Chapter 466

[Lokan, the god of violence and destruction, has been confirmed to have inflicted 3 months of injury to the lower troll god Cromush, and is punished as follows.][Rokhan, God of Violence and Destruction, immediately move to the Void Border and slay the Void beings for 168 hours, contributing to the safety of the New Realm.]

“Damn, I was really telling you.”

There was still a little more work left to do, but at this point I had to leave the City of the Gods.

He seemed to have a strong sense of pride, so I was relieved, but it seems he was a pretty timid guy. It’s not that I didn’t tell you right away, it’s been over a week since I’ve been telling you.

Lokan clicked his tongue, and a comrade appeared in search of him.


A windstorm with a grin and a grin as if he had been fighting a battle somewhere before.

Come to think of it, before his judgment, Gwangpoong had been judged first.

“You said you grabbed a troll god? Because I knew it would be like that if it were you.”

But the storm didn’t seem to care about my judgment.

“After staying in the city and doing something, your divinity has risen quite a bit? Heh, are we going to have a fight later?”

“If we’re going to the same place anyway, shall we stick together there?”

The guy who was interested in the confrontation with Rokhan didn’t dislike Rokhan either. Because fighting with him is a lesson for himself.

When we talked to them that we should get a date right away, for some reason, the storm shook his head.

“I want to do that too, but it’s a bit difficult. Now it seems like I can’t control my strength.”

It means that you might be able to kill it.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if he dies and comes back to life, but on the other hand, if he kills the storm, he’ll have a problem. Because he can’t be resurrected.

And the storm was hesitant for other reasons, not because it was not necessarily possible to resurrect.

“If I ever kill you, that young man won’t leave me alone. Visitors say that resurrection is possible, but the spirit doesn’t work.”

“It’s noisy, you bastard! How long has it been since you’ve been in trouble? This time, you’ve turned the village of very troll gods into a very messy field. When will I get old… … .”

“Heh heh, inspiration. The day I mature will probably be the day I die.”

At that time, Kaisman, the guardian of the gods, appeared and gave a pinzan to the storm.

‘A village of troll gods?’

And at that, Rokhan had a surprised expression on his face. You said you robbed the village where the troll gods live? why?

‘Perhaps… … .’

Maybe it has something to do with you?

Without question, Kaisman added.

“Did you say Lokan? Somehow, you seem to have similar tendencies to that guy, but don’t ever become the same as that guy. Because that one guy is enough to make my head hurt. It was only this time that it was confirmed that Crokam was the first to argue, but if this happens repeatedly, the punishment will inevitably increase. As with this case, he seems to care about you, so if you cause problems, he will cause problems too, so please take care of yourself.””all right.”

After those words, Kaisman disappeared.

Only the two of them remain, Rokhan and the storm. Rokhan opened his mouth to confirm one thing.

“Does it have to do with me being punished this time?”

“Oh, what? Heh, don’t worry too much. I didn’t really like them either. The big-headed guys were trying to get involved in the kids fight, so I just gave him a moderate amount of Tyler. Rather, if you come back after finishing this job, you will have a fight, right?”

He spoke as if nothing special, but he was able to grasp the situation roughly.

Just as the mid-level troll god Crokam intervened in the affairs of the low-level troll god Cromouch, when one of the troll gods who was furious at beating Crokam tried to get revenge on Lokan instead, a gust of wind ran and beat them all.

I’ll have to figure out the situation to be exact, but maybe it’s for sure.

Lokan, who was recognized by Gwangpoong, was a bit of a pity that he couldn’t be seen with them, but he expressed his gratitude to Gwangpoong.

Anyway, didn’t you come out for yourself? Although he claims that it is not a punishment, it is an industry reward, but in any case, he received a greater punishment than he did.

“Then how do you get along? It wouldn’t be any different here or there.”

“Oh, what? There is no way. You can use it as the battlefield of the gods. In that case, even if you die, you can be resurrected, and if you meet each other in a certain place while gathering your divinity, you can play and use your divinity to your heart’s content.”


At those words, Rokhan also understood. He said there was a battlefield of the gods similar to the AOS game.

He thought it would only be 5-5, but it looks like it could be one-on-one.

If you meet each other in a place or a line after acquiring appropriate divinity there, you will be able to see each other exhilaratingly as he said.

As it is a game format, even if you die, you can resurrect, so it would be possible to compete again and again.

It was also a way to save divinity because if you pay only the divinity required for the initial game creation, there is no additional divinity consumption from then on.

“great. We do that.”

“Good good. Shall we go and slay the Void Bugs then?”

With that daring answer, the wind storm was also satisfied.

“How do you get to the Void Rift?”

“Oh, what? Simple. You can move to the border area, but you can also use divinity to move… … . If you just hold on, they will move you.”

“You know?”

“uh. Kaismann’s inspiration sends him to enforcement. If you don’t have work to do after filling up your time quickly, there’s no need to go early with my divinity, right?”

In fact, the judgment said to move immediately, but did not mention what would happen if you did not move immediately.

I thought that there might be a penalty for that, so I thought maybe it was adding time or something, but it seems to force the transmission at all.

Then, as Gwangpung said, there was no need to go there on purpose.

‘Nogarina, be a little picky.’

Rokhan smiled at the clear answer before moving to the border of the void and asked a few questions about the wind.

“But how strong is he? It seems that Kwang-poong-nim can’t be treated recklessly.”

“who? Oh, Kaismann inspiration? Hmm, I don’t know because I haven’t seen them properly, but it’s the oldest inspiration in this new world, so it must be incredibly strong, right?”

The answer was somewhat surprising. I thought it would have come out if we had a bout blindly if it was a storm, but you haven’t been able to properly fight?

As he sent his puzzled eyes, a gust of wind kicked his tongue and added his words.

“damn. I wanted to see him too, but he said no. If I get too close, I’ll blow it away somewhere in the new realm. Is it me? However, considering that I did not resist the movement of space, there must be a slight difference in strength.”

Kaisman may have had a special ability for the space series, but if you think about it, it could be seen as not being an opponent in the first place.

He’s got the great nickname of Guardian of the Gods, so I thought he’d be strong, but that’s about it.

Then, suddenly, I was curious about something else.

“How strong are you in this new realm, Gwangpoong-nim?”

That’s the level of the storm. As if he had easily grasped the intermediate troll god Crokam, he was curious because it is a world where it is difficult to judge only by the amount and level of divinity.

I know that he is quite strong as he robs the village of the troll gods by himself.

“Hmm, there are people who avoid confrontation, and there are people I haven’t met yet, so it’s hard to rank them, but I think they’ll be in my ten fingers?”

“Are there ten?”

I was surprised to hear the approximate ranking from his mouth.

In fact, if it was a storm, of course, I thought, ‘I will win.’

Even though it’s only Kaisse, isn’t that the story that there are at least eight other strong players who can compete with the storm?

If so, how high would he be?

It will be difficult to get a high rank even if the amount of divinity you have right now is insufficient, but there is a strange feeling of victory.

There is no such thing as a ranking system in the new world, but at any time, I thought I would like to play against the ten gods the gods talked about.

[If you’re going to keep talking nonsense, get out of here!]

At that time, Kaisman’s words were heard in the ears of Lokan and the storm.

At the same time, I wondered if I could feel my body floating, and it was sent somewhere.

“here… … ?”

“The border of the void. To be more precise, would you say that it is the border area that divides the Void and the New Realm?”

They moved to one city.

As Lokan, who has only seen the city of the gods in the new realm, his eyes widened and he looked around, and the storm trotted out as if he was familiar with it.

“This is it.”

I called Lokan and gave a brief explanation.“From now on, what we are going to do is simple. To protect this place, catch and kill the void beings that cross the border.”

“Have you?”

“Or you can jump into the void and play a game.”


Seeing him with a mischievous smile made it clear which one he would choose.

‘Perhaps the latter.’

Of course, he’s comfortable with it too. He was also curious.

Hasn’t he already set foot in the realm of the void once?

At that time, he used an elixir to conceal himself, but what about now that he has attained the divine nature? Will you become a stinky prey that entangles the Void beings?

Will god-class beings appear instead of the demigod-class beings we saw at that time?

I was quite looking forward to it.

He was confident in his own powerlessness, but he’s got a frenzy, so it’ll be alright.

Of course, if he runs rampant, he may scatter in the void, but for now.

“But have all the gods here been punished?”

“Oh, these guys? Well, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.”

“… … ?”

“There are those who like to fight like us, there are those who want to catch them and do research, and there are those who come to do the holy antlers. If you extract void power from them, you can purify them and use them. Although the efficiency is low, it is not a bad method because you can fight and get divine.”

“Five? You mean divinity?”

This was the first story I ever heard.

Can you get divinity from void beings? Rather, if you hunt them, wouldn’t you have the power of the void?

Well, in that case, the Void will unconditionally have an advantage in the battle between God and the Void.

Then can he purify and use the power of the void he possessed? I think it will be pretty good if you put it together.

When Rokhan spoke with a bit of anticipation, he opened his mouth with a smile as if he knew what Gwangpoong was thinking.

“But that’s only possible with the power you just extracted. It is difficult to purify what has already been absorbed. The energy of that void can’t be absorbed by the gods at all. I don’t know how it will affect my world, so I block them in advance.”

“Ah… … .”

Perhaps it was because he absorbed the void too early, Rokhan did not know how to block the energy of the void.

Even if I knew it, I didn’t even know if it was possible at the level of a demigod.

“Then what do you do with what you already have? As you know, I have some Void energy. I don’t know where they are locked up… … .”

“Heh heh, so you are lucky. If it’s the energy of the void, I’ve absorbed it quite a bit. There is a way.”

Giving Frenzy a meaningful smile to the discouraged Rokhan, he begins to unleash his own know-how.

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