Chapter 216

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (1)

“Wow! I won!”

“They run away!”

The rebels lost their commander Timothy and were defeated.

In the meantime, he even lost one high master and five more masters to Lokan, who attacked only the elite.

The defender’s victory.

But he couldn’t help but be happy.

Most of the enemy’s troops were corrupted monsters and users, so there was almost no real damage except for the master level or higher.

On the other hand, the damage of the defenders was considerable.

As much as possible, they drove the mercenaries to death instead, but the fallen monsters resisted to the end, so the soldiers suffered quite a lot of damage.

No matter how rich Lokan was, he could not sustain this number for a long time.

‘Still, I killed the momentum.’

Even so, there was only one reason to gather mercenaries in a crowd. To put the brakes on them, who were pushing them all the way to the capital.

It was to break their momentum and prevent them from advancing prematurely.

In addition to the recognition that Lokan could break in between them at any time, play a chess match, and assassinate the leader, by showing a large number of troops of unknown origin at once, they instilled doubts and fears about the existence of a force they were unaware of.

And the calculation worked correctly.

‘You’re holding back.’

Since the start of the coup, the rebel forces that have been pushing forward have stopped.

There were still a huge number of corrupted monsters that they had a hard time knowing the limits of, and the Knights of the Duke of Killamanta didn’t show up either, but their reckless steps were stopped.

It must have been very cautious.

The mystery of how Lokan’s existence fends off unknown forces and corrupted monsters has made them cautious.

‘Then we must counterattack.’

If they don’t move, they move from this side first.

Rokhan’s eyes lit up and began to act.

* * *

The battle between the rebels and the defenders continued to be quite boring.

In retrospect, the situation for the rebels, who could replenish their troops as much as possible every time they passed the monster field, had to be better, but there were Lokan and the users he commanded here.

Although the rebels had some high-ranking guilds, the defenders also had formidable guilds and a large number of users, so the defenders took the victory over 60% in local battles.

But that’s just a story about local warfare.When large-scale battles were taking place, no matter how long and flying Lokan, there were many cases of being pushed back.

Although he did not lose his life thanks to the lack of timing, there were often battles in which Lokan was pushed back even after he carried out the manifestation of the storm. This is because he cannot defeat all of the tens of thousands of troops with his own strength.

There was a limit to the number of troops that could be defeated during the duration of Frenzy.

“Frenzy manifestation! Wheel Wind!”

Nevertheless, Lokan did not give in and took part in every possible battle. Even if the battle was defeated, at least thousands of people were massacred and fled.

In each case, the rebels were either tied up for a while to replenish the consumed troops, or had to give up their bases again to the Lokan offensive that followed after a while, so it was never a loss-making business.

At the end of each battle, Lokan accumulated his experience and loot.

“Whoa, I’m tired.”

Lokan, who led another local battle to victory, poured out his honest feelings.

It has already been over two weeks since I started to suppress the rebels.

It had been more than two weeks since I hadn’t been able to properly visit the territory management window every day, despite the news of the war on fire.

“When I heard it, it seemed like there were guys coming up slowly… … .”

Meanwhile, the wire was rolling fiercely.

Due to the absence of Lokan, the camp of the Golden Lion seemed at risk at first, but other users and guilds filled the place, continuing a fierce battle.

If it was really dangerous, Lokan would have run right away. However, thanks to the activity of the users on both sides, the front line was barely maintaining a balance.

“After all, big guys are big.”

There were a lot of people who were familiar with Lokan who showed their faces from time to time through the homepage.

Those who did one step at a time in their previous lives. In the end, they made a name for themselves and were on the front line again.

The same goes for those who pushed Lokan into the depths of despair.

Looking at their names, Rokhan’s heart became troubled.

‘… … Hang on to something.’

Is it really right to grab them and defeat them in the name of revenge from their previous lives? Lokan was constantly thinking about it.

If he persecutes and destroys them for the incident that he does not even know the reason for, will the core be released?

He couldn’t be sure.

So he was still waiting.

The moment they provoke themselves or inappropriately entangle them with anything, it seemed that they could destroy them without the slightest remorse.

‘It will take more time… … . The composition is gradually becoming similar.’

On the other hand, he didn’t even know he was hoping they would push him back again. Even then, he wanted to know why he was expelled.

Just because he was strong and selfish was something I couldn’t understand.

Is it not for nothing that he was called the king of violence?

Rokhan decided that there must be a reason that he did not know.

At that moment, a notification waking up Lokan’s mind appeared.

[The territory of Regalia is under attack.]

“… … what ”

Attack of Regalia Territory.

Regalia is one of the main territories of Rokhan, as well as a military strategic point that should not be taken away from the nation, so it acted reflexively.

I opened the territory management window to grasp the situation and at the same time opened the rune book so that I could fly straight away.

“… … These cubs”

But Lokan did not move. This is because he understood who the subject of the attack was through the territory management window.


To be precise, human users belonging to the rebel army were the culprits.

[Linai’s territory is under attack.][The Remington estate is under attack.][Royota estate is under attack.][Miurita territory is attacked… … .]

Regalia was not the only place being attacked. Numerous territories belonging to Lokan were being attacked simultaneously.

The same was true for places that were located a little farther from the rebel force’s radius of action. The scale of the attack was different, but everyone was clearly aiming for Lokan and working hard.

“How dare you do something like this.”

Rokhan smiled a cold breeze.

Their purpose was clear. Tying Lokan somewhere. Thus, he is prevented from participating in the fight against the rebels.

If that were the case, it would not only reduce the sacrifices in large-scale battles, but also bring victory in local battles without difficulty.

It was a strategy that could be squeezed out because they were users with good mobility. It was a daring move that could lead to multiple battles at the same time, and swallow the territory if it was too late.

The moment they were already on the side of the rebels, it was as if they had lost to Lokan, so there was nothing harsh on them either.

Even if they hesitated and looked at them, they were only hurting themselves.

There’s no way Lokan will look after you if you step back from here.

They already know about the operation of robbing the land holdings and facilities through Lokan’s technique, so the odd expectation that they will be able to secure a share if they do well excites them.

Not knowing what might happen in the future.

“Management of the estate. to the maximum of conscription.”

With a chilly smile, Lokan simultaneously manipulated dozens of estate management windows under attack on the spot.At the same time as recruiting soldiers and knights to the maximum, in the territory where the mercenary guild is located, all mercenaries were hired. Luckily, there were even places where you could hire master-level mercenaries.

Of course, to move them, it took a lot of money, but Lokan didn’t care.

He spared no expense and poured out money to bring a mace to those who dared to work on him.

He not only reinforced his forces, but also added and strengthened defenses and executed invaders.

“Homepage is open.”

However, if you finish here and are satisfied, you are not a Lokan.

Lokan consolidated the defenses of each territory and gathered information from the invaders at the same time. I didn’t know exactly which guild they belonged to, but it doesn’t matter.

After searching the website and using the information guild, the list of guilds that had committed themselves to the corrupt collusioners and the rebels spread out.

“It was these bastards, too.”

Although the Yawang, Sura, and Dark Knight guilds, who were entangled in their past lives, were the main pillars, there were also many guilds with names that they had never heard of.

Later, they become ‘deaf people’ or disappear and disappear, but recently, there were also quite a few guilds that were prospering and calling for a fortress.

Perhaps because of such a misjudgment, he would disappear into history, but it is not something he would worry about. From now on, I plan to bury these guys with my own hands.

“These guys’ hideout locations, gather them all.”

Lokan issued the order as soon as he checked the list.

He had a clear purpose. He figured out the location of the hideout they used as their base.

As the rebels do not accept those who voluntarily commit themselves, there is a high probability that they are active in an expensive hideout if they are included.

“Confirmation has been completed. I will mark it on the map now.”

After a while, the information the lieutenant knew was displayed on the magic screen. At the same time, it was copied and displayed on Lokan’s magic map.

The locations of the hideouts that come up with the guild name one by one.

I don’t know if it was originally like that or if it was moved after surrender, but coincidentally, most of their hideouts were in the territory devoured by the rebels.

“The hideouts that are not in the rebel camp will be stripped of their ownership and all property confiscated.”

As a pity, Lokan attacked those who had not yet moved their hideout to the rebels’ territory.

He gave a large sum of money in the name of the emperor, deprived him of ownership of the hideout and confiscated all the property therein. returned to the national treasury.

He devoured the rights and deposits without leaving even a single cooper.

“Okay, this time it’s your turn. Since you coveted other people’s things, you must have been prepared to pay the price.”

With a bloody smile, Lokan attempted to infiltrate the rebel base alone.

Operation Ant-Man.

In a method that was not yet familiar to the allies, he began to devour the territories where the enemy’s hideout was concentrated.

The rebels, who did not even dare to imagine that they would infiltrate such a deep place, spearheaded the rebels and took ownership of the territory, then stripped them of all ownership and even destroyed the building.

He repaid what he almost suffered by inflating it several times.

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