Chapter 47

crossroads (2)

Two issues covering portal sites and social media. Interestingly enough, both of them were more about the rod.

[Users who have reached level 99 of The Road appear!][The Road 3rd city, is it finally released?][A game with a high degree of freedom of occupation, what does the Lord’s 3rd job look like]

The first is the appearance of users who have achieved level 99. The article said that the person concerned was reluctant to reveal the identity of the person, so he could not reveal the exact information, but Young-min was sure. That they are the ‘Raknarok’ team. They were the first to hit, just like in their previous lives.

Now, if you have reached level 99, you will complete the level 100 quest within the next few days, and in a few days you will find a way to the tertiary city and advance.

‘And you’ll get your first title.’

Unfortunately, they and Lokan are from different regions. Rokan was the first to advance to the Crossroads, but they were going to win the first title in other regions.

If the region were the same, Lokan would have devoured and blocked the first titles they should have won, but unfortunately, that has come to be much later.

“I need to hurry up.”

Ragnarok is fast, but not overpowering yet. The top tiers must have been growing at about the same rate, and this article will make them even more hasty.

It also meant that other users could enter the crossroads soon.

Of course, they have to start with reputation work and spend time to create useful combination skills, but in any case, it was said that the gap that was barely widened could be quickly overtaken.

Youngmin once again began to organize the following steps in his head.

[Very realistic virtual reality game, The Road. Is it good like this?][A 20-something who fell into the road, arrested for assaulting another user in real life.][Isn’t there a way to regulate virtual reality games that spread to real problems such as assault and fraud?]

The second news was a very negative issue for The Road. Although it is said to be a 19-gold game, it is very realistic and 6-7 out of 10 people enjoy it so much that it causes problems.

Confusion of reality and game Of course, there were many such cases. However, the bigger one was the problem of investing everything in The Road, but in reality, there was no cost of living, so he collapsed from hunger or ‘hyeonpi’ occurred.

For this reason, some civic groups held protests or press conferences in front of the developer and operator Falcon’s building, and the government and the National Assembly gave a rather vague answer, “I’ll think about it.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Now, the media is dealing with a lot of negative issues, but Youngmin knew that it was a story that would soon disappear.

To be precise, the embers will spread once big as they come out of the political arena, and then calm down after being hit by a headwind. It was raised by public opinion after bringing up stories such as that the brutality rating should be reconfirmed and that the game itself needs to be considered for service.

Politicians immediately lowered their tails to the reaction that was more intense than expected. The 19-gold game is, in other words, all users are voters.

In particular, as the members of the National Assembly who spoke with a gun for the first time experienced all kinds of terrorism and falling approval ratings, everyone knew.The Lord was no longer just a game.

Knowing this, Youngmin did not react much. And that’s why the MP Guild’s Guild Master Pyria disappeared without seeing the news properly. After all, it is a B+ level MP guild that you have to do well later, so there was no need to know.

“Hmm, then let’s start slowly.”

Youngmin glanced at the bulletin board and created a new ID. It was a new ID created for information disturbance.

In The Road, one account per person is the principle, but Korean gamers chose the method they used to hear from when they were young.

It’s the theft of your parents’ social security number.

Of course, authentication was required to create an account, but that wasn’t a problem either. Because there were some things that I didn’t delete after getting a public certificate for my elderly parents and doing the banking for them.

Youngmin, who created a new ID so easily, immediately spread some rice cakes on the bulletin board.

It was the quest information for the 3rd job change.

Since it was a level 100 monster hunting quest that is common to all professions, there was no need to worry about the area. It was enough to sift through a single piece of information.

1. Upon reaching level 99, you will receive a quest for the 3rd job change.

2. After completing the former quest, level up to level 1 for free and become level 100.

3. The content of the former quest is common to all occupations, hunting level 100 monsters.

Up to this point, it was the truth. As yet, only those who achieved level 99 could know the content, so the credibility would be added.

However, Youngmin mixed in a very small amount of fake information here.

4. At this time, it is meaningless to hunt any level 100 monsters.

5. You can get additional rewards by hunting more powerful level 100 monsters.

6. The additional reward may be a title or a hidden class.

In short, it was bullshit.

However, ‘plausible bullshit’ was a problem.

In fact, there are already quite a few people who have achieved the hidden class by achieving special conditions.

And since most of them were so-called ‘push’ users in the guild, it was information that would be difficult for high-ranking users. If you reach level 99, you will be even more anxious.

“Keuk, where are you excited to break it?”

Of course, I didn’t do the unraveling of information all at once. He drew attention by posting a mix of one or two pieces of information, and only finally posted a post with complete information.

If you disclose all information from the very beginning, you may be suspicious or buried.

This may also go unnoticed, but if it worked, it would be able to significantly delay their advance into the 3rd city.

“I’ll have to prepare the rest in advance.”

Youngmin prepared the next full information for Kim. He jotted down a bunch of information on how to get to the 3rd city, a mix of truth and lies, so he could always post things that he could do in vain if he followed suit.

It seems that the attention has already been drawn to the notable masters, teams and guilds, so if you pay attention a little, you will be able to get the timing right.

After preparing for the information war, Youngmin stretched out and went to sleep. When he got up he had to run again.

This was the beginning of the real The Road.

* * *

“Then shall we begin?”

After the time limit had expired, Lokan, who reconnected to The Road, did not even look at anything else.

New items were waiting in the shop, and monsters that were new and powerful and gave a lot of experience were waiting outside the town, but they know that it is meaningless if they haven’t received the recognition quest anyway.

If so, it would be much better to destroy it at once.

“For now, shall I become a Dwarf?”

Except for humans, there were three other races in the Golden Lion Union.

Half elves, gnomes, and dwarves.

In the end, everyone should approve, but there was a reason why Lokan chose the Dwarf first. That’s because probabilities come into play.

“Hmm, I’m not sure if you can, but if you can, try it.”

It was not difficult to receive the quest itself. It’s enough to go into the tribal buildings one by one on the Crossroad and tell them you want to be recognized.

In the [Neutral] state, which is the basic reputation, he is naive, but if he is in the [Friendly] state, he grunts like this and gives quests like a tsundere.

‘Children, if you can’t solve it anyway, I’ll give it to you kindly.’

However, as it turns out, the quests received in this recognition quest are all the troubles of each race. They throw away the things they can’t solve, saying, ‘It’s not a big deal, but if you do it, I’ll admit it.’

[Special Mining Mining][Quest]

Get the recognition of the Dwarves by mining special minerals that are only produced in Oronamun Mine.

Currently, Oronamun Mine is occupied by kobolds, and mineral extraction is temporarily suspended. We need your help to meet this month’s supply.

-Completion condition: Blue mineral 0/50

-Completion reward: Dwarf recognition

-Additional rewards according to the achievement rate

What the Dwarves wanted was to mine a special blue-colored mineral.

The problem was that the dwarf warriors could not go out on a mission right away and recover the mine, but fortunately, with the dwarf’s technology, they can extract ingots properly by bringing in a lump of minerals.At this point, most users roll their heads. Wouldn’t it be easier and faster to mine by getting a miner as a secondary job and learning mining techniques?

‘You’re going to get hooked while you use your head.’

However, once you master the mining technique, it takes more time to acquire not only the quest item ‘blue mineral’ but also miscellaneous ores.

Knowing this, Rokhan headed straight to the Oronamun Mine. He added a local map to the magic map, so he didn’t even have to remember the location.

“I’m going to get some rest in a little while.”

Rokhan, standing in front of Oronamun Mine, lifted the Berserker’s Battle Axe, which he obtained as a quest item, instead of the Dwarf Pickaxe.

Mining is not the only way to obtain blue minerals.


The hatchet that was lightly thrown was stuck in the back of the kobold that was sneaking around the entrance.

But he didn’t fall down like he did in Trin’s formula. They were also strong enough to exceed level 100, so the kobolds turned around with their hatchets in their backs.

[Mine Kobold][Lv 110]

His name was familiar, but his fighting power was unlike any he had ever experienced. Basically, the difference in abilities was huge, and it was because he had a combination skill.

Of course, not all monsters have different combinations of skills. Most of the monsters had one combination skill, and it was not difficult to attack because most of them had a common skill unless the boss was the boss.

Nevertheless, those who could not adapt to the changed difficulty could not withstand even a single kobold and in some cases died from the first hunt.

It was a story that had nothing to do with Lokan, though.

“Because it’s small and annoying!”


Contrary to the words spoken, Rokhan’s ax cut right through the head of the gnome. He’s only half the size of a human, but because he’s a little small, Lokan wasn’t so sloppy enough to miss a move.

[You have acquired a blue mineral.]

“What, it’s nothing, I think I struggled quite a bit before.”

It was the power of stats, title effects, and critical hit probability that were incomparable to when they arrived at Crossroads in the past.

Rokhan knew it too, so he chose to hunt instead of thieves mining, but he had a sour look on his face that he didn’t think it would have been this easy.

Of course, this time the match was won even before the combination skill came out, but the fact that the combination skill was not used is the same here.

“Then let’s get started.”

Rokhan’s goal wasn’t just to collect fifty bluish minerals. It was a quest that would appear later, ‘Extermination of Mining Kobolds’.

It might be possible even now that I haven’t received the quest, but I already knew how.

Knowing that a ‘special gift’ will be given if the performance exceeds their expectations, Lokan decided to give it a try.

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