Spy Shadow

Chapter 910 The goods were cheated

Chapter 910 The goods were cheated

There was an investigation report in front of Chu Lingyun.

It is about the investigation of the Hubei Station of the Secrecy Bureau. The Hubei Station has recently made many arrangements for the organization, but with little effect. They suspect that there are spies inside and are conducting a self-examination.

The inspection office does not inquire about their specific actions, only their work.

Hubei Station has been very busy recently, especially station chief Yu Jiangdong, who is currently investigating internal agents. Hubei Station has determined that there are internal agents. Some of their important information was leaked before, resulting in the failure of several operations.

Yu Jiangdong belongs to Qi Limin. The original station chief of Hubei Station was Xie Ziqi. Later, he was recommended by Chu Lingyun to be the director of the Intelligence Department. Director Qi took the opportunity to install his confidants.

Yu Jiangdong has not been the webmaster for long, but Hubei Station is already under his control.

The Inspection Office cannot check their current work, but it can check the work of completing the filing, especially since they were checked just once. The Hubei Station made a mistake and was reported to the old man by Chu Lingyun. Director Qi was scolded for this.

Chu Lingyun is concerned about their progress.

He didn't know if there were any gays of his in Hubei Station. According to previous investigation results, there was a very high possibility that there were gays in Hubei Station.

Chu Lingyun reported this matter to Ke Gong, but did not ask about the situation there.

They didn't belong to the same line, so Chu Lingyun couldn't ask.

Hubei Station is under the charge of Division Three Fu Junhu. During this period, Hubei Station has been loose on the outside but tight on the inside. Yu Jiangdong vowed to find this insider and made a lot of arrangements for this.

Not only are they conducting strict internal inspections, but they are also even stricter externally. Anyone who has the slightest suspicion will be investigated to the end.

Recently, the Hubei Station arrested some people who were loyal to the Red Party. According to Fu Junhu's report, just a week ago, Yu Jiangdong arrested two more reporters on the grounds that the articles they wrote were suspected of favoring the Red Party.

Yu Jiangdong tortured the two people and investigated their relationship in detail, hoping to find out the real red party.

The investigation is so tight, not only internally, but also externally. If there are really any comrades of his, it is very likely that he will find out.

Even if they are not found out, if the comrades there do not pay attention to hiding and pass on the information again, they may be exposed or discovered.

He needs to stay dormant now and can no longer deliver information.

Even if Yu Jiangdong found out something was wrong, he couldn't risk reporting it.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Lingyun shook his head gently.

He didn't know this comrade, or even knew whether he existed, but he knew very well that his comrade was really inside, and he knew that other comrades were in danger. If he had the opportunity to report it, he would never ignore death.

This is their commonality, or their weakness.

Yu Jiangdong knew the organization very well and deliberately used this urgent method to force his comrades to make mistakes.

There is nothing wrong with doing more. Even if the internal agent cannot be found and other lurking red parties can be found, Yu Jiangdong still has merit, and he will not suffer any loss no matter what.

In addition to Wuhan, there are also Fujian and BJ.

The Fujian Station is also investigating. Ni Loach is accompanying his wife to raise the baby these days and rarely asks questions. Lily is a bit older and he is worried that Lily will be in danger, so he rarely asks about things at the station.

The person doing the work now is the deputy webmaster Gui Heshan. He is very active. He is Boss Dai's man. After Boss Dai died, he once came to him and wanted to join him.

At that time, from the perspective of outsiders, he was the most promising successor to the military.

These people don't know the inside story and haven't considered the above ideas. They are just too good to take over.

After Director Qi took office, he went to Director Qi several times, mainly to keep his position.

If given the chance, he would like to go one step further and squeeze out the loach.

At least in his eyes, now is a good opportunity. He has left the military command, and Ni Loach's biggest backer is gone. If he makes some achievements, he may be able to rectify things.

Ni Loach is also not Director Qi's person, and Ni Loach has the closest relationship with him, so Director Qi cannot trust him.

Chu Lingyun's guess was absolutely correct, Gui Heshan did think so.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the little braid had already been grabbed by the loach. The reason why he hadn't dealt with him was because it wasn't time.

Thanks to Guiheshan's efforts, he really gained something.

He is currently investigating in Xiamen. It is unclear what he found, but they have been watching there for half a month and have not come back. It is possible that they have discovered something.

Just leave Kwai River Mountain to Loach.

The third one is Beiping. Beiping is not checking internal agents, but checking students. Qiao Yuancai, the bastard, reminded him last time, but it turned out that this kid didn't want to stumble Qili people, but wanted to make meritorious deeds, and now he is eyeing those student.

There is a progressive group among the students. He wants to track down the Red Party through the students and use his merits to protect his position and prevent Qi Limin from attacking him.

This guy is dishonest. Do you really think you can't do anything to him if you're not in the Secrecy Bureau?

Since he is disobedient, I will find an opportunity to deal with him in the future.

Fortunately, there is Zuo Xuan in Peiping, so the problem is not big for the time being. The most likely place for trouble to happen right now is Wuhan.

After thinking about it, Chu Lingyun sent a telegram to Ke Gong and explained his analysis.

Fujian need not worry, he gave Ni Loach a hint, and then Ni Loach can clean up Guihe Mountain. Once Guihe Mountain is destroyed, all his investigations will be put on hold.

Fortunately for Peiping, Zuo Xuan is from the war team, and Qiao Yuancai would not dare to attack him even if he is a bastard.

Although he is not in the Secrecy Bureau, he is in the inspection room, and he has many people in the Secrecy Bureau.

The most critical one is Wuhan.

In fact, Chu Lingyun is from Wuhan, but the current Hubei Station is very different from the previous Wuhan Station. 90% of the original old people are no longer there. Wuhan lost a group of people in several wars, and Wang Yuemin was transferred to Shanghai. When I arrived, I took another batch away.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Wuhan Station suffered considerable losses. After Xie Ziqi took office, he made additional adjustments.

Hubei Station now looks completely different from when Chu Lingyun was there.

"We do have our comrade in Wuhan, and I have ordered him to lie dormant."

Mr. Ke quickly called back, which shows that Wuhan has his own people, which is a great trust in Chu Lingyun. If Chu Lingyun had not reminded him, no matter how much Mr. Ke trusted and admired Chu Lingyun, he would not have said anything irrelevant to him. .

"I'll keep a close eye on that area."

Chu Lingyun called back. Since he was in hibernation, the risk of exposure would be reduced a lot. However, he could not ignore Wuhan's affairs. Yu Jiangdong was eager to perform his duties. If he investigated closely, he might bring harm to other comrades.

Chu Lingyun decided to go to Wuhan in person.

Yu Jiangdong belongs to Qi Limin, so it is difficult to kill him directly, but it is easy to find some excuses to stumble him.

If you want to go to Wuhan, you need a reason.

The reason was easy to find, and Chu Lingyun called Zheng Guangtao over the next day.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

Zheng Guangtao arrived at the office quickly and asked with his head lowered. Zheng Guangtao was not like anyone in the inspection room, but he did not dare to make trouble in front of Chu Lingyun.

Before coming to the inspection room, his uncle had sternly warned him that his mission was to do a good job in business, take good care of the small treasury in the inspection room, and never have any conflict with director Chu Lingyun.

If he dares to disobey, he will be immediately driven back to his hometown to farm.

Zheng Guangtao knew clearly that his uncle wanted the dividends from the inspection office. These dividends were all taken out by Chu Lingyun personally. He did not need to care about the other people in the inspection office, but Chu Lingyun had to provide for them well.

Otherwise, his uncle might let him go back to his hometown to farm.

His hometown is far away and very hot. He doesn't want to go back.

"How is business lately? Are there any difficulties?"

Chu Lingyun asked softly, after returning to the capital, business here is indeed easy, and there is no need to worry about selling a lot of goods, but the acumen of Chinese businessmen will be highlighted. The main reason why there is no need to worry about selling goods is because Nanjing suddenly poured in a lot of goods. People and goods could not keep up in time.

Nowadays, goods from all over the country are being shipped to Nanjing, and the market here is basically saturated.

This is this year, and business will definitely not be that easy next year. The situation of supply exceeding demand will definitely change. By then, not only will profits drop, but the sales time of goods will also be extended.

"Fortunately, there are no difficulties, but they are not sold as fast as before."

Zheng Guangtao hurriedly replied that it was indeed not as fast as before. Not only did they increase the number of ships, but other merchants were also increasing the number of goods. When Jiao Teng was in charge, the ships could be sold as soon as they arrived and could not be released for long at all.

Now they need to store it in the warehouse for a while before selling it.

"This is because the market is about to be saturated. Shanghai is already saturated. Next is Nanjing. Let alone 30 ships in the future, there are more than 20 ships now. At the current price, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell them in a month."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, Zheng Guangtao was slightly startled, and immediately asked: "Director, you are right, I have gone to investigate, there are many merchants, and their goods are no worse than ours. Do you want us to check them out and get rid of them?" , won’t our goods be easier to sell?”

"What are you checking? Do you want to cause trouble for the director? Who can do big business and has no background?"

Chu Lingyun glared at him, and Zheng Guangtao immediately lowered his head. These young people from big families always want to attack others.

Director Zheng's background is tough, but others also have backgrounds.

If it really breaks out, Director Zheng may not be able to do well.

"What do you think we should do?" Zheng Guangtao asked in a low voice.

"Have you never done business?" Chu Lingyun frowned, why did Director Zheng send such a young master? Anyone who knows a little bit about business knows that when the market is saturated, one must either reduce the purchase volume, lower the price or find new sales.

This guy actually wants to get rid of his competitors. Do you really think that the Zheng family can only cover the sky with one hand?

"I did a little business."

Zheng Guangtao did not dare to say that he had never done business. He was not very young. His uncle had great power when he was young. The family had some money, so he did not need to take care of business.

He has been working in the government department since graduation. If his uncle hadn't needed someone to keep an eye on his money this time, he wouldn't have been transferred to the Inspectorate.

"Go back and ask Director Zheng, and then give me a reply."

Chu Lingyun was not in the mood to teach him how to do business, so he asked him to go directly to Director Zheng. Director Zheng was more anxious than him about this matter.

If it can't be sold, profits will decrease, and Director Zheng will suffer the biggest loss.

"Yes, I'll go to my humble position right now."

Zheng Guangtao didn't dare to refute and really went to his uncle's place.

They were all in the same unit. After walking downstairs and turning a few corners, he went upstairs to his uncle's office.

"Chu Lingyun asked you about your business?"

As soon as he heard what Zheng Guangtao said, Director Zheng asked anxiously that they had an agreement that the business would be handed over to him and the inspection office would be given to Chu Lingyun. Why did Chu Lingyun want to interfere with the business?

Did he want to break the agreement and take back the business?

"Yes, he asked me how my business is now, and I said it's okay, but not as easy to sell as before..."

Zheng Guangtao honestly told the contents of their conversation. After listening to Director Zheng, he immediately understood that he had been misunderstood by his nephew's words. Chu Lingyun did not want to take back the business, but saw that the business was not as good as before. Do.

As a result, his stupid nephew didn't understand anything, so Chu Lingyun was so angry that he sent him to her.

"You idiot, I was trying to teach you how to do business, and you actually came here. How come we in the Zheng family have someone as stupid as you?"

Director Zheng scolded him angrily. He was his nephew anyway, so he could scold him no matter what.

Zheng Guangtao was dumbfounded. What do you mean?

“Do you know who is doing these businesses now?”

Seeing his silly look, Director Zheng laughed angrily, while Zheng Guangtao shook his head.

Director Zheng was speechless. Zheng Guangtao was doing business without knowing anything about his competitors.

"Then let me tell you, it's the Kong family, the Chen family, the Song family, the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of National Defense and some senior generals in the military. If you want to get rid of them, who can you get rid of?"

Director Zheng yelled, fortunately he was under Chu Lingyun, and it was Chu Lingyun who asked him. If there were other interested people, just using this point would make him miserable and even hurt himself.

"Do you think they haven't thought about getting rid of you?"

Director Zheng stood up, pointed at his nephew's nose and cursed: "I'm telling you, if it weren't for the relationship between me and Chu Lingyun in this business, and you were left to do it by yourself, it wouldn't take long for you to lose everything."

Nowadays, people who are engaged in big business without background will only be eaten up and wiped out.

Without exception.

If a businessman with no private background thinks about it, that is not possible.

That's the way it is in this era.

"When doing business, you have to behave yourself. When it comes to doing business, who can be better than your director? Go back now, admit your mistakes, and ask him if there is any way to improve. Do whatever he says and do it. I understand. ?"

Director Zheng was completely relieved knowing that Chu Lingyun was not taking back the business, but was doing it for the sake of business and with good intentions.

Since Chu Lingyun asked, he must have a way, and he doesn't need to worry about this matter.

As long as they behave themselves and do business, no one dares to do anything to them.

His strength is not weak, not to mention Chu Lingyun, who is a strong alliance.


Zheng Guangtao still couldn't understand what was going on. The director asked him to come over, but the result was good, and his uncle asked him to go back.

In this way, Zheng Guangtao returned to Chu Lingyun's office.

"Director, my uncle just criticized me and asked me to do everything according to your orders. Just tell me what I should do to make the business better."

Zheng Guangtao didn't want to understand, but he was not stupid enough to admit it, so he simply told his uncle's order.

"Children can be taught."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Zheng Guangtao was twenty-six years old, which was actually not much younger than him, but Zheng Guangtao was like a junior in front of him.

"Market saturation is inevitable. When it is saturated, we have to find new sales channels so that we can continue to make money. In the future, when the market is saturated, we will lower prices and make small profits but quick turnover. It is not the time to lower prices yet, so we can take advantage of this opportunity. Make some money. Wuhan is the thoroughfare of nine provinces and has always been a commercial center. Go to Wuhan immediately to see how their market is, and distribute our goods there to sell a batch."

Zheng Guangtao had to go to Wuhan. After he went, he had a more suitable reason to go.

This idiot doesn't know anything about business, so it's very easy for him to make mistakes there.

Something happened in business, and Director Zheng was more anxious than him.

Then he will go to Wuhan again.

"I understand, I'll go right away."

Zheng Guangtao was stunned for a moment, and then happily replied that he was just asked to sell goods in a new place. It was so simple. Why didn't he ask his uncle if he didn't explain it just now?

He did not dare to complain about Chu Lingyun and went back to report to his uncle honestly.

"That's true. Go to Wuhan right away while there is still a market and see if you can sell it quickly there. If the market is not enough, you can sell it in Chongqing, Chengdu, and Xi'an."

It’s not that Director Zheng doesn’t know anything. Expand the market first, maintain profits, and then lower the price later when there is really no other way. This can ensure maximum profits.

"Okay, I'll leave today."

With his uncle's affirmation, Zheng Guangtao immediately nodded, what's the point of going to Wuhan? It happened that he went out to relax and take some time to relax.

They have a wide variety of goods, including many foreign goods, so there is no need to worry about selling them.

This time when I go out, I must feel comfortable playing there before I come back.

In Fujian, when Loach returned home, Lily immediately took out a message.

There is a radio station in Loach's home. Lilike is the deputy leader of the telecommunications team and can receive telegrams.

"Team leader's message."

Seeing that Loach didn't answer the telegram and wanted to hug her, Lily immediately reminded her.

Loach stopped instantly, grabbed the message and read it carefully.

Lily smiled, this kid Ni Loach can't get around easily. Only he and the team leader can control him, no one else can do it.

"The team leader wants me to take complete control of Fujian Station?"

Ni Loach was stunned for a moment. After the team leader left, he had never interfered with the internal affairs of the Secrecy Bureau. Why was he suddenly asked to take action?

To completely control Fujian Station is to remove all the eyesores and replace them with his people.

The first person to bear the brunt was Deputy Station Director Gui Heshan.

"I don't know. I heard that the director wanted to attack Beiping and Tianjin. Qiao Yuancai of Beiping Station was recommended by the team leader. I guess the team leader is angry and asked you to take some action to support Qiao Yuancai."

Lily shook her head. She was very smart. She had met countless people and understood people's hearts.

It's a pity that she knows too little and can only analyze it superficially.

"No matter what the reason is, we must obey the team leader's order. Madam, you rest at home. I will go back to the station first."

Loach was unusually serious. It was not difficult to get rid of these annoying people. He had never done anything before. It was not because he was lazy, but because he didn't need to.

Guiheshan wanted to do something, so let him do it. Loach never regarded him as an opponent and didn't care at all.

His handle is all in Loach's hands, and he can be dealt with at any time.

Gui Heshan is hugging Director Qi's thigh. Not to mention that he is not Director Qi's person now. Even if he can get rid of him, Director Qi cannot save him.

There is a team leader in the inspection room. As long as the evidence is obtained, Director Qi will only cause trouble for himself if he goes to protect it.

Nanjing, Headquarters of the Security Bureau.

Zhao San, the director of the Fujian Station, sent a secret message and found out that deputy station director Gui Heshan had multiple crimes, not only in the past but also in the present. Gui Heshan harbored criminal officers, provided them with cover, destroyed the evidence of the Secret Bureau, killed people and silenced them, and made people angry.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Gui Heshan accepted money to release Japanese spies, which was an unforgivable crime.

Director Qi was stunned to see these serious crimes. If these were true, shooting Gui Heshan ten times would not be too much.

Zhao San sent a secret telegram, and the evidence had been sent on the way. Director Qi had a headache. Gui Heshan, the bastard, swore to him that Zhao San didn't care about anything in Fujian, and he was the one who really did the work.

Why did people get so many clues?

Director Qi did not immediately agree to Gui Heshan's offer of surrender. He had many issues to consider. Chu Lingyun had left, but he was watching him in the inspection room. As soon as Chu Lingyun left, he took the deputy station chief next to Zhao San. Will Chu Lingyun think too much about her own people?

In addition, there is another point. He is not accepted by everyone. You must at least see his performance first to see if it is worth accepting.

In fact, the most important reason is that he does not dare to attack Loach now, and deliberately uses Gui Heshan to act as his spy. Some time ago, Gui Heshan sent a secret telegram to report that there is news, and the red party will be caught soon. As a result, I was sued by Zhao San today.

What to do with Mount Kwai is the key.

Director Qi has a headache. He doesn't want to deal with it. Without Guiheshan, Fujian Station is completely out of his control, but it won't work if he doesn't deal with it. If he dares not to deal with it, Chu Lingyun will complain to the old man tomorrow.

"Call back and take Gui Heshan to the headquarters immediately. I will interrogate him personally."

After a meeting, Director Qi gritted his teeth and ordered his secretary to bring Gui Heshan to Nanjing first to see if there was any chance of keeping him.

If not, he will be executed in Nanjing to avoid causing trouble for himself.

Guiheshan himself is not up to par, no wonder he.


The secretary took the order and left. Director Qi opened the file again. He was looking at Ma Sanshan's investigation results.

Now that his prestige is very low, he must establish it as soon as possible. He will definitely move Qiao Yuancai and Wu Meifeng, but not now. He can take it slow first and let it go.

As for Wang Yuemin, he can investigate, but he cannot move, let alone kill Wang Yuemin.

Killing Wang Yuemin was like poking a hornet's nest. He couldn't do it even if he had full evidence if he couldn't bear to eat.

There were not many people he could target in the entire Secrecy Bureau, so he eventually focused on Ma Sanshan.

Boss Dai was going to Chama Sanshan and Shanghai Station. He knew this best. However, Boss Dai did not go to Shanghai at all and was transferred to Nanjing because of the weather.

That is what happened in Nanjing.

It is said that Ma Sanshan released Jin Bizhen secretly, which made Boss Dai very angry and gave him a lot of things to get through temporarily.

Director Qi knew Boss Dai very well. Boss Dai didn't deal with him because he had too many part-time jobs and was not easy to deal with. He planned to deal with Ma Sanshan when he came back, but something happened on the way back.

Ma Sanshan is suspected of attacking Boss Dai.

There are indeed some such rumors. Whether they are true or false, there is no harm in Director Qi attacking Ma Sanshan. At least he can get the support of some people, thinking that he has avenged Boss Dai.

He is in urgent need of prestige now. Ordinary people can't do it. Only people of Ma Sanshan's level can do it.

After receiving the call back, Loach sneered, and immediately sent his henchmen and led the garrison to Xiamen to arrest Gui Heshan.

Ni Loach was not interested in seeing him, so he sent him directly to Nanjing in Xiamen and handed him over to Director Qi for disposal.

Guiheshan was not a big shot, so he didn't use a plane. He took a boat directly by sea and land, first to Shanghai, and then to Nanjing by train.

Four days later, Guiheshan was sent to Nanjing.

Before he arrived, the evidence that Loach had sent to the headquarters arrived. Looking at the irrefutable evidence, Director Qi laughed angrily. Gui Heshan would really do anything for money. An officer who committed a crime was targeted by their secrecy bureau and found After betraying him, Gui Heshan actually used his power to deceive the intelligence agent handling the case and have him killed.

He is so brave. Does he know what the consequences will be if such a thing is found out?

No one can save him now.

Loach was careful when reporting. He did not mention the specifics, but only stated the general charges. A detailed report would be made only after the evidence was delivered.

Director Qi did not see Gui Heshan at all, and all the evidence was handed over to Xie Ziqi for verification and investigation.

As expected, all the evidence was true. The crime committed by Gui Heshan was too big, and Director Qi did not protect him. No matter how Gui Heshan shouted to see the Director, he did not.

In just three days, Kwai Heshan was executed, but soon a new appointment came down.

Xiamen is very important. The Secrecy Bureau has a special Xiamen Intelligence Team, which is under the direct jurisdiction of the headquarters and does not belong to the Fujian Station.

Ni Loach understood that Director Qi had set a nail for him. He could not move the Fujian Station. Once Gui Heshan died, all his gang members were eliminated by Ni Loach and replaced by people from the war situation team. Director Qi completely lost all control of the Fujian Station. Control.

Director Qi was unwilling to give in and set up a separate Xiamen Intelligence Team.

Although it is a group, there are many people, and there are not many sub-stations to check.

This Xiamen Intelligence Group is just here to add to the trouble.

Loach did not report it, and Lily did not agree with him going to Chu Lingyun to file a complaint.

Director Qi took action, and they followed. They were just an intelligence team and couldn't afford to cause any trouble. Loach had already established a firm foothold in Fujian for more than a year.

If he can't even handle a small intelligence team, how can he be qualified to be the team leader's first confidant?

From the beginning to the end, Ni Loach thought that he was the person closest to the team leader. If his level had not risen too high, he would have stayed with the team leader, not Chu Yuan.

Wuhan, Zheng Guangtao has been here for ten days.

Wuhan suffered heavy losses during the war. After the victory, Wuhan recovered quickly. After all, it is a commercial center. Although the current population has not recovered to what it was before the station, it is much stronger than when the Japanese were there.

"Boss Zheng, this is the payment. Please click on it."

Zheng Guangtao was staying in the best hotel, and a man in front of him was bending over and smiling flatteringly. Their goods were indeed very popular when they arrived in Wuhan, and several shipments were immediately bought.

Chu Lingyun is really good at business, and the sales speed in Wuhan is much faster than them.

"I understand, just leave it there. This is the bill of goods. You can go and pick up the goods."

Zheng Guangtao didn't care at all. He didn't believe that anyone dared to lie to him. Moreover, they only accepted US dollars and gold bars for sales, not legal tender or ocean.

These goods were provided by Chu Company. Chu Company has now moved to Hong Kong. Legal currency is not used there, and Chu Lingyun will not ask for legal currency.

"Thank you, Boss Zheng."

The visitor smiled and left with the goods list. He suddenly turned around after leaving the door, with a cold light and ridicule in his eyes. He quickly got in the car and took the goods list to the warehouse to pick up the goods.

His car had been waiting at the door of the warehouse for a long time. The people in the warehouse checked the goods list, called Zheng Guangtao and immediately shipped the goods.

He is the man of the organization.

Previously, I was lurking in Wuhan and was mainly responsible for fundraising. The organization learned that a businessman from Nanjing came to Wuhan. This man was very young and had little experience in doing business.

This information is not difficult to check. Ke Gong asked the comrades here in Wuhan to check it out by themselves.

It is not easy to encounter such a scapegoat, and Wuhan immediately wanted to make a profit from him.

The comrade came to the door quickly. He gave a high price and got the goods very smoothly. The first batch of goods was worth two thousand oceans, the second batch was five thousand, and this was the third and largest batch.

Two shipments of goods, more than 30,000 yuan in the ocean.

Zheng Guangtao doesn't want the ocean, he just wants gold bars and US dollars, which is convenient for them. The gold bars used today are fake. These fake gold bars are not as realistic as the ones Chu Lingyun made for Abe, but it is difficult for ordinary people to tell them apart.

What's more, they found that Zheng Guangtao was very arrogant and would not check carefully at all.

This comrade was very satisfied with earning so much at one time. It didn't matter even if he left Wuhan for this, the money could help them a lot.

It wasn't until he woke up the next day that Zheng Guangtao called his men and prepared to send what he had collected in the past two days back to Nanjing.

Before sending it away, he looked at it again. The gold bar was good and very beautiful. He didn't recognize it as a fake.

The surface layer is real gold, but the inside is filled with copper and lead. Such gold bars are very confusing.

"Send these gold bars back to Nanjing."

Zheng Guangtao called his confidants. After he arrived at the inspection room, he replaced almost all the people in the logistics team. He only believed in his own people.

Chu Lingyun only had one request for him, not to affect the operation of the inspection room, and to replace whomever he wanted.

The logistics team is not only engaged in business, but is also the steward of the entire inspection room and must ensure the normal operation of the inspection room.


The confidants who came in came to move the boxes, and they would transport these gold bars to Nanjing by ship. Not only would they have people on the ship, but there would also be help from the garrison. The garrison didn't know what it was, so as not to cause trouble.

Zheng Guangtao understands the importance of this money and never saves too much in his hands.

When they moved to the box delivered yesterday, the two of them felt something was wrong.

The number of gold bars in this box was a few hundred and over, and the total weight was almost 70 kilograms. After the two of them lifted it, they obviously felt that the weight was wrong.

The two looked at each other. They were not outsiders and had the same surname Zheng.

When it comes to sending money, Zheng Guangtao only trusts the tribesmen he brings.

"Team leader, there's something wrong with the weight."

"Wrong weight?"

Zheng Guangtao was stunned for a moment and ran over immediately. It was very difficult for him to lift such a heavy box by himself.

"What's wrong?"

Zheng Guangtao asked in confusion. The box itself also weighed. He usually lacked exercise and felt very heavy when he moved it, so he couldn't notice anything unusual.

"Team leader, for safety reasons, let's weigh him."

Not daring to be careless, his men immediately brought it to weigh and put a gold bar first.

This is a standard gold bar of ten taels, but it only weighs eight taels and fours when placed on it. One bar is one tael less, and one hundred bars is less than one hundred and sixty taels, which weighs a full ten kilograms.

No wonder they sense something is wrong.

Zheng Guangtao was dumbfounded. He picked up another gold bar and found that the weight was still wrong.

He suddenly thought of something and picked up two gold bars and slammed them together. The two gold bars broke instantly.

A lead weight fell inside.

Fake gold bars.

Zheng Guangtao was trembling. He had been deceived. Someone dared to deceive him. Didn't he know that if he deceived him, he would not be able to survive at all?

The key is that this is not a little bit, but hundreds of gold bars. How can he explain it to the director and uncle?

"Quickly, capture him and bring back the goods."

Zheng Guangtao shouted angrily, "Two men, look at me, and I look at you. People have been gone for such a long time, and the goods have been taken away long ago. I'm afraid no one will be seen at all."

There are twenty people in the logistics team. In order to ensure the normal operation of the inspection room, Zheng Guangtao only brought eight confidants. However, he also brought many Zheng family guards. He felt more at ease with these people than with others.

A lot of people were brought, more than thirty people.

The two men called the guards and immediately ran out to arrest people. At this time, they all ignored one thing. They were not intelligence agencies, let alone intelligence agents. They were still old-fashioned people who went to people's homes and stores to arrest people.

When they arrived home, they found that no one was there. When they asked, they found out that the house was rented.

This is even more true at the goods store. It was a warehouse that was temporarily rented by others. Now no one knows where the people have gone.

They met a scammer and were defrauded of a lot of money.

Zheng Guangtao received a call from his subordinates. He did not dare to delay and immediately called Nanjing. Director Zheng was shocked when he heard that he had been deceived, and that he had been deceived so much.

They also need to pay for their goods, at least the principal. Chu Lingyun helped them make money, not gave it to them for free.

More than half of it is capital.

If you calculate it this way, Director Zheng will lose more.

"You idiot, why don't you check on the spot? Go to the Secrecy Bureau, Central Command and Police Station immediately and ask them to help you arrest the person."

Director Zheng yelled angrily that no matter who dared to lie to him, he must pay the price.

He knew his nephew's virtue and it was impossible for him to catch the liar.

Leave professional matters to professionals. The Second Department is responsible for intelligence and has jurisdiction and supervision over these intelligence departments. They dare not neglect their own affairs.

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Zheng Guangtao hung up the phone in a hurry. The first stop was the Secrecy Bureau. Yu Jiangdong happened to be there. When he saw Zheng Guangtao listening to his request, his brows condensed together instantly.

He was busy looking for the red party and had made good progress, so he had no time to help Zheng Guangtao arrest people.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to check it for you right away."

Yu Jiangdong is not stupid. There is no need to offend Director Zheng. He agreed to Zheng Guangtao's request to arrest people. It's very simple. Just send a few people to deal with it.

There was no guarantee that he would catch anyone.

"Thank you very much."

Zheng Guangtao was overjoyed and ran to Zhongtong and finally the police station.

People from several departments mobilized, with the police station dispatching the largest number of people. The Central Command and Security Bureau, like the Central Security Bureau, only had a few people go.

It's all about saving face and dealing with errands.

Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles. The next day, people in the inspection room knew that Zheng Guangtao had been deceived.

"Director, I heard that Team Leader Zheng was cheated?"

Mai Hua came to the office immediately, and Chu Lingyun raised his head: "Who did you listen to?"

He knew immediately that Zheng Guangtao had been deceived. Director Zheng personally called him. Not only did Zheng Guangtao suffer losses when he was deceived, but the inspection office also suffered losses. He was worried that Chu Lingyun would blame him for the losses of the inspection office. on the body.

It was Chu Lingyun's plan at this time, so it was not surprising at all.

"Everyone is saying that the Wuhan Secrecy Bureau, the Central Military Commission, and the police department are helping Team Leader Zheng catch the liar, but they haven't found him yet."

Zheng Guangtao was deceived the morning before yesterday, and now it is afternoon. He has not been able to catch anyone for more than two days, and the prime time has been missed.

The scammers had enough time to leave Wuhan with the goods and hide them in a safe place.

"This is true, but let's not talk nonsense. After all, Team Leader Zheng is the director's man."

Chu Lingyun finally nodded, and Mai Hua was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Director, will Team Leader Zheng be deceived, will it affect our dividends?"

This was his biggest concern. In order to buy a house, he borrowed a lot of debt and was counting on dividends to repay the debt.

"You can ask Director Zheng."

Chu Lingyun looked at him, and Mai Hua smiled: "Director, I just came to ask about Team Leader Zheng's situation. I'm leaving first."

How dare he ask, but this kid Zheng Guangtao will no longer be arrogant. Relying on his relationship with Director Zheng, he never takes them seriously.

He even publicly humiliated him, saying he didn't expect him to be that kind of person.

Zheng Guangtao didn't say clearly what kind of person he was, but everyone knew it.

"Uncle, the Secrecy Bureau and the Central Command are so abominable. They have no intention at all. The Central Command sent five people to help. The Secrecy Bureau went even further. They sent two people. How can we find anyone."

Not long after, Zheng Guangtao called again and complained to Director Zheng.

Yesterday he was too impatient and kept thinking about finding someone. Today, when his subordinates reported to him, he found out that the Secrecy Bureau and Zhongtong had no intentions at all.

Of the hundreds of people at the Hubei station of the Secrecy Bureau, only two were sent to help him find people, and they were a team leader from the action team and his men.

The most outrageous thing is that the two people went to the train station to ask questions, and then went to a nearby restaurant to drink without checking at all.

As they were, let alone the fact that they didn't leave by train, even if they did, what could they find?

Zheng Guangtao was so angry that he came to question him, but Yu Jiangdong gave him a bureaucratic tone and had no intention of helping him sincerely.

"I understand. Let the police investigate first."

Director Zheng's face was ashen, damn Qi Limin, damn Ye Feng, they didn't take him seriously at all.

Zheng Guangtao is his nephew, but he dares to deal with him like this. Do they see him in their eyes?

This happened in Wuhan and was done by people from Wuhan.

But the more this happens, the more it proves their attitude towards themselves, and their subordinates dare to be so perfunctory. What about them?

"Ling Yun, do you have time?"

Director Zheng suppressed his anger, picked up the phone, and called Chu Lingyun.

These bastards must be taught a lesson.

He was worried about others. He happened to have the most recognized agent in the country. This matter also involved Chu Lingyun, so he could use Chu Lingyun to deal with them.

Director Zheng had heard before that if any webmaster dared to be dishonest when Boss Dai was around, Chu Lingyun would be asked to investigate, scaring those webmasters from making any big moves.

Now it's his turn to do so.

"Director, I'll be there right away."

Chu Lingyun hung up the phone and smiled. Everything was going according to his plan. Since the Secrecy Bureau and Zhongtong cooperated so well, maybe the harvest this time would be greater.

Anyway, the Hubei Station of the Secrecy Bureau will not have any peace in the future.

This was not done on his own initiative, nor was it his intention, but was arranged by Director Zheng.

Thank you to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward.

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