Stand Out Agressively

C28 Express Boy

After feeding the small French Bulldog and goldfish, Ye Qiao left home at 6: 30 AM. He walked to the opposite side of the road and took a bus to the express delivery area. Just as he was getting on the car, Ye Qiao received a missed call. As the driver was urging him to pay, Ye Qiao turned on the loudspeaker on his mobile phone, took out three coins from his pocket and threw them into the slot, and just as Ye Qiao was stuffing the third coin in, a long 'Ye' sound came out from the speaker, causing Ye Qiao's action to shake, and the coin rolled out through the gap of the door.

At that moment, Ye Qiao did not need to turn his head to know that he was being looked at by the people in the carriage.

"The loss of the coin doesn't count. You have to refund it." The driver looked at Ye Qiao with a complicated expression and reminded.

Ye Qiao frowned, he turned off the speaker, took out a coin from his pocket and threw it in, after that he went to the back and found a seat to sit down, which attracted the attention of others.

"Ye, why aren't you saying anything?"

"You'd better explain how you got my number."

[This … I asked Guo Zi for it.]

"Guo Zi?"

"Didn't you leave a phone number when you were looking for a job...?"

Clenching his teeth, Ye Qiao tried his best to remain calm: "What's the matter?"

[Nothing much, just a little concern...]

Before Qiu Xiangyang could finish his words of 'concern', Ye Qiao had already hung up and dragged Qiu Xiangyang's phone number into the black list. After everything was done, he leaned on the window of the car to take a nap, and the entire world became quiet.

After swaying for more than half an hour, the bus stopped in front of the express delivery area's entrance. Ye Qiao got off the bus, and directly went to the warehouse to count the express delivery packages, separating the luggage from the documents. The bus had one side of the truck to pack the package boxes, and the other side to pack the documents.

Because Guo Qiming had brought him to run around once yesterday, Ye Qiao was no stranger to his area. Very quickly, he delivered the packages to the recipient. However, what made Ye Qiao uncomfortable was that every single time he entered a company to deliver a courier, the men, women and children there would stare at him strangely, and wherever he went, Ye Qiao wondered if he had walked out undressed.

Many young ladies in the company were jealous of him, and from the moment he entered the door, they had been chasing him with their eyes. They were too eager for him to take off his clothes and walk around, and they even counted how many abs were on their stomachs. Was the fish line up to the standard? Were their butts perky … The most important thing was, was it that it was just as forbidden inside as it was outside.

When Ye Qiao finished sending off the express messages, the little girls all stuck on the windowpanes to send him out of the company's main entrance.

The remaining stack of documents in the car were sent to Lu’s Group, so Ye Qiao did not intentionally keep them for last, because Lu’s Group was the farthest thing out, and there were also the most documents to be delivered. As a result, by the time he had arrived at Lu’s Group door, it was already almost 9 o'clock, and the financial department's supervisor had also made a lot of calls to urge him.

"Why did it arrive so late, do you know that these documents are all wanted by the President Lu, how are you responsible for delaying the time in the President Lu?!" The Chief of the Finance Department was cursing Ye Qiao as he opened the courier and counting for him to sign on one hand. As he raised his eyes, he saw the employees under him looking at them through the transparent glass. It was as if they had never seen a man before, they were all staring at him with hunger in their eyes. The supervisor held up the glasses and immediately walked to the window, pulling down the curtain. After forcing everyone to go back to work, he turned and looked at Ye Qiao snappily: "Newcomer?"

Ye Qiao 'En'. He did not say anything else.

The supervisor saw that Ye Qiao was rather obedient and did not seem like he was the type to lure away the girls and employees under his command. Only then did his expression turned slightly better, and he took the receipt from Ye Qiao and signed it before handing it to him: "Your previous few delivery boys all knew what was important, as long as it was the Lu Family's express delivery, it would be handled first. I also know that the Lu family is far away, but it's the same if we come here first and then return to send them off. This … Do you understand? "

Ye Qiao did not say anything, but the supervisor thought Ye Qiao had agreed and waved him away.

"Wait …" Just as Ye Qiao was about to leave, the supervisor suddenly called out to him, turned around and stuffed a stack of documents into his hands: "This, please help me deliver it to the General Manager's Secretariat at the top floor, it's hard on you."

"This doesn't conform with the rules." Ye Qiao said calmly.

The supervisor turned around and looked at Ye Qiao again after pausing for a few seconds, as if he was looking at an alien. He looked at Ye Qiao from head to toe, and then said unhappily: "This is not against the rules, your delivery company gets a lot of business from our company, not to mention the few courier guys from before who did the same thing. It's just helping you run some errands, isn't it?"

"Use the word 'please' if you want to help me."

After Ye Qiao finished speaking, he returned the documents to the supervisor, who walked out of the office. The supervisor was so angry that his face and neck turned red, and just as he was about to teach Ye Qiao a lesson, the supervisor opened the door and saw that it was blocked by a lot of employees.

'Bang! '

The door was slammed, and it was obvious how angry the supervisor was.

"You must be a new delivery boy. That's the temper of our supervisor. You don't have to bother with him."

"Yeah, at most he would yell at you, but no matter how serious it is, you just have to make a phone call and complain. But it doesn't matter, we'll call you to negotiate, and then we'll tell you that your attitude is correct, and that you've served us well …"

"You must be Mingtong's courier boy right? I've already sent you all my coupons from now on. Let's meet more."

"Lil 'Bro, what's your number? Leave one for me to tell you to come over later for express delivery?"

"Give me one too."


Surrounded by a group of women, it wasn't easy for Ye Qiao to get out from the Finance Department. Just as he was about to take the elevator down, a girl ran over to ask him to send her a message. Ye Qiao gave the girl to fill out the form as if he was serious about his work.

"Little Brother, what's your surname?"


"Your surname is pretty nice. In the future, are you going to care about receiving express delivery here?"


"Lil 'Bro Ye, this document of mine is pretty important, so can you give me your phone number? If anything happens, I can easily contact you."

Previously, when many people asked for his number, Ye Qiao did not give it to them, so he was no exception. Furthermore, Ye Qiao saw that the Finance Department was crowded with many people looking at him from all over, and this made the matter clear. It was probably because he had made a bet with them, and bet that they could get her number.

After seeing everything, Ye Qiao did not make a sound, and waited for the girl to fill out the delivery order before giving her the number. After that, he took the delivery bag and walked towards the elevator, and when the girl realized that the number was missing and turned around to chase him, the elevator door had already opened, and Ye Qiao immediately entered the elevator, and when the girl caught up, she could only watch as the elevator door closed.

After shaking off the other party, just as Ye Qiao was about to press the button to go down, he realized that the elevator was heading up, and at this time, he felt a deep hostility coming from behind him.

"Which department are you from? Don't you know that this elevator is exclusive to the general manager?"

As expected, an unfriendly voice came from behind.

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