Stand Out Agressively

C12 Memory Reappearance

Another half a month had passed, and during this half a month, the number of times Ye Qiao had dreamed about Lin Zhi had increased. Some memories regarding Lin Zhi had also become more and more complete, some happy, and some suffering. Along with the clear memories, Ye Qiao had woke up many times from his nightmare and when he woke up, his pajamas would usually be drenched in cold sweat.

In order to avoid being tormented by the nightmare and the pain from Lin Zhi, Ye Qiao had especially given himself a few needles before going to bed. This way, he could have a good sleep, but in the middle of the night, those memories once again uncontrollably flooded into Ye Qiao's brain.

"Lin Zhi, have you gone mad? You are currently in the midst of advancing your career, and you actually want to leave the showbiz and go marry someone?"

"Ping-ge, I've already thought this through clearly, I've been together with Wangye for more than five years. In this past five years, in order to not disappoint my fans, I've been avoiding her relationship with Wangzi. She's suffered too much harm, I want to marry her and be with her in name."

"If you can even abandon your own career for her, why can't she wait for you for another two years? As long as you enter the international film industry for two years, and stand at the peak of this world, you can even have children, let alone marry her! "

"But I don't want her to wait any longer. I want to marry her now."

"Crazy, Lin Zhi, you're crazy!"


In the dream, Lin Zhi was arguing with another man, they were arguing very fiercely, when Lin Zhi dragged his luggage out the door and directly got into a car to look for Cheng Wen hazel, and in the car, Lin Zhi received a call from Cheng Wen hazel, saying that something had happened and had him rush over to the hotel to save her.

Without saying a word, Lin Zhi made the driver turn around and drive to the hotel Cheng Wen hazel talked about. After entering the room for half a day, they finally found Cheng Wen Huang in the bedroom. She sat down on the bed in a daze, with blood stained ashtray in her hands.

Seeing Lin Zhi, Cheng Wen Ye immediately crawled up from the ground and threw himself into Lin Zhi's embrace, he was crying until he could no longer breathe.

Lin Zhi consoled her continuously, and when Cheng Wen hazel finally calmed down, Lin Zhi asked her about the entire sequence of events. Cheng Wen hazel told him that the customer wanted to molest her, and she accidentally killed someone else while struggling. After that, she kept asking Lin Zhi what she was going to do while crying. Lin Zhi also lost his idea. He was just killing someone, he was not joking, he saw the customer's corpse lying in a pool of blood and started to panic.

"Nightingale, why don't we call the police? You're trying to kill someone in self-defense, even if it means going to the court …"

"No, I can't call the police. I don't want to go to jail."

"But now that it's happened, the police will find out sooner or later."

"I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to go to jail …" Cheng Wen hazel cried in panic as she hugged Lin Zhi, but after crying for a while, she got up from Lin Zhi's embrace again. She wiped her tears away, then grabbed onto Lin Zhi's arm and pleaded: "Lin Zhi, why don't you tell me that you killed him, help me, help me … … I really don't want to go to jail … …."


"If you really want me to go to jail, I might as well die right now!"

After Cheng Wen Ming said this, he ran to the table in the living room and stabbed a fruit knife into's body. Lin Zhi immediately grabbed the fruit knife in her hand and dragged her to the side, "Cheng Wen Huang, calm down!"

"I can't calm down!" "I don't want to go to jail, I really don't want to go to jail. Lin Zhi, teach me, teach me how to do it …"

Lin Zhi hugged the woman he loved, feeling extremely panicked in his heart.

"Just let me die, if I die, then it'll be over. Lin Zhi, let me die …"


"Lin Zhi, please let me die …"

"I promise you."

Listening to Cheng Wen'e cry about how he was going to die, Lin Zhi finally made a decision that he would regret for the rest of his life.

Cheng Wen Huang left first, Lin Zhi stayed behind, and sat beside the corpse for a long time. When the sky was almost bright, he went to the bathroom and took a towel, and wiped off the prints Cheng Wen hazel had left in the room, and lastly the ashtray. Lin Zhi finished wiping Cheng Wen's fingerprints, and imprinted his own fingers onto the bed.

Immediately after, Lin Zhi turned himself in.

While waiting for the police to arrive, Lin Zhi sat on the sofa in the living room in a daze, his hands still stained with the blood he had intentionally wiped off from the corpse. He thought about how he and Cheng Wen had been in love for five whole years, and how they had secretly met. However, this still did not dispel Lin Zhi's fear. He could only imagine that he would never be able to turn back in his life.

Sensing the fear and panic in his dream that Lin Zhi had replaced the culprit in his dreams, Ye Qiao broke out in a cold sweat, but he was still unable to wake up from his dream. In order to dispel the fear Lin Zhi brought him, Ye Qiao tightly grabbed onto the bed sheets beneath him, his fingertips turning white from excessive force …

'Bang! '

Inside the dream, the police broke the door and rushed forward, dragging Lin Zhi down from the sofa and pressing him onto the ground!

In that moment, Ye Qiao suddenly woke up with a start by tightly grabbing onto the bedsheet beneath him!

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