Star Card System

Chapter 123 Loan or transfer?

Sitting on the sofa, Van Gaal handed Xia Xing a cup of coffee.

Xia Xing took a sip.

"It's bitter, isn't it?"

"Yeah, a little bit."

"Just get used to it, because this is the taste of life."

"It seems that you are not only a head coach, but also a philosopher."

"Thank you. Tell me what you think. What do you think of the three suggestions I gave you?"

"I've thought about it."

"Tell me."

"I want to leave Manchester United."

"Loan or transfer?"

"Direct transfer and leave."

Looking at Xia Xing's determined eyes, Van Gaal nodded: "I guessed it."

"Oh? Guessed it?"

"Yes, after chatting for a few words on the plane, I found that you are a young man with personality. It's not surprising that you would make such a choice. Tell me your specific ideas, I'm very interested."

Since he wanted to leave, Xia Xing did not hesitate to speak freely.

"Our whole family are Manchester United fans, and I have a lot of feelings for this place.

"If possible, I really hope to stay here.

"Even if the treatment is worse and the competition is more intense, I can accept it.

"But after listening to your coaching strategy, I have decided to leave.

"I have a lot of feelings in the past year at Leicester City.

"I like to play football, but I absolutely do not accept sitting on the bench.

"So, just because I like Manchester United does not mean that I must stay in Manchester United without hope.

"I don't like this feeling.

"I want to leave and go to a club that can give me a chance to play and a position in the team,

"to realize my football dream.

"This is my true thought, without reservation."

Xia Xing finished speaking swiftly and looked at Van Gaal.

Van Gaal listened carefully, nodded, and asked curiously: "Don't you feel regretful for leaving Manchester United so decisively?"

Xia Xing shook his head: "No regrets. If one day I play well, Manchester United will beg me to come back."

"Huh?" Van Gaal was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.


"Good boy, you are so good!

"You are really good!

"It's great to have this courage, I like it!

"To be honest, I think you have some potential in the future.

"Although I may not give you a position in the short term,

"But if you can stay, I am still willing to train you,

"Whether you stay in the team or go out on loan, I will do my best to train you,

"Until a few seasons later, you have the ability to become an important member of Manchester United.

"But after hearing what you said,

"I think I still think you are simple.

"You have clear goals and firm ideas,

"That's good, very good.

"The club has given me full authority to deal with the players,

"Especially the issue of young players like you staying or leaving.

"Since I promised you, I will let you go.

"I have also considered your transfer fee before,

"I am going to set a price of 5 million euros for you.

"You came to Manchester United on a free transfer last year, and now you are playing in the Championship,

"This price is actually lower than the market price, you know.

"But Manchester United has always been very kind to players who leave the team,

"Lowering your transfer fee is also in the hope that you can get better salary treatment in the new team.

"I will release your transfer information later.

"You can talk to any club about the transfer now."

Hearing these words, Xia Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

This result is not bad.

As a key player in Leicester City's promotion to the Premier League last season, and the MVP of the FA Cup, Xia Xing's value is more than 5 million euros.

In addition, Xia Xing is a young player with an English household registration, so his value can be doubled directly.

You should know that in the Premier League, the effect of the household registration is quite obvious.

Looking at Van Gaal in front of him, Xia Xing felt more favorable.

Although Van Gaal clearly stated that he would not give himself a chance in the new season, and did not say any polite words to retain his transfer request, this is Van Gaal's style.

Decisive and straightforward, no dragging, say what you want, even if it offends people.

Xia Xing nodded: "I accept this condition."

"That's good," Van Gaal patted his shoulder, "Young man, although I sold you today, if one day I think you are good, I may really buy you back, hehe. "

Xia Xing smiled.

One day, this may be the furthest day.

After leaving Van Gaal's room, Xia Xing turned back and said.

"Coach Van Gaal, although I haven't had much contact with you, you still left a deep impression on me.

"I think you are a good coach.

"If Manchester United can give you enough patience and trust,

"I believe you will lead Manchester United on the right path,


Xia Xing gently closed the door, and Van Gaal stood there for a while.

Then, he suddenly laughed.

If Manchester United can give me enough patience and trust?

What you said, haha.

Interesting boy.

He turned back to his desk and made a call: "Publish the news of Xia's listing."

"Is the transfer fee still the 5 million euros set before?"

"Well, that's right, you can prepare the contract text in advance. "


"Oh, by the way, add one more clause to the contract."

"Add what?"

"Add a buyback clause from Manchester United, the amount is set at 30 million euros."


After hanging up the phone, Van Gaal looked out the window.

His team cleanup plan has already begun, and many players have received his calls and are looking for a new club.

But he always feels that this young man seems to be a little different.

Maybe his cleanup plan is not perfect, but he should try to make up for it.

The buyback clause of 30 million euros can be regarded as a guarantee for the future.

Who knows if this young man will really play in the Premier League?

Van Gaal's move is just an ordinary transfer.

Even if he thinks Xia Xing is good, he doesn't care too much.

But he doesn't know that a few years later, Manchester United will thank him for his actions today.

But that's all for later.

After leaving the club, Xia Xing looked at the time.

It was almost noon.

He got in a taxi and went to a restaurant in Manchester.

Because here, he had an appointment to meet someone.

Yesterday afternoon, Xia Xing received a call, and the person on the other end of the phone introduced himself to Xia Xing, which surprised him.

He turned out to be a big shot!

And the other party was actually in Manchester, and came all the way to see him.

This surprised Xia Xing even more.

But this is a good thing, Xia Xing arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes early.

But when he walked into the room, he found that the other party had already arrived.

"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

"It doesn't matter, I came a little early. How did you go to the club to discuss the transfer?"

"As you expected..."

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