai. Boss Dai was not a man of his word. He didn't know how to write the word "death" if he believed his words.

There is a high possibility of settling accounts with him in the future, and he needs to find a way to survive this crisis.

Boss Dai didn't stay in Peiping for too long and left for Tianjin two days later.

When he came out this time, he visited several important stations in the north, and then went to Shanghai and Nanjing. Chu Lingyun didn't report anything about Shanghai station last time, but Boss Dai knew that there must be a problem in Shanghai.

He did not blame Chu Lingyun. With the relationship between Chu Lingyun and Wang Yuemin, it was impossible to say anything unfavorable to Wang Yuemin, otherwise Chu Lingyun's image would completely collapse.

Wang Yuemin was not only his mentor, but also his teacher.

If a student betrays his teacher, that would be treason. Of course, neither the military commander nor the Kuomintang will take any action against him. After that, no one will trust him anymore, and no one will even want to have contact with him again.

Even his subordinates will be separated from him.

A person who can betray even a teacher, who dares to trust him?

Chu Lingyun is a smart man and he would not do this, so Boss Dai has no accountability.

It was useless to hold him accountable. Chu Lingyun refused to admit it, and Boss Dai couldn't use force on him. If he really intervened, it would make them break up.

The old man was afraid of him, and he was also afraid of Chu Lingyun, and his fear was deeper than that of the old man.

But Boss Dai is not helpless. He has more than just the Inspectorate in his hands. He has many people. People like him will not trust anyone casually and must have complete control of everything.

Boss Dai specially sent people to Shanghai, Fujian, Chengdu and other places to investigate. As long as Chu Lingyun did not report it, he would investigate all places.

Sure enough, a problem was found in Shanghai.

The intelligence team of Shanghai Station found a red party member three months ago. The strange thing is that before they arrested him, the red party member disappeared mysteriously. This happened more than once. A month later, Shanghai Station targeted the red party member. When they investigated an underground printing station of the Party and came to arrest people, they found that all the things printed there had been converted into regular items and had nothing to do with the Red Party.

For this reason, Wang Yuemin scolded the intelligence team leader Liang Yu, saying that he made mistakes in the investigation and asked him to hold the informant accountable.

The person sent by Boss Dai suspected that someone had tipped off the matter in advance and asked the Red Party people to make preparations without letting them get the evidence.

If this is the case, there must be a red party within the Shanghai Station, and the level is not low. They can understand this confidential information and spread it out in a timely manner.

Boss Dai had no intention of letting Chu Lingyun investigate the matter at Shanghai Station. With the existence of the Red Party, Wang Yuemin could not escape responsibility. He might even find out and not tell the truth, leaving Wang Yuemin to execute him secretly.

This time Boss Dai is going to investigate in person.

Today's 7,000-word update, Xiaoyu is imagining the following plot, mainly because he wants to write the plot of Tianjin Station. If the writing cannot be the same as others, and it must be brilliant, it will not be easy. After all, the plot is very exciting, but if If the writing is different, it can easily cause drama, so consider whether to write it off in one stroke.

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