Star Cockroach

Chapter 137: Junk

Chonglou finally had the opportunity to speak, explaining: "Banbu, this time I redeemed a group of soldiers for the King of the King of Huayao. This little guy ... that ... it has half of the blood of the reddish blood. You see , Interested in staying at Li Zhufeng, it's cheap, 100 rough. "

"100 rough stones?"

The spotted cloth is not concerned about the price, but the tone of hesitation.

Insufficient gas, it is obvious that the fries that the friesian tribe don't want, cleared their own here.

The half-breeding Qiang warrior shouted, "Banbu Mountain Lord, 100 rough stones are a good deal! I think those who are much weaker than me, the most expensive ones sell for 300 rough stones, and the cheapest ones also need 200 rough stones."

What's so special about selling yourself?

Fool who was sold and helped count the money?

Yan Zhonglou advised: "Banbu, the Jinping Mountains have always been uneven, and you should consider expanding the strength of the territory."

Xuemai pulled out a small spider silk bag and opened it. Then he took out a small bag wrapped in animal skin and tied with a straw rope, and said, "Bob, look, its life types are all there, 4 life types, none A loss. "

The Qiang warrior born in the IWC is also ignorant and ignorant, and will follow the inherited memory and breed life. If it is not discovered by the ant family in time, the seed planting may be sown, with the consequence that the planting plant cannot be migrated, or it will die of a long journey during the migration.

The absence of one or two species has a great impact on future growth, the harvest of business territories is reduced, the soul is damaged, and the probability of being promoted to the mountain owner is greatly reduced.

混 This mixed-race little guy is not lucky or clever, all four lives are kept intact.

If it is replaced by pure blood red or black and white tribal warriors, the life is intact, the ransom is often as high as 300 rough stones, and it is also very popular.

The tadpole like a wind chime lost two lives and its value dropped sharply. The owner of Tiedaoshan redeemed it with a low price of 150 rough stones.

The subconscious cloth swept subconsciously through the cortical bag, and was surprised to find that in addition to the four rice seeds, there were more than thirty ordinary rice seeds.

He asked the mixed-race soldier, "What's your name?"

The mixed-race little warrior said: "Hei Park Ant named me‘ Aconite ’. It ’s for easy identification. I do n’t like it.”

Banbu asked, "What plants do you like?"

The mixed-race little soldier said: "Rice! Red rice!"

"Then it's called Red Rice, and it will stay in my territory in the future. It's called the wind chime. Now you are familiar with Li Zhufeng with the wind chime." Banbu said, looking at Chonglou, "Lord of the mountain, let's go up the mountain!"

Yan Zhonglou said happily, "Okay!"

Uh ...

He walked and talked, boarded the north side of Li Zhufeng, and began to negotiate transactions.

Zanban cloth first took out a spider silk bag containing 3,000 purple gold bamboo rice, opened it and handed it to the heavy building.

Xuemai is responsible for the delivery of the goods: check the quality and count the number.

Confirmation is correct, last year's accounts were settled.

Yan Zhonglou asked, "Banbu Mountain Master, how much do you plan to sell Zijin bamboo rice next year?"

He Bian preached: "At present, there are 3279 branches, and I need to leave a batch for my own consumption ... The specific quality and the output of each branch cannot be determined ..."

He Bianbu thought for a moment and said, "It is tentative to sell the output of 2,000 branches. The deposit will be based on this year's price, that is, each bamboo produces 3 bamboo rice and sells for 1 rough."

Yan Zhonglou understood the meaning of Banbu and said: "Our caravan will pay a deposit of 1,000 rough stones first. Next year, we will fix the difference based on the actual output and quality, right?"

Scattered sermons: "Yes, that's what it means."

"A very fair way of dealing for both buyers and sellers!" Chong Lou praised him and paused for two seconds before he cut into the most concerned thing. He asked seriously: "Banbu, I heard in Qiufeng County, your emerald **** The seeds of fruit-giving were fruited last year. "

He Bian preached: "Yes, last year, the fruit was produced, the quality is acceptable, but the quantity is not large. Due to the urgent need for a batch of rough stones for emergency, it was sold to the friesian tribe, which should eventually be taken away by the owner of Qiufeng County.

He Zhonglou said: "You are now a high-level warrior, and the number of bamboo poles planted by the Cuizhu God has greatly increased."

Bianban preached: "Yes, it is expected that there will be 512 new bamboo poles. This year's output is not much, but it is not less, and the quality will be better."

Wu Zheng said that the big head had commanded the soldier ants to take five bamboo fruit samples.

All of his brains were handed to Xue Mai and said, "Please taste!"

She Xuemai peeled one and handed it to Zhonglou.

Yan Zhonglou first glanced at with mental power, then swallowed, saying: "The standard is of medium quality, big in size, sufficient force, very good."

Zhonglou also said: "I heard that you plan to divide the bamboo fruit output into two, half of which will be sold to the friesian tribe and half to the caravan?"

Banbu asked, "It's a reasonable arrangement, isn't it?"

"Yes." Chonglou said: "The guy in Yuzhu got the news one step before. I should have been here more than ten days ago, Master Zhubshan, how do you plan to distribute?"

Ban said: "Zhonglou Mountain Lord, you are worried that you are overdone, so it is meaningless to divide the output so little. Your caravan has paid a deposit, and all the shares are reserved for you."

"Is the whole share?" Chonglou asked: "584 bamboo fruits?"

Banbu confirmed: "Yes, as long as you are willing to pay the deposit, half of the output of this year's green bamboo seed, which is 584 bamboo fruits, belongs to your caravan."

"Banbu, you are a mountain owner who loves you right! I guarantee that your credibility will earn you more caravan trust and more wealth!"

Yan Zhonglou was worried.

It is speculated that Yuzhu was the first to arrive, and it must have offered a generous acquisition price in an attempt to grab the share of purchase, but it was a concern for the caring team ’s last year ’s support and resilience. .

Zhonglou continued to ask: "Banbu, what kind of bamboo fruit of last year do you plan to sell for?"

He Bian preached: "I sold it to the friesian tribe for 16 rough stones per bamboo fruit. For the caravan, there should be a proper discount. I want 15 rough stones."

"Very reasonable!" Zhonglou did not have any objection to the price, and then said, "But the quality of bamboo fruit will be improved this year."

Bian Bian preached: "The rules are the same, first pay the deposit at the price of last year, the actual price will be discussed next year, after the agreement, you can make up the difference."

The heavy corridor: "Reasonable arrangements ~ ~ Fair transactions."

Sermons Preaching: "4,380 rough stones for bamboo fruit deposits, 1,000 rough stones for purple gold bamboo rice, a total of 5,380 rough stones, plan to redeem 100 rough stones from red rice, and I have 5280 rough stones to control.

The heavy corridor: "Accurate."

She Xuemai waited for the opportunity and asked, "Banbu, which Force Fruit do you need to purchase?"

Ban said: "Last year, when my bamboo fruit matured, my territory was attacked by the soldiers of Xiayu, Li Zhufeng's wind chimes were wounded, and two senior fighters were injured in the Iron Blade Mountains. The injury will affect their probability of success when they shed their shells.

"What Force Foods Can ... Help Successfully Molt Growth?"

Wu Xuemai said: "The most common injury of Dai people is to break their hind legs."

Serpentine preached: "That's true."

Xuemai said: "In response to this situation, our Symphony Flame Spider tribe has summarized several sets of practical force food matching methods. Senior soldiers have been wounded, there are three sets of matching, the price is 500 rough stones, 1,000 rough stones, and three 3,000 rough stones matched with a green grape. "

Is there a targeted package plan? Really special!

PS: Ten chapters broke out, the first is more (Written, some modifications are needed, uploading may be a bit slow)

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