In the year 61 of Hongwu, the old emperor was severely ill, and there were twelve orders sent down from the palace — — Divine Doctor Ye Qiao entered the palace to give acupuncture and life to the old emperor. However, even though the orders were all together, no one was able to bring Ye Qiao back to the palace.

The palace was a scene of mourning, but in front of the bamboo houses in the woods on the outskirts of the city, it was a beautiful scene.

"I am Jade Sword Villa's Young Villa Master, I am here to invite the Divine Doctor to help my father check his pulse."

"I am Huang Jue, the one who killed the sect master. The sect master's wife has contracted a strange illness, and all the doctors that have visited the world are helpless. I would like to ask Divine Doctor Ye to treat her.

"The Duke of Jin's aide, Li, requests to see Godly Doctor Ye first. The prince's eldest son is currently suffering from a serious illness, so please help him. If the prince can recover from his illness, the prince will repay you with ten thousand gold!"


Along with the twelve palace ministers who had come to issue the imperial edict, the path outside the forest was filled with people who had come to seek medical advice. The background was more prominent than the one before, and the remuneration was higher as well, but even with so many people, they were still unable to invite the Godly Doctor out. Some people were not in a hurry to take the risk, but just as their feet stepped into the woods, a gust of black smoke rose up from their feet and quickly wrapped around them like mist in the forest. Finally, the person let out a scream and disappeared.

Everyone saw that the person's body had already turned black and died.

"What Godly Doctor? He's not saving others and is actually harming them. I think this Godly Doctor's reputation is just for show, he doesn't need to ask for help!"

"That's right, I'm afraid that I won't be able to save him. I'll just hide inside, not daring to come out. I'll be like a turtle hiding in its shell!"

"Everyone says that Ye Qiao Ye's genius doctor can get rid of the dead and turn the dead into ashes, I think that it was just randomly spread around. If it doesn't seem to be true, then everyone should leave, why not spend some money on a doctor who can treat the sick, and it would be like being scammed here."

"Let's go …"


Seeing such a terrifying scene, many people had already started to doubt the name of the Godly Doctor, as they all began to shout about wanting to leave. But just as everyone was about to leave, a silver needle suddenly shot out of thin air and pierced into the head of the first man who had insulted them. The man opened his mouth to curse, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to make a sound.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. Those who were scolding did not dare to scold again, and those who said they would leave did not dare to leave. For a time, the small road outside the forest was completely silent.

At this moment, someone from the crowd shouted, "There's someone in the fog!" The others all raised their heads to look at the forest filled with smoke, only to see the white mist slowly dispersing and a white figure appearing in their line of sight.

"God-doctor Ye Qiao?"

"Call me?"

Before the person could even shut his mouth, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The figure was so frightened that the person yelled out, causing the person to stagger and fall backwards.

Everyone moved out of the way.

The white-clothed man's eyebrows slightly raised, his limpid eyes swept across the crowd, then they landed on the poisoned dead body on the ground.

"Divine Doctor Ye, just now, just now …"

"Give me back the silver needles."

The white clothed man ignored the one who spoke, directly extending his hand towards the man with the sealed mute acupoint. The man could not make a sound, so he fearfully removed the silver needle from his head and returned it to the man in white. The man just took the silver needle, and the robust man fell to the ground with a "Ah" sound. Someone beside him squatted down to take a closer look at the strong man's breathing.

"He won't die. At most, he'll sleep for three days and three nights."

Ye Qiao said coldly.

Everyone looked at the man squatting in front of them. The man retracted his hand in embarrassment and nodded, showing that Ye Qiao was right.

In this way, everyone felt relieved. However, the unlucky fellow who was poisoned to death …

Ye Qiao squatted down, his gaze sweeping from the poisoned man's feet to the top of his head, and without saying a word, he threw out needles at the heart of the person. The speed of his needles was so fast that even the young master who thought he was the young master of the Jade Sword Villa could not compare to it, if Ye Qiao did not use needles, then his Jade Sword Villa would not have a place to stand.

After applying the first needle into the heart meridian, Ye Qiao quickly applied it to various acupuncture points all over the person's body. In just a moment, all of the needles on the cloth bag were inserted into various parts of the person's body.

After a while, the silver needle in his heart began to emit black smoke.

"The poison gas is dispersed, the poison gas is dispersed …"

Suddenly, someone pointed at the person who had died from the poison and yelled out. Everyone noticed that black smoke was seeping out from the top of every single silver needle, as if it was releasing poison gas from that person's body. In just a few moments, that person's body was completely devoid of any black smoke, and his skin had returned to its original color and appearance.

When the poison mist had completely dissipated, the man who had been lifeless suddenly opened his mouth wide. With a miserable scream, his body was bent upwards, tense and tense.

Not long after that, the man suddenly stopped moving. He stayed in the posture of maintaining the bow for a while, and then with a "peng" sound, he fell flat on the ground, breathing heavily with his eyes wide open.

"He's alive, he's alive …"

"He actually survived!"

"The dead are really revived!"


Ye Qiao did not care about the noise behind him, he kept all of the needles on the man's body and stood up to walk into the forest. Everyone then realised that they were calling out for Ye Qiao, but very quickly, Ye Qiao disappeared into the white smoke.

Watching the Godly Doctor leave without anyone daring to take a step into the forest, everyone stood on the small path for a while, then went back to their own homes. As for the twelve officials sent by the palace, they only dared to return to report when it was dark.

At night, strong winds blew outside the bamboo house, and the heavy rain was accompanied by flashes of lightning.

Finally, Ye Qiao dismissed all the people outside the forest who had come to seek medical treatment. Just as he was about to sleep, he heard a knock on the door. The voice was not loud, but it did not seem to have any strength. Ye Qiao knew immediately that it was the wild fox that wanted to hide in his house and take shelter from the rain and thunder. Whenever there was thunder or lightning in the sky, this wild fox would come and beg him to take it.

This time, Ye Qiao did not plan to bother with the wild fox. He was not a kind-hearted person anyway, what did the death of a wild fox have to do with him, furthermore, even if the wild fox was killed by lightning tonight, he could still save it tomorrow morning using needles anyways.

In this world, there was no life that he, Ye Qiao, could not save.

Amidst the waves of knocking on the door, Ye Qiao fell asleep peacefully. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the knocking sound suddenly shook the sky, accompanied by the wild fox's loud and shrill howls. Ye Qiao was suddenly awakened, and his entire body was covered in cold sweat. Hearing that the main culprit was still outside knocking on the door and howling, Ye Qiao was infuriated. He touched the silver needles under his pillow and got out of bed, preparing to give that wild fox a stab in the head, just in time to finish his sleep.

However, who would have thought …

When the door opened, a bolt of lightning struck down onto Ye Qiao's head.

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