Star Card System

Chapter 15 Blue Welcome Party

Back in the room, Xia Xing still found it funny.

How is it possible to fall in love with someone just because you cook a few meals?

Although he had never been in love, he didn't think it would happen.

And how could it be possible for him and Aliona?

Now he just wants to focus on improving his personal strength.

Women are so powerful that they only affect the speed at which I can draw my sword.

But then again, that guy Li De has read countless films.

It seems that although his legs cannot walk normally, he still has the abilities of a man.

Xia Xing pondered blindly, turned on the computer, and immediately entered the study state, carefully studying the text and video materials that Shakespeare gave him.

He must now master the basic knowledge of the European youth training system in the shortest possible time.

Study hard in reality, and then enter the "virtual arena" to observe the previous games from a God's perspective, which complement each other.

Now Xia Xing is trying his best to make up for his shortcomings and strive for the opportunity to be on stage.

A week of training has passed, and tomorrow is a day off. The players can finally take a proper rest.

After the break, there will be several important friendly matches to be played.

Pearson needs to verify the strength of the team and the status of the players in the game in order to determine the main roster for the new season.

In his lineup, there is no absolute starter, and all players must rely on their status and strength to fight for opportunities to play.

But that will be a few days later, and now the players just want to relax and relax.

Vice-captain goalkeeper Schmeichel held a football party at his home and invited all his teammates to attend.

In fact, the coaching staff was also invited, but they were declined.

Pearson knows he is serious, so he basically doesn't attend player gatherings, which also allows the players to have a more relaxed time.

After training the day before, Schmeichel told everyone in the locker room about the party tomorrow night, and everyone always agreed.

Drinkwater rubbed his hands in excitement: "Is it that kind of special party?"

Captain Morgan glared: "What are you thinking! This is a serious party! If you want, you can bring your family members!"

"Understood!" Drinkwater nodded with a serious look on his face, very serious. He looked back at Matthew James with a hateful expression, "Let me tell you, it must be a serious party. You still have to ask me to help you."

Matthew James: “When did I ask you to ask for me!”

Drinkwater: "Forget it, just think it's what I want to ask, okay."

Matthew James: “That’s what you wanted to ask!”

De Laet patted Drinkwater on the shoulder: "He is still young, impulsive, and has strong desires. It is normal. We have to understand."

Drinkwater: "Yeah, I really understand."

Matthew James: "You have no understanding! You two shameless guys! I will beat you to death!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Vardy smiled and said to Xia Xing beside him: "These three guys often joke with each other, just get used to it. If you hadn't come here, we would have thought that Manchester United's youth training camp cultivates this kind of fun, hahahaha ”

Xia Xing also laughed.

In this team, although Pearson usually has strict management, the players talk and laugh in private and have a good relationship.

Although he is training hard with all his heart, Xia Xing is also willing to spend more time with everyone.

The deeper the relationship is in private, the better the cooperation will be on the court.

When they went home that night, the three of them chatted. Xia Xing told the two siblings about the players' party tomorrow.

"I won't be able to cook tomorrow night. I'll make more for lunch and you can just heat it up in the evening."

When he heard about the players' party, Li De's eyes lit up: "I want to go too!"

Xia Xing: "Haha."

Li De: "What do you mean by hehe?"

Xia Xing: "What identity do you use to go there? Otherwise, I tell them that you are my brother?"

Li De: "Don't even think about it! I'd rather not go than say that!"

Xia Xing: "Then there's nothing we can do."

Li De: "How about you say I'm your boyfriend?"

Xia Xing: "Don't even think about it! I'd rather not go than say that!"

Li De: "This is normal in the UK, right?"

Xia Xing: "It's not normal at all! You faggot!"

Li De: "I'm not a gay! I like women! Especially Japanese women!"

Xia Xing: "I can't talk to you anymore..."

Entering the daily rhythm of fighting again, Aliona next to her smiled and watched the show.

After the two of them finished arguing, Aliona spoke.

"Xia, how about you take me there?"


"I am also a die-hard Leicester City fan. I also want to attend the players party and meet the players."

"No problem, but you..."

"I could say she's your girlfriend."


"Okay, it's settled!"


"Don't worry, I will definitely dress up beautifully and not embarrass you."

The next evening, Aliona put the takeaway pizza that had been delivered in advance on the dining table.

"Li De, let's go, bye."

Seeing Aliona carrying Xia Xing out of the house, Li De felt itchy with hatred.

I knew this guy would kidnap my sister!

Traveling with the United States, Xia Xing did not dare to move.

As long as the arm moves slightly, it will immediately go "Duang, Duang".

"Xia, since I said I'm your girlfriend, we should act like one. Get used to the feeling of carrying her in advance."


"How does it feel?"

"Quite soft, no, quite good..."

When Xia Xing and Alyona appeared outside Schmeichel's yard, many teammates had already arrived.

When they saw the two, whistles sounded immediately.

Drinkwater turned to De Laet: "Are you sure this is a serious party?"

De Laet: "I'm a little confused..."

Matthew James: "There must be something wrong! I've been in Leicester City for a year and I don't have a girlfriend. How come Xia has been accompanied by beautiful women just a few days after coming here? There must be something wrong!"

Captain Morgan next to him said: "Don't talk nonsense! This is Ariana. Four generations of her family have been Leicester City fans. Xia is staying at Ariana's house temporarily. Isn't it normal for her to come here as Xia's female companion? It's just heart!"

Matthew James: "Why am I so..."

Drinkwater looked at him with contempt: "Xia is so good-looking, it's reasonable for him to have a girlfriend. Look at yourself, you look like a pizza that fell on the ground and was stepped on. Isn't it normal for no one to love you?"

Matthew James: "Don't stop me, I must PK with him today..."

A few live treasures are playing and making a fuss, and the atmosphere group is very useful.

Morgan walked up and looked at Xia Xing, and a smile appeared on his usually serious face.

"Xia, on behalf of the entire Leicester City team, I would like to welcome you again!"

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