Stale Air

9 A small ceremony

"Dear all gathered here." The well dressed man speaks from behind the lectern. A simple badge on the man's chest is all that denotes his rank of Captain. He motions his hands towards an image hung behind him. The image containing a smiling, yet frail, young man dressed in the traditional garb worn during the graduation ceremonies on the ship. "Today we are here to celebrate the life and memories that Evan left us."

The man looks down at the crowd below him. For such a young person, many have gathered. Very few of these ceremonies had ever received such a large crowd. "As you are all aware, Evan was suffering from Mallory's Disease. Most of it's victims die extremely young, and while Evan was taken from us all far to soon, Evan was also able to stay with us for far longer than was expected."

"Whenever a victim of Mallory's Disease succumbs to it's horrible effects we all lose something, and never is that more true than with Evan. He was able to fight through his terrible fate, and became a shining beacon for all of us on the G-46."

The man took a moment to collect himself, as many within the crowd were also sobbing. "As recognition of his beautiful life, we will be renaming the Library in his honor, as well as his name going on the hall of the lost."

"Now, I'd like to invite anyone who would like to say a few words to do so now." The man closed, before stepping back and sitting in the seats with the rest of the crowd. A quiet few moments passed, but before long a line of people formed, all patiently waiting for their turn to speak.

"To me, Evan was..." The next speaker began.

- - -

The remainder of people walked past Evan's casket, made from some precious wood, reserved for those who died of Mallory's Disease. As was custom the family of the deceased had rights to say the final farewells after the crowd had all paid their respects. The twins were hugging the casket while their father stood somberly, supporting his wife who was softly crying into his shoulder. Zack, the youngest, quietly clutching onto his father's leg unsure how to act.

Soon the family finished saying their goodbyes, and the captain gave each member of the family a hug. As the five walked back to their seats, the captain then motioned for the workers to perform the final moments of the ceremony, and prepared the casket to be moved to it's final resting place.

After a few short moments the casket began to more, with the crowd behind following. The last part of the ceremony being the ceremonial march through The Heart of the ship. Evan's Family leading the procession with the predesignated flag of Janus and the picture of Evan was all that was required for passersby to step aside for the crowd to move through the ship unhindered. Some joined the crowd out of respect, but most still had their own lives and duties to attend to.

The final walk went by quickly in this manner, with the entrance of The Heart quietly accepting the mourners. Placing the coffin below the central instillation the workers stepped back silently as the floor began to move. The small ceremony finally came to a close, with the crowd of 134 dispersing, leaving only the family to watch The Heart's floor close up.

With that came the close of Evan's short story, but those who knew him would surely carry him in their Hearts.

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