When he was about to go to the restaurant where everyone usually had lunch to have lunch with the Silver-maned Iron Guards who had sparred with each other in the morning, Lin Qiye knew when he saw Clara smiling brightly and waving to him. , this morning all the connections I spent the whole morning building collapsed in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, the men beside him subconsciously kept a certain distance from Lin Qi after seeing Clara's eager expression towards Lin Qiye.

After all, Clara is the dream lover of all the men in the base. A sudden appearance of a man makes their dream lovers fall in love, which makes other men feel that their self-esteem has been greatly damaged.

"Brother Qiye, I have prepared braised beef, some staple food, and a soup for you. Try it. The food will definitely be more delicious than what you get in the restaurant. You don't have to go there and spend so much money. ”

Because it was lunch time, there were a lot of people going to the restaurant right now.

People coming and going were looking at Clara and Lin Qiye, which made Lin Qiye, who had always been unwilling to be noticed by too many people, feel very embarrassed.

After pulling Clara aside, Lin Qiye looked at her seriously.

"Clara, strictly speaking, I, Lin Qiye, am not a good person, and I am not interested in women like you. Don't waste too much time on me in the future."

"I hope this is the last time we meet in this way. Next time we meet, the two of us can smile and say hello, but I don't need you to do anything for me."

"I know you like me now, but I don't want to accept your kindness. Don't force me. After all, liking me is your business and has nothing to do with me. Don't disturb my normal life."

After saying this, Lin Qiye left without caring about Clara's feelings at all.

The moment they saw Lin Qiye entering the restaurant, all the men in the restaurant were shocked.

After all, the person who came to deliver the meal was Clara. Lin Qiye was actually able to leave Clara behind and enter the restaurant to eat.

No wonder he was able to attract Clara, other men couldn't do this at all.

A silver-maned Iron Guard who had a particularly good relationship with Lin Qiye sat next to Lin Qiye with a meal under the instigation of his close friends.

"Lin Qiye, can you tell me the true relationship between you and Clara, and why she came to you with food just now? Did you ask her to cook it for you, and then you gave her a certain reward? ?”

Because this is the first friend he has made in this base, and Lin Qiye doesn't want too many people discussing his personal affairs.

Rather than letting them make wild guesses like that, it would be better to tell the whole truth of the matter yourself, which would save you some trouble.

So after a moment of silence, Lin Qiye spoke.

"After I used my ability to repair those machines that day, Clara has been pestering me. She has a love for me between men and women, and she sent me meals twice in succession. But today when I was at the door, I Rejected."

"I don't know why you all like Clara so much. She is not my type, so I don't think you need to regard me as a love rival at all."

After hearing this, the silver-maned Iron Guard quickly waved his hand.

My purpose is very simple, and I must not let Lin Qiye misunderstand it.

"Indeed, the dream girl of the men in the entire base is Clara, but I don't like her. The two of us can continue to be good friends in the future. As for the things just now, other people are more curious, so I’m asking here, don’t worry, I won’t tell others nonsense when I go out.”

Lin Qiye believed that the character of the Silver Mane Iron Guard would not continue to struggle with this matter.

Just when the restaurant had just quietened down, Kokolia took her own meal and sat across from Lin Qiye.

Cocolia felt a little embarrassed when she thought that she had not completed what Lin Qiye had told her.

If two people meet alone, Cocolia is afraid of revealing her secret, so she can only find such an opportunity in full view of the public.

"Lin Qiye, I didn't do what I promised you today. I'm sorry. Could you please stop alienating me because of this matter?"

It was the first time that the Silver Mane Iron Guards heard their great guardian's apology and suddenly regretted that they actually sat next to Lin Qiye.

It would seem a bit deliberate if he left at this time, but if he didn't leave, wouldn't he become a shameless person who eavesdropped on the conversation between the two of them?

"Why are you apologizing? You obviously didn't do anything wrong. I told you before you went to handle this matter. No matter what the outcome is, I will accept it and I will never blame you. Why haven't I said anything yet? You apologized first, you put a lot of psychological burden on me."

Cocolia, who originally thought that Lin Qiye already knew the truth of the matter, realized after hearing this that Clara did not tell Lin Qiye everything when she came.

It's just that I have already spoken to this extent. If I don't tell Lin Qiye, it would seem a bit too deliberate.

"Today I originally wanted to go to Clara to convince her, but before I opened my mouth, she blocked my mouth with her big principles."

"Don't say it yet. What she said was reasonable and well-founded. I really couldn't refute it for a while, so I just let her come to deliver food to you at noon. This matter must have brought you a lot of trouble." Can you forgive me? If you feel that you are not willing to accept this kind of apology, I will take you to another place after dinner. You will be very happy when you arrive. "

The Silver Mane Iron Guards next to them wished they could disappear on the spot.

After all, according to the wishes of his family's great guardian, he probably wants to go out on a date with Lin Qiye.

Now, a big light bulb is sitting in front of the two of them, which makes people feel very embarrassed.

"Okay, as long as you are willing to take me there, then I will accompany you, but the place must not let me down. This matter is not the same as sending a message."

Hearing Lin Qiye agreed, Cocolia secretly smiled in a direction that no one else could see.

"I know, it must be a good place. You won't regret it if you follow me. If it's not a good place, I would feel embarrassed and wouldn't want to take anyone there."

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