Spy Shadow

Chapter 919 Tit for tat

Chapter 919 Tit for tat

"Go ahead."

Shen Hanwen waved his hand, and Gao Zheng carefully stepped out. He understood what the director was thinking, but it was a pity that he couldn't help with this matter.

In fact, he also wants to follow the team leader, and it is most comfortable to follow the team leader. It is very exciting to investigate cases these days, especially those bastards who investigated Zhongtong. He found a lot of things. Some people are simply bad and leaking pus. Even killing him is not enough to make the people angry.

After finding out these things, he believed that with the temperament of the team leader, it would be impossible to let them go.

Time passes slowly, and the year 47 finally arrives. After New Year's Day, it is a new year. However, this is the Gregorian calendar, and Chinese people still prefer to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

"Chu, it's not easy to see you once."

Chu Lingyun was receiving guests, and Old Brooke came in person. Knowing that Little Brooke could not see Chu Lingyun, he simply came to China again.

"Haha, what's the matter? I have an official status and you don't. You can come over anytime you want to see me."

Chu Lingyun smiled and hugged him. During the sulfonamide business, Brooke was his big customer, and the two of them worked well together.

"Chu, I came here with a request this time."

"I know you want me to build a factory. To tell you the truth, the technology is mine, but I can't build it wherever I want. As for the reason, I believe you know it very well."

Chu Lingyun doesn't talk nonsense. He doesn't have that much free time. These foreigners prefer to be direct.

"So you agreed?"

Old Brook was very happy. He understood what Chu Lingyun meant. He could build a factory, but he had to deal with the Americans.

"Yes, I agree, but the United States needs your efforts. Another point is that you can hold up to 30% of the shares of the completed factory."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Now is the most profitable time for pharmaceutical companies, and he knows how to make reasonable use of it.

"I understand, but 30% is too little. I don't need your investment. Your technical investment will account for 30%."

Brooke immediately shook his head, the greed of the capitalists was clearly revealed.

"In that case, I might as well continue to build factories in the United States and China. You know very well what the profits of the new drugs will be. If you are not sincere, come and have fun in China this time. I will do my best to be a good landlord."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Old Brook opened his mouth wide. He didn't even have the interest to bargain.

Now he is begging for himself, not him.

"Chu, you are still so domineering."

Old Brook had no choice but to smile bitterly. This was the case when he was selling sulfa, forcing them to bid and sell at a high price. It is the same now when building a factory.

But the business was negotiated, and Old Brook was not in a hurry.

He was not in a hurry, and Chu Lingyun was even less anxious, and quickly put him aside.

There are more and more investigation results. Chu Lingyun needs to verify whether there are any of his comrades inside. If so, he needs to protect them. He has no time to chat with him.

Seven days later, Old Brooke left.

Chu Lingyun reached a cooperation agreement with him, which was fully funded by the Brook family and Chu Lingyun Technology became a shareholder. The Brook family owned 45% of the shares of the pharmaceutical factory and Chu Lingyun owned 55%.

Production is handled by Chu Lingyun, and sales are handed over to the Brook family.

It doesn't matter how much Chu Lingyun wants from the United States. If the Brook family can deal with the greedy politicians in the United States, they can give it all to him.

However, Chu Lingyun made one point: a batch must be sold to China.

Just use the normal ex-factory price, which should not be less than 20% of the total amount.

The more new drugs there are in China, the more they will flow into the hands of comrades in the future. He knows the greed of the Party best, and they don’t care who the buyer is if there is an opportunity to make money.

Half a month before the Chinese New Year, Zhou Gaohao was finally released.

When his family came to pick him up, Zhou Gaohao smiled when he saw his wife.

He was finally safe. He had withstood the test this time, but it also left hidden dangers that made Qi Limin doubt him. It would be difficult for him to be reused in the future, and he would still be wary of him.

Zhou Gaohao doesn't care, as long as he has the opportunity to continue working for the organization.

When he joined the party, he swore that he would fight for the cause of the Red Party throughout his life, even if it cost him his life.

He will strictly abide by his oath.

In the inspection room conference room, the eldest son and Chen Mutu were both there.

Ten days before the Chinese New Year, Chu Lingyun's investigation of Zhongtong was finally concluded. This time, not only all the problems with Zhongtong were found out, but at least 80% of them were found.

Their Foreign Product Inventory Committee actually has no official office location. The real work is in the inspection office. The eldest son and Chen Mutu came here specially to listen to the report.

"so much?"

Seeing the thick stacks of documents in front of him, the eldest son asked in surprise. Jia Changguo, Mai Hua, Fu Junhu, Zheng Guangtao and others all looked at the eldest son excitedly.

This is the eldest son. In ancient times, he would have been the crown prince.

How often do they have the opportunity to meet people like the eldest young master?

Unexpectedly, the eldest son came. Not only did he come, the director also asked them to report in person, which was equivalent to giving them a chance to show their faces in front of the eldest son.

Several people were quite excited.

"Brother, please listen first and then speak."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. There were a lot of documents, and the contents inside were even more shocking. He didn't know how the eldest son would feel about it.

"Okay, let's get started."

The eldest son sat down, and Chu Lingyun looked at Jia Changguo. He did not need to show off in front of the eldest son, so he just gave this opportunity to his subordinates.

"My eldest son, General Chen, let me first talk about the Northeastern Station of Zhongtong..."

Jia Changguo was the first to report. He knew beforehand that the eldest son would come in person and made special preparations. Even so, he was still a little nervous and made mistakes several times. Fortunately, the director reminded him.

The eldest son looked fine at first, but became more and more serious as he listened.

During the Anti-Japanese War, some people secretly collaborated with the enemy. After the Anti-Japanese War, they frantically robbed private property, and dozens of people were killed by them.

Is this the fruit party's intelligence department? It's worse than a beast.

After Northeast China is Peiping, followed by Tianjin and other stations.

"Ling Yun, have these been confirmed?"

After just talking about a few places, the eldest son could not help but ask. Chen Mutu's expression did not change much. He knew very well that what the inspection office said was true, and the Central Commander was going to be in trouble this time.

Even if the old man doesn't want to attack Zhongtong, he probably won't be able to bear it after hearing the results of this report.

"Everything has been confirmed."

Chu Lingyun nodded slowly, and the eldest son signaled Jia Changguo to continue.

“Let’s not talk about the minor issues for now, only the key issues.”

Chu Lingyun suddenly interrupted. Jia Changguo's words were too detailed. According to what they said, the report could not be completed in one day.

Even tomorrow is not enough.

"Yes, Director."

Jia Changguo started reporting again, much faster this time, but by the time he finished reporting, more than two hours had still passed.

"The sky is angry and people are angry, and the sky is angry and people are angry."

The eldest son slapped the table angrily. Under such a clear world, the people of Zhongtong had done so many crazy things. No wonder Chu Lingyun wanted to investigate them. It was really impossible not to investigate them.

"Mai Hua, come and report."

Chu Lingyun sighed and said, "Where are you now?" Let's continue listening.

"Yes, big, big, big master..."

Mai Hua was even more excited and started to speak incoherently. After being reminded by Chu Lingyun, he finally recovered a little and started his report immediately.

There are also a lot of problems on his side, which are similar to those on Jia Changguo's side. The person who reports can basically be sentenced to death and will never be wronged.

For some people, capital crimes are minor.

Mai Hua's report contained more omissions than Jia Changguo's, but the report was finally completed.

After it was over, Mai Hua carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was too nervous.

Fu Junhu was not much better than him, but Fu Junhu reported in the afternoon, and when lunch time came, they continued after eating.

The meal was very simple, eaten in the conference room, and tasted delicious.

The inspection room has its own canteen. The welfare here is good and meat is indispensable for every meal. Many people in the inspection room have gained weight.

"Fu Junhu, come here."

At the beginning of the afternoon, Chu Lingyun asked Fu Junhu to report that Fu Junhu was better than Mai Hua. After all, they had been together for so long and had dinner together again.

Although it was a conference meal, it was very simple, but he was satisfied to be able to eat at the same table with the eldest son.

Fu Junhu’s report ended, and Chu Yuan had the finale.

"Liu Shirui, the chief of the second section of the Central Unification Intelligence Division, had made many meritorious service at the Central Unification Xi'an Station and was promoted to section chief due to his meritorious service. He arrested a total of nine red party members and 17 traitors. After careful verification by us, nine Eight of the famous Red Party members are false, and of the seventeen traitors, only five are real, and the rest are all unjustly accused.”

"All these people died tragically in his hands, and he made hundreds of thousands of dollars from them. Not only did he kill good people and take credit for their crimes, he also devoured other people's property."

"We have evidence and witnesses, and we have also verified the cases he handled in the Central Government. They are all fake evidence, very inferior, and the handwriting does not match up."

Chu Yuan's first report was a bombshell. This was the section chief. He had arrested so many red gang members. Is it true?

Chu Yuan felt cold in his heart. This executioner had killed so many people, and there was still one of their true comrades. Even if he didn't have any of his own, this kind of person must be eliminated to eliminate harm for the people.

What he did was no worse than Zhao Tianxi at Changsha Station back then.

"Yan Yunwei, the deputy section chief of the second section, followed the example above and went even further than his section chief. He took in four concubines, raised two concubines, colluded with gangs, and took human life lightly. As many as three people died at his hands. More than ten people.”

"More than thirty?"

The eldest son interrupted hastily, and Chu Principle nodded: "It's just a lot more. This is what we verified. There is more we don't know."

"Murder, murderer."

The eldest son yelled angrily, and Chu Principle continued to report. He reported to more people. He himself reported for three hours, and another afternoon passed.

The problem at the Central Unification Headquarters is even more serious.

These are only things that can be found out, but there are some things that cannot be found out. For example, did they do anything before they entered the Central Unification Committee?

Or did you do anything when you were sent out on a mission?

The end result will only be worse.

"Ling Yun, come with me to see your father immediately."

The eldest son got up angrily. He didn't expect that the Central Commander was so rotten. How could such a Central Commander do things for them? While the common people scolded them, what would they think of their father and son?

Damn, it's so hateful.

"Young Master, it's a bit late today. Let's go tomorrow."

Before Chu Lingyun could say anything, Chen Mutu tried to persuade him first. Chu Lingyun glanced at Chen Mutu, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

They knew the old man's character very well.

To put it simply, indecisiveness means that the decision made the day before is likely to change if it takes some time to ferment.

Especially when so many people are involved and the matter of Central Unification is involved.

Er Chen will not sit back and watch the Central Unification be dealt with, or even abolished. Going tonight is equivalent to giving them time to operate. Once the old man is affected, the Central Unification's affairs are likely to be reduced to minor matters.

Going tomorrow is to take advantage of the old man's anger and urge him to make a punishment decision on the spot.

After all, what was said at the beginning was to only investigate but not to deal with it, but no one expected that Zhongtong's problem would be so serious.

"With so many shocking things, we still have to wait until tomorrow?"

The eldest son didn't understand, he wanted to report it as soon as possible.

"Brother, let's do it tomorrow. It's too late today. The report will take a while and a half to finish. There will be more time tomorrow."

Chu Lingyun also tried to persuade him. Chen Mutu and Chu Lingyun both spoke, and the eldest son gradually calmed down.

That's right, there are so many things that can't be reported in a short while, and the father's rest at night cannot be delayed, especially when he is angry, he may not be able to sleep all night.

"Okay, let's go there early tomorrow morning."

The us the eldest son mentioned does not include Chu Yuan and others.

They never thought that they could follow.


Chu Lingyun nodded, he would definitely go tomorrow, and he would be the main force in the report tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the eldest son came to pick up Chu Lingyun with red eyes. He couldn't sleep well after knowing this, let alone his father. At this time, he felt that Chu Lingyun and Chen Mutu's advice yesterday was right.

Chen Mutu went there alone, and today the three of them need to report together, which is enough weight.

"Father, the Central Government has gone too far. You have no idea how many unscrupulous things they have done."

When he saw the old man, the eldest son could not help but be excited. The old man was very surprised. The eldest son could not explain clearly and asked Chu Lingyun to report.

Chu Lingyun brought their investigation results, which were streamlined and did not include the investigation process or evidence, only what they had done.

If you bring them all here, the old man won't be able to read them all in one day.

Chu Lingyun's report did not report everyone individually, but summarized.

How many people were killed, how many people were killed, and how many people were killed in total.

How many people are there who have framed people, embezzled public funds, even soldiers' life-saving money, demanded and accepted bribes, colluded with gangs, profiteers, and other officials.

There are even more people who harm their colleagues, talk about the old man behind his back, and attack the fruit party.

"Is this all true?"

The old man stood up suddenly. Chu Lingyun's report was not long, but it was very scary.

Because of Zhongtong's brutality, thousands of people died directly and indirectly, not including their family members.

As for corruption, bribery, etc., the number is even more shocking.

One person is not much, but so many people together are powerful.

"Principal, look."

Chu Lingyun took out his condensed version. Even the condensed version had dozens of pages.

The old man grabbed it, opened it and looked at it carefully. He looked at it very carefully and didn't miss a word.

Before he finished reading, he angrily smashed the document in his hand on the ground.

"Have Ye Feng get over here immediately."

The old man cursed, and the people next to him hurriedly called, while the eldest son cautiously stepped forward: "Father, please calm down. Isn't it worth being so angry?"

"It's not worth it, so what's worth it? Is this something humans do?"

The old man was even more angry. The eldest son glanced at Chen Mutu and Chu Lingyun. Fortunately, they didn't come to report last night, otherwise the old man would have been unable to sleep all night.

"Yes, I understand."

When Ye Feng received the call, he suddenly felt bad. He hung up the phone and started calling immediately. After a while, he knew that the eldest son, Chen Mutu and Chu Lingyun had gone to the old man's camp together not long ago.

What was supposed to come finally came. It seemed that what the Inspectorate found had been reported, and the old man got angry.

Ye Feng secretly complained in his heart, didn't he say that he only wanted to investigate but not do anything? Why call him over?

What exactly did they find out?

There was no other way. Ye Feng didn't dare not go when the old man summoned him. Before packing up, he called Er Chen and asked them to come and help.

According to the information he heard, the old man was very angry. If he went alone, the result would be very disastrous.

Ye Feng arrived at the camp quickly. Da Chen was faster than him, and Xiao Chen arrived soon.


Ye Feng said hello carefully, and the old man stood up suddenly, picked up the things on the table and threw them at him.

Ye Feng didn't dare to move and just endured it.

"Look, show me, is this your man?"

The old man threw over Chu Lingyun's investigation file. Ye Feng opened it and took a quick look. It was really shocking. He didn't expect that Chu Lingyun found so many problems.

He was completely unaware of many issues.

"Commissioner, I was wrong. I know there are many problems within the Central Unification Committee. I have been working hard to correct them after taking office, but they have already taken shape. You know how difficult this kind of change is."

Ye Feng was very smart. He did not shirk his responsibility and took the initiative.

However, he pointed out that he has not been in office for long and has not yet made complete changes.

The old man was indeed not that excited. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and thought deeply.

Er Chen took Chu Lingyun's investigation report and looked at Chu Lingyun together after reading it.

What are you trying to do by checking so carefully?

It's a pity that Chu Lingyun's background is also very deep. Even they can't move easily, let alone dare to move.

"Commissioner, many of these are old accounts. Ye Feng is indeed working hard. Please give him some time to correct them."

Da Chen first persuaded them that they must help speak, and Zhongtong was their hard work.

"Give him time, who gives me time? I think there is no need for the Central Government to exist."

The old man roared angrily, and Ye Feng's heart skipped a beat.

"Commissioner, please calm down. You really don't want the Central Unification. Just cancel it. But it won't last in a day. In addition, the Central Unification has achieved some achievements. Now is the critical moment to deal with the Red Party. You It’s better to let them serve their crimes and make meritorious service. If they still can’t do it, we can disband them directly.”

Xiao Chen was very good at talking and knew that the old man didn't really want to abolish the Central Unification, he was just angry.

Ye Feng was slightly relieved. The first half of Xiao Chen's words had shocked him.

If Er Chen supports the abolition of the Central Unification, then the Central Unification is probably gone.

"This is what you said. I will give you another chance. However, I am very dissatisfied with the current Central Commander. Just like the military commander, we will streamline the process and kick out all those who are doing nothing. An intelligence department needs to be like that. Why are there so many people? Also, the name has been changed. Please come up with a rectification plan for me as soon as possible."

The old man originally wanted to attack Zhongtong, but this time he gave him a good opportunity.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he ordered the Central Committee to make changes and weaken their power like the Secrecy Bureau.

"Yes, commission."

Ye Feng did not dare to refute, so he responded first. The eldest son frowned. Just as he was about to speak, Chu Lingyun suddenly stepped forward: "Principal, what should we do with these people?"

Chu Lingyun was referring to these people who were found out. Their crimes were heinous and must be severely punished.

The old man looked hesitant, and Xiao Chen hurriedly said: "Commissioners, there are too many people, it is difficult to go to war. Find a few typical people to deal with, and downplay the rest."

The eldest son finally couldn't help it and rushed to say: "Mr. Chen, what they made is not a small mistake, but a big mistake, and it can even be said to be a great evil."

"Even if the eldest son is a great evil, it is not suitable to deal with all of them, otherwise it will have a great negative impact on the image of Dang Guo."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and the old man's expression turned serious.

Reputation is very important. They want to stabilize their rule and cannot make their reputation too bad, although their reputation is not very good now.

"Mr. Chen, there is no need to make it public. I can dispose of them secretly without affecting our image."

Chu Lingyun said quickly, the old man couldn't be allowed to speak, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with them once he let them go.

"Director Chu, do you have to be merciful and merciful?"

"Spare people, why spare them, have they spared others? Principal, this time the Central Military Commission found 471 people who committed crimes, and 49 of them were extremely guilty. Those 400 people can be given light punishments, or they can be expelled To get out of Zhongtong, the forty-nine people must be eliminated, otherwise they will be more courageous in the future. Knowing that they will not die and will not be punished, what are they afraid of? I am afraid that even if they are red, they dare to do it. There is no one in Zhongtong. Sold information."

Chu Lingyun also knew what the old man cared about.

It's not enough to just say their fault. The old man doesn't care about that. What he cares about is reputation and power.

He will eliminate anything that affects his reputation or power without hesitation.

"Okay, let's do it like this. All the culprits will be fired. Ling Yun, I will give these forty-nine people to you and let them disappear forever."

The old man finally spoke, and Chu Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief. It was unrealistic to kill more than 400 people, so he just didn't let go of those who deserved to be killed.

Ye Feng looked at Chu Lingyun blankly, forty-nine people, forty-nine lives.

Basically, they are all officials. Ordinary people would not dare to do this, let alone have the ability to do it.

Once these people die, you can imagine how much influence they will have on Zhongtong.

He never thought that Chu Lingyun could be so murderous.

"Yes, principal."

Chu Lingyun responded immediately, taking over the task.

"Commissioned, there are too many people, can you kill less, and don't kill those who have performed meritorious services."

Ye Feng hurriedly said that he understood that it was unrealistic to save everyone. Some people really deserved to die and had offended the old man, but he still tried his best to save some people if he could.

"Director Ye, what you said is a bit similar to what General Li said. Do you support General Li?"

Chu Lingyun said suddenly, and the old man immediately looked at Ye Feng.

General Li had a subordinate who made mistakes before, and he came forward to plead for mercy. He said that he was a hero of the Anti-Japanese War. Even if he made mistakes, he could make up for his mistakes and save the lives of his subordinates. The big things were reduced to small, and the small things were reduced. They just changed places to continue. Be an official.

General Li performed well during the Anti-Japanese War, but he was not an old man's man.

Not only is he not, he is also the old man’s political enemy.

"Director Chu, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Feng was startled. If the old man misunderstood him, he would be in big trouble.

"Director Chu, Director Ye is thinking about his subordinates. No one can make mistakes without being a sage. He is right to do this. Don't go on the line. We and the committee will both prosper and suffer. What you said is true. Don’t talk about any suspicion of alienation in the future.”

Da Chen said calmly. Although there were not many people at the scene, the words were full of swords and swords.

"Minister Chen, this is wrong. A merit is a merit and a fault is a fault. Even if the merit is a fault, it still depends on what fault he committed. How can it be said to be a estrangement? Let me ask you, a person like Wang Chuanhai What can he do to make up for the mistakes he made?"

Chen Mutu spoke. The formations of both sides were obvious, with three people on each side. All the people around the old man stepped aside, not daring to take a breath.

Not even a fool can see that these two parties are now in tit-for-tat opposition.

On one side was the eldest son, led by Chen Mutu and Chu Lingyun, on the other side was led by Er Chen, helping Ye Feng.

"General Chen, don't confuse things. I didn't say let them all go. If you really can't let them go, you will definitely kill them. If you can let them go, let them go. Can you guarantee that all your subordinates have made no mistakes? Don't mention small mistakes. Just say Isn’t there even one such big mistake worthy of death?”

Da Chen replied with a smile, Er Chen is indeed not simple, no wonder he has such great influence.

In one sentence, the problem was pushed to Chen Mutu.

"Minister Chen, I believe that if General Chen finds such a subordinate, he will not spare him, even if he has made meritorious deeds."

The eldest son immediately answered. Chen Mutu's eyebrows twitched, and then he nodded.

It's okay to make a little money, but so many people have been killed just to make money. There is really no need to keep such people, even if they are close friends, they must be executed.

"Okay, stop arguing. Just do as I say. Punish the big evil and let the small evil go. The Central Command will make rectifications immediately. I want to see your rectification plan as soon as possible."

The old man finally made the decision, otherwise they would continue to quarrel, who knows what the quarrel would be like.


Er Chen was helpless. These people had indeed gone too far. Even they could not stand it. If Chu Lingyun hadn't proposed to kill them, they themselves might not have been able to spare these people.

But killing them is not for the people, but for themselves.

They don't want to keep people like this to cause trouble for them.

In the final analysis, what they are fighting for is power and profit.

They have to do this in their position, otherwise their subordinates will no longer have any confidence in them in the future.

The matter was settled and everyone left. The eldest son suddenly sighed when he got in the car.

For such a big thing, just a few dozen people were killed, while Zhongtong had tens of thousands of people.

I didn't expect that they would be put down so hastily, and they were all section chiefs and below, and they didn't touch the top management of Zhongtong at all.

This kind of loss is nothing to them. There are many people who want to be officials next, so they can quickly make up for it.

"Junior brother, shouldn't it be time for us to straighten things up?"

The eldest son suddenly asked, in the past he knew that the people of the Guo Party were greedy and wanted to make money. Isn't it just too much? But now the government of the Guo Party is really not good enough. The salary it pays cannot support so many people. It doesn't matter what they make.

He never would have imagined that some people would do anything to make money.

"It's not something I'm involved in, even if that's sorted out it's your responsibility."

Chu Lingyun smiled slightly. Is the eldest son starting to think about rectification now?

The intention is good, but if it turns out, don't say it.

"If I come to fix it, can you help me?"

The eldest son looked at Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun did not object, but he also did not agree: "If the commissioner agrees, I will help you. If you don't agree, I can't help you."

It's useless for the eldest son to rectify it. The key depends on the old man's heart and whether he is willing to be cruel.

If he is willing, he will help the eldest son when the time comes, but if he is not willing, the eldest son cannot mobilize him. Once he is used, it proves that the old man really wants to vigorously rectify the situation. After all, his ability to solve crimes is obvious to all, and few people can hide it. His people.

If that were the case, Chu Lingyun would never refuse.

"I understand what you mean."

The eldest son nodded slowly. He was not stupid. Everything depended on his father's wishes.

Back in the inspection room, Chu Lingyun immediately called everyone.

"The appointment has an order."

Chu Lingyun did not sit down, and others did not dare to sit down. They stood upright.

"Forty-nine people who committed serious crimes under the Central Command will be executed secretly. Chu Yuan is responsible for the arrests here in Nanjing. You go and tell your subordinates to take action immediately. As soon as they move, Chu Yuan, you will arrest them immediately. General Chen will send people Cooperate with you."

Chu Lingyun conveyed the old man's order that these people must die. Unfortunately, they were not executed publicly and there was no way to return the property they had seized to the suffering owner.

But given the party's temper, it would be impossible to return it even through a public execution.

Chu Lingyun would steal the money and use it to make up for the victims in other ways.

If it doesn't work now, if he does this, it will be very detrimental to him if word gets out.

Fortunately, in a few years, everything will get better.


Everyone was very happy and decided to deal with them. If they were successful, it would be the credit of their inspection office.

What’s the point of investigating but not doing anything?

Besides, for the things they did, which one of them didn’t deserve to die?

It's a pity that it cannot be made public. Even if it is not made public, their inspection office has completely gained a reputation. Let's see who dares to underestimate their inspection office in the future, and who dares to despise them and not take their words seriously.

Zheng Guangtao has the deepest experience of this.

With the assistance of Chen Mutu, the arrest went smoothly. It was carried out simultaneously in various places. Eight people tried to escape, six of them were caught, two were beaten to death on the spot, and the rest were all captured alive.

Forty-nine people were all executed secretly, and photos were taken for archival purposes.

The people sent to execute him did not dare to let him go. If he let him go, he would die if he survived.

"Kill all the bureau chiefs?"

Weng Zixing was in Ye Feng's office, his hands and feet were cold. Four of his men were arrested and taken away by force. After that, their homes were ransacked by the inspection room, and even their homes were ransacked. They must be finished.

"There is no way, who asked them to go too far."

Ye Feng was very depressed. This time it was a big blow to him, not only his prestige, but also the upcoming rectification.

This rectification is not just about talk. When the military command was turned into a secrecy bureau, how many 50,000 people were left?

That was a severe chop.

There is an example of the military commander. If he didn't make corrections and was considered by the old man to be a fool, he would probably be the end of his career as a director.

“What about their vacancies?”

Weng Zixing asked, there were four on his side, and there were also on Bao Shengqun's side, as well as people from the Operations Department, Supervision Department, and General Affairs Department, all of whom were arrested.

Their Intelligence Department and Operations Department were the hardest hit areas.

"Look at the promotion. In addition, Bao Shengqun's acting director should be promoted to a regular position. He has been in charge for a long time."

Ye Feng rubbed his head. In the past, he might have intervened, but now he was not in the mood.

Next, the entire Central Unification Committee will need to be downsized. Not only will each branch station have to cut off some people, but the headquarters will also need major rectification.

He was afraid that Bao Shengqun would be poached by Mr. Xu, who was currently doing business and had always wanted to take his nephew-in-law away from Zhongtong so that he could continue to make money.

Ye Feng recognized Bao Shengqun's ability and it was impossible to let him go. The director must make him a regular employee.


Weng Zixing didn't know the reason, but it was a good thing. Bao Shengqun's acting director's job was indeed a bit long, which was not conducive to the work of the Telecommunications Office.

Secrecy Bureau, Qi Limin laughed.

He knew that if Chu Lingyun didn't take action, he would be ruthless. Although he only killed dozens of people, his impact on Zhongtong was huge.

And he heard that the Chairman used this opportunity to ask the Central Government to make corrections like they did.

In this case, they become the same as the Secrecy Bureau.

As expected of the Chairman, his balancing act is extraordinary.

"Secretary, Chu Lingyun won't investigate us next, right?"

Xu Yuanfei asked carefully. He is now Qi Limin's number one confidant and has been kept by Qi Limin's side to do things.

"It is inevitable that we will investigate. I didn't notify them and ask them to conduct self-examination. You should urge them immediately and give me the results of the self-examination before the end of the year. If there are major problems, we will solve them internally first, and we will not give the commissioners a chance to get angry."

Qi Limin replied nonchalantly, Ye Feng was afraid of investigation, but he was not.

He has only been in office for a short period of time and has not yet been able to fully control the military. Cha will help him clear out some of his dissidents, which is beneficial to him.

Without Chu Lingyun taking action, he would get rid of those black sheep by himself.

Of course, it can't be his.

"I'll ask the Telecommunications Office to send a report."

Xu Yuanfei responded in a low voice, Qi Limin did order self-examination in various places, but he could think of the results of such self-examination with his toes. Who would seriously investigate?

The next step will be to see when Chu Lingyun's knife falls. It is estimated that another batch of people from the Secrecy Bureau will die this time.

The dead center is good, at least clearing out these scum can improve the combat effectiveness in the future.

A group of guys wrapped in corpses, unable to do their job, ranked first in making money.

By the way, get rid of these people who don't belong to them.

He and Qi Limin both wanted to eliminate dissidents, but they overlooked one point. With such a big commotion, how many people would be able to do things sincerely in the future?

If you don’t make money, you will starve to death. If you make money, you will be afraid. You will probably go to the camp in the future. How can there be anyone who truly fights for your ideals?

The news of the dozens of people executed by Zhongtong was not made public, but the top brass knew all about it.

It is said that the old man was very angry this time. The eldest son, his leader, and Er Chen almost had a quarrel in front of the old man. The two sides fought fiercely. The final result was that the eldest son won. Not only did the central commander secretly execute so many people, he also had to carry out rectification. .

Director Zheng did not participate because his level was not high enough.

But he was very happy. The main force in this battle was his inspection room. After the incident came out, he clearly felt that some people who didn't care about him in the past were now much more polite to him.

They are also afraid that the inspection office will expand the scope of the investigation, and the foreign products inventory committee has not been cancelled.

"Team Leader Zheng, prepare to give out New Year gifts."

There were only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and the holiday was about to begin. Chu Lingyun arranged for Zheng Guangtao to distribute the benefits this time.

This time they won a big victory, which made everyone look at the Inspection Office with admiration. They were successful and famous, but they were just riding on the name of Zhongtong Yang. Everyone thought that Director Zheng and Chu Lingyun would definitely attack the Secrecy Bureau after joining forces. .

After all, one of them was a loser in the competition, and the other was squeezed out of the military command by Qi Limin.

Unexpectedly, the Secrecy Bureau was fine, but the Central Command suffered a disaster. It was a disaster.

This time I know that there are more people who have a clear understanding of Chu Lingyun. It turns out that he is in the military command, which is limited to counter-espionage and intelligence, and can be extended to the military and police at most. Now he is in the inspection room, and he is also a member of the foreign production inspection committee, giving him a chance. Can attack everyone.

Only then did everyone realize that Chu Lingyun being kicked out of the military command was actually not a good thing.

Many lower-ranking people are scolding Qi Limin, so why are you greedy for power? It would be great to give the position of director to Chu Lingyun. They don't need to worry now. If Chu Lingyun is in the military system, he will definitely not be able to investigate with great fanfare.

In short, this time Chu Lingyun completely became famous among the Fruit Party.

"Ling Yun, you must be careful when you go out in the future."

Director Zheng was telling Chu Lingyun that after killing so many people this time, many people hated him and wanted revenge.

"Don't worry, Director, I will definitely pay attention."

Chu Lingyun was not careless about safety issues. His own car was a bulletproof vehicle. After this incident, Director Zheng assigned him a 16-member escort team. Not many people at the director level had so many guards.

"That's good. Try not to go out in the future and leave the case to your subordinates to investigate."

Director Zheng nodded. Chu Lingyun could not die. Once he died, his monthly treasury would be gone.

He sincerely protects Chu Lingyun.

As the new year approaches, the people in the inspection room are the happiest.

Because of their meritorious service, the New Year's benefits are even more generous, twice as much as those on New Year's Day, and there are a lot more in-kind items, such as dried fruits, cloth and other New Year's items. They don't even need to prepare any New Year's goods, so they can live happily. Year.

It’s totally okay to eat meat every day.

It’s New Year’s Eve again. Last year Chu Lingyun spent the New Year in Chongqing, and this year she spent it in Nanjing.

My sister came as well, and Chu Yuan was also there, but Lin Shi and his wife didn't come. This year they took their children back to their hometown. Lin Shi's parents have been in their hometown and are not used to the life here.

Lin Shi hadn't been back for many years. His parents were in poor health, so he decided to go back to celebrate the New Year.

Lin Shi and his family were not here, but the excitement did not diminish at all.

Fang Shiyi came back this year, and Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen were also there. Lily didn't come. She had a baby, and Ni Loach didn't dare to let her run around. After all, Lily was considered an older mother in this era.

Chen Zhanli and Liang Yu also ran over, and with Zheng Guangtao who had the shamelessness to join in, the number of people was much larger than last year.

With so many people, Chu Lingyun asked the chef to prepare a table of sumptuous food. As for wine, he had good wines from all over the world, and there was no shortage at all.

Looking at the table full of people, Chu Lingyun sighed.

Although there are more people, they are not as pure as last year. Fortunately, these people are his confidants. It would be better if Zheng Guangtao is not here. This guy is too thick-skinned and cannot be driven away.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward. The title of the next chapter is previewed - sent to Yanzhou. The monthly vote is less than 200 and already 3000 votes. Friends, give Xiaoyu some more support. I will update more from today to today.

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