Chapter 145

recapture (1)

Two to thousands.

The absurd thing happened. It was also an unbelievable ending for both sides to win.

Of course, great sacrifices have been made for that.

As soon as you reach the master level, you become a ‘monster’, but because Osram’s mana amount is also limited, he used bombs and potions and suffered huge financial losses.

Not only that, the base itself was completely destroyed, so a huge amount of money was needed to restore it.

So I didn’t.

Lokan coolly gave up the Sanuha estate. Instead of doing something separately, he decided to leave it so that he could easily take it back if he ventured to retake it.

Given the geography and topography, it was a place that was sure to be taken away at any time, so he gave up defense without any regrets. After all, I got everything I could get here.

So, what did Lokan gain after making that much investment?

[You have leveled up.][You have leveled up.][Level up… … .]

Experience points piled up like a mountain!

That was all Lokan got. As Osram catches up with him like his guardian, all the experience he gains by defeating the enemy is also returned to Lokan.

If it is a pet or a summoned animal at all, the item and experience points acquired by mercenaries and guardians are returned to the user.

Thanks to this, Lokan was able to monopolize thousands of experience points and items.

Truly explosive!

He entered the so-called ‘death level section’ where the level did not rise until he died, but he was able to raise several levels at once.

‘If you can buy experience with money, it’s an unconditional advantage.’

Anyway, the money is overflowing. In addition, there were two more items that could not be solved yet, and the money collected so far was funny when it was released in the market.

Enhancement stone and beauty potion.

Lokan holding it in his hand could not save money to raise the level. Rather, the problem is the insufficient supply of bombs, explosive potions, and poison potions.

They filled each large city with supplies, but they felt it was not enough because the amount poured out at one time was huge.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Now we are slowly preparing for the next step.”

Lokan had no intention of ending it here.

Except for the bases dedicated to the emperor, he had several more bases, and he was willing to do the same there.

And one more thing.

They were prepared for what would happen if it became known that they were having a riot here.

[Mither and Youngji are under attack.]

A few hours after Berserk’s aftermath ended, two notifications appeared in Rokhan’s field of vision.

Similar to the Sanuha Territory, the battle for recapture had begun in one of the enclaves located in the Black Dragonflight camp.

As soon as Rokhan confirmed it, he moved to the Miderang estate. The bases located in the Black Dragonflight camp had already been prepared.

“Hurry up! Unconditionally, pierce through the permanent residence!”“Find the thief-type bomb first! If there is anything strange, please report it to a candidate for action!”

This time it was the same. It was only slightly different that he had heard of the failure of the Sanuha estate, being careful about bombs and potions, and that the attackers were orcs rather than undead.

Unfortunately, the bomb was not at the heart of the defense of Miderang here.

Pi Yu-woong. pop!

This time, Lokan, who blocked the entrance to the lord’s castle, exploded a ‘signal shot’, one of the mechanical engineering items, into the sky.


It is none other than the catapult that embroiders the sky with him.

In the case of Miderang, the wall had already collapsed, so instead of using bombs, a catapult was placed on the side of the mountain with its back.

He was able to avoid pre-exposure thanks to installing a camouflage film, and the moment Lokan signaled, the camouflage film was released and rocks flew in the sky.


“How do you stop that!”

“Shoot magic, magic! Intercept! If not, the direction… … !”

While they were bewildered by the unexpected bombardment, there was Inyeong coming up behind them. Needless to say, it is OSRAM.

As if to teach him what a High Master is, he whipped out the Aurors like a whip and disrupted the formation.

“Fuck! Just pull it in! Even if you catch the crotch of your pants, I will turn you into a mouse!”

By this time, the enemies were also judges. Catapult bombardment still continues. Although some had moved from the catapult to crushing, it would take a considerable amount of time to complete the process.

Because of this, the operation of the water ghost was carried out.

Even if it fails to retake the base, if it catches the high master of the hostile camp in some way, it is a business that remains unconditionally. Not even a baron, but the title of viscount at once.

Of course, I didn’t know that he was a High Master, so I was just expecting OSRAM to be at the master level, but the Master was also a big national force.

Because of this, he was not confident that he would catch him in battle, and he tried to induce him to be crushed by a catapult by holding him even if he had to sacrifice his life.

“Taesan One Sword.”


“… … .”

“… … .”

Until I saw Osram smash a rock the size of a house with one sword.

“… … Fuck, is that a person?”

“No answer. Bounce!”

Since then, it has been a mess. What can we expect from beings that are already outside the realm of humans?

The orcs who came to retake it became more confused than when they were hit by catapults.

All that’s left is a one-sided massacre!

“Will it continue to be like that?”

On the other hand, the side of the lord’s castle where Lokan was located was in a state of lull.

After all, the experience points are earned by Osram, so there is no reason to overdo it as a Lokan.

Focusing on making it impossible to pass, and laying mechanically engineered traps inside the lord’s castle, those who tried to ignore Lokan became fools.

Put an ax in the back of the head one at a time and you’re done!

Thanks to that, another alarm appeared in Rokhan’s field of vision when the men who had flocked to the lord’s castle could hardly attack.

[The territory of Regalia is under attack.]

The regalia territory, which can be called the main base, is being attacked.

Maybe it was normal. Enemies also have heads, so they must have known for sure who wiped out the thousands of troops, and they attacked Regalia in the reverse direction, aiming for that gap.

Perhaps you are thinking of throwing this place as bait. It must have been a very quick response.

‘I knew it would.’

Pi Yu-woong, boom!

Lokan confirmed it and fired a second flare.

It was a signal that ordered Osram to retreat. He had anticipated this situation and had made an appointment in advance.

Osram recognized the signal and fled outside pretending to push the enemies, and now it was Rokhan’s turn.

“Hire a knight. Trap installation.”

Armed the lord’s castle using the manor management window.

He hired a knight, and made powerful traps everywhere. Even if he escapes, he makes sure they don’t attack. In order to retake the base only after taking considerable damage.

Breaking doesn’t matter now. If only I could extract more experience and eat it.

As an added bonus, their drop items are also automatically acquired in the inventory, so spending a lot of money wouldn’t even bother them.

After leaving the rest to the hired knights, Lokan immediately opened the rune book and flew to Regalia, which was under attack.

Of course, OSRAM also moved to the same place. There was no rune book for the NPCs, but there was no problem because they had paid a high price for this moment and provided them with a separately made location save teleport scroll.


Lokan confirmed the existence of Osram by his side and ordered maintenance first. Speaking of maintenance, he used potions to restore consumed mana.

And when the mana was more than 80% full, the two began to move at the same time. Their position is not regalia resistance.

Lokan anticipates the enemy’s attack route and puts coordinates behind them.

There is only one reason. He was meant to capture the elite of the enemy.

“Are you okay?”

“Leave it to me.”

Osram looked back and was really grinding his teeth. Perhaps it was because he had been on Mercury for most of the day, he was angry at the elite of the enemy who always pulled himself out when he was at a disadvantage.

Excitement is not allowed in a fight, but sometimes it can be a good source of energy. Knowing this, Rokhan nodded his head and entered the battle.


Thanks to the arrangement made before we left, the situation was very good. It is thanks to the huge budget to install traps that were not in the way they came, and to deploy siege equipment capable of long-range attacks.

Especially in the case of traps, since they were only disposable, they did not think that the enemies would spend a lot of money to install them, so they were causing considerable damage.


There is no OSRAM. But there are pitfalls. Perhaps because of that, the enemies could not properly save the tomb of surprise and were in a state of confusion.

As expected, the five Masters, the elite of the enemy, were watching the situation from the rear as if they were looking at a liver, and as soon as they found them, Osram rushed in.

“Taesan One Sword!”


“How could the author be behind… … !”Astonished, the enemy masters quickly drew out their weapons and resisted Osram’s combination skill.

“Annihilation Strike!”

“The Shield of the Bust God!”

“The Grasp of Exploitation!”

It was a bit late, but the connection between the three was very good.

Even with the same combination skill, there was a significant difference in power between the master and the high master, but when one reduced the power of the Taishan Sword and one blocked it with his body, the other took Osram’s vitality and breathed it into the tank.

Thanks to this, his health was somewhat reduced, but he was able to block the attack somehow.


“Besiege Osram!”

“It ends here!”

And when we blocked the attack, we burned even more.

Just as Osram will sharpen their teeth, they also perceive Osram as something that must be dealt with.

Of course, these guys are not even at the master level, so it would be difficult to even do proper damage to OSRAM, but if they could spare their strength, they were confident that the three of them could somehow catch it.

Although he is the master of the iron wall, he is already old.

It was also an idea he could have done because he didn’t see the sword in Osram’s heyday, but if he were alone, he might really be able to somehow create a chance.

“Heh heh heh! Where do you dare go!”

At that time, Rokhan, who was being treated as an invisible human, spoke out.

A cry that seemed to run away. Even the Masters were about to stumble for a moment, so it goes without saying that the souls of the soldiers who were not prepared were gone.

“bombing! Your opponent is me!”

Taking advantage of that opportunity, Rokhan took the initiative to deal with the small bowls.

Although he had defeated the master level once, it was still burdensome, and he decided that Osram would be able to deal with those three.

‘No matter who handles it, I benefit.’

And no matter who caught them, it was him who got experience, items, fame, and merit. So there’s absolutely no reason to rush.

So Rokhan began sweeping the hordes of soldiers and knights so that Osram didn’t care.

They were also strong at least level 270, but there was no reason for Lokan to lose except at the master level.

If it was a tank or anything, it would split in two if it was hit by Lokan’s axe, and even if it took some damage, it grabbed the opponent faster and stronger and restored his life with the blood imprinting effect.

Rather than being bored, Rokhan also began to commit unilateral massacres. This is because it is also part of the ‘defense war’.

“What else is that!”

“I heard that a mad lord came down to Regalia… … .”

The faces of the three of them changed completely. He felt a sense of crisis when he saw Rokhan, who had only seen Osram but almost looked like a seed, ran madly.

Even if he puts all his strength into discipline, he will be able to drive OSRAM in one round… … !

“Hurry up!”

Eventually one of them came out. Prepared to hold out against OSRAM, the master-level knight corresponding to the dealer pulled out his body.

“They are cheeky bastards!”

This time, OSRAM was stimulated by the appearance. He wondered if his eyes would change when he dared to stand with the two masters against him, and he triggered the hidden power.

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