Star Coach

Chapter 92 Cutting the Court

(In order to keep up with the major policies in mind and action, Chapter 096 tries the law by oneself and goes out on the street!)

After settling the transfer of the team, Jiangshan's tight nerves instantly collapsed. After drinking two more drinks at the banquet, he finally hooked up with the perfect gun, which is produced by the royal family and must be a high-quality product.

After the heavy bombardment of artillery fire, the world became quiet.

Soon, Jiang Shan appeared on the plane again, not a plane, but a real plane, flying to Xiangjiang. He also has dreams of becoming a star. Recently, Xiangjiang is filming "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", and Yang Yi recommended Jiangshan a small role.

The role is secondary. Jiang Shan only likes the feeling of being under the camera. Although there is not much breakthrough in his acting skills, he still enjoys it.

Many viewers now know Jiang Shan. When they saw him in the TV series, they were very friendly and liked him! It made him afraid to go out in the country for fear of being beaten with eggs.

Yang Yi, this girl, came up and introduced the heroine in the TV series to drink with Jiang Shan. We are all friends! Jiangshan also has experience in the Yuyuan Club. He knows Xiangjiang fairly well and can talk about the mountains with style.


A few days later, Yang Yi reluctantly put on her clothes and said, "You have become stronger and I can't stand it anymore. By the way, Tangning and the others are asking when you will come again."

"I will return to China during the summer offseason." Jiang Shan admired the fairer-skinned woman, "The team can't do without me now."

Some time ago, Jiang Shan appeared in England, which actually attracted the attention of many English tabloids. They unanimously reported that Jiang Shan was there to spy on military intelligence and to hunt for prostitutes. They also included photos of powerful paparazzi.

Monaco's next Champions League game is against Arsenal at home. No wonder the English media will report that Wenger has a great influence in both England and France. After he arrived in England, he won two league championships, and his competition with Manchester United for hegemony is the mainstream of today's Premier League.

As long as the media still has a little professionalism, a little is enough, and they can judge that Jiangshan will inquire about Arsenal. Buying people and seeking information are often the same. Football matters are not difficult to guess.

"What the hell is this beauty hunt?" Jiang Shan murmured to himself, flipping through the newspaper. Jiang Shan was walking with a hot girl and was being pulled by the arm. "Isn't this a photo of him and Samantha playing together? ? "How come it became evidence?"

Jiang Shan smiled bitterly, he hadn't even consecrated Samantha yet, but the newspapers were full of stories about staying overnight with a young model, lingering over her, and being wronged.

At the training ground, the team resumes training. Smith integrated quickly, and the second-year juniors are always easy to get along with in the team.

He had obviously read Jiangshan's reports and was extremely envious, "When did you hook up? I won't introduce you. I came all the way to France not just for my teeth and Jiba."

Teeth, for food, need money; Jiba, for work, need women. Sex! Sun Weiren also once showed off, "I like revolution first, and women second." In summary, money and women pursue the same things as ordinary people, but they are packaged differently.

"Please, can you be a little self-aware?" Jiang Shan rolled his eyes, "You have been weak in training today, don't think I can't tell."

"Go to training. I want you to play in the next game. Don't embarrass me." Jiang Shan kicked Smith's butt and waved, "Buqun, come over here."

Guardiola put away his stretched hairy legs and walked over slowly, "Oh, I haven't exercised for a long time, and my body is not recovering well."

This guy is pretty good at finding excuses. He is obviously too old and his body is stiff.

"None of this matters. In the next Champions League, we will play against Arsenal. Tell us what you think." Jiang Shan got straight to the point, "I want to hear your opinion."

Regardless of the league, if there is no hope of winning the championship, just make steady progress. Qualifying for the Champions League group is not guaranteed yet, so you must try your best in every game.

Guardiola put on his training clothes and sat down next to Jiang Shan, "I have studied Wenger specifically. Mr. Wenger has a very complete training method. He likes to control football and also likes to run in and out. Arsenal's style of play is quite pretty."

“Their training has clear regulations on players’ ball control positions and running without the ball, as well as the ball release time and passing distance. In many cases, they require one kick to release the ball, and they also divide the red ball and the occurrence of the ball. There are many ways to play the ball in green. If you give him strong enough players, winning the Premier League will not be a problem.”

Jiang Shan nodded and said firmly, "They will strengthen in the summer. As long as the run-in goes smoothly, I think Arsenal may become the Premier League champion next season."

Guardiola is convinced. He is quite impressed by Jiangshan's philosophy. There are many things that he has not thought about in detail. Coming to Monaco is so right. Then, Guardiola also came up with ways to deal with Arsenal.

Jiang Shan did not say clearly, "During this period, I feel that the team's training methods can continue to be improved."

He looked at Guardiola and wanted to laugh, but couldn't. "For example, divide the training ground into several pieces."

They now have several clearly defined lines of defense, everyone's responsibilities are also quite clear, and the counterattack effect is very good. However, small-scale counterattacks, small-scale press breaks and rhythm changes are still insufficient. Jiangshan decided to continue to improve, or use the method of future generations of Guardiola.

"First of all, the players must move quickly. When one person moves, others will also move to maintain the whole. Every small court we divide can ensure the number of players."

"The most important thing is that the offensive space and the number of people to respond must be sufficient. There must be enough people for vertical and horizontal passes." Jiang Shan gestured with his hands towards the training ground, "What do you think?"

Guardiola listened quietly, and suddenly clapped his hands vigorously, "Jiangshan, your ideas are so exciting, I can't wait to see the training results."

Jiangshan shook his head and poured cold water on him, "No, it won't work this season. I haven't been in charge of the team for a long time, and the players don't have enough tacit understanding. This set of tactics requires a long time to run in. But we can try it in the league. As long as we enter the European war zone in the league, we can play it any other time."

"Time, time." Guardiola patted his head and shouted excitedly, "Next season, there will definitely be results. I have observed our players and they are absolutely first-class in Ligue 1."

"Divide the stadium into several small stadiums, each of which can be trained independently. It's a magical idea. I can't wait."

Jiangshan laughed, "But I'm very busy recently. You know, there are too many affairs in the team. The other two assistant coaches are too late to lead the training. I don't know when it can be implemented."

"That's not a problem. Anyway, my body hasn't recovered yet. I'll help you prepare first. Some ideas in my head may be helpful to you." Guardiola took the initiative to volunteer.

"That's great. I was right. You are a natural coach." Jiang Shan encouraged, "I'll leave this difficult task to you."

"Leave it to me." Guardiola patted his chest and promised, "I'm definitely better than your assistant coach."

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