Star Cockroach

Chapter 155: Help, eat

The spotted cloth, Thuja, wind chimes, red rice, big head, and big bear tasted the spines together. After testing, they quickly reached a consistent conclusion.

As expected, the strengthening effect of spinach fruit is similar to that of snake blood apricot. It is to strengthen blood. Specifically, it should strengthen blood cells and enhance the ability to transport oxygen and nutrients.

In addition, there is an additional strengthening effect, which is to increase the affinity of blood and the force, and slow down the speed of bleeding after the force enters the body. This kind of enhancement is extremely valuable, which indirectly is equivalent to improving the utilization efficiency of the force!

Further tests found that there is an upper limit to this enhancement, which can only increase the utilization efficiency by about 3% to 5% at most. It varies slightly among different individuals. About 50 to 100 thorn fruit pulps will reach the upper limit. If you continue to eat, the strengthening effect is simply to strengthen the ability of blood cells to transport nutrients.

Bears are warriors of beasts. They rely on meridians to store and transport the force, and the thorn fruits bear only the effect of strengthening the blood's ability to transport nutrients.

Uh ...

The thorn fruits are matured 1021 times a day, divided into 5 batches according to the rule, and matured gradually within 5 days.

Ripe fresh spines, the pulp cannot be stored for a long time, and the amount is too much to eat.

I ca n’t waste it.

Li Yabai returned to Tiedaofeng and brought a batch of spines to the owner of Tiedaoshan. At the same time, he invited the soldiers of Tiedao Mountain and the nearby Shuirong Mountain to come and help. Let ’s eat together.

The loquat fruit is mature, and there are no animal warriors attacking for two days. It is estimated that there will be no future.

The prince of Rongrong County did not need to continue hiding, so he went down to help.

On that night, the mulberry, Lizhu, Yun peach of the Iron Blade Mountains, and the little soldier who was born in the Thuja territory this year arrived.

The alert was not lifted. Everyone came in turns. After eating, they took a break and left, and then replaced the next batch.

The next batch are fighters with more potential for development, such as rose peach and flame cluster spotted grass.

After all, there is only one seed given by the Bloodthorn God, and its yield is limited. Warriors who enter the aging period or are about to enter the aging period will no longer come.

Zhu Hongrongshan also arranged only eight young fighters with the most potential for development in the Shuirong Mountains. They worked in two shifts to take turns to eat.

Qi Li Zhufeng suddenly became lively.

The maggot head directed the worker ants to pick the spines and separate the flesh and seeds.

Loquat seeds are transported to the mountains to dry.

The peeled flesh is divided into 50 pieces in a bamboo tube, and each soldier has one tube per day.

This is the benefit of the God-sent seed. It is not only the benefit of the fighters who master the God-sent seed, but also their own mountains and adjacent mountains, and even the entire race.

Uh ...

Fifth day.

Late at night.

The last batch of spines began to mature, this is the last feast of the year.

The thornthorn fruits are picked one after another, and the flesh is directed by the worker ants, which are carried one by one, and they are picked and eaten, one by one. After eating, don't rush to leave, everyone chatted in a circle, and left after the team.

Uh ...

Black and white silhouettes galloped from the south.

It is the owner of Mount Faber. From a distance, the force fluctuations of more than 10 senior soldiers in the mountains were sensed. The flight speed was slowed down. Guessing the situation, hesitated for a moment, detoured, and landed on the northern side of Lizhufeng. In front of the cave.

Sitting in the side of Banbu, the Lord of Banyan County lowered his thoughts and asked, "Banbu, that's the owner of Mount Faber in the Thuja Mountains? I heard you're dealing with it? It's out of the friesian tribe. Insidious despicable name. "

"It's not as bad as it is in the legend." Banbu stood up and replied: "The last time a beast warrior attacked Li Zhufeng, thanks to its appearance in time, saved the life of Tiedaoshan Lord and resolved the crisis. It has always been quite a treat to me. To take care, I should be grateful for it anyway. "

After finishing talking, Bianbu shouted to the distant head: "Big head, send a tube of fruit to the mountain."

"Okay!" The big head responded, like a busy little housekeeper, immediately waving his tentacles and directing the ant colony.

The lord of Trangong County asked, "Banbu, I will go up the mountain with you, will you know it?"

"No need to trouble." Ban said: "A small transaction, and this year is limited to this year. The fruits of the seed of the bloodthorn gods will be given priority to sell our red tribe and caravan. Consider selling to the Friesian tribe. "

"That's good." The owner of Trangong County nodded his tentacles and urged: "Be smart, don't say anything dead."

"I understand." Biaobu moved his tentacles and flew up the mountain.

Uh ...

"Master Huabaishan, are you better now?" Ban Bu asked, knowingly.

The forelimb carapace of the main fracture of Lihuabaishan has long healed.

"The cracked carapace has healed, but you can't do heavy work. You still have to grow it once to recover." When talking about the injury, the master of Huabaishan was worried.

Banbu cares: "Then you can't 吝啬 原 石, promote to the senior soldier of the fifth age as soon as possible."

"I understand." Huabai Mountain's main eyes looked around. On the flat ground in front of the cave, a large number of worker ants were busy spreading out black and brown blood thorns and turning them from time to time to let the night wind dry the surface moisture.

Zhu Huabaishan asked: "Speckle, the condensed fruit of the bloodthorn god, what is the specific strengthening effect?"

Banbu replied: "Strengthening the blood is mainly to strengthen the ability to transport nutrients. This ability will show many benefits. For example, when you are weak and deprived, you can quickly recover your strength when you eat; and for example, when you are in close combat Can guarantee the continuous outbreak of power; there is also a certain usefulness to the success probability of molting evolution ... "

He Huabaishan said: "It sounds a lot, in fact, it is obviously inferior to the strengthening effect of snake blood apricot."

The owner of Mount Faber glanced at the blood thorns on the ground with mental energy, and then said: "The caravan bought snake blood apricot pits for 7 to 8 rough stones, and sold them for 10 or 11 rough stones. Your blood thorns, The block is only half of the snake blood apricot nucleus? The quality seems to be different, the price must be halved first, and the strengthening effect is almost reduced, and then one rough stone is reduced. The price should be 3 rough stones, which is more reasonable. "

Scattered sermons: "Yes, if only the enhancement effect I described earlier, you can only sell a rare price, the price is 2.5 to 3 rough stones is more reasonable."

Zhu Huabaishan asked: "Is there any other strengthening effect?"

The loquat cloth shook the tentacles, pointed to the big soldier who was carrying the bloodthorn flesh to the mountain, and said, "Lord Faber, I also prepared a bamboo tube pulp for you to taste for free."

"You are very generous, this can win the respect and support of the same people!" The host of Huabai Mountain was pleased, praised, and allowed Babu to sell a pass, and turned away from the topic, and asked, "That foot of the mountain is the banyan county of Yangtze Mountains?"

He Bian preached: "Yes, Master Tiedaoshan suffered heavy damage and was inconvenient to move. For the time being, it will help to guard Li Zhufeng and protect the maturity of thorn fruits and purple bamboo."

Zhu Huabaishan asked: "The little soldier next to it is the rhubarb fruit?"

Ragged spots preached: "Yes, Rhubarb fruit tree is now a young rookie who is known to all the Red Clan tribe insects. The fruit-enhancing effect of the rhubarb fruit tree God-given seed, you must have heard of it?"

当然 "Of course." Huabaishan said: "The owner of Huangshishan has tasted it and said that it has the effect of delaying aging and prolonging life. It will take about 5 years to verify it."

Zhu Huabaishan asked with curiosity: "Ficus fruits are preferentially sold to the Chihu tribe ~ ~ the price is low?"

Squaint Sermon: "It's really low."

Huabaishan said: "Your boy is smart and you will not miss it. Can you tell me the specific price?"

Sermons Preaching: "Single banyan fruit sells for 50 rough stones."

The owner of Mount Faber heard the price, uncontrollably spreading his wings, fanned it, and sighed: "Every fruit that is linked to life can be sold for a sky-high price. This is the true care of nature! Maybe you are red. The tribe will also have a longevity king! "

The owner of Lihuabaishan did not think much about it. The same family sold 50 rough stones to other races and caravans. The price would be higher and it was a luxury that they could not afford.

I waited in silence for a while, and the big soldiers finally moved the bamboo tube up the mountain.

Today's soldier ants have the wisdom of a three- or five-year-old child, know how to recognize the enemy, and can understand a little simple spiritual communication.

"To the owner of Mount Faber." Banbu waved his tentacles and pointed to the owner of Mount Faber.

The big-headed soldier ant turned around immediately and gently placed the bamboo tube in front of the host of Mount Faber.

Sermons Preaching: "Lord Faber, please taste."

PS: Insect blood is mainly composed of plasma (about 95%), blood cells (transporting oxygen), and plasma blood cells (immunity). Plasma components are substances such as water, inorganic salts, amino acids, proteins, fats, and glucose. This article assumes that after the worms are promoted to warriors, the number of blood cells increases, and nutrients are mainly transported through blood cells.

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