Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chapter 12: Entering the Forest


I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow was the last day of training.

According to my father, this was a field survival training. However, he added a little ‘condiment’ to it as a test for me.

As for what he was testing, he didn’t specify. He only said that I needed to use my eyes and heart to identify it.

I was abnormally calm. I didn’t feel nervous at all. The countless experiences from my previous life had worked at this moment. I even had a little anticipation.

Closing my eyes, I decided to sleep peacefully.

In my sleep.

I realized that my soul was flying, and I saw the familiar hall again.

“Hi! We meet again. In the blink of an eye, you’ve lived in that world for eight years. Are you used to it?”

The goddess greeted me with her signature sweet smile. She was still as beautiful and flawless as ever.

“It feels great. Thank you for sending me to that world. Why did you summon me here today?”

“Ah~ Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten? I said that when you meet my requirements in that world, I’ll give you the reward you deserve. I thought that this was a good time.”

“I thought it would be after this survival training.”

I smiled in response. The goddess hadn’t forgotten her promise. It felt great.

My words were also true. In my imagination, completing this survival training was considered a small goal. The goddess had summoned me a little earlier than I had expected.

“I could have done this after this training, but I had nothing to do yesterday, so I casually created a talent. I felt that it was quite interesting, so I couldn’t wait to summon you. I wanted you to give it a try.”

The goddess’s grinning expression matched her words.

In human expression, she was asking for a beating!

She casually created a talent and wanted to find someone to try it.

Wasn’t this the scene of those presentable humans casually ordering the people at the bottom rung?

But soon.

I saw worry on the goddess’s face.

“Ah, where did I put it? This isn’t it, not this one either…”

Looking at the goddess scrolling through a bunch of talent bars in search of of the talent, I felt a sense of satisfaction. It turned out that there were times when divine beings couldn’t find something as well.

“Aha! I found it. This is it, the Devil’s Contract! Here, this is your reward this time. You don’t have to thank me!”

The goddess casually slid the talent bar to me and put on her bright smile again.

I reached out and tapped the purple talent bar called [Devil’s Contract].

“On mutually agreed terms, you can sign a contract with other creatures. While the contract is effective, you can unconditionally order the contractor about and share the contractor’s abilities. There cannot be more than five contractors at the same time. In addition, when the contractor’s strength is above yours, it can tear up this contract at any time.”


It was a double-edged sword talent.

I truly saw how much effort the goddess was putting into eliminating the Demon King. From the clause that any creature strong enough could backfire against the master at any time, meant that not only did I need to carefully choose the targets I wanted to sign the contract with, I also needed to work hard to become stronger and avoid being surpassed.

It lived up to its name, [Devil’s Contract].

“What do you think? Isn’t this my talent for creation on a whim outstanding? I think Lord Will will like this talent, right?”

The goddess stood up elegantly. Her tone was very similar to that of the noble ladies in my current world.

I rolled my eyes inwardly. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do. After all, she was a goddess. It was better than nothing.

“You’re right, my goddess. This is exactly the talent I need. Thank you very much!”

I obligingly performed an aristocratic bow, took off my hat, held it near my abdomen, and bent at a 30-degree angle.

Even though I didn’t have a top hat on my head.

“Hahahaha… Alright, looks like you’ve already made your own changes in this world. Mr. Extreme Night, it’s time to send you back now. You have to make good use of this talent. Bye~”

Accompanied by the girl’s exaggerated laughter,

I opened my eyes and returned to reality.

It was already bright outside the window.

I stretched my body and didn’t feel tired at all. It seemed that meeting the goddess wouldn’t affect my sleep.

After getting dressed, I went to the living room. Father and Mother were already seated and waiting for me to eat breakfast together.

“Good morning, Father, Mother.”

“Good morning, Will.”

“Good morning, Will. The location of your survival training is in the jungle 10 kilometers northeast. Your goal is to survive for three days without any food. The tools you need have been prepared for you. You can leave after breakfast.”

“Yes, Father.”

I glanced at a small package at my father’s feet and sat down at the table to finish breakfast with my parents…

“Father, Mother, I’m leaving.”

At the courtyard door, I picked up the package and said goodbye to my parents.

“Bon voyage, Will.”

Mother waved her arms hard.

My father smiled and gestured for me to leave without worry.

My destination.

10 kilometers northeast.

After confirming the direction, I ran straight towards the northeast.

This was the first time I was so far away from home. The anticipation of the unknown made me a little excited at this moment.

I ran through fields and woods of varying heights, letting the dew wet my trousers.

Two hours later.

I stopped and observed the position of the sun through the gaps in the ancient trees that were as tall as a hundred feet. I confirmed that this was the place my father had chosen for my survival training.

Then the first thing I need to do now is make sure the location is safe, check the package and know the tools I have.

I picked the lowest branch at the edge of the forest that was five meters above the ground. I climbed to the middle and opened the package in the direction of the sun.

This position could give me maximum avoidance of being discovered by the people on top of the tree. The blinding sunlight could also provide me with some cover.

I didn’t know what kind of test my father had added, but I guessed that there would be people involved, and the most likely ones were the death row prisoners my father had captured.

An assassin

has to kill after all.

I had killed countless people in my previous life, but I had never killed in this world. My father did not know about my memories. Using a death row prisoner to let me try my hand was a good choice.

One dagger, three flying knives, a roll of extremely strong steel threads, and a small sleeve arrow with five arrows.

There was also a small bottle of water.

Judging from the size of the iron bottle, even if I were frugal enough, I would need to find my own water by tomorrow morning at most.

These are all the tools I have right now.

After loading the sleeve arrow, I swung on the branches and headed deeper into the forest.

I needed food now to replenish the stamina I lost from running 10 kilometers.

I will face the challenge in the forest in my best condition.

There were also an unknown number of enemies.

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