Star Card System

Chapter 119 Goodbye, Leicester City

In Pearson's office, Xia Xing met many people.

Pearson and Shakespeare, both coaches are there.

Recruitment director Steve Walsh and director of football Jon Rath were also present.

There are two other people whom Xia Xing didn't expect.

Club chairman Vichai, and his son Xu Shengyuan (Ayawat)!

What's going on with such a big battle?

Seeing Xia Xing enter, everyone stood up and treated Xia Xing with great respect and courtesy.

Shakespeare, who had the best relationship with Xia Xing, stepped forward and put his arm around Xia Xing's shoulders, smiling.

"Our hero is here."

"Hello, president, director, director, coach."

Xia Xing greeted everyone one by one.

Xu Shengyuan stepped forward and gave Xia Xing a high-five enthusiastically: "Xia, your performance this season has been outstanding. I am already your fan."

Others also greeted Xia Xing one after another.

Especially Chairman Vichai stepped forward and patted Xia Xing on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"My compatriots with Chinese blood, I am extremely happy for your performance this season.

“You are simply amazing.

"Without you, I don't think Leicester City would have won the Double.

“I just told everyone this.

"Now I can't imagine what Leicester would be like without you.

"Xia, they should have talked to you before,

“I am personally coming forward now to express the highest respect and attitude of myself and the club——

"Xia, I strongly invite you to stay in Leicester City!

“We will do our best to meet all your conditions.

"As long as we can do it,

"Regardless of tactical status or salary,

"We can even add special contract terms to you,

"I won't stop you from joining a wealthy family in the future.

"As long as we can do it,

“We will accommodate your requests.

"Because we need you,

"Because you will be the future of Leicester City."

This sentence "You will become the future of Leicester City" made Xia Xing a little moved.

For this small team, I am really important.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Xia Xing could feel everyone's sincerity.

For a moment, Xia Xing even had the urge to simply stay.

But he held back.

He needs to return to Manchester United and need to look at his future carefully.

Relationships are one thing, careers are another.

Xia Xing can carry it clearly.

Facing the invitation from the Leicester City board of directors, Xia Xing still politely expressed his gratitude.

He still said the same thing.

"I want to go back to Manchester first and then think about the future."

Everyone also understood and no longer forced Xia Xing.

They didn't stop until Xia Xing was sent out of the club's gate and onto the club's special car.

The cheerful recruitment director Walsh said with a smile: "This is the car specially arranged by the club for you to return to the city. I wish you a safe journey."

Waving goodbye, reluctant to leave.

You can see through the rearview mirror that until the car has driven far away, the club's management is still at the gate and has not returned.

Looking at the direction he left.

The driver smiled and said: "Xia, everyone in Leicester City likes you very much. I really hope I can take you back one day."

Xia Xing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

No matter how far I grow or where I go in the future,

It may be difficult to achieve the status and respect of a club like today.

Dark Blue Villa Area, No. 17.

The car drove directly into the courtyard and Xia Xing got out of the car.

Aliona and Li De are both at home.

The gifts have already been packed up, there are only two boxes, which is not much.

After all, I will come back here again, and I have left a lot of things such as bedding.

Xia Xing was stunned when he opened the trunk of the car.

I saw that the trunk was filled with many items.

Hasn't this been vacated before?

The driver smiled and said: "This is a parting gift prepared for you by Mr. Chairman."

Xia Xing turned over it gently.

There are various training clothes and jerseys of the club, as well as laptops, mobile phones and so on with Leicester City logo printed on them.

The price is high, and it shows the club's intentions for him.

Xia Xing kept this emotion in mind.

Aliona sent Xia Xing out, and the two hugged again.

"Xia, home will always be here, waiting for you to come back."


Li De snorted: "Come back soon, I'm waiting for you to cook me Chinese cuisine."

"no problem!"

Waving goodbye, the car sped away.

Looking back, Aliona was pushing Li De in the wheelchair, still looking not far away.

There seemed to be a sparkle in Aliona's eyes.

Xia Xing turned back and looked forward.

If you take one more look, you may not be able to control yourself and stay...

At this time, the phone rang, and it was a message sent to him by Pearson.

"Xia, I have never been a person who is good at expressing my inner emotions.

"You know this.

“Sometimes I talk tough and let the reins flow.

"I can still think back to when we first met,

"I also said things like I don't like you,

"Haha, I hope you don't mind.

“But speaking of which, your progress is simply rapid.

"From a young man without any professional football experience,

“Becoming one of the brightest rising stars in the Championship,

"I am impressed by your potential and talent.

"I just saw you getting into the car, and I really wanted to grab you off.

“Forcing you to stay in Leicester City, haha.

“But this is all a joke.

"Xia, this season is so wonderful,

"Leicester City have won the Double, which is something I never dreamed of doing.

"And you are the biggest contributor,

"In my mind, not even one,

"You are the best of the season in my heart!

"I'm still thinking, if you can stay,

"We will play in the Premier League together next season.

“It must be awesome!

“I even have countless new ideas about tactics.

“Can’t wait to implement it in the team.

“But it’s a pity that you left in the end.

"I'm very conflicted right now.

"On the one hand, I wish you all the best at Manchester United and that you can get what you want.

"On the other hand, there is some expectation that Manchester United will not have a place for you.

"Eventually you can come back,

"Haha, this idea is a bit unreasonable.

"But I really like you boy,

“We all like you very much.

"I even heard Mahrez complaining privately,

"If he had known you would leave, he wouldn't have moved to Leicester City.

"Haha, you are so popular.

"Okay, that's all.

“Tired of typing.

“I wish you a safe journey and may you get what you want in Manchester,

"If you feel uncomfortable, Leicester City's door is always open to you.

"Goodbye, xia."

As the car drove on the road to Manchester, Xia Xing read the long text message sent by Pearson.

I couldn't calm down for a long time.

He typed a few words after the message.

"Coach, thank you for your guidance and care for me. I will keep it in my heart."

Click Send.

Goodbye Leicester City!

Goodbye, my beloved city!

Goodbye, my love!

I have been busy with housework during the Qingming Festival until now, so I am a little late uploading updates.

Don’t worry everyone, updates will not be interrupted.

By the way, if the first order is less than 100, the results are not ideal.

Still grateful to everyone.

Again, updates will not be discontinued.

TJ is not my style.

I wish you all the best.

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