Chapter 424

Demon King (3)

“It doesn’t make sense.”

“Heh, looks and achievements don’t always match.”

means it was successful.

It was shabby and shabby with wounds here and there, but Yibulian smiled white.

He thought it would be difficult to recover because he had been anointed, but he will get better with time.

No, it would have been possible to recover at once even if he used only a part of the divine that he absorbed and grabbed them.

Not doing so also meant saving, but it was to show Rokan.

That he did it without being fatally wounded.

“great. Shall we discuss the terms of the contract?”

This was enough for Lokan to admit.

I don’t know if it was done alone or as a result of working together with his subordinates, but it’s really not that important.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure he’s got enough skills.

Therefore, Lokan entered into full-scale negotiations.

‘This kid… … .’

Maybe it was anyway.

The condition that Yibulian looked at and suggested was absurd for Lokan.

He’s suggesting a 5v5 stake, emphasizing partnerships, but actually being a charge captain when it comes to combat.

In the process, it’s not just a disadvantage, as even Yibulian won’t be playing around with it, but it’s a condition that he can bounce off of, and the user’s privilege is a strategy with the intention of using Resurrection over and over again, so Lokan will accept it. there was no li

If it was before, it would seem that Lokan, who lacked power, would have no choice but to be at a disadvantage, but now isn’t it?

“I’d rather move individually. We decide to unite depending on the situation.”

Because of that, I took the lead in fighting individual battles.

Ibulian and his forces take on one axis, while Lokan and the vampires take on the other, and they want to push in from both sides.

In that case, the opponent’s forces will be dispersed, so the fight could be longer and sluggish rather than a one-shot fight where everything ends at once, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to let Lokan drag me like that.

“Okay, that’s good. Then do this.”

Realizing that things were not going the way he wanted due to the strong demonic power of a vampire attached to Lokan, Yibulian accepted it and offered a condition.

It is imperative that we listen to each other’s requests at least once.

Whether it is a life-threatening assault or a request for salvation.

“great. Then sign it.”

It was clear that something was up, but Lokan signed the contract.

Since it was a contract with each other’s lives as collateral, if they were not kept, the soul would be destroyed and the account of Lokan would be destroyed.

‘It’s okay if I use my conditions for defense.’

I don’t know what kind of madness the bastard is trying to claim, but with his requesting authority, he thinks he’ll just have to defend it.Isn’t it enough to ask for your understanding for not accepting the request of the other party?

Leaving behind each other’s dark secrets, the contract shone brightly and declared the contract’s completion.

“Now what?”

“What? It has to go as planned.”

Their gazes were entangled in the air as they shared the contract one by one.

The will to conquer the Demon Realm was gathered, but where and how to start has not been decided yet.

Originally, Ibulian had his own plan, but it must have gone awry when Lokan declared each battle.

“It would be nice to meet you first. Otherwise, instead of fighting individually, you will be defeated individually.”

Lokan pointed to a point on the map that Ibulian had laid out.

It was a midpoint between the power of Ibulian and the place where the vampires’ estates are now.

The idea is to create a border area by pushing each other towards the same point.

In this case, the camp could be stretched out and the area that could be attacked could be widened, but it was not at a level that could not be tolerated.

Once they touch each other so that the united front can be unfolded, it can be said that it is a method that does not break each of them by slowly increasing their size.

And if that happens, we’ll be able to cross each other’s territories using the rainbow transmitter.

“Not bad. Can it be ten days?”

“A week is enough.”

A week later, they promised to meet there and created their own powers.

A new force that will shake up the demon world has begun.


This was the second test.

only one week. Because there were three strongholds that had to be crossed, destroyed, or acquired.

Ibulian killed five demigods in five days and took their hearts, but that doesn’t mean it’s easier.

The demigods on the way are close to independents, and although the level is relatively low at 470, the total amount of divinity is not proportional to the strength, and we also had to think about the distance traveled.

Rather, even at level 470, it was impossible to occupy a territory as an independent in this realm without sufficient strength.

It could have taken longer than a week, and maybe because we couldn’t bring him down, we couldn’t even reach our appointment.

So it is a test.

If there is someone who arrives here later, he will have no choice but to show an atrophy in his future steps.

It’s a test and a place to show off each other’s strength.

Knowing that, Rokhan also hurried.

He led the Vampire Lord and other demigods under his subordinates and attacked from the base using only a small number of manpower.

“Summon Giant Butterfly, Sleeping Powder.”

Para la la la.

He gave endless sleep to those who didn’t know the movements of Lokan and vampires yet.

The troops on the wall, even the guards in the city, all fell asleep, and Lokan and the vampires secretly crossed the wall.

“Kah ha ha! This body is the new vampire lord!”

While the new vampire lord hoorp exerted his power and attracted the opponent’s demigod, Lokan secretly approached the enemy’s back.

He raised a divinity, smashing the back of the head of the enemy it collided with the hurf.

“Super dramatic.”

“big… … !”

In the battle of the masters, there would be no poison as great as neglect.

The enemy who did not dare to open one eye in the face of the vampire road, the loser in the area, could not even shed a proper scream and was annihilated as it is.

Who dares to be okay after properly receiving a supreme drama with the addition of divinity?

When I was dealing with Shaquillan, I couldn’t play it out of my mind, but no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn’t have been able to get it right if I got it right.

Now, even the divinity of destruction resided in Lokan’s first play.

“Call the vampires and fix them. We go straight to the next base.”

“Yes! master.”

It was the vampires’ responsibility to clean up and clean up.

Since the head of the head fell, there was no reason for the demons to fight to keep their loyalty, and it was not unusual for the survivors to join the forces of Lokan and vampires.

This is the physiology of the demon world.

Using the physiology of the selfish selfish selfish selfishness of the strong, obsessed with his own life and absolutely obeying the strong, Lokan blew away only the heads.

“Summon a unicorn, one who rides a legend.”


The method was also subject to change.

They start by putting the ignorant fighters to sleep using Giant Butterfly’s sleeping powder, and they openly summoned unicorns to the phantom-type demons centered on their spiritual abilities that they could believe even if they belonged to a celebrity.

The divine energy emitted by the unicorn was poisonous to vampires as well, but as it came under Lokan, it was affected by the system and it was nothing.

On the other hand, the opponent is more effective than being poisoned with lethal poison, so how can they just aim behind them?

The phantoms, whose strength and divinity had been weakened, were annihilated as if they were scattering smoke, and in just one day, only one of the three main estates was left behind.

“Master, someone has come.”

“Who came?”

And then, someone came to Lokan.

As soon as Rokhan signaled their acceptance, someone came into their place.

[Poison King Jaqil][Lv 473]

“I’ll be back soon, what’s going on?”

This time, even Lokan couldn’t help but be surprised. Because he was the lord of the third territory they were trying to attack.

“Heh heh, it’s better to visit him first and say hello than to stay still and explode and become a handful of eagles. Greetings. My name is Poison King Jaqil.”

Jaqil, who sets the example of a servant with greetings.

From his actions, Lokan realized his intentions.

voluntary surrender.Before being attacked by Lokan, he entered with his head bowed in advance.

‘Hmm, I didn’t think of this.’

He had no intention of fighting with him.

Wasn’t it Rokhan who had reached a point of infidelity in the first place?

Jaqil’s venom was strong enough to affect demigods, including vampires, but for Rokhan, who even endured the poison breath of the Black Dragon, well.

I don’t know if he knew it or not, but he declared surrender before he could even fight.

“I don’t know about fighting, but wasn’t he confident in defense? I do not readily understand this.”

“Yeah, it’s a trivial skill for those who can’t read Mandok. If you take it, I will use my poison for Rokan-sama.”

Originally, these vile and insidious tribes were not used seriously.

But doesn’t he need to make meaningless fights and sacrifices?

After scrutinizing him, he decided to accept him.

“If you want to come under me, you must swear absolute obedience. Do you know?”

“of course. Without anything like that in this world, who can you trust? If you just take it, I will make anyone addicted.”

He seemed to know roughly when he saw the guy who gave strength to the word anyone. Apparently, he even found out about his secret secret with Yibulian.

He was talking about the guy who would break his pact with him in the future.

“Poison is a pretty convenient ability. good. Sign it.”

They have strong self-esteem, but they value my life and are bright demons.

I didn’t know that such a person would come out already, but it wasn’t that he wasn’t mindful of the voluntary surrender of the demons, so Lokan threw the contract at him.

A contract with a promise to obey only him.

Jacquill signed the autograph on it without hesitation, but Lokan saw him hesitate for a moment.

‘I’m not a reliable guy either.’

In that moment, he decided to use him.

“Then go quickly, collect the poison, and open the gates. Today I have to plant my flag in your castle.”

“I will accept your will.”

Jacquil disappeared, and Rokhan was able to leave his mark at his appointment in just two days.

Even if Ibulian knew he had arrived before he could even find this mark.

And it will be stimulating. If the momentum is taken away from Lokan like this, the leadership of the Alliance will be handed over.

He wouldn’t want it either, so he’d probably start a bloody fight.

In the process, he may have unexpected sacrifices, but those sacrifices are considered trivial for a cause.

As he waited for the duvet line to come running on the dung line, Lokan relaxed.

He looked at the movements of other factions in the Demon Realm and made plans for the future.

Yibullian was about to use himself as a chess mate, but it remains to be seen who will become his chess mate.

“Heh heh heh.”

Lokan let out an evil smile and looked at the army of Yibulian approaching from afar.

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