Star Cockroach

Chapter 428: Take what you need

Open the gossamer bag and make three solid bags of seeds.

The shape and particle size of the seeds of the three different derivatives are similar, and the colors are slightly different. One is pure dark brown; one has rusty red spots; one has very fine pale white stripes.

Pear seed particles are not very large, each bag is as many as a thousand, with a large amount. The particles are full and shiny, and at a glance, they know that they have been screened.

It is conceivable that King Qiufeng not only destroyed all the original crown crown pear trees in the spot, but also collected all the seeds. After screening, not all of them were destroyed.

"How to divide?" Banbu asked, followed by: "You are so kind, King Qiufeng, I choose first? How embarrassed ..."

"..." King Qiu Feng stunned for two seconds, and said, "Banbu County Lord, then, you choose first."

Guanli asked, "King Qiufeng, what kind of tree is this crown pear tree you carry?"

"This." King Qiufeng's tentacles nodded the spider silk bag with white striped seeds, explaining: "I happened to bump into a half-grown plant, and I dug it out. This tree species, Dongguan Pear, requires as long as It will take about 15 years to begin to grow, and it will take at least 20 years for the fruit to reach its peak. It will save 10 years to carry it back. "

The spot was full of suspicion and eagerness.

King Qiufeng asked, "Banbu County Lord, aren't you going to choose this?"

The spotted tentacles point to the spider's silk bag with white striped seeds and said, "Then Li Zhufeng choose this one. This pear tree will be handed to me for resistance. The journey is far away, and it will not bother you, Qiufeng King."

"..." Wang Qiufeng said sincerely, "Banbu County Lord, I am very sincere to cooperate with you. Our friesian tribe is capable of awakening vegetation, and is naturally gifted, quite sensitive to various plants."

King Qiufeng's tentacles point to the sack of seeds with rusty red spots, and then said: "I feel that this hole crown pear derivative is the most suitable for your Chihu tribe. It should be an accident that it should be strengthened with fire."

"You still have this ability? The old guy of Faber didn't tell me." Banbu asked: "What kind of strengthening effect does the seed with white stripe come with?"

King Qiufeng said: "The planting ability that matches the talents of our friesian tribe."

The tentacles fluttered, pointed at the silk bag with dark brown seeds, and asked, "What about this?"

King Qiufeng said: "This derivative species has signs of degradation and has strong survivability in the natural jungle. However, as our worm warrior species, it is worse than the other two derivative species. It has an additional ability to strengthen earth and stones. I think this Derivatives are the most suitable species for our two communities to share, and no one suffers. "

Babu's tentacles lightly, agreed, and asked: "You will not lie to me, King Qiufeng, right?"

Qiu Feng's king said: "Of course. Everyone chooses my allocation."

The spotted cloth pointed out the tip of the toe and twisted two white striped seeds.

Guanli immediately opened a cobweb and stepped forward.

Babu put this seed into the bag and said, "We will take two Li Zhufeng, one for planting verification, and one for the little soldier to breed and test for the enhancement effect. If it is true, the planted tree will be eradicated."

Guan Li stepped forward, unceremoniously, and cut off a branch from the pear tree carried by King Qiu Feng, saying, "You need to take this back a little, and verify it by comparison."

"You two ... care about it!" Qiu Feng said: "With tree species, large-scale promotion and cultivation, to get more and better derivative species, that is just a matter of time."

Guanli said: "What we lacked was the morning and night. Hehe, Qiufeng King, you wouldn't leave good tree species to yourself, and poorly give us Li Zhufeng, right?"

"Huh!" Qiu Feng was annoyed and said, "You two continue to toss."

The scab manipulates the spoon to divide half the seeds.

Pack up.

A bag of spotted cloth and a bag of crown pears.

Qiu Fengyu Wang was carrying a tree to rush on the road, which was simply a waste of time and energy.

Saying goodbye, scoring the King of Autumn Maple and flying.


It is now 65 years, and February is the warm spring, the best time for sowing.

Upon arriving at Li Zhufeng, Bambou immediately convened members of the mountain to come and gather in front of his own cave.

As a result, there was a little junior soldier lying on his head.

Behind the belly bamboo is also an intermediate soldier.

Babu sees God: It's been less than three years since he went out this time, and Li Zhufeng suddenly gave birth to 2 little soldiers? !!

Belly Bamboo invited the introduction and said, "Banbu, this little guy likes bamboo. I named it Shengyin, and the hill is named Shengyin Mountain."

Suddenly, all kinds of good things followed.

Banbu readily agreed: "Yes! Li Zhufeng Zhuhai, the second hill is named 'Sheng Yin Mountain'."

Red rice shouted: "Banbu, a little warrior was also born in my territory."

Banbu commanded: "Take it with you to go down the mountain to the bamboo forest. It is best to like bamboo so that you can live with the Holy Voice."

"Understand." Red Rice said: "There is also a little wild soldier who was born in the bamboo forest. He touched Li Zhufeng himself. He was born last year. I don't know what happened. "

"Why is Bitao Peak?" Banbu wondered.

Red rice dignifiedly said: "In the spring of the previous year, a small warrior was born in the territory of camellia. He loved peach trees and was named 'Huitao.' According to your regulations, you should have been sent to Bitao Peak to run Taolin with Bitao. The number of fighters in Yunwufeng was too small, and they forcibly stayed in Yunwufeng. Tuo Cao sent them to him as compensation. "

As the number of mountain warriors increased, various contradictions slowly emerged.

The spot was absent, and Li Zhufeng's affairs were all left to Red Rice, which was not very appropriate. The reason is very simple, camellia is a direct junior of the dappled, red rice is not easy to force too much.

"I have time to go back to Yunwu Peak and talk to camellia. This kind of thing is not an example." Baboon paused and said, "The Yunwu Peak is too big, and it really needs more soldiers to live together. , Warriors who like flowers and plants are born in the mountains, and they are all sent over. "

"Understand." Red Rice glanced back and forth in the spider silk sacks held by Banbu and Guan pear, asking, "Banbu, this is the seed? Pear? What kind of tree is important? You put Guan pear They brought it back. "

Guanli replied: "Dongguan pear! Derivatives! Two of them, one of which fits our talents of the Chihu tribe, directly saves hundreds of years of breeding time."

Dongguan pear!

Top tree species!

Or cultivated high-quality derivatives!

Lishushuhai can begin preparations for construction!

Li Zhufeng members were jubilant for a while.

Chungeng ’s busiest big head and cattails came one after another, and they were very happy to hear the news.

Without much delay, act now and start preparing for sowing.

Baba was found back, scanned and compared, and the white striped crown pear seed and that branch, King Qiufeng did not lie, it was indeed the same tree species.

If you don't pick out the fault, then forget it.



Chonglou and Yuzhu Caravan arrived.

The trade with the Wolf Scorpion tribe is still going on. In order to save their caravans, they are selected and the red pine debris that is going to be sold is stored in Chijian County, and they will pick up when they go north to Chijian County.

In the coming year, half of the rough stones sold were sent to Li Zhufeng and half to Chijian County.

The caravan is already full of cargo, so it can only transport 10 bags at a time, and it can sell nearly ten million rough stones. If it is ordinary rough, it will be a burden on the caravan, so it uses the original spar as currency.

The number of wreckages that have preserved the nature of the Force is not large, and it should be the last batch this year.

Ming Huanghuang's 48 Force Spars were in his hand, and the cloth was handed to the big head, letting it hide in the cave. The Force Spar is the most convenient hard currency, with a small number. Use one less, and try not to use it if you can't use it.

Goods cleared.

Chonglou Road: "Banbu County Lord, Ice Scorpion King also wants to buy those wreckage that has lost its original nature."

Banbu asked, "What about prices?"

Zhonglou said: "They still refuse to raise prices."

"Not for sale!" Banbu simply refused.

With the force nature and the frost element ability, Li Zhufeng can't use it, the entire red cricket tribe can't use it, and the nearby cricket tribe can't use it. It is considered a cheap wolf scorpion tribe.

Those wreckages that have lost the nature of the Force are pure fertilizers, all types of common life and god-giving species are universal, and the effect is worse, there is no need to sell them for your own use.

Chonglou and Yuzhu refused to say anything because they refused to say anything.


The pear tree nursery is very busy.

Babu personally supervised Barba ~ ~ and caught it, scanning each plant to analyze the merits of the saplings, and conducting the first round of tree selection.

In the dry season of this year, the dragon-bamboo god-given seed bloomed, and the flowering period lasted for one year. Babu stayed at Li Zhufeng, guarded himself, and directed them to supplement the original force.

At about the same time, King Qiufeng began to send troops to Li Zhufeng to transport the next batch of rough stones for purchasing dragon bamboo fruit. For half price, 3 copies, that's 15 million rough stones.

Next year, the sacred bamboo fruit will mature and be sold.

Rough stone income is much more than planned!

Moreover, the number of rough stones required for the first heart position is not much, and the total cost is less than 5 million pieces.

All of the next 300 magical lines are simply lighted up and activated.

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