Spy Shadow

Chapter 923 Reuse bamboo books

Chapter 923: Reusing Takemoto

"Team leader, there are several prisoner of war camps built outside. Who are they going to detain?"

General Hu was making a lot of noise. Shen Hanwen soon discovered it and came back to ask Chu Lingyun.

Why build so many prisoner of war camps when no one was captured at all?

"Who do you want to imprison?"

Chu Lingyun immediately understood that General Hu had shot himself in the face. The results he reported were doubted. Now he had no choice but to resort to fraud.

"It doesn't matter who I want to lock up. It depends on what General Hu thinks."

Shen Hanwen was very surprised. Why did the team leader ask him this? Could it be that he could imprison anyone he wanted.

Chu Yuan shook his head. Shen Hanwen actually wanted to ask such an obvious question. As expected, this boy's head turned a little slower than others.

"That's none of your business. You'll report to General Hu soon."

Chu Lingyun smiled, and Shen Hanwen was startled. Seeing Chu Yuan also laughing, he immediately understood that the team leader was joking with him.

"Team leader, I have done well and made no mistakes. Besides, I am neither General Hu's person nor a prisoner of war. Why should he lock me up?"

Shen Hanwen said bitterly that Chu Lingyun ignored him and would go back even if he had to be imprisoned. It was impossible to really send him to a prisoner of war camp here.

They made a great contribution this time.

No matter what, he got the city defense map, even if he didn't use it, he did it.

It has nothing to do with him. In terms of intelligence, he has done a perfect job.

Shen Hanwen was the one who followed him, and Shen Hanwen had a share of the credit for this.

The reporters arrived very quickly. As soon as General Hu was getting ready, the press team arrived. The adjutant immediately took them to the prisoner of war camp.

"These are the prisoners we captured, more than 10,000 people, and they were detained in ten prisoner of war camps."

The adjutant introduced that it took a lot of effort to build these prisoner-of-war camps. Fortunately, they didn't really imprison people, they just made a show of it. Many of the barracks were just built randomly, not to mention inhabited. If they could last for a few days without falling down, that would be a victory.

Chu Yuan was even more heartbroken when Yanzhou was made like this by them.

This is his home and the home of all comrades. Everything here is so beautiful that no one wants to destroy every flower, grass, and plain.

Reporters took pictures with their cameras, and soon they realized something was wrong.

These prisoners of war did not feel any sense of decadence after being captured. Unfortunately, General Hu did not allow them to contact the prisoners for questioning. All questions could only be asked to the adjutant.

"Why are they all wearing Fruit Party uniforms?"

Soon a reporter realized something was wrong, and the adjutant cleared his throat: "They robbed these from our people before. You know the Red Party is very poor. They can't make so many military uniforms, so they wear our military uniforms."

The reason is strong and sufficient, but it’s so false.

It’s not like reporters don’t know everything. There were military uniforms during the Anti-Japanese War, let alone now.

The adjutant is very thick-skinned. Fortunately, there are only a few prisoners of war here wearing Kuomintang uniforms. Time is really tight and there are not enough people to gather, so they can only pull the soldiers over to make up the number.

A few reporters curled their lips and couldn't stand listening. Although they were a small number, there were still hundreds of people, a group of people wearing tattered clothes, and then there were also people wearing Fruit Party uniforms, but there were no soldiers wearing Red Party uniforms.

These people were chatting, laughing, and laughing as if they were celebrating the New Year, and they didn't look like prisoners at all.

The reporter understood that in all likelihood, these people were not prisoners at all.

They didn't ask any further questions and continued on to the next prisoner of war camp.

In the end, it was still the same here. They were all people in rags, plus some soldiers wearing Red Party uniforms. They believed it was a slum, but they didn't believe it was actually a Red Party camp.

Everyone has eyes and brains and can distinguish right from wrong.

Then came the third, then the fourth.

The reporters soon discovered something was wrong. The person they had seen before appeared again.

General Hu only prepared 2,000 people, and he needed to go back and forth. As soon as the reporters left, he immediately sent out all the people they had just sent to the prisoner of war camp, so that the next prisoner of war camp could delay for a while. Just like this back and forth, he made up for one person. Thousands of prisoners.

The fifth, the sixth.

The reporters were more certain that these prisoners of war were the ones they had seen before. They knew what was going on, but no one pierced this layer of window paper.

Everyone is still taking photos. As for the press release, I have already written it and can send it out later with the photos.

"Please report it well this time."

After the visit to the prisoner-of-war camp was over, the adjutant took them to dinner and gave each of them some money. This was a benefit to the reporters and allowed them to say favorable words.

We had already received the order, and reporters would not scribble. Not everyone could come this time. Without the approval of the Guo Party, they would never be sent to Yanzhou.

Many newspapers that wanted to interview me were turned away.

It was just a matter of going through the situation and giving them money, which they felt comfortable taking.

But the old man still knew the real result.

After receiving the secret message, the old man slammed the table angrily.

This Hu Shanqin didn't learn anything well. He actually imitated other people's deception and gave him a fake battle report.

He has already informed the whole country, and now he still has to admit it even if he knows it is false. What's more, it is really difficult to report the real battle report. Even if he knows in advance, according to his temperament, he will most likely report it in this way.

He needs a big win, it has to be a big win.

General Hu's farce could not be hidden from Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun knew more details. These prisoners of war were paid to act, earning an ocean a day.

However, Chu Lingyun didn't care so much. He was worried about the safety of Ke Gong and others. Although he knew they would be fine, he still instinctively worried about the hundreds of thousands of Fruit Party troops here.

Chu Yuan was even more worried.

They didn't leave, thinking that if there was an emergency, they could help here.

"Father, please calm down."

During the camp trip in Nanjing, the old man finished patting the table, and the eldest son hurriedly persuaded in a low voice.

"Why has it become like this?"

The old man sighed. Now he could only comfort himself. In any case, Yanzhou was captured.

It's a pity that the suffocation in his heart never gets out.

His biggest concern was the people, not the city. Occupying the city would be beneficial to public opinion, but no real benefits would be gained at all.

The Red Party's base areas still exist, and they have a certain fighting capacity.

"Father, take your time. We have more soldiers and are stronger, and we have the most advanced weapons from the United States. Those bumpkin's are nothing to worry about."

The eldest son whispered, the old man is in a better mood. He has purchased a lot of American weapons. These weapons are powerful and have strong firepower. Even though the Red Party is powerful, they are also made of flesh and blood. Their millet and rifles cannot be their own aircraft and tanks. Cannon rival.

"You're right, but try to do it as quickly as possible and don't delay it for so long. China cannot afford such a toss."

The old man nodded slowly. He originally wanted to solve the problem in three months, but he found that like the Japanese, it was impossible to complete the goal within three months.

Even if it can't be done in three months, then it will be one year, or at most three years. Anyway, we can never fight like the Japanese, which lasted eight years.

If the time is too long, even if the opponent is eliminated, it will have a great impact on his own strength.

What's more, he needs time, and there are several eight years in his life that he can squander.

He has sweet dreams and wants to do everything well, be a good leader and leave a name in history.

"Father, Ling Yun has been gone for a long time. He has nothing to do there now. Is it time to let him come back?"

The real purpose of the eldest son's visit today is Chu Lingyun. Since Yanzhou has been captured and Chu Lingyun has not let them down and has made great achievements, it is time for him to come back.

He is not a general leading an army, nor is he an agent of the Secrecy Bureau or Central Unification. This is a temporary mission, and there is no need to stay there after the mission is completed.

"I'll tell Shan Qin and ask him to send someone to escort Chu Lingyun back."

The old man agreed, and the eldest son was overjoyed. It would be great if Chu Lingyun could come back. His father personally gave the order. General Hu did not dare to deal with it, and he would definitely send Chu Lingyun back safely.

Early the next morning, Chu Lingyun arrived at the airport.

After the old man sent the telegram, General Hu specially treated him to a banquet, first to see him off, and second to ask for his help. The intention was very obvious, asking him to help keep the secret secret.

Yanzhou is an empty city and must be kept secret. Even if the old man knew it, General Hu would not dare to let anyone outside know about it, otherwise he would be lying about his military exploits.

He couldn't afford this crime.

Chu Lingyun did not refuse. There was no need for him to talk about this matter. The organization would find a way to clarify all this. Public opinion could not be completely left to the Guo Party and let them say whatever they said.

There are many enlightened people in China who have long been disgusted with what the Fruit Party is doing, and they will not help the Fruit Party lie.

"Going back now?"

Shen Hanwen was very melancholy. He thought it was a thrilling mission, but he ended up staying in the wild for more than ten days when he came here. Later, he thought about fighting and having fun on the front line, but he went out for a day and was called out again. Come back until you leave.

The whole process had nothing to do with him, except for the fact that they encountered some danger when they went back in the end. They gave up the supplies in time and ran back safely.

"This is not the best. The mission is completed and we are not in danger. Don't worry, the team leader will definitely help you report your merits when you return."

Chu Yuan said with a smile, he was very satisfied, he had truly seen the peace of Yanzhou, it would be great if this peace could be preserved forever.

Fortunately, the comrades suffered no casualties and evacuated in time.

"I don't care about the credit, forget it."

Shen Hanwen was not very interested. What he wanted was the process, so there was no point in giving him credit. Director Zhu Qing had done a good job, so it was impossible for him to have his turn.

What's more, he has no desire to be the director.

The plane landed steadily and Chu Lingyun returned to Nanjing.

There weren’t many people dropping off people at the airport, but there were quite a few people picking them up.

The eldest son, Director Zheng and Zheng Guangtao are all here.

"Junior brother."

Seeing Chu Lingyun get off the plane, the eldest son waved happily. Chu Lingyun was not in Nanjing. He was worried every day. Especially when he heard that Chu Lingyun was really in danger, his heart immediately started to rise.

Chu Lingyun is capable, well-connected, and has great influence in the United States, which will be a great help to him in the future. If such a person disappears, it will be a very big loss for him.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Chu Lingyun and he returned safely.

"Senior brother."

Chu Lingyun came over. The eldest son was there, and Director Zheng wanted to stand aside. Chu Lingyun just said hello to him, and everyone left the airport.

"General Hu said that you provided a lot of important information."

The eldest son in the car immediately explained to Chu Lingyun that General Hu did not take credit for his achievements. The information was indeed important, but it was a pity that he could not use it.

But regardless of whether it was used or not, if he got it, it was a great achievement.

As soon as the eldest son said it, Chu Lingyun understood that they already knew the truth.

He knew all about General Hu's methods and could not hide them from the old man. The old man was deliberately pretending to be stupid and did not reveal General Hu's thoughts.

"It's not important. It's a pity that I couldn't confirm earlier that the people in the city were going to be transferred."

Chu Lingyun said with regret, and the eldest son waved his hand: "This is not your fault. You have already reminded me. It is General Hu who didn't pay attention."

This time Chu Lingyun passed by temporarily. No one expected that he could obtain such important information, which allowed the eldest son to directly see his extraordinary talent in intelligence.

He wanted to protect Chu Lingyun even more.

"Nothing happened in Nanjing, right?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask, and the eldest son said bitterly: "Why not? Your whereabouts were leaked just after you left. Qi Limin and Ye Feng, two losers, did not find out the reason in the end."

These people who followed his father or others around him seemed to respect the eldest son, but in fact they didn't pay much attention to him.

The eldest son has already recorded their little notes in his mind.

When he comes to power in the future, he will make these people look good.

"Qi Limin attacked me. We can't just let it go. Next, I plan to investigate the Secret Bureau. I need you to help me with the principal."

"No problem, don't worry, my father won't refuse you when you come back with great achievements."

The eldest son agreed immediately. This time Chu Lingyun ran out because of Qi Limin. Qi Limin treated him one way on the surface and another behind his back. The eldest son had long been dissatisfied.

In addition, they themselves made mistakes, and their father would never say anything to correct them this time.

Chu Lingyun knew in his heart that to rectify the Central Unification, Ye Feng could use the fact that he had not been in office for a short time and could not change as a reason. To rectify the Secrecy Bureau, Qi Limin had even more reasons. He had been in office shorter than Ye Feng.

It might even work in his favor.

But this matter must be done. What he wants is not personal gain or loss, nor does he care whether he can help Qi Limin. What he wants is to continue to reduce the combat effectiveness of the Secrecy Bureau and save as many comrades as possible.

It is a difficult time now. Two years from now, it will be their turn to worry and think about saving their lives.

Chu Lingyun did not return to the inspection room, but went home first.

"Sir, the lady has been here several times in the past few days. Do you want to give her a call?"

There are many servants in Chu Lingyun's family. At his level and so rich, it would be unreasonable not to use servants. The servants are not his comrades. Chu Lingyun will not put too many people around him.

But everyone is carefully selected by him.

There is more than one servant, a housekeeper, two maids, two chefs, and four bodyguards.

Among the four bodyguards, one was a dead soldier he trained. He was neither Feng Yong nor Ran Wu. The two of them needed to continue to help outside. It was enough for him to have one person here to help him keep an eye on the others.

In addition, there are sixteen guards in the inspection room.

The person who came to report was the steward.

"I understand, please go out first."

Chu Lingyun nodded, has my sister been here?

He knew without guessing that the loss of Yanzhou had disturbed his sister's mind. She had never been like this before.

And she is very clear about her sister's situation. Now her sister is in a dormant state, neither online nor offline. As long as the organization does not use her, she will be a static chess piece.

She had no way to contact others, so she took the risk to come here, probably because she wanted to find out something about the situation.

"Xiaoya, I have traveled far these days. Why did you come to see me?"

Chu Lingyun picked up the phone and found that Chu Ya didn't live with him. Chu Lingyun asked her to live with him, but she didn't want to.

She is now a middle school teacher, and Chu Lingyun bought her a house next to her school. The house is nice and equipped with a telephone, so she can usually be contacted by phone.

On both sides of the house were bodyguards arranged by Chu Lingyun.

Two men and two women.

They are very dedicated, protecting Chu Ya from Chongqing to Nanjing.

"Brother, you are back. Nothing happened. I miss my parents. They sent me a telegram. I originally wanted to ask you when they would come back, or if I could go see them."

Chu Ya happened to be at home, which was a good reason, but Chu Lingyun didn't believe it at all.

"I just came back. Come over for dinner."

My sister's heart needs to be comforted. Others have notified her online, but she has not. All the information she has learned is released by the Fruit Party.

Chu Lingyun needed to help her stabilize her mind.


Chu Ya agreed immediately. Chu Lingyun guessed right. After learning that Yanzhou was lost and so many people were captured, she was really worried. Her teacher was also in Yanzhou.

And if the party controlled the report, she would have no way of knowing the news about her hometown.

Originally there were still broadcasts, but after the fall of Yanzhou, the broadcasts were temporarily stopped, which was equivalent to being cut off from all news channels.

"Team leader, I'm going back first."

Chu Yuan and Shen Hanwen came to say goodbye. They returned home with Chu Lingyun. Chu Lingyun was busy just now, so they waited.

"My sister will come over later, let's finish dinner together and then leave."

Chu Lingyun shook his head, Chu Yuan didn't care, and Shen Hanwen nodded immediately.

He doesn't want to leave now either.

Chu Ya arrived very quickly. It is now late March and the weather is getting warmer. It is not as cold as before. Chu Ya is wearing a bright cheongsam, which shows off her figure.

"Brother, where have you been? You have been out for so long."

Chu Ya acted coquettishly when she came over. Chu Yuan and Shen Hanwen knew about the relationship between the team leader and their sister, so they immediately went outside to wait.

"I'm going on a mission, it's a bit far."

Chu Lingyun replied with a smile, while Chu Ya was moved in her heart and asked again: "Far, how far can it be? Is it Shanghai?"

"Further than Shanghai."

Chu Lingyun wouldn't tell her where she was going, but he would let her guess.

"Chongqing, Hong Kong, or Japan?"

Sure enough, Chu Ya continued to ask. Her brother had been to Japan. She knew that he had business in Hong Kong and possibly Chongqing, so she deliberately asked about these three places first.

"No, the place I went to is much poorer than these places."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. The butler came over and informed them that the food was ready and could be served now, and asked them if they wanted to eat now.

"Let's go eat."

Chu Lingyun pushed her sister away, and Chu Ya was thinking quickly in her mind. If it wasn't these three places, and it was poorer than these places, it wouldn't be big cities like Wuhan, Tianjin or Peking.

A place name appeared in her mind.


Brother went to Yanzhou? Could it be that my brother was responsible for the fall of Yanzhou?

What did he do in it?

Chu Ya was a little confused, but her expression didn't change much. She followed Chu Lingyun to the dining table and prepared herself.

The dining table is not small, but there are not many people there, just the four of them.

"Eat, you have suffered with me these days."

Chu Lingyun said softly that the meal was very rich. Shen Hanwen immediately picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat.

Needless to say, the food he had outside Yanzhou City would not be much better. Even if Chu Lingyun and Chu Yuan were inside the city, the food would still be ordinary.

Except that the hot pot meal was better, that was the best treatment.

"The food at home is still delicious, but the food over there is really unpalatable. I just eat dry food and potatoes every day."

Shen Hanwen was eating and talking. Chu Yuan didn't say anything. Chu Lingyun smiled and helped him pick up the food: "Hanwen, you have suffered a lot during this time. Eat more."

Shen Hanwen was flattered and shook his head hastily: "Team leader, I can do it myself, you don't have to pinch me."

Their words made Chu Ya even more sure that her brother had gone to Yanzhou, and there was a war in Yanzhou now, and it was the most important.

But my brother is no longer in the Secrecy Bureau, why should he go?

Chu Ya was not stupid. On the contrary, she was very smart. She immediately thought of a possibility. Everyone recognized her brother's ability. Even if he was not in the intelligence department, his ability could be of great help in the war.

The Battle of Yanzhou was very important to the Guo Party, so they activated their elder brother and sent him there to help collect intelligence.

Chu Ya was indeed smart and guessed part of the truth.

"Brother, where have you been and why have you suffered so much?"

Chu Ya felt distressed and said that she really felt sorry for her. Firstly, she felt sorry for her brother, and secondly, she felt sorry for the comrades in Yanzhou, especially since her brother was the opposite of them.

"Team leader?"

Shen Hanwen raised his head. Their trip to Yanzhou was top secret, but Yanzhou had been defeated at this time. He didn't know if he could tell the team leader's sister.

In his heart, the team leader's sister is not an outsider.

"Xiaoya, didn't I tell you just now that we are going on a secret mission, this time to Yanzhou."

Chu Lingyun admitted generously that it could be said that he had come back, completed his mission, and made great contributions.

It won't be long before the Fruit Party will announce his achievements.

Chu Ya's heart trembled, it was really Yanzhou.

"That's right, the team leader got Yanzhou's city defense map this time."

Seeing that he could speak well, Shen Hanwen immediately answered the conversation. He was quite talkative, and unlike Ni Loach and Chu Yuan who didn't care much about it, he dared to say anything in front of his own people.

The city defense map made Chu Ya feel even more painful.

"Too bad it didn't work."

Shen Hanwen regretted that if it really works, the team leader will make great achievements again this time.

Even if the level is not upgraded, the team leader must be promoted. Maybe the team leader can become deputy director.

Chu Ya's heart moved again. What did it mean if it didn't work? She didn't dare to ask directly, so she immediately thought of a solution: "Has someone taken the credit?"

"No, whoever dares to take our credit will be the people over there who ran away."

Shen Hanwen immediately sat up straight and dared not take away their credit even if he was too brave. Besides, no one could take away the team leader's credit.


What's the meaning.

Chu Ya's heart was spinning rapidly, but Chu Lingyun knocked on the table: "Stop talking, the battle report on the surface is still there. This is the chairman's personal announcement. You must not let others know, Xiaoya, what happened today Don’t say anything to anyone.”

As soon as Chu Lingyun reminded him, Shen Hanwen realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Nowadays, all the reports in the newspapers are about great victories. If it is found to be false, he may be in trouble.

"Yes, brother, I promise not to tell anyone."

Chu Ya responded immediately, her heart racing faster. Her brother's meaning was obvious. The report in the newspaper at this time was untrue and not true.

So what is the truth?

She immediately thought of some of the things in the report that puzzled him. There were only the number of prisoners captured, but no specific names of the people captured. There was no important person. This was very inconsistent with the style of the Guo Party.

The greatest possibility is that they did not arrest anyone at all and all comrades are safe.

However, the occupation of Yanzhou should be true. The reason is that the comrades took the initiative to retreat. If the party had a large number of people and was in a tough battle, the losses would be too great. In order to avoid such losses, the organization retreated on its own initiative.

In this way, everything can be explained.

Chu Ya felt relieved.

Looking at her look, Chu Lingyun felt a little distressed. He knew the truth but couldn't tell her.

Let her worry herself.

Fortunately, she finally understood what was going on through Shen Hanwen's words.

"Xiaoya, you just said that you want to visit your parents in the United States?"

Chu Lingyun suddenly asked, and Chu Ya raised her head. This was indeed the reason she used.

"My parents have been gone for so long, and I miss them so much."

What Chu Ya said was also true. For a little girl who has been separated from her parents for so long, it must be a lie to say she doesn't want to.

After pondering for a while, Chu Lingyun said softly: "Let's do this. I'm going to Japan in a few days. From Japan, we will go to the United States together to see the two elders."

His parents have been in the United States for such a long time, and he also misses them very much.

After the matter with the Secrecy Bureau was settled, he took Chu Ya there to see the situation in the United States.

It has always been a remote control layout, he needs to go and see it in person.


Chu Ya didn't object, but Shen Hanwen was silent. It was impossible for him to follow such a thing. He was visiting relatives, and he was not his commander now.

Chu Yuan, on the other hand, might follow.

He was really jealous of Chu Yuan.

In Japan, Davis is reporting to Mike.

"General, Takemoto is good. He arrested more than a dozen people. He found basically all the people on the list given to him. Some people were really serious about it, but they couldn't escape his pursuit."

More than twenty people were all discovered by Takemoto where they hid their belongings.

Takemoto is indeed great, and Karl recommended a good talent to him.

These Japanese are so disgusting. Some of the places where they hide their things are unimaginable. Who would have guessed that they would hide under the latrine?

Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

"Yes, since he has the ability, it would be a pity to keep it secret. You take the lead and set up a department specifically to review Japanese officials. Just hang it under their own department, let Takemoto be the person in charge, and you will direct it behind the scenes."

Mike nodded, those Japanese officials are getting more and more excessive now.

They dare to be greedy for anything. Several residential houses that were just built for ordinary Japanese people to live in not long ago were destroyed by a small typhoon. The construction was so poor, these people deserve to be killed.

The Japanese's own investigation was perfunctory, and they gave him a few shrimps to explain.

Just these few little shrimps, how dare they do such a big thing, and how can they do such a big thing?

Mike didn't believe it at all.

"Yes, this is a reward for him."

Davis nodded immediately, secretly turning to the bright side, and having an official status, which was indeed a reward for Takemoto.

"General, what is the name of this organization? Does anyone else need to join?"

Davis asked next. Mike thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Let the consulate send some people, and at the same time recruit some people close to us."

Takemoto is not his person, but belongs to Chu Lingyun. This department is very important and cannot be left to him entirely. It is a kind of balance.

"What's the name? Let's call it Rangers."

Mike was a soldier, so he was accustomed to naming them in a military way. Although Rangers was a bit strange, it was just a name, and Davis didn't even care.

He is the real leader of this department.

In other words, everyone in the future of the Rangers must listen to him.

It's equivalent to his strength increasing again.

For him, this is an absolute good thing.

"I'm going to tell Takemoto the good news now and make preparations at the same time."

Davis responded with a smile, Takemoto is a good sword, and will also be the captain and main force of the Rangers in the future.

Takemoto is responsible for investigating the case, while he is responsible for searching the house.

He likes this kind of coordination.

Takemoto soon arrived at the headquarters, and Karl took him to see Davis.

"Takemoto, the general has given you great recognition for your achievements. You have done a good job during this period. We have decided to set up a special task force, mainly to investigate Japanese officials who hide stolen property and corrupt people. You will do it. This captain."

Davis sat on the office chair, looked at Takemoto, and said with a smile.

"team leader?"

Takemoto understands English. He has learned it before and can communicate. He was slightly startled after hearing this. The captain is not important. The key is the responsibility Davis mentioned. Investigating Japanese officials who hide property is what he has been doing, but what follows That sentence is more important, corrupt people.

Does this mean he can investigate those corrupt officials?

"Yes, why, you don't want to?"

"Yes, it would be an honor for Takemoto to serve the general and you."

Takemoto immediately bowed his head. Davis liked to see the respectful look of these Japanese people.

"Can I ask, what are the categories of people being investigated?"

Takemoto asked cautiously. This job was very similar to that of his job at the Military Police Headquarters. Before, they were investigating soldiers, but now they are investigating politicians.

Now that Japan has no soldiers, even if it has military police, it will have no effect.

"There is no limit to the scope."

Davis's eyes were cold, and Takemoto's heartbeat was a little faster. No matter what it meant, could he check anyone?

"What if it's a minister?" Takemoto asked again just to be sure.

"As I said just now, there is no limit to the scope. Let alone ministers, even if the prime minister has done something wrong, you can still investigate, but you only have the power to investigate, and it is up to us to arrest people."

Davis still placed restrictions on Takemoto, only checking but not arresting him.

He wants to hold the power of arresting people in his hands, so as to ensure that Takemoto does not lose control.

"Yes, don't worry, I understand, I will do a good job and find all these rotten people."

Even though he didn't have the power to arrest people, Takemoto was still very excited. Davis said that even the Prime Minister could investigate.

What is this concept?

In the past, who would dare to check the Prime Minister?

In an instant, he felt that his power was boundless, much more powerful than when he was at the Military Police Headquarters.

He even felt that if Americans were willing, Yu Ren could check it out.

But Yu Ren doesn't have any power now, he can't do anything, and he doesn't have to investigate even if he wants to.

Takemoto returned to the company in a daze. He was about to have an official position, and he was directly led by Americans, with unreasonable power.

He immediately sent a report to Ishihara Hiroshi and told him the good news.

With this relationship, he can help Ishihara Hiroshi more in the future, and even help Ishihara Hiroshi regain his freedom.

Chu Lingyun quickly received a call from Takemoto.

Before Takemoto called, he had already received Mike's message.

If Mike wants to reuse Takemoto, he must say hello to him, after all, he is his person.

Takemoto's message was very long. He first talked about his recent work achievements, then the process of meeting Davis, and finally his appointment.

He also said that he would work hard to let Ishihara Hiroshi stay in Japan well in the future.

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun smiled. Ishihara Hiroshi did not need to stay in Japan for a long time, and Takemoto's worries were completely meaningless.

In terms of influence, he is much stronger than Takemoto.

No matter what position Takemoto achieves, he is a knife and a tool. He and Mike are partners, and he is also Mike's financial backer.

Chu Lingyun called Takemoto back, encouraged him, and told him that he was going to Japan soon.

Let him do his job well and meet Shuicheng Jun and others when he has time.

At present, he still has these dozen people in Japan, and has no plans to expand for the time being. However, Takemoto continues to have unexpected surprises. In the future, he can get some people who are loyal to him and have not committed many crimes out of prison. .

Continue to expand Japan's influence.

In the inspection room, Chu Lingyun held a meeting to assign tasks.

Seeing Chu Lingyun, Zheng Guangtao felt inexplicably relieved. The team leader was called by the eldest son. Unexpectedly, after being away for so many days, Zheng Guangtao had already guessed that the director must have gone on a secret mission.

After picking up the director yesterday, his uncle told him that the director had gone to Yanzhou.

I didn’t expect that the director would dare to go to such a dangerous place in Yanzhou.

Not only did he go, he also obtained important information and returned safely.

The director is so awesome, he deserves to be his idol.

"The eldest son has given an order to officially launch an investigation into the Secrecy Bureau. Just like during the Central Unification period, the main purpose is to investigate their foreign assets."

Yesterday, the eldest son went to see the old man and got the task order to investigate the Secrecy Bureau.

Mainly, the old man was frightened by the affairs of the Central Government. The Central Government had become like this. What would happen to the military commander who had made great contributions during the Anti-Japanese War?

The Security Bureau wants to investigate, it must be investigated.

In addition, Ye Feng submitted a rectification plan, which included extensive cuts and the name was changed to the Party Communications Bureau. The name was more confusing, but the essence remained the same. It was still an intelligence department.

Party Member Communications Bureau, referred to as the Party Communications Bureau.

The two secret service departments of the Central Command and the Military Command have now changed their names again. Whether it is the Party Communications Bureau or the Secrecy Bureau, their essence has never changed.


The three section chiefs took the order together. They are the main force. They made great contributions to the Central Command last time. Jia Changguo has been promoted to colonel. It is a difficult rank to be promoted in the army. Unexpectedly, when he came to the inspection room, he was promoted very quickly. Go up.

After Chu Lingyun finished assigning the task, Jia Changguo appeared hesitant. Just as he was about to speak, Chu Lingyun suddenly said: "Chang Guo come to my office."


Jia Changguo immediately took the order. What he wanted to ask was Shanghai Station.

He had been in the inspection room for a while and naturally knew that the director was from the military command and had a tacit relationship with the Shanghai Station.

"Shanghai Station will also check, but as long as I get the results I want, do you understand?"

When Jia Changguo came to the office, Chu Lingyun immediately ordered that those who should be investigated should be investigated and those that should not be investigated should not be investigated. Wang Yuemin was not included in the investigation, but Liang Yu and Chen Zhanli were there, and Chen Zhanli must not investigate.

With his current influence, no one would dare to say anything without checking the Shanghai Station.

Even if the old man knew, he wouldn't do anything to him.

Not to mention others, but the old man himself. Can he really attack the people around him?

"I understand, don't worry, I won't touch anything that shouldn't be investigated."

Jia Changguo hurriedly replied that he was right to worry. Shanghai Station was a hornet's nest and must not be touched.

If he touches it, nothing will happen to Shanghai Station, but he will be unlucky.

"Go out and ask Mai Hua to come over."

Chu Lingyun nodded. After Mai Hua arrived, he received a similar order. The Fujian Station could not be investigated, or in other words, some people at the Fujian Station could not be investigated.

Loach is not part of the investigation, but what about his men?

You can't find too many things to cause trouble for the loach.

"The Xiamen Intelligence Team can investigate, and they will investigate in more detail for me. I want to know everything about them, do you understand?"

Chu Lingyun told Mai Hua alone that after Fujian Station was controlled by Loach, Qi Limin built a nail there.

The Xiamen Intelligence Group is said to be a group, but in fact it is similar to a small sub-station.

Qi Limin didn't dare to build a website directly, so he gave Chu Lingyun a chance.

Take this opportunity to pull out this nail for him.

"Don't worry, director, I know what to do."

Mai Hua nodded hurriedly. Chu Lingyun was now speaking the truth in the inspection room. No one dared to turn a deaf ear to Chu Lingyun's words.

Mai Hua thought about this problem and found out that Director Mingming didn't do anything in the inspection room, and he didn't take the initiative to punish or rectify anyone. He even gave in at first and didn't put in many of his own people.

As a result, in less than a year, Chu Lingyun became the absolute authority in the inspection room.

The original deputy director Yang Ruigang was hired by him and had nothing to do with the director.

The director rarely loses his temper and usually has a good attitude and a smile. Even so, everyone in the inspection room is now afraid of their director.

The director, who was not close to the director before, now simply wears a pair of pants.

Mai Hua couldn't figure out the reason.

But he knew that his director was capable, very powerful, and controlled everything without knowing it. Such a person was the most terrifying.

He no longer had any other thoughts in his mind. Now he just wanted to stay with the director, do more, make more contributions, and get more rewards and dividends. As for the previous thoughts of laziness and coping, he was gone now.

One good thing about the director is that he never hesitates to reward those who work seriously.

If you do well, you will have merit. The director never takes the credit from his subordinates. It belongs to whoever deserves it.

The reason why Mai Hua can't see clearly is that Director Zheng has already seen through it. He doesn't need to worry about the layout to deal with you, he can completely control everything.

If the two chatted, Mai Hua had one point of view that Director Zheng strongly agreed with, that is, Chu Lingyun was a person with super abilities.

Don't say you can't understand Chu Lingyun's layout, even if you can understand it, it's useless.

Including him, even he himself was caught in it.

But having said that, with so many benefits every month, Chu Lingyun did not pose any threat to him and could become a great helper to him.

He naturally likes such people, the more the better.

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