Spy Shadow

Chapter 91 Information exchanges life

Chapter 91 Information exchanges life

"Your wife has arrived in Hong Kong, so you can talk now."

Chu Lingyun asked coldly, Hayakawa Ping still smiled: "I want to have a phone call with my wife to confirm this matter."


Chu Lingyun agreed immediately and took him to make a call. The call was not long, and it was far less long than the waiting time. Hayakawa Ping said a few words and hung up the phone.

"My name is Hei Hayakawa. I am a major agent of Japan's Special High School Course and the leader of the Ikaruga Team. I have four intelligence agents under my command, namely..."

Hayakawa was very happy and confessed everything without Chu Lingyun taking the initiative to interrogate him.

The team members on the side quickly took notes, and it didn't take long for him to give a clean account to his four intelligence agents.

Except for the two people who were arrested, he also told the addresses and disguised identities of the other two people.

"Go arrest them immediately."

Chu Lingyun told Zhong Hui that in fact, there was little hope of arresting people at this time, but he had to try anyway.

If these two people had not absconded, two more real spies could have been captured.

"Who is your upline?" After Zhong Hui left, Chu Lingyun continued to interrogate Hayakawa Ping.

"My contact is Jiang Tengkong, the military attache of the consulate. You can't catch him, but I know a hobby of his, and you can attack him based on this hobby."

Hei Hayakawa betrayed his boss without any psychological burden.

But one thing he said was right. The military attache at the consulate was a serious diplomat. Not to mention now, even in future generations, we must be extremely careful when dealing with such people.

"What is his hobby?"

"His hobbies are quite unique and very few people know about them, and I happen to be one of them."

Hayakawa Hei smiled and continued: "He likes men, but he doesn't dare to do so in the concession. I know he has a pretty boy in the city. He often sneaks over there, and you can definitely catch him there."

"Let's talk about this later."

Chu Lingyun was noncommittal. You must be careful when dealing with Hayakawa Hei. This person is really too shrewd.

When arresting the military attache of the consulate, they must not be careless even in the urban area. Once discovered, they will be the ones who will be passive. However, some arrangements can be made based on Hayakawa Taira's information.

Hayakawa Ping answered Chu Lingyun's next question.

When asked about the radio station and code book, Hei Hayakawa actually said that he did not have them and that he did not need them. He was a businessman and had a cooperative relationship with the shops in the Japanese concession, so he could enter the concession freely.

He can send the information that needs to be conveyed directly.

Without a radio station and a code book, the credit this time was less, but Chu Lingyun did not fully believe his words, and could only judge the authenticity after he was screened in the future.

All the information collected by Hayakawa Hei was told to Chu Lingyun.

He didn't know how many of his subordinates had been arrested. If any of his subordinates were caught and handed over information, but he didn't tell them, they would definitely suffer a lot.

All information is recorded.

Zhong Hui also came back, shaking his head in disappointment. The two people who went to arrest were all gone. They disappeared a few days ago. They must have evacuated. It is almost impossible to catch them again.

"I have confessed everything, should you let me go?"

After telling all the information, Hayakawa Ping asked Chu Lingyun.

"As an agent, you should understand that if we catch you, we may release you?"

Chu Lingyun shook his head. He had no intention of releasing Hayakawa Hei from the beginning, and he would not let him go now.

Moreover, Chu Lingyun had an intuition that Ikaruga's value was more than that. He should have something that he had not said, but this man was too shrewd, and it was not easy for him to take the initiative to speak.

"You really don't keep your word?" Hei Hayakawa sighed, seemingly not too surprised.

"We are not like you who like to break promises. Tell me, when did I promise to let you go?"

Chu Lingyun said coldly that from beginning to end, he never promised Hayakawa Ping that he would release him. It was he who proposed this condition himself, but Chu Lingyun did not agree.

Hayakawa Ping raised his head: "Then how about I trade an important piece of information for my life?"

"How dare you be dishonest? Why didn't you explain just now?"

Chu Lingyun's eyes widened and he shouted harshly. His hunch was right, Hayakawa Hei did not explain all the problems.

"This information has nothing to do with me. Why should I explain it? Wouldn't it be better to trade him for my life now?"

Facing Chu Lingyun's angry rebuke, Hayakawa Ping didn't take it seriously and said with a smile.

Chu Lingyun said nothing. Hayakawa Hei was a ruthless man who could resist the electric chair. Punishment had a very limited effect on him. If he was unwilling to speak, he really had no good solution.

But Chu Lingyun would definitely not agree to let him go like this.

"Don't worry, the value of this information is definitely worth my life."

"Okay, but you have to tell me everything you know, and then I will keep you alive."

After a while, Chu Lingyun said slowly that he did not let Hayakawa Hei tell only this piece of information to prevent him from playing tricks again. At the same time, he did not promise to let him go. He only said that he would keep his life.

Hayakawa Hei seemed not to hear the word trap in Chu Lingyun's words, and said directly: "In Hankou, I saw another hidden major intelligence officer, but he didn't know my existence."

Major intelligence officer?

An intelligence officer of the same level as Hei Hayakawa and Takehi Kawasaki would most likely be the leader of a Japanese espionage intelligence team.

The value of this information is indeed not low, it is worth Hayakawa Ping's life.

Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry, and after carefully observing Hayakawa Hei for a while, he asked, "Who is he and where is he?"

Hayakawa shook his head and said: "Horizontal contact between our intelligence agents is strictly prohibited. I have never been to his place since I met him, lest he also recognize me. His real name is Ishida Koyama, and we trained together in Japan. , I never saw him again after that.”

"Last time I went to discuss business, I accidentally saw him in a photo studio on Dongyuan Street. He was busy with business. That should be his base."

The photo studio on Dongyuan Street. With this address, it is easy to find the person Hayakawa Taira mentioned.

"I will take you to identify someone. If you dare to play any tricks, I will kill you immediately."

Chu Lingyun threatened Hayakawa Hei, saying this is another big fish, a very important big fish, and it is worth taking the risk.

Hayakawa Hei was tied up, unable to move any part of his body, and even his mouth was blocked. It was absolutely impossible for him to escape.

Several cars drove out in a mighty manner. Chu Lingyun brought a total of forty team members with him this time. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this person.

When they arrived at Dongyuan Street, the photo studio was still open for business. Chu Lingyun did not let Hayakawa Ping pass. He first sent people into the photo studio to investigate to see how many people were inside. It would be best to detect the situation before and after the photo studio.

To do this kind of thing, it is none other than Loach.

Not long after, Loach ran back: "Team leader, there are two people in the photo studio, an older man and a young woman. That man is very similar to the person Hayakawa Hei said."

Very similar, this person is probably Ishida Xiaoshan, and did not evacuate, which is definitely good news for Chu Lingyun.

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