Star Card System

Chapter 18 [System Prompt 2]

The cheers at the King Power Stadium were deafening, and the fans were extremely excited!

Although it was just a friendly goal, it was the first goal scored at the King Power Stadium this season!

It was of great significance!

Especially when facing a League Two team that couldn't open the situation, this goal came at the right time!

Although the score of 1-0 is not perfect, it is at least much better than not winning!

Moreover, this goal was scored by a young newcomer!

In his first appearance in a Leicester City jersey, he contributed a wonderful assist!

A perfect start!

The fans generously gave applause and praise to Xia Xing, and his teammates also came forward to hug this young Chinese boy in a friendly manner.

"Not bad! Really good!"

On the sidelines of the court, assistant coach Shakespeare was full of smiles.

However, coach Pearson did not speak or applaud, but just quietly looked at the notebook in his hand, as if thinking about something.

The excitement of the goal passed, and the game started again.

After losing a goal, York City no longer had the intention to defend.

Since they were already behind, they might as well try to press forward and see if they could create a chance to score.

With the change in tactics, Leicester City suddenly had some defensive pressure.

But not much.

The attack was easily suppressed before the penalty area.

Two consecutive waves of attack came to an abrupt end, and York City completely understood how big the gap between itself and its opponent was.

In the 85th minute of the game, Leicester City got another chance to break quickly.

The ball fell at the feet of left back De Laet.

This time he passed the ball forward without hesitation!

To his former Manchester United brother-Xia Xing!

Receiving the ball on the left, Xia Xing took the lead!

Directly passed the defensive player who was rushing up!

Facing the second midfielder who came diagonally, Xia Xing's footwork changed slightly, and the opponent lost his center!

Pull the ball to speed up the sprint!

Passed another defensive player!

About 25 meters away from the goal, Xia Xing decided to take a shot himself!

Kicked the ball into the far corner!

The ball bypassed the defense!

Hit the post hard!

It bounced out of the baseline.

What a pity.

The Leicester fans in the stands sighed, but then applause broke out!

In just ten minutes, Xia Xing won the recognition of Leicester fans!

This young man is good!

At this time on the sidelines, Shakespeare praised again: "Xia is really good, he seems to have made some progress than before!"

This time Pearson did not remain silent, he whispered and commented.

"The reason why Xia looks good is because the opponent is too weak.

"I say weak, not only weak in strength, but also weak in physical confrontation.

"Just the two dribbles just now, if it was in the Championship League, he would have been knocked away by the opponent.

"Even if he could dribble past the opponent, it would at most cause a foul.

"Xia's weak body is still a big flaw.

"And the shot just now looks good, but he can have a better choice.

"Chris Wood has started to speed up, as long as he passes to the back point, he can create a better opportunity.

"But Xia still didn't pass the ball and chose to shoot.

"I don't think he is a particularly independent player. The reason for this choice is that he did not make a reasonable prediction, or his vision was not enough, he could not see the situation of his teammates, and he did not see the opportunity.

"Xia wants to play in the English Championship, he is still a long way off."

Listening to Pearson's words, Shakespeare opened his mouth, but still did not speak.

In his heart, Shakespeare liked this young man very much, and he wanted to refute a few words for Xia.

But he also knew that he could not refute.

With his profound professional qualities, Shakespeare knew that Pearson was right.

Xia is very good, with first-class speed and explosive power, and excellent ball control ability.

Although his shooting and passing levels are average, they are also considered to be in the middle and lower levels of the English Championship.

But his physical confrontation is indeed very weak.

If the opponents just now were a little rough, he would suffer.

So, young man, you have to work harder...

On the side of the court, Shakespeare prayed for Xia Xing.

On the court, Xia Xing was still enjoying the fun of playing football.

At this time It was time, and the teammates were a little tired. Even the players who came on as substitutes in the second half had reached the critical point of their physical fitness.

But for Xia Xing, the excitement had just begun.

After receiving the ball several times, he controlled the ball very relaxedly, passed the ball, and then passed it to the striker.

Conokate and Wood each got a chance to shoot, but neither of them seized it.

In the end, the game ended with Leicester City winning 1-0.

Although they lost the game, York City was in a good mood.

They were already very satisfied to be able to play against the powerful Leicester City like this.

York City had two days off and had a good rest.

But the Leicester City players who won the game were not so lucky.

"Since you played a bad game, tomorrow's holiday will be changed to half a day!"


"Rest in the morning and have an indoor tactical analysis course in the afternoon."


The players were frowning.

I wanted to have a good rest, but I had to practice more.

In a few days, I will prepare for the second friendly match. The second opponent is at the level of the top five leagues, which is even more difficult to play.

Disbanded and went home, everyone rested.

However, Xia Xing did not stop training.

He entered the system and continued to run in the "virtual arena".

After two hours of competition, Xia Xing ended and exited with satisfaction.

He took a special look at the progress of Zidane's card fusion.

There is still about half of the time, and the fusion will be completed in mid-August.

The data in the previous system attributes have also been completely integrated into the original data.

For example, "Speed, 85+2." has become "Speed, 87.".

It seems that this S-level Henry card has been completely integrated.

However, Xia Xing is also very curious about how the points of this fusion are calculated?

The system prompts in time.

[Hint 1: The absorption bonus of the card, the growth degree of each data, is related to the card ability, the host's effort and the host's training category. The higher the value of the skill, the less points are added. ]

[Hint 2: The sum of the points added after each card is fused is equal to the fusion time divided by 2. ]

Xia Xing understood.

Henry card is S-level, and the fusion time is 50 hours, which means the increase in points is 25.

This increase has allowed Xia Xing to feel some changes in his body.

For example, the last shot today felt very good, and the strength and angle of the shot were more accurate than usual.

If you calculate it this way, after the Zidane card is completely fused, it will increase by 100 divided by 2 - 50 points!

This is definitely a big improvement for me!

Thinking of this, Xia Xing has become excited.

You know, Zidane is a superstar with comprehensive skills and super strong body. How will the growth rate of my various data be?

It's really worth looking forward to!

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