Star Card System

Chapter 36 A violent collision!

This game is Xia Xing's first start in the Championship, and he cherishes it very much.

He changed his past style of play and sought more cooperation with his teammates on the court.

Especially when De Laet behind him had a strong desire to attack, Xia Xing was willing to give him the left channel and help him play the ball.

Now the team leads 1-0, and the two sides are still fighting in the midfield.

De Laet's physical energy consumption is relatively large and he can no longer get up.

Xia Xing thought to himself, it's my turn to rush forward.

Just as he was thinking about it, the ball bounced over from midfield.

The midfield position is empty!

What a good opportunity!

Just when Xia Xing stopped the ball and was about to speed up, a black shadow suddenly rushed towards him from a diagonal thrust!

With Xia Xing's reaction, he could completely get out of the way.

But if you get out of the way, the ball under your feet will be out of control.

If it causes the opponent to counterattack and loses the ball, it will be troublesome.

The brain makes a decision in a split second!

Hit it!

Fuck him!

Xia Xing controlled the ball at his feet, leaned down slightly, stabilized his center of gravity, and then turned slightly sideways.

Just a sideways movement prevents the opponent from fully using his strength on himself.

Then, hit it!

The moment Perch rushed forward, Xia Xing also exerted force!

The two collided violently!

At this time, there was chaos in the middle of the court, with both sides fighting for the ball!

The collision between the two became the brightest focus of the stadium!


Shakespeare closes his eyes on the sidelines!

Pearson's eyes widened and he looked at Xia Xing worriedly.

Even Leicester City teammates were prepared for Xia Xing to be knocked away.

Although he has become much stronger recently, his foundation is still not good enough. He will probably fly out now...

boom! ! !

Fly out!

But it’s not Xia Xing, it’s Pelchi!

The strong and strong Perch was directly knocked four to five meters away!

With one flying movement, he rolled and fell to the ground!

Xia Xing, on the other hand, took two steps back, but still stood firm!

What kind of strength is this!

Drinkwater around him was shocked!

Even if it were him, he definitely wouldn't be able to get an advantage in this collision. This xia actually knocked the opponent away?

And the Wigan Athletic players are even more incredible!

One of the strongest players on their team was defeated miserably in a legitimate collision!

And at the moment when the whole audience was in an uproar, Xia Xing started!

Knocking the opponent away is not the purpose!

He needs to score goals and secure the victory!

Sprint forward with the ball!

Perch's fall caused chaos in the Wigan Athletic midfield.

Xia Xing took advantage of this opportunity and dribbled the ball past the midfield line!

The last central defender, Roger Na, rushed up to steal the ball. Xia Xing changed his direction slightly and made a neat pass!

Entering the restricted area!

I just showed you the power of 10 points of enhancement, now let me see the shot of 10 points of enhancement!

Facing the attacking goalkeeper, he kicked off and shot!

The ball was extremely fast and went straight into the far corner of the goal!

"The ball went in!

“The ball went in!!!


"Victory for Leicester City!

"What did we just see?

"A young player who seems a bit thin,

“Single-handedly defeated Wigan Athletic’s entire defense!

"He knocked away the strong Pelch,

“Absolutely incredible!

"Get away from defender Rogner!

"Faced with Carson's attack, he did not hesitate to kick and volley!

"Carson didn't even have time to react!

“The goal was so beautiful!

“Carson did a great job the whole game.

"Except for conceding the goal in the opening game, Carson held steady for 70 minutes.

“In the end, it still failed to help the team keep its last hope!

“Xia’s performance in this game was simply amazing!

“In my first start in the Championship, I participated in two of the team’s goals.

“The goal just scored was amazing!

"The perfect combination of speed, technique and power!

"This young man has a bright future!"

The commentator was unstinting in his praise, and the applause at the King Power Stadium also came one after another.

On the green field, Xia Xing was all smiles, enjoying the applause and cheers of the home fans.

Drinkwater: "Man! You are so handsome! You are the complete midfielder!"

Conoket: "Brother! Your shooting skills are great! I feel like my position is being challenged, haha!"

Konchesky: "No wonder I was knocked away by you on the training field two days ago. Your physical strength has really strengthened! It's amazing!"

Surrounded tightly by his teammates, Xia Xing was all smiles.

This feels so good!

On the sidelines of the court, Pearson also breathed a sigh of relief.

Shakespeare gave him a thumbs up: "You are still awesome."

Pearson: "What am I so good at?"

Shakespeare: "The starting line-up you have chosen is great."

Pearson: "Don't talk nonsense..."

Shakespeare: "A young man you saw just started the first game and played a decisive role. Otherwise, if you were the head coach, I would only be the assistant coach."

Pearson: "Don't come here..."

Shakespeare laughed, and Pearson smiled too.

Boy, it's great to have progressed to this level in such a short period of time.

come on!

The game has now reached the 80th minute, and Leicester City leads by two goals.

In the following period, Leicester City began to recover appropriately to stabilize the victory.

Pearson used up three substitutions in one go and changed the formation to 5-4-1.

With a two-goal lead, this game was definitely going to be a win.

However, a small problem still occurred.

In the 89th minute of the game, Leicester City controlled the ball in the backcourt and prepared to consume the last game time.

Hammond, who came on as a substitute, passed the ball diagonally to the side, looking for right back Liam Moore.

Moore's physical strength could not keep up, and he was just one step slower, and the ball was intercepted.

The one who intercepted the ball was Wigan Athletic's new core-Powell!

Even though the game was about to end, Powell did not give up!

Moore wanted to chase back, but he could not keep up with the speed!

Powell accelerated and sprinted forward desperately!

Hammond quickly moved, defended diagonally, and rushed towards Powell!

Facing the collision of the defensive player, Powell stopped suddenly! Quickly cut inside!

Shake Hammond away!

Dodge the space!

On the penalty area line, he kicked the ball directly into the far corner!

Schmeichel tried his best to save the ball, but still couldn't touch it...

The ball went straight into the dead corner!

The ball went in!

2 to 1!

Wigan Athletic scored a goal!

Powell, who scored the goal, rushed into the net and ran to the center circle with the ball.

We still have a chance!

Everyone cheer up!

But there is too little time left.

In the last two minutes, Wigan Athletic couldn't even organize an effective attack.

After Xia Xing got the ball on the wing, he suddenly accelerated and sprinted.

In the final stage, his physical fitness was still very good.

In the end, three defensive players sandwiched and relied on fouls to stop Leicester City's offensive.

The referee did not give Leicester City a free kick, and he blew the whistle to end the game.

Leicester City defeated Wigan Athletic 2 to 1!

They won six consecutive victories in the Championship this season!

Eight consecutive wins at the start!

The state is bursting!

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