Star Coach

Chapter 44 Penalty Shootout

"The game was great, but Hoffenheim actually dragged the game to a penalty shootout. Now it's hard to predict the outcome." Liu Jianhong was very excited. He was different from Coach Tao, who was a die-hard Bayern fan.

"You don't need to look at it, Bayern will definitely win." Coach Tao is still confident, "There is a difference between a mature team and a young team."

In the game, the captains of both sides are preparing to choose the order. Whoever takes the penalty first will have a certain advantage. Generally speaking, both sides take free throws in sequence, and the side that takes the first penalty has a higher winning rate.

Jiangshan quickly gathered its players, and the five starting free throwers had to make a quick decision.

"If we pick the starter, the first one to play is Wiese, then Hitzlsperger, Rahn, Kuranyi and central defender Instrom. If they take the penalty first and Wiese doesn't play, the others will They came on stage one after another, and Kai was the last one to come on.”

Rahn rushed over and took the initiative. At the critical moment, good news finally came. Hoffenheim could have ended the game in regular time, but it was postponed to overtime and then to the penalty shootout. He had already held his breath.

Jiang Shan quickly gave Wei Ze some advice, "They don't know you very well. Just do as I say and I guarantee there will be no problem."

Wei Ze listened to Jiang Shan's whisper, nodded, and licked the corners of his mouth excitedly, "Okay, I will definitely do it."

Tuchel rushed over and said, "Jiangshan, their players have been decided."

Jiang Shan grabbed Tuchel's list, glanced at it, quickly took out a small piece of paper and wrote a few lines. At this time, the camera quickly captured the scene.

"What is Jiangshan doing? Arranging the order of appearance? It doesn't look like it. It has obviously been arranged." Liu Jianhong asked doubtfully, "Is it adjusting according to Bayern's order of appearance?"

"It's possible, after all, Bayern has experience. This should be Hoffenheim's first appearance in the penalty kick court." Coach Tao was a little nervous, "Who do you think will win?"

"It doesn't matter who wins, the key is to provide a wonderful game for the audience."

"I think today's game was already very exciting, even though there was no goal. But Hoffenheim's arrangement caused huge trouble for Bayern, which can be regarded as winning the audience and winning the game."

"Jiangshan stuffed a note to Wei Ze. I wonder if it was an arrangement for a penalty kick." Liu Jianhong's sharp eyes immediately caught the action of the camera sweeping over. "Jiangshan arranged the game very carefully. Maybe, today's In the penalty kick, Hoffenheim still has a chance.”

"The chance is not great. Bayern's strength and psychology are advantages." Director Tao was determined.

The penalty shootout begins. Hoffenheim took the penalty first, and the first player to appear was goalkeeper Tim Wiese.

Wiese stood in front of the penalty spot and looked at Dreher, who was also the goalkeeper, with a strange expression and a bit of a trance. "I only know that the boss can think of this trick. It's dangerous, but it's definitely effective."

Dreyer also felt ridiculous that it was the goalkeeper who took the penalty? Does he have experience? Looking at the look in his eyes, he didn't dare to look at me. Instead, he kept glancing to the left and right. It seemed like he was inexperienced.

"It's really too young to catch a duck on the shelf." Heathfield thought excitedly on the sidelines.

Wiese took a run-up and hit the ball. At the same time, Dreyer dived sideways and bet on the left.

He threw himself out, but the ball appeared in the middle, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and fell into the net.

"Oh... what a surprise. Two major surprises in a row. No one expected it. It must be Jiangshan's arrangement." Liu Jianhong shouted, "The first surprise, Hoffenheim's first player is the goalkeeper. Bayern Munich The mentality of the players will definitely change."

"The second surprise was that Wiese dared to take a penalty kick. It was a complete gamble. If Redl hadn't made a save, he would have been yellow."

"But luckily, Redel made the save." Director Tao said angrily.

The first player Bayern played was Frings, a veteran who stabilized the morale of the team.

Facing Frings, Wiese thought about Jiangshan's note and jumped sideways at the moment of the free throw. Bottom left.

"Weese made the right decision, but couldn't stop the ball from entering the net. It's a pity."

"This is the strength of Frings. The ball hit the goalpost and bounced in." Director Tao was very satisfied. "The only flaw is that there is a certain risk in pursuing angles too much."

Hoffenheim's second player was Hitzlsperger. Keep hitting.

Bayern's second player is still a veteran, Sagnol. The veterans held the line, scored consecutive goals, and stabilized the morale of the army. Sagnol kept stepping on the penalty spot, retreating and starting.

Shoot! Wiese reacted almost simultaneously, this time in the lower right corner.

"Oh... my God, Wiese saved Sagnol's penalty kick, his reaction was terrible." Director Tao was moved. "His saving action was definitely predicted before. Just left, now right , it should be one on the left and one on the right.”

"Yes, there is a lot of luck in the penalty shootout, and many goalkeepers are used to making guesses. No matter who takes the penalty, I will pounce on it and save it. I am lucky. If I can't save it, I leave it to fate."

The score became 2:1, with Hoffenheim taking the lead. After five free throws, the result may come out.

Captain Rahn came on the scene for the third time. He was not in a hurry, measured it with his feet, and hit his heel a few times so hard that the lawn was dented.

Then start, shoot, and complete the action in one go.

Redl still failed to save the ball, but he also judged the direction, which was not easy.

The score became 3:1.

"Bayern is under great pressure. If Wiese continues to save penalties, the game will be over." Coach Tao panicked. "The penalty shootout is too lucky. Hoffenheim is obviously luckier today."

Facing Hargreaves, the third player to appear in Bayern, Wiese also judged the direction correctly, but failed to save the ball. Hargreaves' penalty kick was at a tricky angle and he couldn't catch it.

3:2, Bayern is close again and there is still a chance.

Kuranyi was the fourth player to appear. He also found the position where Rahn had just stood and stomped on the grass.

Redel measured his steps and secretly judged the opponent's shooting angle. Seeing Kuranyi start, shoot, and fly to save the ball at the same time.

Huh? Why is the direction wrong?

Redel misjudged the direction and the ball went into the net.

4:2, the final decisive moment, if Wiese can save Misimovic's shot, the game will be over.

Misimovic is under great pressure. In addition to scoring a goal, he also has to pray that Redel can save Instrom's shot. Wiese was also under a lot of pressure. He recalled the note Jiangshan gave him again.

Misimovic, a forward, habitually took the penalty kick to the upper left corner. Misimovic took a few deep breaths, and under the gaze of the fans, he started and ran up.

Step on the spot!

His body tilted and he almost fell. His right foot lightly touched the ball, and the ball slowly rolled towards the goal.

Wiese controlled the urge to jump and picked up the ball. This is probably the easiest save in the world, right?

Rahn and Kuranyi smiled at each other, "Brother, it must be you who did it!"

Thanks to Grandma Shrimp Roll and 37033 for the reward!

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