The two sides of the river are in chaos, and the two sides are in chaos.

Shanghai, Hongkou Railway Station

"What should I do? Should I take action?"

At this moment, outside the Hongkou Railway Station, Zhou Chengye, a special agent of the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station who was responsible for the peripheral support, looked at the note in his hand nervously!

The note was from a shoe shiner who bumped into him and then appeared in his arms!

There was a contact code for the Shanghai Station on it!

The most important thing is!

The note told him to shoot immediately and retreat from the southeast!

Zhou Chengye looked at the note nervously, and he naturally believed the information on the note!

The entire Hongkou Railway Station should be ambushed by the devils if nothing unexpected happens!


Now the leader of his team and others are meeting inside!

If I fire the gun!

Then what if the team leader and others don't get the lead and don't get the information?

"No matter!"

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Chengye stuffed the note into his mouth, and then immediately stepped forward, approaching the direction of Hongkou Railway Station, and raised his gun directly!

At the same time, at the exit on the other side

"It's almost time, get ready immediately, a while..."

Nakano Osamu looked at the fewer and fewer people approaching the black hat, and his eyes also shone. As long as the two people get in touch, they will catch them immediately!


At this moment, a gunshot suddenly sounded from outside and came over!

In an instant!

The sudden sound of gunshots made the pedestrians in the entire Hongkou Railway Station panic!

"There are gunshots, run!"

"Ah, someone is shooting, the Japanese are coming!"

"Damn it, everyone run!"


In an instant, a large number of people at the exit rushed out!

In this chaotic era!

The first reaction of ordinary people to the gunshots is to run away quickly!

"No, run!"

And Li Zicheng, who was in charge of the connection, realized that something was wrong the moment the gunshots rang out!

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Zhang Jiahao hurriedly coming in front of him!

"Mr. Zhang, my second uncle from my hometown asked me to come find you!"

Hearing the other party's secret code, Li Zicheng reacted immediately!

"Let's go!"

With a look of joy on his face, the next moment, Li Zicheng casually put the black top hat on the head of the man next to him, and then took Zhang Jiahao and quickly fled outside!

"Baga, who fired the gun!"

Looking at the chaos in the whole scene, Kameda Tsuruji cursed angrily at this moment!

The sudden gunshot completely disrupted all the deployments!

"Catch him, catch him now!"

Looking at the direction of the man in the black hat, the latter had already fled outside!

With the cover of the crowd, he was getting farther and farther!

In this situation, Kameda Tsuruji no longer cared about being exposed or not, and directly shouted, asking the people of the Special High Technology Department to catch people!

"All squat down!"


Nakano Osamu directly took out his gun and fired a shot at the front, while shouting, asking the fleeing people to squat down one after another!

"Shoot, those who escape standing, all arrested!"

Unlike Kameda Tsuruji who stared at the man in the black hat, Nakano Osamu directly ordered the people of the Special Operations Division to catch all those who continued to escape!

In Nakano Osamu's view!

The military intelligence agents will definitely run away!

They will never squat down and wait for their own investigation!


Those who still choose to escape under the sound of their own guns are all suspects!

"Mr. Nakano, what are you doing?"

Kameda Tsuruji was stunned. He did not expect that Nakano Osamu, a greedy guy, would have such courage!

Seeing that there were still more than a dozen people fleeing, Kameda Tsuruji also directly ordered the Special High Section to arrest these people!

"Damn it, team leader, retreat quickly!"

In the crowd, Lao Qian, who was guarding the exit, watched the Special High Section and the military police shoot, and directly pulled out his gun to fight back!

"Bang bang bang bang........."

As professional agents, Lao Qian and others knew it very well!

Once you choose to stay!

It is inevitable that you will be discovered by the Japanese!

"Baga, over there, chase me!"

As soon as Lao Qian fired back, the traces of Li Zicheng and others were completely exposed!

Nakano Osamu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he ordered his action team to chase Li Zicheng and others.

Shoot away!

Although the other party has temporarily escaped from the train station!

But there are military police guarding the periphery!

Nakano Osamu doesn't believe it!

This group of people can escape the military police who are rushing over!

"Captain, go from the southeast!"

Zhou Chengye, who was shooting at the periphery, quickly came up. Seeing that Lao Qian and Zhang Jiahao had been shot and injured, he quickly blocked the front and let Li Zicheng and others escape to the southeast!

At this moment!

He can only believe the person who sent him intelligence!


Although he was puzzled as to why Zhou Chengye chose the southeast direction, at this moment, Li Zicheng and others did not hesitate and quickly retreated to the southeast alley!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

While shooting and retreating quickly, the military police who gathered from the periphery were empty-handed!

"Baga, why don't you chase them!"

Coming out of the train station, looking at the alley in the southeast direction, there was no military police guarding it. Nakano Osamu roared angrily and commanded his men to chase them towards the alley!

And he himself was thinking at this moment!

This time's arrest at the train station!

Something is wrong!

There is a problem!

Why would the military control personnel shoot outside for no reason!


As if they knew in advance that there was no military police in the southeast direction, they fled quickly towards that direction!

"Nakano-kun, why don't you chase them?"

Tsuruji Kameda of the Special High Section, who came from behind, saw Nakano Osamu stop and asked in confusion!

"Humph, they have all escaped, what are you chasing?"

Looking at the alley in the southeast direction, the military control group had already escaped. Even if the military police chased them, there was a high probability that they would return empty-handed!

"Baga, where did the shot come from!" Hearing that the KMT people had escaped, Kameda Tsuruji cursed angrily!

This operation!

It was originally very smooth!

Because of that shot, their layout was completely disrupted!

Frowning and looking at the place where the KMT agent escaped, Kameda Tsuruji quickly calmed down!


This shot must have been fired by the KMT agent!


How did they know there was an ambush here!

In an instant!

After calming down, Kameda Tsuruji looked at the people in the gendarmerie!

Knowing about this operation!

And knowing the deployment of the gendarmerie!

"Mr. Nakano, there is a traitor in your gendarmerie headquarters!"

The cold voice said, and Nakano Osamu on the side also looked cold!

"Kameta-kun, the failure of this mission is the responsibility of your Special High Section!"

"If you want to pass the buck, let your Section Chief Yamamoto report to Chief Yoshikawa in person!"

After a stern retort, Nakano Osamu also had doubts in his mind!

He had the same suspicions as Kameda Tsuruji!

If there really is a traitor!

Then it is very likely to be in the Military Police Headquarters!

But the Military Police Headquarters are all our own people!


In an instant!

In Nakano Osamu's mind, Su Mu's figure emerged!

Could it be...

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