Chapter 102

Enchantment Stone Dungeon (2)

Before the first visit bonus ran out, Rokhan had stopped by another place only once.

“Using the rune book, as Taimura.”

After moving to Taimura, Rokhan headed for the Blacksmith’s Hammer and Anvil. The reason is simple.

To strengthen!

To make it possible to hunt faster!

“A piece of mystery, use.”

[You have acquired the Shining Stone.]


[You have acquired a mysterious invention.]


[You have acquired the mysterious powder… … .]

In order to do that, it was necessary to acquire the reinforcement stone first.

He began to mechanically repeat the pieces of mystery that were piled up in his inventory.

[You have acquired the Enhancement Stone.][You have acquired the Advanced Enhancement Stone.][Obtain the enhancement stone… … .]

As it is a probability item, there were a lot of bangs, but as the accumulated number is a number, enchantment stones and high-grade enchantment stones also appeared.

Moreover, in the Essence of Mystery, you can get enchantment stones and high-quality enchantment stones with a much higher probability than you get from normal monsters, so hundreds of enchantment stones began to pile up on the other side while shouting.

I wondered if the first visit bonus would be over by just picking up the mystery piece like this.

Of course, it’s just a feeling, but it didn’t take that long in reality.

And as soon as I thought that I had collected enough enchantment stones, I finished the labor and went into the forge.

“Advanced enhancement, please.”

Lokan started to upgrade all the equipment he was wearing to level +6 or higher, which required an enhancement stone.

Caang, caang, caang, caang.

First, all equipment was set to +7 with no chance of destruction.

In the process, he failed dozens of times and the reinforcement stones and labor cost were blown away, but it was not a burdensome money for Lokan.

‘Even if you spend all the money you have saved, it’s an advantage.’

Even if you spend all the money you have collected, if you can only hit +8 or higher, it is an unconditional advantage. From the +8 round, the ‘class’ really changes.

And it seemed possible.

“ruler. That’s it.”

“One more time, please.”

When he succeeded in enhancing all his equipment to +7, this time he became more greedy.However, there was one thing to note at this time. If you use a normal reinforcement stone when trying to upgrade to +8 or higher, the equipment will be destroyed unconditionally if it fails.

However, it was a different story when it came to high-grade reinforcement stones. If you use high-grade reinforcement stones to enhance, even if you fail, your equipment is unconditionally preserved and only high-grade reinforcement stones disappear, just like up to +6.

And even when leveling +9, the equipment was destroyed only with a certain probability when using a high-grade enhancement stone.

Of course, if you are unlucky, your equipment will break even if you use a high-grade enhancement stone, but that alone will greatly reduce the burden of failure to strengthen.

‘Ugh, whether or not you want to lose, if you’re a man… … ’

caan, caan, caan

While the Dwarf’s steel-like muscles twitched and the reinforcement success or failure effect appeared, Lokan fell into the biggest trouble after restarting The Lord.

Will he challenge the +9 river or not?

“Okay, it’s all over. Would you do more?”

“Hey, stop!”

The rush instinct that all gamers have was wriggling, but reason barely suppressed the instinct.

Perhaps, if there was a sub-weapon that could replace the twin-headed ogre’s battle axe, he might have thrown it away unintentionally.

“It’s enough. Why are you screaming? But come on, take this.”

In the end, the appearance of Lokan, who received all the equipment with his trembling hands, became very impressive. The item effect starting from the +8 is revealed.

All the enhanced equipment had a soft blue light like an aura, and each step left a blue light trace for about 1 second.

Besides, all of the equipment he wore was set with a hammer and anvil here! Although there was no set effect attached, the look was uniform, giving it a so-called ‘Ganji’.

“Effect settings. Remove equipment effect.”

But Lokan quickly turned it off as if it was annoying.

The reinforcement effect that would have applauded the seal if others had seen it was devoured and extinguished like water poured into an embers.

I don’t know if it’s much more dazzling than this and can confuse the enemy’s gaze, because the effect that focuses attention without any effect was not his taste.

“Using rune books, as a mining farm.”

Then he went back to the secret dungeon and licked the first visit bonus to the end.

[The first entry bonus for the secret dungeon ‘The Mysterious Cave’ has ended.]

And when he enjoyed all the final bonuses with his eyes wide open, he was able to find surprising news on the homepage he had looked around inadvertently.

The appearance of the first guild to advance to the Central Continent.

Upon recognizing their names, Rokhan’s expression changed like a demon.

“These Hellhounds”

History has changed.

Whether it was the result of an infinite challenge, whether it was the result of an infinite challenge, or whether he was lucky enough, the guild called ‘Hellhound’ surpassed the ‘Ragnarok Team’, which was the first to advance to the central continent, It left its first footprint.

Yes, you won’t get the first title, but since Lokan hasn’t released any information yet, that’s the official record so far.

“okay. I mean, you guys.”

Hellhounds, also known as hunting dogs.

They stood out quite well in their previous lives and belonged to a high-ranking guild, so they would not hesitate to take advantage of other malicious acts, including PK, as long as they were profitable.

Those who are so trash that they often threaten clients in the future if it is for profit in such a topic.

Still, it was surprising that there were people looking for them and entrusting them with work, but their hunting skills and level were also considerable, so they kept their position without falling apart like Blood Chaser.

Conversely, they were the ones who took care of themselves thoroughly for things that were not beneficial, and had only ever met Rokhan once.

But the problem was that once.

“Then you should say hello.”

There was one reason Lokan was so sensitive to their names.

In the last moments of his previous life, the chaser who drove him away was the Hellhound.

When Lokan died several times and his level dropped and many of his items were dropped, they were the ones who took on the role of biting the last nape of his neck and making him fall down.

‘Even then, he gave me something in return, but that doesn’t make it my castle.’

Of course, even then, there was a price to be paid. Because I killed everyone who jumped in at least once or twice.

However, the fact that they continued to rush means that a greater profit was promised.

And for whatever reason, no matter who was behind it, the fact that they took a single shot at them didn’t change, sparks flew in Rokhan’s eyes.

“If I had crossed the liner, I would have been ‘there’ by now.”

Rokhan’s head turned rapidly.

He is himself He used the undersea tunnel, so he arrived at Taimura at once, but for those who used the liner, the destination and route were obvious.

Each location of the tertiary city has a different departure point, but there is only one dock to arrive at.

Moreover, to get to Taimura from there, they had to pass through a certain area.

After adapting to the Central Continent, it is easy, but a place that becomes hell for those without information.

“From there first.”

Lokan’s eyes shone brightly, logging out immediately, operating the computer, and uploading a video file he had finished working on to YouTube.

[The Road Central Continent Metropolis (4th City) First Revealed]

This is a video that I already finished editing a few days ago, but I did not upload it and saved it. I was stimulated by this video and wanted to start the Central Continental Rush again.

‘But now it doesn’t matter. No, it makes sense to just one of them.’

However, since the news of Hellhound’s advance to the Central Continent was already known, there was no hesitation. Rather, it will be able to fill the heart of Lokan who wants to fuck the hellhound a little.

As soon as this video goes up, all the spotlights that went back to Hellhound will be directed towards Lokan.

‘It’s obvious who will be the first to introduce the city or to those who are just getting out of the marina.’

A sneak peek revealed that there were no videos related to the Central Continent on Hellhound’s official YouTube channel.

It seemed like he was trying to get a bigger profit through preemption rather than just earning advertising revenue.

It will be difficult to get even advertising revenue properly now.

‘If I upload first, who will see your videos’

Lokan was about to take a video while moving from the city to the pier to the station.

The strategy of ‘there’, which will be the biggest obstacle to advancing into Taimura, would be hidden.

Thanks to that, the progress of those arriving in the Central Continent as a latecomer might be faster, but it didn’t matter.“If only those bastards could be tempted.”

What’s the problem if you can only feed a Hellhound a Big Fuck?

After estimating the approximate location of the Hellhound through a search, Lokan uploaded a few more clip videos introducing each area of ​​Taimura and connected to The Road again.

“Using the rune book, as Taimura.”

He was reorganized in Taimura and ready to go find them.

“Well, I must have been spending too much money here.”

When I bought a few more items, the balance of the inventory was slowly showing the bottom.

He put a lot of money in order to activate the vending machine, and he didn’t have much additional income because he quickly filled the store with stuff and moved.

Even so, it was not unreasonable to show the bottom slowly, since some of the funds for the development of the territory, including the feces of predators, were poured out.

“I’ll have to take it back once this is done.”

But don’t worry. It’s because they didn’t collect the funds, but they were still selling brand equipment and enhancement items, and equipment that was at the level of a jap item for Lokan but a want-to-be item for others.

Moreover, recently, Lokan started selling 200 level items in small quantities, so the amount of money coming out of it was considerable.

At first, I thought about playing around with the 190 level equipment like in the 2nd city, but in that case, it was easier to advance to the central continent than I thought, so I skipped the 190 level equipment and put the 200 level items.

When you reach level 200, you can use it immediately.

‘If you are prepared for a penalty, you can use it. But anyway, it’s about the same level as the top level 190 items.’

Of course, if you use a few shortcuts, you can use the level-restricted items in advance, but in most cases, a considerable penalty is given.

It is to drastically lower damage and defense so that abnormal level-up is impossible with items of different levels.

This is the reason why Lokan sells so-called ‘canned items’, which do not have exceptional options. This is to prevent abuse because the option is often retained even if the penalty is taken.

Anyway, this strategy of Rokhan worked well, and the level 200 weapons he raised stayed in the shop for a short time and then left to find their owner.


Having finished his thoughts, Rokhan immediately summoned his black horse and began to run backwards in the direction of the marina.

To welcome the hellhound.

Just to say hello to you.


After running for a long time and passing the habitat of the ostrich-like preemptive monsters, what greeted him was a thick fog that made it difficult to distinguish even an inch ahead.

At this rate, it wouldn’t be strange if I ran into something right away, not knowing what was in front of me.

Even night vision was not working, but the movement of Rokhan driving the horse was still relentless.

He used the mark to save the place to the runebook, and then he jumped right in.

He used his Sixth Sense to avoid bumping into something protruding and sprinted inside.

uh uh

And some beings arose after them. They were undead monsters that were created infinitely in response to sound.

The traces of a great battle in the past are sleeping here.

They began to follow Rokhan like cubs following their mother bird.

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