Star Card System

Chapter 852 He Deserves More Patience

The meeting room was instantly lively!

Although many people were looking forward to hearing this, when Xia Xing really spoke, they couldn't believe their two-on-one.

"In fact, the team's predicament has something to do with coach Solskjaer."

Hearing Xia Xing's direct expression, the sports manager was immediately happy.


The outside world said that Xia had a good relationship with Solskjaer?

It's all nonsense!

See, at the critical moment, Xia instantly turned into an "anti-Solskjaer"!

"Xia, what's wrong with Solskjaer? Be frank, don't worry, we will make the decision for you!"

Looking at everyone in the meeting room, Xia Xing's expression was calm and he spoke slowly.

"He has a lot of problems, I have to say them one by one.

"He is too indecisive, especially in terms of signings.

"He has always liked Haaland, but he failed to complete the signing.

"He also likes Rice, but he still didn't buy anyone cleanly.

"Look at how these two people have developed now?

"If they can come to Manchester United, how can Manchester United be so stretched?

"There are also Caicedo, Bellin...

"Since you like these people, why haven't you bought them?

"Also in terms of selling people, since you have decided to sell Pogba and Martial,

"Why haven't you made a move?

"If we sell people earlier, we can replace them with more suitable players in advance,

"We won't be facing a shortage of people now.

"This is about transfers, and he also has problems in management.

"A young coach doesn't even fight for the club's infrastructure for the players, which is very poor.

"I chatted with Ronaldo a few days ago, and he told me that when he left Manchester United,

"The conditions of the team's locker room and medical room are exactly the same as now!

"Even the broken floor tiles have not been repaired!

"This is too exaggerated!

"The frequent injuries of players are closely related to the substandard infrastructure!

"This is all Solskjaer's problem!

" "That's why I said that the team's predicament has something to do with him!"

After Xia Xing said these words, there was a long silence in the meeting room.

Dead silence.

Many people present looked unhappy.

But some people were snickering.


Who is Xia talking about?

Is it Solskjaer?

Of course not!

It looks like he is criticizing the head coach, but in fact he is criticizing the team's management!

Is Solskjaer's signings unsuccessful? The club's facilities are not repaired properly?

This is not his problem, it's the club's problem!

Xia Xing's words are completely indirect criticism.

This made the sports manager who was just excited suddenly silent.

And many board members also frowned.

The meeting room was terribly quiet.

In the end, Xia Xing spoke again.

"Although Solskjaer is young, has made mistakes, and lacks experience,

"But under the current circumstances, he is a good choice for Manchester United.

"Well, I think so.

"I believe many people present will agree with my point of view.

"Especially since we don't have many better options now, why should we give up a talented coach?

"He needs time, and he deserves more patience.

"Let me count for you:

"Since he came to the team, he has turned the tide and led the team out of the trough.

"Although the results did not reach the peak, it was very good to win the championship every year,

"Especially for Manchester United now.

"Also, which of the players he favored did not play well?

"If it weren't for the lack of support for him, I'm afraid Manchester United would have taken off now.

"And the locker room is also very stable at present, which is also very important for Manchester United.

"If he leaves, and another coach makes the team a mess, will that be good?

"So I think it's the right choice to keep Solskjaer as coach."

Xia Xing's words were loud and clear, and many people nodded.

C Ronaldo on the side also admired him in his heart.

Before returning to Manchester United, he was still very confident that he would become the boss of the team.

But now, he has completely given up.

This Chinese genius is the present and future of Manchester United.

Manchester United is so lucky to have such a superstar...

C Ronaldo thinks so, and so do others.

And you can understand Xia Xing's status in the team by looking at the current situation.

So many people are ready to "impeach" Solskjaer, but Xia Xing's support alone prevents the meeting from going on.

This is very interesting.

Although there are many bigwigs in the room, it is far more than a player like Xia Xing can compare.

But in this matter itself, Xia Xing does have a lot of initiative.

Because no matter who comes, the opinions of the players must be considered, especially the top bigwigs in the team.

As a superstar, as a captain, and as the future of the team, Xia Xing's value is far more important than the team coach.

And Xia Xing is firmly on Solskjaer's side at this moment, which is enough.

In the end, the meeting ended hastily and no conclusion was drawn.

The team is still running as usual.

After leaving the meeting room, Xia Xing went downstairs and got directly into Ronaldo's car.

"What's wrong with you?"

"My car has been sent for maintenance, I'll take your car today."

"You only have one car?"

"What's the point of buying so many cars? One is enough."

"You are so dull."


Ronaldo said nothing more, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out of the club parking lot.

It was winter, and it snowed yesterday. There was a lot of snow on the road, so Ronaldo didn't drive fast.

The two were not in a hurry, and they chatted, and the topic naturally returned to the meeting just now.

"Are you optimistic about Solskjaer, xia?"

"Not bad."

"Not bad? That means you are not particularly optimistic?"

Ronaldo glanced at Xia Xing slightly, and saw that Xia Xing's expression was very serious.

"It's just 'okay'. After all, Solskjaer is too young, and he is definitely not the best choice for Manchester United."

"Why did you support him so strongly just now?"

"Because I know very well that no one is more suitable for Manchester United than Solskjaer at this stage. If Mourinho is willing to come back, if there are coaches of Zidane and Ancelotti willing to come to Manchester United, I will remain open, but no. At this stage, Solskjaer is already the upper limit of the coaches the team can invite. It is not easy for him to get good results without much support from the club."

"That's right. I can see that Solskjaer is very talented, but he just lacks some experience. So according to you, you are determined to use Solskjaer?"

"I am not firmly supporting Solskjaer, but I am firmly supporting Manchester United coach, because this is what the Jazz left us."

"Yes..." (End of this chapter)

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