If it were the Silver-Maned Iron Guard from before, they would probably be beaten to the point of pissing themselves off.

But now these people have all received short-term training from Lin Qiye. Even if they cannot achieve particularly significant results, they are still more than enough to deal with these people.

When the newly arrived leader saw that the people in their base could no longer defeat the silver-maned Iron Guards, his face turned ugly.

After all, although their base was not particularly powerful before, it was still more than enough to defeat these people, but they didn't expect it to become like this.

"I advise you to take your people and surrender as soon as possible. If you continue to fight like this, it will not do any good to your base. It will only make our base famous."

"After you leave with your people now, you may be able to enjoy better treatment when you return. If you continue to be stubborn like this, you will suffer more damage. The people in your base will probably not have a good look on you when you return, right?"

"As for the man who led the troops in the war, please keep him here for now. When you go back, report it to your leader to see if he is willing to have this person. If not, we will accept this person in our base. Yes, if you are willing to ask for it, just give us the money on the terms we want.”

The new leader has already begun to consider the feasibility of this matter.

After all, judging from the current situation, if the fight continues, they will never be the ones to take advantage.

"I can think about what you just said after I go back, but you have to promise that we won't kill the man we led the troops to fight before."

"If anything happens to him in your hands, the people in our base will definitely not let you go."

After hearing such false words, Lin Qiye just smiled and didn't say much.

After all, the one who had just given up the life of the man who led the troops to fight in their base was himself.

With this fake and hypocritical appearance now, I really don’t know who they are trying to deceive.

"Okay, as long as you can agree to our conditions when the time comes, we guarantee that your people will not suffer any injustice here."

"Even if you don't want him by then, we still want to retain such talents in our base."

After saying this, Lin Qiye took all the Silver Mane Iron Guards back.

"Why did you say that when you were at the gate of the city just now? Let me tell you, no matter what tricks you use, I will never stay in your base. You'd better give up on that as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Lin Qiye just smiled.

"Mond is your brother, right. Before I set off, he asked me to take good care of you. Since you are already in our base, how about you follow me back to see him?"

"I am willing to keep you just for his sake, otherwise you would have been killed by now."

"If you are willing to go back to our base with me, I guarantee that your treatment in our base will not be worse than here."

"You should think about it carefully these two days. I think your base is about to give up on you. If you don't believe me, then take a closer look."

After Lin Qiye said this, he shook his head and left.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards next to them never expected that Lin Qiye would talk to such a person in such a nice manner.

"Little brother, please ask, who is the person who spoke to me just now? What is his status in your base? Can he decide things in your base?"

The silver-maned Iron Guard who was stopped looked at the man in front of him with contempt.

How come this man doesn't even know Lin Qiye's identity? I really don't know how he leads troops to fight.

Even the most important leader of the enemy is not clear.

"Lin Qiye is from our base. He is very powerful. He is also the boyfriend of our great guardian."

"There is also the famous anti-matter corps before. Some of them were instigated by Lin Qiye to rebel. They are now in our base."

"Then tell me, he told me just now that I will enjoy good treatment when I enter your base. Does this count? Could it be that he let me go to your base and then deceived me?"

The silver-maned Iron Guard naturally nodded after hearing this.

"Of course what he said counts. Don't believe it. He will definitely not lie to you."

"Lin Qiye is a man of his word. As long as he promises you, he will definitely try his best to do it. You will definitely not suffer a loss when you go to our base, because our base values ​​talents very important."

"Furthermore, human life is the most important thing in our base. How could your new leader today not take your life seriously? If this kind of thing were placed in our base, people would have already cast aside it. died."

Meng Kai's face turned particularly ugly after hearing this. He never expected that he would hear such words in other people's bases.

"They also made such a choice because they had no choice but to win the war. I believe that if they are given another chance, they will definitely not do this."

"Hey, then just focus on your base, but don't come to our base to disturb the people in our base."

"Anyway, the people who want to kill you today are the people in your base, not ours. What are you talking about here?"

After saying these words, the silver-maned Iron Guard strode away, leaving only Meng Kai alone in the empty room.

What Meng Kai said just now was just to regain some face for himself, and he said it deliberately.

But now that I think carefully about what people in my base did today, it really chills me.

Just when Meng Kai still wanted to be alone and quiet, Lin Qiye walked in from outside with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Mond told me when I set out. He said this is your favorite drink. You probably haven't had it for a long time. He told me to bring it to you."

"It's good to give it to you at this time. After all, it's a bit cold in the room, so you should take this wine to go away the cold."

Meng Kai, who was quite determined at first, couldn't stop crying after seeing the pot of wine.

"Did Mond say anything else when he gave you the drink? For example, did he talk to you about what happened between the two of us?"

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