Chapter 175 is not a hit

  Only panda cub...

  Sorry, this is really not in her imagination.

  Li Shaofeng, "···"

   "What happened to the panda cub?"

  He was full of anger, but he said inwardly, "Don't look at my mimicry, the combat effectiveness is actually quite powerful."


  The mimicry is that the corners of Chen Xiong's mouth can't be restrained upturned by the mighty big white bear. In the gaze of Li Shaofeng's glaring, he said coolly, "It's really amazing.

  I've seen a group of mimics playing in full swing, but the panda cubs are not yelling to hug their thighs, are they just lying on the side and shaking their little feet and feet like a big man?

  They have met, and they have seen each other more than once.

  Every time I see Li Shaofeng's leisurely and rustling appearance, my teeth are itchy.

  Chen Xiong's words reminded Lu Jinxiu and the others of the great feats of Li Shaofeng's mimicry, and they laughed lightly.

  Simply did not smile, she extracted a key point from Chen Xiong's words.

   "The mimicry can still fight?"


  Lu Jinxiu knew that she didn’t understand, and explained, “When our ancestors left the home planet, it didn’t take long for Blue Star to finish its evolution...”

  "What does the big evolution mean?"

   "End of the world."

  Simply understand, and beckon him to continue.

  Organizing the language, Lu Jinxiu said, “The arrival of the end times has made some humans become capable people. This capable person includes abilities, ancestry, and mutation.

  Empire humans are all descendants of capable people.

However, the energy system of the Vortex Galaxy is not suitable for those with abilities to continue to improve their abilities. In order to adapt to the energy system here, Lu Yunqi, the second-generation Patriarch of the Lu Family, developed a cultivation method to force the empires to transform their energy system into An energy system suitable for the vortex galaxy.

  Mental mimicry appears under such circumstances.

  You can use mental mimicry as a companion weapon hidden in your body. This companion weapon is available to every imperial person, but not everyone can awaken it. "

  In short, "···"

  She silently glanced at the little golden dragon as a mimicking cat sitting on top of it as a car, her expression a little hard to describe.

  Her little milk cat...

  Moe is really cute, the kind that can make people's hearts cute, especially when watching people meow with a pair of watery blue eyes, it is a crit.

   being cute does not mean being able to fight.

  Little milk cat doesn’t look like it can be hit.

  Forget it, let’s sculpt a panda cub.

   At any rate, the pandas are cute, but their combat effectiveness is really not weak.

  Solid, crispy and tender radish is the first choice for carving. It is easy to shape, and the control of the powerful knife is not as high as the requirement of carving tofu.

  The speed of carving up is also fast.

  A group of people watched as she took a knife and used a fierce operation at the turnip. The prototype of the panda cub appeared. When she began to deal with the details of the prototype, Xiao Mufeng slammed her elbow into Luoyang, who was looking intently.

   "Lao Luo, do you think you can order it?"

   "The eyes and the brain meet, but the hands do not."

Luoyang said without embarrassment, "To be honest, her hand is too fast to hold the knife and the gesture is changed too fast. The knife is held flat in the first second, and the knife becomes a vertical grip in the next second, and she has control over strength. Accuracy···"

   sighed deeply, he said melancholy in the useless eyes of Xiao Mufeng and others, "I simulated it in my mind, let alone forming, the ingredients will be destroyed by me."

  Xiao Mufeng and the others, "···"

  I knew early in the morning that food sculpting was not easy to learn, but I didn’t want this difficulty to be beyond their imagination.

  (End of this chapter)

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