Chapter 240

runaway (3)

What is the way to bring something back to being contaminated by something? It’s simple, just remove the cause and that’s it.

Then, the way to restore the fallen world tree naturally begins with finding the source of the ‘fallen power’.

Although they were ‘Corrupted Priests’ who had been buried in the war and forgotten for a while, they had some clues as the investigation team quests were continuously activated and resolved, and above all, Lokan had a way to find them.

“The compass of corruption, use.”


The compass that Lokan took out turned round and round and pointed in a certain direction. and the number that appears.

[13 km. B3]

“I dug the third floor underground.”

It was a compass that found the nearest corrupted priest.

Corrupted priests usually move around the chapel, so they can find their base through this.

The Corrupted Priests are strictly point organizations, but if you focus on the ranks of executives, you will soon be able to find them as well.

Even if you ride the Cheongolma, the distance is a bit far enough that it will take some time, but it doesn’t matter. Lokan immediately opened the magic map and measured the distance.

Shoo Woong.

Teleport magic circle. If you move to the nearest location and then move through it, you can significantly reduce the time.

The location of the first corrupted priest thus found was surprisingly in the middle of the city.

“There are 3 basement floors in this place”

It’s amazing. If you dig down to the depth of 3 stories underground, you have to be a fairly large nobleman or upper level.

As it is a slum, it was clear that it was a craft that took advantage of the fact that no one would notice if you deceived your eyes by performing a magical treatment.

“It smells stinky from the start.”

Without hesitation, Rokhan headed into the house.

“Uh, who’s over there… … .”

A poor man who came out of the boardwalk house hesitated and restrained Rokhan, but Rokhan completely ignored him.

Actually, this is also funny. Even the poor stop people who are dressed in grandiose clothes just by looking at them

Besides, Rokhan is a person who has been given the title of Duke. As a passive effect, the ‘dignity of nobility’ is activated, which means that it is recognized as a special existence by normal NPCs.

Even if it was a situation where they did not know who they were, even the commoners and merchants bowed their heads and looked at the situation, and the poor dared to think of this as strange.

“porridge… … !”

The poor’s eyes lit up as Lokan stomped his feet and began to find a passage to the basement. He grabbed the knife he was hiding in his arms and tried to harm Rokhan.


“Ttt, if I stayed still, I would have saved him.”

But before he could do anything, Rokhan’s Battle Ax cut his head off.

He knows that he is more prone to fall for corrupt priests because he is a poor man with nothing to lose.

If you want to change the world somehow, or even ruin it, you can’t blame them.

Because of this, he thought that there was no need to harm them, but that does not mean that he will forgive the opponent who fights with the sword.

Without even paying attention to the man who had turned into a corpse with a sense of purity, he continued his search and soon found a secret passage.

cut profit.

“Here you are.”

Lokan immediately jumped down. They were doing bad things, so it was decided that they would not have built only one passage.”uh ”

“who… … !”

The ground floor was the chapel.

A place where the inhabitants of the slums hold worship services and read the words of the corrupt priest as if they were sutras.

Naturally, there were a lot of poor people who didn’t do anything wrong, and they were wary of Lokan that they saw for the first time.


After Lokan glanced back at them, he took a picture of one of them and called.


“Yeah, are you talking about that?”

“Yeah you. Come and see.”

A man crawling and approaching. Lokan suddenly poked a pocket at the man who looked like a poopy puppy because he ate so badly.

“Hey, what is this… … . Ugh!”

It contained a considerable amount of gold.

By Rokkan’s standards, it was a small amount of money, but for them, it was a large amount of money that was enough to escape the slums and make a fresh start. It was only natural that the man’s eyes fluttered.

“Can you guide me to the lowest level?”

“No, of course!”

You could just ignore it and go, but the inside was too complicated for that. What kind of magical force worked, the underground that I thought would be small was quite large and complex.

If it’s too late, calling Diggdog and digging down the ground is another way, but in that case, there could be some people who get a clue and run away.

That’s why I bought him, and it worked really well.

Rather than a mirage-like religion, money in front of you is a sure thing.


“Hansen. Even if you betray the school… … !”

The English is unknown, but everyone was indignant at the fact that a man named Hansen ate with an outsider.

The severe one has already started to threaten with anything that could be used as a weapon.

Yes, it would be a sloppy attack power that would be hard to do even 1 damage to Rokhan, but Rokhan had no intention of causing trouble from the first floor.


Instead, he took a coin out of his pocket and threw it randomly on the floor.

“Oh, it’s money!”

Unlike the gold that Hansen received, it was only Cooper and Silver, but to them it was life.

The madness that had been directed at Hansen shifted towards Don, and his enemies vanished.

“egg plant.”


Hansen took Lokan down through a few doors and went straight downstairs.

Lokan’s prediction was correct. It seems that the one with the highest level was taken instead of randomly shooting one person.

The lower floor was a gathering place for the ‘Corrupted Devotees’, the lower ranks of the ‘Corrupted Priest’.


“Who do you dare bring here without permission?”

“Shut up!”

They were immediately temperamental, but it was like wrinkling in front of the pupa.

At best, those who were in the early 200s of the level were shaking as if they were going to pee at Rokhan’s words, and Rokhan slaughtered them without hesitation.


The speed was so fast that Hansen, who was watching the movements, hiccuped.

Since there were not many numbers in the first place, it took less than 30 seconds to organize the corrupt believers.

“Next floor”

“Well, that would be this way.”

Hansen didn’t have to go to the next floor, but it seemed possible to get a rough estimate by going in and out of this place several times.

As he headed toward the place he was pointing, another staircase appeared, and he was able to enter the long-awaited third floor.

[Subdue the Fallen Priest][Quest]

Discover and subdue the Corrupted Priest. If you don’t find him in time, you can run away.

-Success conditions: Discovery and suppression of the Corrupted Priest

-Failure condition: Corrupted Priest’s Escape

-Limited time: 5 minutes

-Success rewards: a large amount of experience, a large amount of fame, a clue of corruption

“You are bothering me.”

As soon as he entered the 3rd floor, Lokan threw Hansen away in the quest that appeared. Apparently, the fallen priest noticed his existence.

But surprisingly, the passage is one-way.

Then it was obvious that he was ready.

“Wings Mode!”

traps and spells.

But Rokhan had wings.

You can cross the passage without stepping on or touching anything.

[You have been exposed to the barrier of corruption.][The title is unaffected by the effect of Fortitude.]

The same is true of the barrier. The barrier of corruption that can cause confusion and buy time was also nothing to Rokhan with his indomitable will.

So Rokhan reached the end of the passage at once. In less than a minute, let alone five minutes, he was able to face the Corrupted Priest.

[Corrupted Priest Reison][Lv 287]

“I saw it.”

The guy who appeared at the end of the passage was ‘Named’, not a normal corrupt priest. It felt like it was bursting with luck that I had never had in my previous life.

“How are you… … .”

That was the end. Not even level 300, and even a spell user did not need Berserk or Maniac incarnation.

All he had to do was approach him and grab him.

He didn’t even wield the Battle Ax a few times, but his vitality was zero, and he never made a will or asked for his life, and he became a cold corpse.


A few items dropped upon killing the Corrupted Priest. The Orb of Corruption and the Essence of Corruption, which is an item of one level higher, are the basics, and the items that were left unsatisfactory were also dropped.

[Prophecy of Doom][????]

A book of prophecies containing the prophecies of destruction. It is sealed by a special power.It was an object that Lokan had tried to force open before and destroyed it.

If you just open it, you might be able to know their identities, but I still haven’t figured out how to open them.

“Should I take it to the investigation team?”

If I leave it there, maybe I can open it up through research.

Lokan pondered for a moment, then stopped thinking. I remember hesitating to participate in the war in the investigation team when the Corruption Collusioners prevailed.

It can’t be because it’s pricey. Since the investigation team was initially formed as a multi-ethnic coalition, it was able to receive sufficient political influence.

However, I wasn’t sure that it was really just for political reasons.

If it wasn’t for political reasons, if the investigation team had a Corrupted Priest or someone related to the Corrupted Collusion.

It could be revealed that Rokhan was digging their backs. He could be disturbed.

It’s not scary, but it was the specification that took the time.

“Essence of Corruption, Use.”

Because of this, Rokhan forcibly opened the Prophecy of Doom once again.


Again this time, the prophetic book was destroyed without being opened.

Rokhan watched it silently, then gathered up the remains of what had been destroyed. He put the words in it together.

He compared the words he had acquired last time.

[Corruption… … ruin… … ancient… … order… … maybe… … resurrection… … .]

These are the keywords obtained last time.

[Corruption… … ruin… … Armageddon… … Forgotten… … resurrection… … .]

And these are the keywords you have now acquired. There are similar words, but different words.

These are still unknown words, but what if I repeat it over and over again?

He decided to think slowly because it was a Lokan that allowed access to the Imperial Palace and the Great Library.

You’ll learn more as you walk through the Corrupted Priests.

[Corrupted Bulletin Board][Unique]

A roll book written by the fallen priests by changing their names in order to bond with each other.

It looks like it could be used by inserting something into the hole in the center.

There was another reason why Lokan was unreasonable as he endured the destruction of items. It was the last item he dropped.

A plate with the names of not only humans but also other races.

It was the first time he saw it, but Lokan seemed to know how to use it.

‘It will be this’


Inserted in the center of the mill is none other than a compass of corruption. It was just the right size for me, so it was strange that I couldn’t think of it as Rokan’s Jjajangbap.

Then the compass started spinning again.

“I would like a half-elf.”

Rokhan pressed his fingers down the protruding parts above each name of the mill. Then the compass started to spin arbitrarily.

[473 km. 2F]

“It’s over there.”


Looking at the compass working normally, Lokan smiled with satisfaction. 473 kilometers to the west. There was a stronghold for the half-elves.

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